Summer of Discovery Ch. 03

Thank you to Beachbaby179 for editing and cleaning up this series. You make it so much better!

Thank you to my readers who have encouraged me to continue this series. Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

From Chapter 2

As for the rest, she needed advice. She needed to talk to someone, to help her answer the questions in her head. She started the car again and turned towards her sister’s apartment. On the way she called and when there was no answer, she left a voicemail.

“Hey Sissy, I was hoping I could come over for dinner tonight. I really need to talk to you about something, and you can’t tell Dad!”

Chapter 3

The music that normally filled the car was absent as Nina drive through town towards her sister’s apartment. She starred straight ahead, barely noticing the cars and buildings she passed along the way, her mind full of thoughts and questions.

Finally she forced them out of her mind and parked in front of the tall redbrick apartments that her sister had moved to last year. Brooke was 18 months older than Nina, almost 20. She worked as a secretary while studying to become a paralegal, and eventually a lawyer.

Brooke and Nina were extremely close, almost more like friends than sisters. They spent hours every week talking about anything and everything that had happened in their lives. When Nina had questions about growing up, about boys, about sex, it was Brooke that she turned to. When Nina had given her first blow job on her birthday, she had stayed up with Brooke talking and giggling over the phone about sex and boyfriends long into the night.

Nina had always looked up to her big sister for being so strong, smart, and independent. Brooke had always been there to watch out for her, helping her through breakups and fights with their father. If anyone could help her, it would be Brooke.

Nina knocked on the door under number 4 and waited for her big sister to let her in. After a fewminutes of standing there with her hands in her pockets she decided that no one was home. Luckily she knew where Brooke kept the spare key. Picking up the stone frog that stood guard over the doorstep she retrieved the key under it and let herself into the apartment. As soon as she stepped inside she heard noises coming from the long hallway to her right, the direction of Brooke’s bedroom. At first she thought that the TV was on and started walking down the hallway to turn it off, shaking her head as she remembered how Brooke would often forget to turn things off in her rush to get to class or work. Then something made her freeze. Brooke’s voice was coming from the room, but it couldn’t be her big sister. It couldn’t be Brooke who was screaming, pleading, begging for release, each scream punctuated by a sharp slapping sound. Nina poked her head around the corner and into the room, stopping in open mouthed horror as she was greeted by the sight of her sister’s naked body on the bed. Ropes were wound around her wrists and attached to the ceiling fan above her, forcing her to knee with her arms straight up. More ropes were wound around her body and her legs were tied closely together. Attached to the ropes and held against her bare pussy was a bright pink vibrator that was humming loudly; and next to her stood Greg, her lawyer boyfriend. He was clothed in his suit and had his hands all over Brooke’s body. Nina gasped as he lifted his arm and brought it down with a singing slap across Brooke’s bare ass, adding another bright red mark to the dozens of others that were already there.

Nina was horrified; how could Greg be treating her this way! He had always seemed so kind and gentle. She was about to rush in and grab his arm before he could strike her again, when he heard the words that Brooke had have been pleading. “Fuck YES!!! UNNNF Baby please I’m so close! I need to cum! Please Sir let me cum!” Nina paused, realizing that Brooke was not being bound and tortured against her will, but that she was a willing participant in the depraved scene unfolding in the bedroom. With that knowledge she paused just outside the door and watched, arousal growing in her stomach as she imagined what her big sister was feeling, bound, helpless, the constant buzzing against her clip. A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt a desire to replace her sister, to feel what she was feeling.

Brooke’s pleasure reached Nina’s ears again and for the first time Nina heard Greg’s voice responding in a low growl. “You want to cum little slut? You want me to give that tight little cunt some relief? Maybe next time you’ll think twice before showing off what doesn’t belong to you huh?” SMACK! He paused and delivered another slap to her backside letting her scream in pleasured age before continuing. “Tell me who you belong to, little whore. Convince me that you know who owns that pussy, that ass. Convince me little one, and maybe I will give you permission to cum.” SMACK! Anotherther slap, another scream, Brooke’s voice babbling, “Yours! I’m yours Sir! Only Yours! Please Sir let me cum! Please I need it so bad!”

By this point Nina’s hand was buried in her shorts and she was frigging herself furiously, watching and yearning to feel the slaps, the ropes, the complete loss of control. As Greg grabbed the vibrator and ground it against Brooke’s clip he leaned close and grown, “Cum for me you filter slut. Scream and cum for me.” With a wail, Brooke’s body went completely rigid, and then seemed to melt into a liquid pool of limbs. She sagged against the ropes holding her up, gasping for breath and screaming, her legs clenching together even tighter than before as the orgasm roared through her like a freight train. When it finally passed she was a sweaty, shivering mess, being held up by the ropes as she looked at her lover’s face. Greg smiled as he untied her and she collapsed into his arms. Soft murmurs of love and devotion replaced the pleasures and commands that had so recently filled the room. Neither heard the sounds of Nina fingering herself to orgasm right there in the hallway. They did, however, hear the moan of pleasure as she finally came, slumping against the wall as her legs gave way under her.

Hearing the sound from the hallway Greg immediately stride the length of the room and swung the door inward. “Nina!” Brooke shouted and hurriedly began removing the ropes from her body and legs as Greg helped the younger girl to her feet. Nina was bright red and refused to look Greg in the face, staring instead at the floor, horrified at what she had done, and that she had gotten caught. Greg chuckled and helped her to the bed where she sat next to her sister. Handing Brooke a robe he said, “You two probably need to talk. Love you baby girl, I’ll see you tonight after my client meeting.” With that he kissed her and left the room.

Brooke put on the robe and sat next to her little sister staring at her with a concerned look. “Neens,” she asked, using her pet name for the younger girl. “Are you ok?” Nina shook her head and looked at her big sister, her hero, and blinked back tears as she asked, “What the fuck was that Brooke? Why was Greg doing that? And why would you let him treat you that way?” Her voice got shrill as she almost screamed the questions exploding in her head. “Shhhh baby sister,” Brooke said in a soothing voice. “I’m fine, don’t worry. Greg tied me up like that because I wanted him to.” Nina looked at her before asking, “Wanted him to? Why would you want to be tied up and tortured? It’s like he was raping you!”

“Of course he wasn’t Nina” Brooke giggled a little. “He was dominating me.”

“Dominating,” Nina began softly, “You mean like BDSM and fetishes and that kind of thing?” Brooked smiled and nodded, “Exactly! Greg is showing me how incredible it is. I swear I was born to be his sub, Nina! I have never felt as free as I do when he is tying me up and telling me what he is going to do to me.”

“But you were always so independent, so strong. Weren’t you always telling me that I should never let a man be better than me?” Nina asked her older sister, “How could you be so submissive to him?” Brooke smiled and thought before answering. “It’s hard to explain Neens. I still want to be a better lawyer than any man ever was, and prove that I can get by on more than Just my face and body, but with Greg… I dunno. I just need to be his, to let him have me, guide me. It’s like I can finally just shut everything else off and focus on one thing… him. It’s so liberating Nina! I wish you could understand how I feel when I let him take over, or when I knee there and please him for hours. Nothing else matters, nothing but his voice, his body, his cock, and his cum.”

“His cum?” Nina asked shyly. She had told Brooke that she had given Jake a blowjob but had never confessed how much she enjoyed drinking his load. “Do you…… swallow it?” she finished and blushed as she waited for the answer. “Of course!” Brooke giggled as she answered. “It’s the yummiest thing I ever tasted! I love to have it in my mouth, or all over my face or body.” Her eyes glazed over as she remembered the last time she had claimed his load, sitting in the back of the movie theater last night. “Didn’t you taste Jake on your birthday?” she asked. “You said that he came in your mouth right?” Nina nodded but didn’t answer. Most sisters would never have a conversation like this. Even though she and Brooke were so close, and they had talked about the blow job that night, she still couldn’t help but think that she was supposed to be embarrassed by how much she loved the taste. She hadn’t included that part when she told Brooke about Jake blowing his load into her mouth. “Well,” her sister prompted. “Did you like it?” Again Nina nodded and finally confessed. “I loved it! I blew him every chance I got that week wanting more and more. That’s why Daddy made me stop seeing him; he caught me sucking him in the basement that weekend. He promised that if I didn’t do it again he would buy me a car this summer. Of course when I told Jake I couldn’t blow him anymore he broke up with me anyway.”

“Oh is that why?” Brooke said with understanding. “I wondered why you two split; you seemed to be so happy.” Nina nodded before suddenly grinning slyly. I found out that His cum really wasn’t that great though. The next week I blew Ryan Johnson the quarterback after the homecoming game, and his was lots better.”

“SLUT!” Brooke screamed and giggled. “What about your car?” Nina giggled back and smiled. “Daddy just said I couldn’t blow Jake, he didn’t say anything about Ryan. He never liked Jake anyway; I think he was more pissed about who it was than what I was doing.” “Yeah you’re probably right about that,” Brooke said, “He caught me blowing Stephen one time and just told me to use protection.” They both giggled for a minute before Nina finally remembered why she was there inthe first place.

“Sissy,” She said softly. “I need to talk to you about something. Do you remember the Stone family who live over on J Street?” Brooke thought for a minute before nodding. “Yeah, wasn’t their son in your grade? His name was Adam, right?”

“Alex,” Nina corrected her. “Well today…” She proceeded to tell Brooke everything that happened, starting from Alex running her down in the hallway, and didn’t stop until she was describing the feelings that had overtaken her. Thinking that she was a filthy who and that she liked it, liked him grabbing her head and pushing his thick cock into her mouth, liked him cumming so hard she couldn’t swallow it all, and how she had cum without even touching herself, just thinking that she was a filthy cum slut had set her off and she had soaked Through her shorts.

When she finished her story she looked up at Brooke and asked, “Is something wrong with me? I shouldn’t have enjoyed the thought of being a dirty whore, I shouldn’t have liked being treated like that, and I shouldn’t be craving more of his delicious cum!” Brooke smiled and shushed her little sister. “There is nothing wrong with you Neens,” She said. “I think that I wasn’t the only one in our family born to be a submissive cum-slut. Nina, I want you to do something for me. Forget all of the rules and standards we heard growing up. Forget that women aren’t supposed to like sex, or that women aren’t supposed to enjoy pleasure. Think about how you felt. Think about what you experienced and how you feel about it. Then you need to decide if you are ok with what happened or not.” She stopped then and thought for a second before saying, “Alex Stone huh? Well that’s surprising; I wouldn’t have expected him to turn into a Dom.”

Nina Shook her head before saying, “Me either, and to be honest, I don’t think he even realized he was doing it. He sort of zoned out until it was over. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have much experience.”

Brooke stoppedher and asked, “You mean you were his first? And he still grabbed you like that?” She waited for Nina’s nod of confirmation before continuing. “Wow, he must have been hiding it all this time. What did he say afterwards?” Nina winced a little before answering, “Nothing. As soon as I could move I took off, I was freaked.”

“Oh shit,” Brooke said. “If he’s anything like Greg he’s probably freaking out right now thinking that he raped you. Greg was lucky enough to have someone teach him what he was feeling and how to control it, but he still worries that he goes too far sometimes. You need to go talk to him Nina, explain that you are not hurt and that he did nothing wrong. You need to explain why you ran away.”

Nina nodded, her stomach clenching at the thought of seeing him again, of being near him. She already felt a weakness when it came to Alex, she knew that she had to see him and figure out what it all means. “I know.” She whispered, and then looked up at Brooke. “Will youcome with me?”


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