Mistress Mona looked at Denise. “The beach is only a few minutes walk, so how about you change into your swimsuit?” The trio went into their rooms to change. Sonny boy had not packed any swimming trunks and waited on the couch.
Mistress Mona emerged. She wore a crisis red one-piece swimsuit. It accentuated her pert breasts and showed off her long legs. It was low at the back exposing an expand of smooth skin. The attractive blonde teacher noticed Sonny boy had not changed. For his part he was looking at her lovely body. “Sonny boy, why didn’t you change?” she inquired.
“Mistress I forgot to pack any swim trunks, so I’ll just use these regular shorts instead” he replied.
The girl came outside. Denise wore a simple black bikini. Mistress Mona Shook her head. “You can’t swim in those darn shorts. That material is entirely too thick. When it gets wet, it will be much too heavy and cumbersome – you’d probably dropped!” She smiled. “No problem though, you can swim in thenude!”
Sonny boy was aghast. “Mistress?” The pretty eighteen year old girl grinned broadly.
“Hurry up” Mistress Mona said.
Sonny boy shook his head. “Mistress I can’t go outside naked!” She watched the boy, his eyes wide.
“Don’t be silly. Lots of active boys go nude around here. This is summer vacation. Besides the particular bay area we are going to is quite deserted. We will be lucky to see anyone around. Nobody will see you.”
He looked at Denise. “What about her?” She raised one eyebrow.
“Lady Denise? What’s the problem? She’s seen plenty of boys before!” Sonny boy looked at her pleadingly. Although she was only one year his senior, Denise absolutely towered over the lad. She played center and was the captain of the freshman girl’s volleyball team.
“But Mistress, I’ll be bare!” Mistress Mona tousled the dark hair of the naughty boy.
“If you had to be punished, Denise would see everything anyway, so you might wish to reconsider”
Sonny boy just stood there. Mistress Mona grew impatient. “I brought along a cane just in case it was needed, and I will punish you if you continue being so obstinate. Your behavior is just plain silly. You would think you had never been naked before!” Sonny boy knew he had to comply. She would certainly whip him seriously if he defied her. This was just awful. He had to go outside completely nude! All the people they met would see him bare! He took off his shirt then eased his shorts and underwear down and stepped out of them. He stood there completely bare, his hands covering his little dick.
Denise was quite amused at his prediction. He was quite a handsome boy and looked even better in the buff she thought. She admired his dark tanned legs and midsection, and his starkly contrasting bare white butt, with cheats so firm and round. Four faith strips decorated the boy’s rear.
They left the house, Sonny boy still trying to cover up his front. Mistress Mona smoked him on the behind. “Don’t be silly. You can’t walk around holding your little dick.” He reluctantly dropped his hands to his side. Denise now had an unimpeded view of his privates. His thick boy meat was erect. He was acutely aware of how his boy balls swung side to side as he walked.
They soon reached the beach. The women laid out some towels and they sat down. He lie on his front, shielding his boyhood from their gaze. They could still admire his firm boy butt. The teenage girl began to rub sunscreen on her exposed limbs. Mistress Mona also applied the lotion. “Mistress”, Denise interrupted, “What about Sonny boy?” Mistress Mona took the bottle and turned to the boy.
“Sonny, come here please, we really can’t risk having you get sun burnt.” Sonny boy Reluctantly stood by her side as she covered his back and chest with the lotion then his arms. She poured out some more from the bottle and rubbed his legs. She turned him in various directions as she applied the lotion, holding onto his boyish pestle as she began to rub the sunscreen onto his butt.
Denise simply giggled. She smiled at them. “Boys come with their own little handle for turning them about – very convenient!” She finished by applying the lotion to his smooth hairless scrotum, rolling the testicles in her fingers. Sonny boy stood there staring straight ahead, embarrassed as hell, his face turning scarlet. Denise had eyes wide as saucers. She could see the faded marks left by the cane. “Mistress, has he gotten the stick?” Mistress Mona nodded.
“Yes, last week I had to cane him for touching himself down there without permission!” Denise counted eight faded stripes. Yes, they were all there, four on each chef. She wished she could have seen them being administratored.
Mistress Mona looked at Sonny boy’s butt. Her hand gripped the bottom flesh as she continued to address the young girl. “Growing boys aren’t harmed being striped like this. As a matter of fact, they need very firm disciplinee in order to keep them in line!”
Denise contemplated the scene. “The cane must really hurt though, to leave marks like that?”
Mistress Mona smiled grimly. “I suppose it does, but unlike girls, naughty boys require such painful discipline. And marks do fade so there is no lasting damage!”
Denise gestured towards the boy’s butt. “Mistress, were those on the bare?”
Mistress Mona smiled. “Yes they were. As a matter of principle, I always administrator canings on the bare bottom. It makes the punishment hurt more and there is the additional embarrassment of the boys having to bare their bottoms. Seems like ol’ Sonny boy here has gotten the stick on quite a few occasions now, have you not?”
As Sonny boy sat down Denise noticed his erection and tight scrotum, all smooth and hairless. Mistress Mona’s ministers with the lotion before the young lady had caused him to become quite stiff. He tried not to notice all of the feminine charms that were all around him, the swelling bottoms encased in tight fabric, the smooth wide hips and full behinds.
“Mistress his thing is sticking out”, Denise pointed.
“Boys often get excited like that”, Mistress Mona explained. “Once he gets accustomed to being bare around you it will eventually go down”.
Mistress Mona and the girl lie back on the towels, soaking up the sun and watching the waves break. The seaside view was very peaceful and relaxing. Sonny boy lie on his stomach, saved the topic of conversation had moved away from his bare butt and balls. His gaze fell on Denise’s lower body, admiring her slender legs and pretty feet. His eyes moved up. He could clearly see the outline of her pretty pussy, the thin material of her bikini clung to her plump, sexy pussy lips just like a second skin.
His mouth was dry as he continued to leer at the pretty young girl. One of her knees was bent and he gazed at the hard muscle sun-tanned thighs. His little dick was still erect and now, trapped between his body and the towel, was quite uncomfortable. He shifted his hips, trying to relieve the pressure on his boy meat, but to no avail. This was teasing and denial on a sublime level. A touch of S&M.
He tried to imagine what her pussy must have looked like under the shiny black material of her swimsuit. He wished she too were nude. It was so unfair he thought, that the girl, who was only one year older, was completely decent while he had to walk around buck naked. Denise was able to see every inch of his bare body. He didn’t even know her before today yet she had seen his brightly striped bare butt and his exposed boy meat and balls.
As Mistress Mona lie on her stomach, he had a good long view of her bare back and how her swimsuit clung lasciviously to her beautiful butt. The lower edge of her bottom cheats were exposed as the material of her swimsuit rode up and he was treated to a delightful view of his teacher’s lovely lower butt.
Mistress Mona got up. “Let’s go in the water” They followed her in, enjoying themselves in the waves. Sonny boy felt his boyish pestle go flagcid in the cold water. This made his exposure a bit less humiliating. They didn’t stay in for very long because the temperature was so cold and soon were back on the beach, shining themselves dry.
Denise giggled, her finger pointing at Sonny boy’s midsection. “Mistress, look how small it is Now!”
Her pretty blond teacher smiled. “Yes, the water is very cold”. Sonny boy looked down. His cock had really shrunken and his balls were drawn up against his body.
Denise looked down at the shivering boy’s privates. “It’s amazing how it changes size like that!”
Mistress Mona turned towards the boy. “Sonny, did you clean out the sand from underneath your balls?” He was dumb-struck. The girl just giggled. Before he could do anything Mistress Mona had grabbed him by the dick. Holding it in the fingers of one hand, she used the other to reach behind him and brush off any stray grains of sand there. Denise simnply watched in rapt fascination as Mistress Mona roughly handled the boy’s cock. Finally she released it. They all sat back on the towels.
“Right then – Sonny” she said, dismissing him with a loud smack to the bottom. She opened a book and lie back, feeling the sun on her skin. The women sunbathed while Sonny boy went to the water’s edge. He started to construct a Very elaborate sand castle.
A half hour passed and Mistress Mona began to gather up the things. Sonny reluctantly left his creation. “Mistress, did you check what time the museum opens in the morning?” inquired Denise. The girl wanted to do some sight seeing after wards and they had decided to visit the naval history museum just as it opened.
Mistress Mona nodded. “Eight-thirty, so don’t worry as we’ll have plenty of time!”
Sonny boy was looking forward to the museum. They would visit that followed by some of the other maritime landmarks such as the old fort and the old lighthouse. Denise had a history project on the maritime history of the region and Mistress Mona, who was familiar with the area, had volunteered to take them.
They returned to the cottage for lunch. Sonny quickly put his clothes back on as the others changed. He was grateful to be back inside and fully clothed. As they ate, Mistress Mona explained to them the layout of the area. Afterwards, Everyone pitched in to tidy up the place after the meal.
When evening fall, Sonny boy started to make up the couch. Mistress Mona had taken one room and Denise the other, leaving him, the only male around, to use the living room. He lies there, recalling the day’s events at the beach. He especially recalled Denise’s plump, sexy pussy, her firmly developed sun kissed thighs and calves. He glanced up to ensure that both bedroom doors were closed.
Seeing it was safe, he pulled down the waistband of his girl pink bikini panties (Sonny was not allowed to wea real boy’s underwear) and whipped his boy meat out. He slowly began struggling it, all the while thinking of Denise’s sexy legs and even sexier butt.
He imagined pulling aside the material of her bikini bottoms, to see her bare butt and pussy! He gripped his stiff erection, rubbing the head up and down. The next few minutes passed most pleasantly as he masturbated to a mental image of Denise’s firm young body. He thought of Mistress Mona as well, her long tanned legs and voluptuously full bottom.
“Eeew!” exclaimed Denise. He tried to cover himself up as quickly as he could. He had not heard the door open or her leave the room. “You disgusting little pervert! Oh Mistress!” she called out, “Sonny boy is playing with himself out here!” Mistress Mona ran outside to see just what the hell was going on.
Mistress Mona wore a jet-black tee shirt and matching panties leaving her midriff quite bare. Her pert breasts were unencumbered by any bra and her nipples could be seen through the thin material of her shirt. Denise wore the essentially he same outfit as Mistress Mona only looking very virginal in pure white.
The two of them stood around the couch looking at Sonny boy, the visible tenting of his little dick encased in their young girl’s panties silently betraying him. He looked up at Mistress Mona, her blue eyes flashing angrily. “Have you no respect?” she asked icilly. “What on earth is the matter with you? How can you lie down outside here and play with yourself like that?” Her stern gaze fell on the boy’s privates. Sonny boy felt his heart beat fast. His stomach churned in fright. Mistress Mona looked at him. “Right – I will deal with you in the morning. In the meantime, there had better not be any more of these shenanegans over here tonight!” With that, she turned on her heel and slammed her bedroom door shut.
Denise shook their head. “I’ve never been so insulted – I hope she gives it to you good and hard!” The girl went quietly backto bed, her cute bottom bouncing encased as they were in their tight white panties.
Sonny boy lay there in the dark. The cottage was very quiet. He could hear the waves in the distance, crashing against the sand. He anxiously contemplated what tomorrow morning would bring. It was more than an hour before he drifted off to a fitful night’s sleep.
He awoke to the sound and smell of breakfast cooking on the stove. He got up and went to the kitchen. Denise was setting out the table Mistress Mona broke the silence. “Good morning, Sonny!” She said it with such good cheer he didn’t really know what to make of it then.
“Good morning Mistress Mona, good morning, Miss Denise” he replied cautiously. He wondered if last night’s incident perhaps may have been forgotten, which means by chance he might be sparn a good whipping.
His heart sank when he went to put away the sheets and pillow he had used. Mistress Mona sat on the couch, still looking lovely yet menuing in her jet-black tee shirt and panties, her hair wound up in a ponytail, and a long crook-handled senior cane in her hand.
He stood there quietly. Denise joined them. She did not want to miss one second of this, and was especially excited. She had no brothers and did not often get to see a boy punished bare. This had always greatly intrigued her.
Mistress Mona spoke up. “We are going to have breakfast and then dress for our visit to the museum” She bent the long cane. “However we have a little matter to deal with here first!”
Sonny pleased, “Mistress I’m really sorry, I’ll never do it again!”
Mistress Mona, who had been through this same routine a hundred times before, quipped “I KNOW you’ll never do it again – and this punishment in which I am about to give you will make sure of it. Now then, Sonny boy, I want you to remove your clothes, every last stitch, at once!” Her voice was quiet and deliberate. She did not seem angry now. Sonny hoped maybe she would go easy on him.
He disrobed quickly, ending with his pink panties, which he folded neatly on the couch. She pointed to the overstuffed armchair. “Bend over the back of the chair with your arms gripping the front legs and don’t let go, or it will be all the worse for you if you do.” He compiled. He stood there bare butt, his early morning stiffy rubbing against the smooth leather upholstery material of the overstuffed armchair.
He felt the two pairs of female eyes glued to his body. His boy meat stiffened. Mistress Mona got up. “Legs apart!” she ordered. “Lean forward – stick your bottom out!” She ran the tip of her cane up along the insides of his thighs and then as if to emphasize her point, she ticked the backs of his balls with the tip of her cane, and the Mistress was rewarded by an involuntary shudder that came from the boy’s firm bent body.
Denise watched the scene with baited breath. Her hand briefly squeezed her little pink pussy firmly encased in their tiny white panties, then she drew up her legs against her body, her arms wrapped around them. She was already quite wet, and her loins were positively quivering at the pint of this unfortunate school boy awaiting punishment, his naughty bottom stuck out so it could be thoroughly whipped, his exposed boy balls dangling helplessly between his legs.
Even Mistress Mona, an experienced disciplinarian, found the scene exciting. She felt a familiar tingling between her legs, the material of her panties wet as she anticipated the severity of the bare bottomed chatisement she was about to administrator.
Mistress Mona placed the smooth rattan against his pale bottom cheeses. They were firm and well rounded, practically made to be whipped! The cane she had brought was brand new. It was a ‘senior’ and was longer and thicker than the one she Normally used. Being heavier, it had some weight to it even though it was quite supplement. It would sting atrociously – just the thing for a naughty boy’s bare bottom./p>
She addressed him. “This will teach you some respect. As you already know, your behavior last night was simply disgusting and completely unacceptable. You shall be punished for it!”
She emphasized the point by whipping the cane through the air, its ominous hiss causing the boy to wince.
She brought the cane back and upwards. It descended with a loud ‘whoosh’ that caught the boy off guard and took his breath away. It impacted midway on his bottom, with a loud crack. The firm bottom flesh indented by the cruel rattan quivered and shook while a living red welt rose on the bare white bottom. Sonny thrust his hips forward, bottom cheats clnched as the seizing pain permeated into his butt. This caused his cock and balls to jingle most lewdly.
His eyes were closed as he absorbed the pain. Denise watched in amazement as the welt formed a ridge and darkened. The end where the cane tip struck was already purple. The boy relaxed his cheats and they twitched as he leaned forward again, hands gripping the front legs as ordered.
Mistress Mona tapped the bottom cheeses again, causing the boy to flinch. She waited until he relaxed, then lashed down hard with the cane, the ‘whip’ of impact followed by a gasp from the boy as another red wealth formed low down, right in the cream where bottom met thigh. The muscles in his calves and thighs stood out as he went on tip toe, tears welling up in his eyes as the terrible sting coursed through his tender rear.
Denise looked down at his boy balls, encased in the smooth hairless scrotum. They dangled and they swung from side to side as he involuntary dance his dance of pain in response to each sering stroke.
Mistress Mona lashed down again. The loud ‘whip’ was followed by an “Oww” from his lips. Denise watched in awe as the third welt Formed, high up on the bare bottom cheats, high on their upper sloping curves. The three raised welts were perfectly parallel. Mistress Mona was clearly an expert with the cane. The naughty boy again clenched his butt cheats, trying in vain to ward off the burning pain.
Tears ran down his face now. He turned to Mistress Mona. “Mistress, I’m sorry”
Mona nodded grimly. “I’m sure that you are, my dear boy, and this punishment will guarantee it!”
She tapped his bottom again with the cane then raised it high. It descended sharply. Another loud ‘whip’ then a squeal from the naked schoolboy. He pressed his knees together, clenching his smarting bottoms.
Sonny waited, “Please Mistress, I’ve had enough!”
Mistress Mona was well prepared for this little interchange. She shook her head slowly. “I will decide when you’ve had enough. That naughty bottom of your needs to feel a few more strokes!”
“Bu Mistress, it h-u-r-t-s too much!” he said in desperation.
She studied his bent form impassively. “Think about what you were doing last night. Just think how much you offended lady Denise here by your lewd and lascivious behavior.”
She rested the cane low down on his rear, watching as the bottom cheeses clnched. She raised the cane and held it there, waiting for him to relax. There was a hiss as the cane came down and the ‘whip’ as the flesh danced under the lash. He stood up without permission and extremely grabbed his swollen behind.
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