After witnessing Evelyn in submission, Dianne is curious. Chloe researches the topic and plans an afternoon of submission for her to try out. It exceeds Dianne’s expectations, making her consider if she wants it to go further. This chapter will fall under the BDSM category as it would be mostly in that. It contains oral sex, lesbian sex, group sex, punishment, orgasm denial, interracial sex, and public masturbation. There are no STD’s or COVID virus in this fantasy. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for his help.
Summer Surprise, Part 7
For the next several days, Chloe was constantly busy. She was up early, secluded in her room much of the day, off to perform, come back to the computer in her room, getting into bed late, when Matt and Dianne were already stay or preparing to sleep. This made her unavailable to her lovers and made both of them wonder if they’d done something wrong or had offended her in some way.
Diannewas the first to approach her, on Wednesday.
“Have Matt or I did something to hurt you?”
“Hell no! Why would you think that?”
“I guess the primary reason is you haven’t had sex with us since before our trip to Madison. As soon as Babs and Erin left, you disappeared into your room and except for a few hours sleeping each night, haven’t really joined us in Our bed. You have similar sexual appetites to our own healthy ones, but you’re not participating.”
“Okay, I could see where you might get that impression, but I’m doing a lot of research right now and I have a limited amount time to do so.”
“Something for school then?”
“Not really school either, more the next drama production I’m planning. I can’t really talk about it right now as it’s kind of a secret.”
“Does it have to do with Monica?”
“No, not Monica. Someone else near and dear to my heart.”
“Matt then?”
“Matt will play a part, sure.”
“There’s nothing else you can say about it? When will I get to know what it’s about?”
“My show closes on Saturday night and for the first time, I’m not going to need to think about Monica every day. I was thinking of Sunday as we could have all day. Get your homework done on Friday and Saturday because Sunday you’ll be very busy. I can’t say more right now, but I think you’re going to love it. I’m hopeful anyway.”
“Okay. I just wanted to make sure.”
On Friday, Chloe came to Matt. “I need you to buy something tomorrow. I’ll reimburse you for whatever you spend.”
“What’s up?”
“You know how aroused Dianne became from watching Evelyn’s submission. She seemed admitted by it and from the sounds of things, enjoyed it even more at Ethel’s. It’s made me wonder if there’s something going on in that head of hers and I’d like to test it out on Sunday. I’ve been doing some research on the subject. That’s what I’ve been spending so much time doing the past few days. Research, as I don’t want to do anything which might hurt her. She did say she might be willing to engage in submission for a few hours. I’d like to test that out, but I want to talk to you about a couple things first. I’m going to push her hard and you should know what I have planned and agree to it, since it is your girlfriend.”
“What did you have in mind?”
Chloe told him what she had planned. Some of it sounded amazing, some of it shocked and even scared him and made him nervous.
“Are you sure we should do this?” Matt asked.
“If she hadn’t gotten so excited by what happened to Evelyn, I’d say no. But I’m the one who will do it, so if it blows up in my face, she’ll blow me and not you.”
“But you want me to tell her I’m OK with whatever happens.”
“That’s to reassure her you won’t hold her responsible for what happens. She’ll have the ability to stop it herself if it starts to go someplace she doesn’t want to go. She’ll have safe words to use. If she does, it stops, no questions asked. I think she’ll enjoy it, but we’ll have to see.”
“Give me a list,” Matt said. “Saturday, I’ll get everything you need.”
“I’ll make the phone calls today. A little advance notice is good.”
That night, Chloe joined them early enough to engage in sex with both of them. They were cuddled together in post-coital bliss. “A week ago, you suggested you might be willing to try being a submissive for a few hours. Are you still interested in doing so?”
Dianne turned to look at Matt. “I’d like to see what it’s like. Do you have an objection if I try it?”
“Since you were so excited and aroused by what happened to Evelyn, I think it would be interesting to see what you’d be like in the same circumstances.”
“Who’s going to be in charge of me?”
“I’m going to defer to Chloe. She’s been doing some research so she can make sure you’re not hurt if you get paid for disobedience.”
“Please tell me you did more research than watch a couple episodes of Helga, the Nazi Dominatrix?”
Chloe laughed. “A lot more. I’m reasonably certain I can keep you amused for a few hours.”
“I suppose that’s what you have tenatively planned for Sunday?”
“Indeed I do. Plan on getting up at 7:30, having breakfast and a shower and I’ll take control of you at 8:30 until you indicate you want to stop.”
“Okay. I guess we have a date.”
“You might want to start practicing,” Chloe said.
“Practicing what?”
“Calling me, Mistress. Failure to do so on Sunday will be a punishable offense.”
“And truly.”
“Would you lick my pussy again, Mistress?” Dianne asked.
“Since you ask so nicely, it would be my pleasure,” Chloe laughed.
Chloe slipped down Dianne’s body and quickly found the damp folds of her lover. In a few minutes, Chloe felt Matt lift her hips and slide into her own wet love tunnel, her moans smoothered in Dianne’s humid sex. Great fun was had by all.
The next day had Chloe doing more research, her homework and heading off to do her final Madison Massacre performance. Matt purchased the things off Chloe’s list. He only had suspicions how she was going to use some of them. He brought them into Chloe’s old room where she was on her computer, working. The rest of the day, Matt and Dianne did all of their homework because they knew they wouldn’t have time to do it tomorrow.
Chloe reminded Dianne to keep practicing for her submission by calling her Mistress. It was usually limited to when they ate at breakfast and lunch and Dianne managed to remember only half of the time.
“That’s five more,” Chloe said after reminding Dianne she forget again at lunch. “You might end up with a very sore bottom tomorrow if you can’t do better remembering than you are now.”
“I’m sure it will be easier to remember when it’s actually happening, Mistress, and we’re actually spending time together, instead of in fits and starts.”
“Your ass will certainly hope so, Dianne. You may expect to get five swats for every time you miss addressing me by my proper title.”
“Are there any other rules I need to be aware of, Mistress?”
“Of course. Perhaps ten or so. You’ll be given the rules in the morning. The most important rule will be to obey my every command implicitly. I won’t expect you to do anything you haven’t done at some other time in your life. You’ll just be doing it for me now, at my command. Expect you’ll be licking a lot of pussy tomorrow, and since you’re Matt’s girlfriend, he should get rewarded with a little sex as well..”
“More sex with you would be fun. You haven’t been available much the past week, Mistress.”
“Research, dahling. One must prepare for a role. You don’t need to prepare for yours, just be an obedient little girl.”
“Why do I feel this sense of doom?”
“That’s another five,” Chloe laughed. “No clue. I’m expecting you to have some of the greatest orgasms of your life if it all works out.”
Chloe didn’t come straight home after her performance, having other things to take care of. She slipped into bed with them after they were both sleep. She wrapped her arms around Dianne and felt her wiggle her ass against her hips. She softly kissed her neck and went to sleep.
“Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine beautiful. You become a slave in hour. I’ve got Some breakfast sitting on the table for you after which you need to take a good shower. Throughly clean all your noses and crannies. As soon as you get out of the shower, we’ll cover all your rules.”
“Okay,” Dianne muttered, sleepily. She looked around briefly. “Where’s Matt?”
“That would be five more. You need to catch on fairly quickly, my love, or you might not be able to sit in all your classes this week. Matt went out to pick up some things. He’ll be home shortly after your submission starts. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t want him missing out on what a delicious little slut you’ll beturned into. Oh, don’t both putting any clothes on. Clothes are becoming a non-essential item for you for the next few hours.”
“What about you, Mistress?” Dianne said. “Won’t you be naked as well?”
“I’ll remove my clothes when necessary, but how will you tell the slave from the Domme if everyone is naked.”
“Good point, Mistress.”
Dianne went into the kitchen and found scrambled eggs and bacon prepared for her, along with a small glass of orange juice.
“May I get more to drink, Mistress?” Dianne asked.
“I don’t think so. You will spend part of the day confined and unable to use the facilities. It’s best you don’t have an overpowering urge to pee.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Dianne ate her breakfast, then went into the bathroom, took a shower, thoroughly scrubbing herself. Since she was going to be having lots of sex today, she dabbed a little perfume at the hollow of her neck, her wrists, under her breasts and some on either side of her vulva wheree her legs met her torso. She brushed her teeth, and blow drunk her hair, tying it back in a pony tail. Something for someone to hang onto when they were fucking her. Dianne found herself getting aroused at what might be happening soon. It was almost like contemplating the first time she’d had sex with Matt, or even Chloe. It was like opening a door to something unknown but still exciting.
When she reentered the bedroom, she saw the bedroom had been somewhat transformed. There was another comfortable over the bed, an older, more battered one. There were ropes at the head and foot of the bed she could see, and she assumed there were others on the opposite side. Chloe was sitting on the bed, with a number of things laying on the bed beside her. Dianne recognized a collar.
“Stand in front of me,” Chloe ordered. “Spread Your feet three feet apart and put your hands behind your back at your wait while we cover your instructions.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Chloe waited until Dianne had found the indicated position and she noted the signs of moisture forming on Dianne’s pussy. Her nipples looked like tiny pegs and her public lips looked puffy from the blood pumping to them.
“That’s rule number one. Address me at all times as either Mistress or Miss Chloe. Failure to do so will result in five swats to your ass. You’re agreeing to be my submissive until you tell me you I will give you the safe words in a moment. But I don’t want merely a submissive, I want a sex slave like Evelyn, someone who will do their utmost to provide me with sexual gratification. Do you agree you will be my sex slave?”
“Yes, Mistress, as long as I am not required to do anything I haven’t done before.”
“Then rule number two is you accept my collar and as long as you wear it, you’ll accept all of my commands. Failure to obey an order will result in ten swats to your delectable derrière. You belong to me now.”
“Yes, Miss Chloe.”
“Rule number threeis your sexuality now belongs to me. I’m in charge of your mouth, your pussy and your ass. All three belong to me until this ends. As such, you will ask for permission to orgasm. I won’t always grant you permission. You’ll have to earn your orgasms by being sexually pleasing. Since you need to ask for permission to cum, cumming without permission is also a punishable offense. Failure to Ask for permission or cumming after permission is denied will result in ten swats to your ass for each offense. If I tell you to lick cunt or suck cock, you’ll do so without hesitation as I own your mouth. Nor can you touch yourself without my permission. Your breasts and pussy will only be touched if I say so. Any questions about rule number three?”
“No, Mistress.”
“Rule number four is the positions to assume when I order them. You’re in what is called a relaxed Display position. If I tell you to display, you will assume the current position you’re in, except your fingers are to be laceed behind your neck with your shoulders thrown back. This has the effect of displaying all of your charms to me, and keeping your breasts high and full. Assume the display position now.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Dianne assumed the position. Chloe stood up and moved in front of her. She reached out and touched Dianne’s cheese, then ran a hand down her chest to cup a breast and test the tautness of the nipple, before lowering her hand and cupping Dianne’s sex. Dianne gasped.
“You’re very wet now, Dianne. You like the thought of becoming my slave?”
“I am aroused, Mistress. I’m anticipating a lot of sex today.”
Chloe moved her hand over Dianne’s buttons and down through her cream. Dianne clenched her butt as Chloe’s finger approached her back door.
“Relax your ass, slave. This hole belongs to me too.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Dianne relaxed and Chloe’s finger trailed across the pumper.
“Not only are all of your womanly charms on display for me, but this position allowss me to touch you almost anywhere else than the soles of your feet. When ordered to Display, you will remain in this position and allow yourself to be touched. If you are in this position and I tell you to relax, you may lower your hands to behind your wait, but still keeping your shoulders back to thrust your breasts out. Unless I tell you to sit in a chair, the only other position common to Your slavery will be kneeing. The command for kneeing will be Kneel, or I may tell you to break display. You will get on your knees with your legs widely separated so I can see your pussy. You may sit back on your heels with your back straight and shoulders back. Why don’t you knee now and show me you understand the position.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Dianne knelt down and Chloe had her spread her knees a little further.
“Five. If I want you to sit in a chair, I will tell you to sit in a chair and which one. If I do have you sit in a chair, it will frequently be so I may tie you to it. IfI have you lie on the bed, you will usually be bound to it so you’re helpless. Unless I’m allowing you to wait on me, expect some part of your anatomy to be tied, or leaned. I want you feeling helpless most of the time, subject to whatever I want to do to you.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Six, I’m going to keep your eyes covered at all times. I want you to be in darkness and unable to see what else I have planned for you. I have a hood here. I’m going to put it over your head now. It will also muffle sounds somewhat. It buckles in the back so it can’t be easily removed if you should panic. Being without your sight and with limited hearing should heighten your other senses, particularly touch. The lightest breeze or softest touch should stimulate you as a result. You’ll be able to hear me give you orders, and other louder noises. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Chloe fitted the hood around Dianne’s hood, buckling it under the ponytail, letting that extend out of the hood. Dianne’s world descended into darkness. She couldn’t really hear Chloe move around and was surprised when Chloe touched her again, sliding a finger through her sex. She gasped.
“Are you starting to feel your helplessness now, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Since you can’t see, you’ll be led anywhere you need to go so you don’t stumble into anything. Seven, I’m going to put cuffs around your wrists and ankles so I may more easily confine you and increase your sense of helplessness. I’m going to put them on you now.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Dianne sensed Chloe knee in front of her and fasten cuffs around her ankles, then Chloe stood and moved behind her to fasten cuffs to her wrists.
“Relax, slave,” Chloe ordered and Dianne put her hands down and she felt Chloe clip her hands together behind her back. While standing behind her, Chloe reached her hands around and fondled Dianne’s breasts. Dianne moaned. She didn’t think her nipples could get any harder than they’d been, but Chloe put the lie to it. Dianne’s nipples were so hard they ached as Chloe fingerprinted them.
“Number eight, I’m also adding a belt to your waist and thigh cuffs to your legs. They give me convenient places to fasten your ankle cuffs and wrist cuffs to. Stand steady, slave.”
“Yes,” Dianne whispered. It seemed she could feel fluids running down her legs, though she couldn’t see if it was true.
“That’s five, Dianne. You neglected to call me Mistress or Miss Chloe.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Chloe.”
Chloe buckled a belt around her waist and thigh cuffs to her legs.
“You’re leaking like a sieve, slave. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such a soggy cunt without a load of male cum dripping out of it. Are you a naughty slut?”
“Yes, Miss Chloe. I must be.”
“I think so too. A needy, sex starved, slut.”
Chloe ran a finger through Dianne’s slit again, from sheath to clip and Dianne spasmed, moaning, becoming unsteady on her feet to the point Chloefelt she had to hold her so she didn’t fall.
“My goodness girl. Climaxing without permission is ten more strokes. You’re up to fifteen already and we’ve hardly started.” She kissed Dianne. “I think we’ll have so much fun today.”
“Yes, Mistress. It appears so.”
“Nine. As a slave, you belong at the bottom of any hierarchy. You don’t own a mouth, I own a pie hole. You don’t own a pussy, I own a cunt. You don’t own breasts, I own tits, you don’t own buttocks, I own an ass. You don’t own an anus, I own an asshole. If you use any words other than the ones I’ve given you for your body parts, it will be five strokes to your ass. If you want to have sex, you’ll beg to be fucked in the cunt or asshole or pie hole because I own them and that’s what you’ll call them. I have breasts, pussy, buttocks, anus. If you refer to those, you’re talking about my personal body parts, not yours. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Let me hear you say you want to touch my cunt and ask for permission to cum.”
“Mistress, may I touch your cunt and may I please orgasm?”
“You may touch my cunt, but you don’t have permission to cum yet. Ask again when you get close.”
“Yes, Miss Chloe.”
Chloe released Dianne’s wrist cuffs and Dianne immediately put her hand on her sex and started stroke herself. Within a couple minutes she was going to cum.
“Not yet, ten more seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, cum”
Dianne had the start of a powerful orgasm, jerking shakily as she exploded.
“Take your filthy hands off my cunt,” Chloe said. Dianne yanked her hands away, killing the orgasm before it was fully born, frustrating her no end.
“Please, let me finish,” Dianne complained.
“Five more swats to your ass, slave. You forget to say ‘Mistress’ and for that, you can’t finish. I want you craving sex today.”
“Yes, Miss Chloe.”
“Our final order of business is your safe words. If you say ‘Sprinkles’, we will pause what we’re doing. I’m still a novel at this whole Mistress thing, so I might make a mistake. If you say “Spriinkles,’ I will ask what is wrong. If I’m striking you too hard or too fast during a punishment, I will ease up. Or we can discuss any other problem which you’re having with your slavery. If you say ‘Chocolate Sprinkles’, your slavery is ended. I remove my collar and any other acoutrements you may be wearing. You may put on clothes. If you are otherwise enjoying your slavery, but one thing is bothering you, I encourage you to say ‘Sprinkles’ first. Once you say ‘Chocolate Sprinkles’, you’re done for the day and we won’t continue. Your slavery is ended. Do you understand what your safe words are and how to use them.”
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