Summer Surprise Pt. 08

Dianne’s submission to Chloe deepens. She agrees to a tattoo and piercings. Another woman becomes involved, agreeing to help Chloe Dominate Dianne after she graduates. Because Chloe dresses Dianne provocatively, she looks for guardians to keep her unbothered. This chapter contains oral, anal, lesbian and group sex, Dominance and submission aspects including punishments. No STD’s or COVID in This world. Thanks to JohnnyGalt for making this better.

Summer Surprise, Pt 8

Their next stop was a sex toy shop. A young, pimply faced, man with a scratchgly bear waited on them. He identified himself as Ramone.

“There are a number of items we need to purchase here,” Chloe said. “A nice collar to replace this cheap dog collar,” tugging on Dianne’s collar to point it out, “definitely with a lock, and preferably waterproof so she doesn’t need to remove it for a shower. Then, I’ve been using a wooden spoon to spank her naughtyass, but I’m thinking something more substantial. Last but not least, some remote controlled toys which can be used over long distances, not just across a room. What can you show us.”

“Well our slave collars are over this way. If you’ll follow me please.”

He led them to a well stocked BDSM section. “You might like this collar here. It looks like leather, but it’s not. It is waterproof and won’t stretch or shrink if it gets wet. It doesn’t come with an integrated lock, but we have these small brass locks which will lock it tight.”

“I’ll take it, both the collar and the lock. We’ll replace your old collar tonight with a little ceremony, slut.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You might want to add one of these tags to the collar. There are a number of pre-made ones like this one that says ‘slut’. We also have ‘slave’, ‘whore’, ‘princess’, ‘owned’ and ‘pet’ in stock. Or we can get one engraved to personalize it, like ‘property of’ and a name.”

“What do you think, slut?” Chloe asked.

“‘Property of Mistress Chloe’ sounds nice, Mistress.”

“How much for the engraving?”

“A dollar a letter.”

“That’s reasonable. I’ll take one of those. What about punishment instruments?”

“Were you thinking paddles or whips?”

“What are the advantages and disadvantage of each?”

“The paddles are made primarily for meaty areas of the body, the bottom and back of the thighs, primary. Whips can be used almost anywhere, even boobs and pussy.”

“Evelyn and Bill said the same thing,” Matt said. “When Evelyn is getting a lot of swats, she preferred the whip because they all don’t end up in the same place. They can be spread around.”

“She was right,” Ramone said.

“Why don’t you show us a selection of both, Ramone. Perhaps we’ll try them out.”

“If it has to be removed from a package, I can’t take it out,” Ramone said, “but some of them aren’t packaged.”

He led them to those articles. “There are a couple of paddles here with tags on them. They aren’t in packaging.”

Chloe perused those first. “Here’s one, with the word ‘slut’ cut out through the wood, backwards. What’s the point of that? Can’t they spell?”

“Yes, they can spell. When you hit someone with it, it leaves the word ‘slut’ spelled correctly in the skin color, with red from the paddle all around it. Of course, that Only works once, as the more strokes applied, the more red the whole area becomes.”

“Show us. Lift up your skirt, slut.”

Dianne remembered there were a couple other customers in the shop, though this was an alcohol of the store, not immediately visible to anyone. Dianne raised her skirt, feeling herself liquefy again.

“You won’t be able to see it on her ass as it’s red already,” Ramone pointed out, non-plussed to be staring at a young woman’s red rear end.

“Do the back of her thighs. Her skirt is short enough everyone should be able to read what it says.”

Ramone tried handing the paddle to Chloe. “No, you do it. Bend over, Dianne, and grab your ankles; give him a good target.”

Blushing a deep red as bad as her ass cheeses, Dianne said, “Yes, Mistress,” bent over and grabbed her ankles. Smack, the paddle whacked her right thigh, a couple seconds later, the left was similarly struck.

“Stay bent over, slut, so I can watch how long it lasts.”

Dianne remained bent over and under the front of her dress, between her legs, she saw the other customers come into the alcohol after hearing the loud smacks, once more exposed to total strangers. Chloe made her stay bent over for thirty seconds, letting everyone have a good look.

“You slut. You know you’re giving everyone an eyeful of my creamy cunt, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Dianne whispered.

“Louder. I can’t hear you.”

“I’m giving everyone an eyeful of your creamy cunt, Mistress,” Dianne said loudly enough anyone could hear.

“Stand up and pull your skirt down or someone will want to shove their cock in that creamy cunt.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Dianne obeyed then turned and saw a pudgy, fortyish man in a business suit and a grizzled older guy in his sixties or possible seventies with ections who’d watched her display. She almost orgasmed thinking of the spectacle she would have presented, bent over, legs spread, red ass, slut marked on her thighs and a cunt dripping with arousal. A quick glance at Ramone and Matt revealed they were similarly arouse.

“My slave is too disobedient for only three or four swats, so slut remains visible. What else have you got?”

“Both of these next items are boxed. This one is called ‘The Enforcer’. It gets high reviews from Dominants, and as you can see from the picture on the outside of the box, it has a phallic shaped handle which you can use if the punishment is more extreme, or just for fun.”

“I’ll take that one, but we’ll have to try it before we leave the store.”

The two older customers ears perked up at the news. Dianne realized they weren’t going anywhere until she left. She shivered again, more liquid running down her legs.

“This flogger is nice. Multiple, soft leather strands, not too thin so they won’t break skin if applied briskly, but should leave nice stripes all over the body,” Ramone said. “Also highly recommended by my customers.”

“Good. I’ll take that as well. You’ll have to show me how to use it before I go. I’ve never whipped anyone before. We’ll try them out after you ring them up.”

Ramone smiled. “Of course.”

Dianne could hear the bell on the door ring as another customer walked in the store, realizing her shame would soon extend to another person.

“Now show me the remote controlled sex toys,” Chloe said. “We’ll be trying whatever we purchase before we leave the store, as well.”

They all walked over to the sex toy section where a tall, fashionablely dressed woman was perusing the stock. She looked up when they all appeared.

“There you are. The rabbit I owned finally gave up the ghost. I came for a replacement,” she said. “I wondered where everyone had gone.”

“I’ll be right with you, ma’am, as soon as I’ve finished helping these fine folks,” indicating Chloe, Matt and Dianne. To Chloe, he said, “I think you’ll be really interested in this item. It just came out from a company in California called Lovence. It’s called a Lush 2 and it’s a remote controlled egg like device. It can be controlled anywhere in the world with wifi connectivity, seats nicely up inside the vagina and stimulates the g-spot. You can control it with a smart-phone or computer as I understand it, with the app you download, although it also has this remote which is good for 30-50 feet away depending on interference levels, walls, appliances, what not. The app lets you control it manually as well as create and save your own patterns.”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll take it. Ring me up and we’ll start testing everything.”

“YouKnow, I’d also recommended a nice set of Ben Wa balls. No electricity, no charging, builds up the Kegel muscles. Put them in and forget them.”

“You’re a great salesman, Ramone, and very helpful. Go ahead and add a set.”

He grabbed some from under the counter and added them to the small pile.

Handing Chloe a card from inside the Lush box, Ramone said, “Download the app to your phone Following these directions. The serial number is on the warranty card.”

Chloe did as he suggested as Ramone started ringing up the purchases. The process was straightforward and easy to set up. As soon anything was entered in the cash register, Matt removed it from the packaging. Chloe handed Ramone her debit card.

All paid for, Chloe handed Ramone the Lush. “Would you do the honors? Show us how it works.”

He glanced at the other woman standing there. “Sorry, liability issue. Sexual harassment and all that. Someone else will have to do it.” He handed it back to Chloe.

“I’ll do it,” the grizzled old man said. “I ain’t got money anyway. Go ahead and sue.”

Chloe looked at Matt. He was mesmerized by what was happening. Never in this world could he have imagined what was happening today. It was like Dianne was a completely different person. He nodded his head.

Chloe handed the Lush to Dianne. “Ask the nice man to please put this in my cunt. Then pull up your dress.”

The other woman was looking at the scene with no small measure of surprise, but also a great deal of interest. She was not surprised to see the normal looking young woman who seemed to have something dried on her face, hand the old man the Lush toy.

“Would you please put this in Miss Chloe’s slave’s cunt.” Then pulled her skirt up to her waist, showing she wasn’t wearing underwear at all.

The old guy grinned, showing yellowed teeth with a missing incisor on the bottom. He dropped to his knees and began the push the body of the toy in Dianne’s totally saturated pussy.

The old man made it plain to everyone when he said, “I ain’t never seen no pussy as wet as this one is.”

Dianne blushed, but the old man had no problem shoving it inside her. His hand lingered for a moment after the entry, fingers becoming wet with her juices. It became worse when Dianne had to say, “Mistress, may I cum please.” She was almost there. If the old man touched her clip, she was cooked.

“Of course, dear, but you’ll owe someone an orgasm later.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“It ain’t buzzin’,” the old man said. “Is it broke?”

“There’s a button on the end of the tail,” Ramone said. “Press and hold it down for three seconds.”

He fiddled with the tail and in the process, Dianne orgasmed, moaning loudly for everyone, fresh fluids running down her legs.

“It still ain’t working,” the old man said.

“No, but it’s on,” Ramone said. “The remote control will operate it now.”

Chloe started playing with the app and Dianne jumped, moaning louder, the toy kicking her orgasm up a notch. It was remarkably silent. Dianne was shuddering as Chloe ran through the different pre-sets. When Chloe put it on manual operation and ran her finger over the screen on her phone, Dianne screamed and bent over, shaking harder than she was before.

“Oh my fucking God,” Dianne said. “Ungh, ungh, I can’t stop cumming. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Aauugggghhh.”

Dianne dropped to her knees and rolled over, clutching her cunt, still moaning and shaking like a palm tree in a hurricane.

“Good choice, Ramone. I love this,” Chloe said, still manipulating the controls.

“I’ll take one of those in addition to the Rabbit,” the swanky lady said.

The two male customers were rubbing their ections, still behind their pants, but the older guy looked like he wanted to pull his out. Matt wasn’t rubbing, but looked as if he wanted to. Chloe was aroused as hell too. She turned off the device and Dianne continued to twitch.

“Wow!” Chloe said. “Nice. I might have to try that myself. Get up, Slut. We need to try the other things too.”

Dianne dragged herself to her feet, though looking as if she’d prefer rolling on the floor some more. Chloe took The Enforcer, tried smacking herself lightly, then a little harder. “Nice wicked sting to it. Bend over and grab your ankles again.”

Bending over, exposing herself to everyone in the store including the classy lady, Dianne grabbed her ankles. Chloe gave Dianne a couple smart swats on the derrière, Dianne whimpering each time. Expecting another swat, instead Chloe plunged the handle in her pussy and Dianne orgasmed again, almost falling over except for Dianne’s arm around her hips.

“That works as advertised,” Chloe said. “Matt, hand me the whip.” Chloe handed him the cum soaked handle of The Enforcer and Matt handed her the whip.

Again, Chloe tested it on herself, then stepped back and gave Dianne a couple quick flicks to her bottom andthighs, leaving red stripes where the strands landed.

“Perfect, bag everything up, Ramone, except the Lush. I think I’ll leave that in her cunt.”

Ramone warned, “I don’t know how much of a charge that still has since it’s been on the shelf for awhile, but if it dies, just put the Ben Wa balls in instead.”

“Thanks, Ramone.” Chloe collected the bag.

“The collar tag will be ready tomorrow after noon.”

“Excuse me,” the classy woman said. “Would you mind waiting while I make my purchases. I’d like to take you all to dinner. I feel as if I know you somehow.”

“Do you attend the Community Theater?” Chloe asked.

“Oh, yes. You’re Chloe Hamilton. I’ve loved everything you do. It’s so good. Even more reason to take you to dinner. I have a lot of questions for you, though none are about the theater at the moment. You seem to have an unusual relationship I’d like to ask about.”

“We can wait. We were done shopping for the day. Slut, would you like to wipe the cum from your face?” Chloe asked.

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you.”

“Ramone, do you have a bathroom in this place?”

“Right in the back. It’s for employees only, but I don’t give a shit.”

Dianne left and returned with a clean face. The other two customers had gone back to browsing the porn. Dianne wondered if they’d both cum in their pants from rubbing their edicts. Chloe and Matt gave her a kiss. Matt still had an edict. The classy lady was finishing with her purchase, paying cash.

“My car is right out front, did you drive?”

“No ma’am. We mostly walk everywhere,” Matt responded.

“My name is Sophia Robinson. I know Chloe, who might the other two be? I assume her name isn’t really Slut.”

“No, this is my roommate, Dianne, and her boyfriend and my pre-lesbian era ex, Matt.”

“I was thinking of taking you to Lovechild. Have you ever been?”

“No, one meal there for the three of us would be like a weeks worth of groceries,” Matt replied.

“Good. Something different for you then.”

Sophia’s car turned out to be a top of the line Lexus SUV. Chloe got in the front with Sophia and Matt and Dianne got in the back.

“If it’s not a problem, Matt has an erection he’s had now for about two hours,” Chloe said, “and it really should be relieved. Would you have a major problem with Dianne sucking him off. She’ll swallow everything and won’t spill a drop, won’t you, Slut?”

“No, Mistress. I’ll swallow every drop.”

“In that case, suck away,” Sophia said.

Dianne unzipped Matt and dropped over his cock once it was revealed. Chloe noticed Sophia glancing in the rear view mirror occasionally, but she was a careful driver, so she didn’t gawk too long. It was only a few blocks to Lovechild but Dianne extracted Matt’s cum before they got there. They went inside and got a seat, the three women getting in one of the loveseats that half surrounded some of the tables and Matt grabbed a chair opposite.

“Order anything you like,” Sophia said when the waiter came. “Then you have to tell me what’s going on with you three.”

Matt ordered the smoked salmon appetizer, and ribeye steak with potatoes fondant. Chloe got the tuna crudo, and braised lamb shank, red wine, olives and scallion risotto. Dianne got mixed green salad, ‘Peposo Notturno’ beef braised in red wine and black peppers. Sophia got chicken liver pate and Pappardelle pasta with gorgonzola cream, pistachio, sage and garlic. The three women got red wine and Matt got Jack Daniels Black, having enjoyed the whiskey at Ethel’s with Bill.

Chloe and Matt primarily told the story, Dianne keeping silent unless she was spoken to. How Matt and Chloe had dated until Chloe discovered her lesbian proclivities but remained Friends. Dianne becoming a roommate, eventually developing a relationship with Matt, all three of them remaining close friends.

“After Monica died, we kind of drifted into a polyamorous threesome,” Chloe said. “Dianne satisfieds my need for pussy, Matt satisfieds her need for cock, but none of us particularly has a problem having sex with the others. I didn’t dislike sex with Matt, just couldn’t feel the emotional connection he deserved.”

“So none of this really describes what I saw today at the sex shop.”

“A couple weeks ago, we ran into a BDSM couple,” Chloe said, “whose names shall remain secret. After spending some time with them, Dianne decided she’d like to try submission for a few hours. Last Sunday, I put her through the complainer, and apparently she enjoyed it so much, she wanted to keep doing it. She approached me, we worked out what the rules would be with Matt, she signed her slave agreement with me last night and we’ve been out turning her into my slut slave today.

“Got Her pubic hair waxed off, for which she gave the waxer an orgasm as a tip. Went to a tattoo parlor and looked at tattoo’s and piercings suitable for a foxy slave like her, although we haven’t decided what she’s going to get yet. She licked the inker to orgasm so we could look at her vaginal piercings. Then the toy store where you found us.”

“And you don’t care what Chloe is doing to your girlfriend, Matt?

“Well we’re limiting her sex to other women, and I’m having sex with another woman and Dianne really seems to love what’s happening to her. I’m surprised, Because Dianne has never shown the slightest signs of any submissiveness before all this happened. I’m frankly amazing, but I don’t see the harm of it. It’s obviously making her happy and I’m enjoying the fringe benefits of her submissiveness.”

“Dianne, you seemed to be enjoying everything. You certainly orgasmed. What were you thinking when it happened?”

“Be honest, Slut,” Chloe warned. “I’d like to know what was passing through that pretty little head of yours as well.”

Dianne was silent for a few minutes, gathering her thoughts, asking them to wait a moment as she was still figuring it out.

“I can’t be completely sure because all these feelings and sensings are new. Part of it is the public exposure and humiliation. It’s almost as if I’ve got this exhibitionist side I’ve never known about. Being made to show myself to others is thrilling, exhilarating and making me feel so wicked and slutty. As does Mistress reminding me of my behaviors and actions and calling attention to it. So it’s bad enough when they decided the old man can shove the Lush in my cunt, but making me ask him to do it was emotionally exciting and intoxicating. It made me feel less than human, but freer than any human. No one else would do the things I did, but even though I could say no, I didn’t want to. I felt compelled to obey, and in obeying, was more free because you’re not free to do those things, yet I am. Having orgasms in front of everyone, even strangers, made them more powerful. Being made to ask permission to cum and not knowing if I’d get it or not. I’ve enjoyed my sex lifewith Matt and Chloe very much, having some of the best sex of my life, but the orgasms I’ve had as a submissive are earth shattering. It seems the smallest thing will set me off.

“When you told me I had to get the inker off twice in ten minutes or you’d let her spank me, I was both ashamed that she might spank me, but wanted her to do so anyway. So even though I met your requirement, I still I wanted her to spank me because it was part of the whole experience. Does that make sense?”


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