Summer of Discovery Ch. 04

Thanks again to BeachBaby179 for editing and helping develop these characters.

After 3 hours of laying prone on the couch, shouting at himself in his mind, Alex Stone finally decided that he needed to stop dwelling on what he had done and do something about it. “I’m not a rapist, I’m not a bad person,” he told himself over and over. He could not explain what had happened when the head chefleader had knelt and took his thick member in her mouth, but he knew that he needed to find her and make sure she was ok. He needed to explain that he hadn’t meant to grab her head like that, hadn’t meant to push his throbbing erection into her throat over and over, refusing to let her go until he shot his load of cum down her throat…

Alex shoot his head trying to clear away the memory before his cock got any harder than it was already growing. It sickened him to think of how much he had enjoyed the power that had rushed through his body, overpowering him with the urge to exert dominance over the gorgeous girl kneeing before him. But no matter how much he hated it, he couldn’t deny the thrill he had felt and that he wanted to feel it again. But how to feel it without becoming the very thing he was trying so hard to convince himself he wasn’t?

Finally Alex succeeded in forcing his analytical brain on track. First things first, find Nina and apologize. Then he could figure out who and what he was and what to do about it. With this decision came a hard knot of fear in his stomach, fear of having to face the girl again. As he grabbed his shoes, he decided that he didn’t want Nina to see him wearing the same clothes he had been wearing when she had fled. Alex hurried upstairs and took a quick shower before pulling on a clean pair of briefs, jeans, a white T-shirt, and a blue hoodie. As he hurried out to his car he looked at the clock and saw that his parents were late, again. He figured he should leave a note but decided against it. He climbed into his car and pulled away.

His first stop was at a flower shop a couple of blocks away. As he wandered through the store looking at the different bouquets he wondered what flowers to get. What kind of flowers say Sorry I shoved my cock into your mouth and shot my cum down your throat? Finally he chose to just pick out some single flowers and have the girl put them together. As he laid the colorful bouquet of wildflowers in the passenger seat he failed to notice Nina’s car drive past in the direction of his house. Starting his car again he pulled out of the parking lot and turned towards the neary neighborhood where Nina’s family lived.

As he pulled in front of the house he thought was hers, he noticed that the driveway was empty. His gut clnched with a mixture of relief and worry as he realized that she might not be home. When no one answered his knock on the door, the fear of facing her decreased slightly, but he knew he’d still have to face her, and soon. Suddenly another thought wronged at him; what if she had gone to the police? “I have to call her,” he decided and fished in his pocket for his phone.

He had barely pulled it out when he realized that he didn’t have her number. “Of course not!” his inner voice mocked, “Why would the hottest girl in school give her number to someone like you?” Growling in frustration he cast his mind around, trying to figure out how to get her phone number. Suddenly a picture of her photography book appeared in his head, laying discarded on his bedroom floor where it had been dropped. Most teachers required their students to keep their name and phone number on the front cover in case the book was lost. Remembering this he ran back to the car and tore out of the driveway, speeding back towards his house.

Nina frowned when she pulled in front of Alex’s house with Brooke in the seat next to her and saw that his car was gone. She had spent the last hour driving to her house to change and then working out with her older sister what she would say, how she would explain what had happened and why she had run away. Shaking her head she climbed out of the car and walked up and knocked on the door for the second time that day. She stood on the porch waiting, looking down at the yellow sundress she had worked to replace the cum-soaked shorts and pink t-shirt from earlier. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caused her turn around, the hem of the dress lifting as she spun to see Alex climbing from his car. Motioning to Brooke to wait in the car she stood waiting on the porch for Alex to approach.

Her stomach seemed to flutter as she watched the boy walk towards her and her heartbeat quickly again. She had barely enough time to ask herself why her body kept responding like this, but then he was pushing a bouquet of flowers into her hands and stuttering through an explanation of how he had gone to her house. “Alex, I’m so sorry,” she said, stopping the boy midsentence. He stood there with hismouth hanging open for a moment before managing to ask, “Why are you sorry? I’m the one who should be apologizing. I basically raped you!”

Shaking her head Nina said softly, “No Alex, you didn’t. I wanted to do it remember? It was my idea.”

Alex looked at her in confusion, surprised that she wasn’t furious with him for how he had treated her. “But I grabbed you, you tried to get away but I wouldn’t let you. I couldn’t stop, I was so turned on…” he trailed off, unable meet the girl’s eyes. “And then you ran away.” he finished lamely.

“Alex, can we go inside and talk?” Nina asked softly. When Alex had nodded and started to open the door she turned and again motioned to Brooke to stay where she was. The teens walked inside and into the living area taking a seat on the couch. Nina took a deep breath before she said, “I’m so sorry for running away. It wasn’t because of what you did, Alex; it was because of something else. That’s why I wanted to come talk to you. I wanted to explain why I took off.”

Alex was confused but stayed silent, watching as the girl turned the bouquet of flowers in her hands, waiting for her to continue. He couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous she looked as she sat there with her legs pressed together under her dress. She looked so small as she seemed to search for the words to say and Alex felt an overwhelming urge to protect this beautiful girl, to never let anything hurt her, to never see a frown on her perfect face. Finally she took a breath in preparation and looked up at him.

“I want to apologize for forcing myself on you like that,” Nina began, holding her hand up to stop him as he began to interrupt. “I’m sure you aren’t about to complain about a girl sucking you, but I still shouldn’t have attacked you like that. I’m not quite sure what happened, but when I saw your cum I just had to taste it. And then I just had to have more. You tasted really good.” She blushed as she said this and gave Alex a shy grin.

“I expected you to cum fast,” she continued, “I was pretty sure you were a virgin and I wanted to tease you and make you cum even faster. I didn’t expect you to react like that, to grab my head and force yourself back into my mouth until you came.” She noticed the look that crossed the boy’s face as he stared at the floor, could see how much he hated himself in that moment.

“But what I really didn’t expect,” she said a little louder, making him look back up at her. “Was how I would react to it; even while I was trying to pull off, I didn’t want to. I wanted you to hold me tighter, fuck me harder, I wanted to give myself to you.” She explained how it had felt when his cum had spilled from her mouth, how she had felt so naughty and dirty, and Somehow had cum just from being used by him. “I had never felt anything that powerful,” she finished finally, “And it scared me. So I ran.”

“So,” Alex finally said after a moment of silence. “You’re saying that you liked it when Ilost control like that, you liked when I forced myself on you?” He looked at her disbelieving. He had always been taught to respect women and to never treat them harshly or roughly. Hearing Nina says that not only did she enjoy it, but actually came because of it, didn’t make any sense to the boy’s logic driven mind. It went against everything he understands about women. And yet, while his head tried to make sense of it, his heart seemed to understand. He finally felt the emotions that had been tangling up his insides all evening began to dissipate.

Nina nodded at his words and said, “I know that you weren’t trying to hurt me Alex. I’ve never heard of you being mean to anyone, especially not a girl. It’s like you said, you couldn’t stop, and neither could I. Even though I had done it before, my body had never reacted like that before.”

“Is this type of thing normal?” he asked softly, still ashamed at his lack of experience but wanting to understand. “Is it normal to be… taken over like that?”

Nina Shook her head slightly before answering, “I don’t think it’s extremely common, I know I’d never feel it before, but I don’t think it’s totally unheard of. When I left here I went to my sister’s to talk to her about it. When I got there…” she explained how she had seen her sister tied up and being spanked by her boyfriend.

Alex listened in shock, the mental images breathing life into his cock as he imagined Nina’s sister bound in ropes. He shook his head to clear it before his erection became noticeable. He had seen images like that on the internet and in magazines, he knew what bondage was, and he had read a little bit about BDSM. Some of the images he had seen had turned him on, but he had always thought that BDSM was about Sadism and the thought of intentionally causing pain made him sick to his stomach. He had always chided himself for allowing some of those images to turn him on.

“Your sister is into BDSM?” he asked Nina once he succeededed in clearing in mind. “She likes being treated like that?”

“I guess so,” Nina answered, “She came really hard while I was watching anyway. And from what happened earlier, I guess maybe we’re a little into BDSM too.”

“NO!” Alex’s voice was forced as she shook his head. “I am not, I do not enjoy causing pain. Nina, the S in BDSM stands for Sadism. Your sister’s boyfriend might be a sadist but I’m not. And no matter what I did earlier, I refuse to think that I could be ok with hurting you, or anyone else. Look, I’m really sorry for what I did, and I’m relieved that you are not upset with me. But I think you should go.” He stood up and walked towards the door, opening it for her.

Nina stood up, confused at his reaction, and a little hurt by the dismissal. She thought that he could help her understand what had happened to them both, hoped that they could maybe learn more together about why their bodies had reacted the way they did. She lifted her chin, her ego bruisedbut refusing to show it, and stride out the door without speaking another word to the boy, hearing the door slam behind her as she walked to the car and slid in. Brooke looked at her questioningly but Nina simply kept her eyes forward and drive away.

Nina drive Brooke back to her apartment, explaining nothing other than Alex was sorry for what happened and that he definitely wanted nothing to do with her or trying to figure out what might have happened between them. Brooke recognized that Nina simply needed some time to get her feet back under her and wished her luck before exiting the car.

Nina drive away alone, blinking back tears of hurt and anger. She had never felt so vulnerable before, had never opened up to anyone the way she did to Alex, and he had rejected her. A day ago she wouldn’t have really looked twice at the nerdy shy boy that shared a couple of her classes, and here she was crying over him. “What the fuck!?” she asked herself angrily. Setting her jaw she decided that she needed to get back at him. If he wouldn’t accept her, she knew someone who would.

20 minutes later she was parked in front of Jake’s house and knocking on the door. As his little sister went to get him she stood on the porch, impatiently smoothing the front of her dress. Soon Jake came down the stairs and approached her.

“What’s up?” he asked, surprised to see her. He had hardly spoke to her since they had broken up a couple of months earlier. He admired her long tan legs and deep cleavage showed off by the dress. “Damn,” he thought to himself. “She looks hot as hell.”

“Take me for a ride?” she asked with a smile, “I need to talk to you.”

Jake shrugged and grabbed his keys off of a peg next to the door, yelling at his sister that he’d be back later. As they Walked down the drive to his truck he looked over at her, using his height to try to get a better look down her dress. His dick bulged at the memory of those big titles, filling his hands while they would make out. “Too bad her Daddy had to convince her she couldn’t blow me anymore,” he thought as he opened her door. “I could use her hot mouth.”

As Nina climbed into the truck he caught a flash of white cotton between her thighs, his cock giving another throb in his basketball shorts. He adjusted it as he walked around the truck, trying to make it more visible. “Maybe I can remind her what she’s been missing,” he thought with a smile. Climbing up into the cab he started the engine and pulled away from the house. As they rounded the corner at the end of the street he turned to look at her, about to ask what she wanted to talk about, but he never got the words out.

Nina waited until they turned the corner before making her move. Sliding across the seat, she grabbed Jake’s shorts and started pulling They down, eager to get his shake in her mouth. She just wanted to forget Alex, forget what had happened, and go back to who she was this morning. She ignored Jake’s half formed question, fished out his cock and closed her mouth around it. She sucked hard, her tongue massaging the thick underside of his shake. Above her, Jake groaned and she felt him pull the truck over to the side of the road. She continued to suck him to full hardness then used her hand to spread her saliva up and down the long shake.

“Not thick enough,” she caught herself thinking as she dipped her head back down and engulfed the throbbing cock. She sucked harder, trying to forget how Alex’s shake had stretched her jaw. As she sucked she played with Jake’s big hairy balls and tried to take him even deeper into her throat. His precum was practically streaming from his tip, covering her tongue as she worked him up and down faster and faster. “Too salty,” she thought, and then angrily silenced herself. It was like she couldn’t turn her head off, couldn’t forget how much better it had felt to be sucking Alex. She wished it was his cock in her mouth, and she wished his hands werein her hair, guiding her.

Finally she heard Jake moan above her and his cock jerked in her mouth, then a single stream of cum landed on her tongue. She expected more, but none followed. As she pulled her head off of him she closed her mouth, tasting his seed. Again she thought that it was too salty, and was suddenly glad that there wasn’t more. She swallowed it with a grimace and then sat back looking at Jake, who sat there with an arrogant grin on his face.

“Couldn’t stay away huh?” he asked with a smile. “I knew you’d come back for more, ever since you got your first taste I knew you were a little cum slut in the making. Tell you what? Why don’t you come over tomorrow night when some of the guys are over and I’ll let you suck all of them, give you all the cum a dirty little whore like you can handle.”

The words were the same that she had said in her own head while kneeing before Alex Stone, but the feeling was the complete opposite. She felt no pleasure in making Jake cum, felt nothing but disgust. Even his cum, which she once thought so tasty, was sitting wrong in her throat and stomach. She was even more confused than ever now, and now she was pissed.

“Hey fucker,” she shouted at Jake. “If that’s what you think you’re dead wrong. I’m not a whore, and I won’t suck you or any of your friends just because you say so.” She opened the door Then and climbed from the truck still yelling, “and if you ever put that pathetic cock near my mouth again you’re going to lose it.”

With that she slammed the door on the stunned teenager and walked back towards her car. She couldn’t figure out what was going on with her. She had two encounters with boys that day, sucked both of their cocks, but both were like polar opposites. She realized Suddenly that Jake’s salty taste was still in her mouth. Gagging a little she spit and tried to rid her mouth of him. Finally she reached her car and slide into the driver seat.

Seeing a water bottle on thePassenger seat she grabbed it and swallowed a large gulp, finally succeeding in washing out Jake’s taste. As she wiped her lips, she thought back to the last time she had cum in her mouth, when Alex’s immense load had filled her mouth to overflowing with warm, delicious cum. She remembered the feeling that had accompanied his orgasm. She had felt a need to make him cum, and an urge to give herself to him. When she had first taken Alex in her mouth, she had wanted to taste his cum and didn’t even think about what he was feeling. By the end all she was concerned about was pleasing him, knowing that it was her that brought him to the edge and pushed him over it. That knowledge, combined with the thought of how dirty and naughty she had been, had pushed her to orgasm herself.

She contrasted that experience to the one she had tonight with Jake. She didn’t love Jake, she knew that by now. And she didn’t even care if he came, other than wanting to get his cream in her mouth. And she was barely even aroused; her panties still dry against her pussy as she sat there in the car. She had thought that her experience with Alex was simply a confirmation that she really was a slut that loved cum and wanted as much as she could get. But after Jake she no longer thought that was true.

“What was so different about Alex?” she asked herself silently. “I used to love sucking Jake. I would get so turned on when he’d cum in my mouth. What is wrong with me?”


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