Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze

There it was. That smile again. I looked over at her; the little grin remained, but she looked away, out the passenger window. Her wavy blonde hair fluttered in the breeze as we raced through the countryside. From time to time, her hair was tossed a certain way and I glimpsed the tip of her little elven ear.

Finally I couldn’t stand it any longer. “What?”

She flashed her smile and looked away again.

“What is it?” I pressed.

“Oh come on” she protected. “Don’t pretend you don’t know what you’re going to do with me!”

“You’re looking forward to it, aren’t you?”


We rode in silence for a little bit. She kept smiling her self-satisfied little smile, watching out the window and occasionally glancing over at me. She was a summer breeze. That’s not a metaphor–she was an elf, and that was her breed. You know the type–tall, voluptuous, with wavy blonde hair. She had large breasts with pronounced areolas around her pointy nipples. As for the rest of her, not a stitch of clothing covered her soft and peachy skin. The white shawl and thong she had forgotten at the elf farm were long gone.

She was the first to break the silence this time. “How much did I cost?”

“About 150,000 lin.”

“Is that a lot?”

The absolute naivete in her voice was charming. I could’ve laughed at her, but I didn’t. “It’s enough to buy a house”, I explained. A damn nice one, too.

There was nothing interesting out the window. Nevertheless, it secured her gaze. She brought her hand to her chin, her fingers resting on her lips. Then she turned to me, not just her head but her body, her bare tights pointing diagonally across the seat.

“Well, obviously you’re rich.”

“I am.”

“Hmph”, she laughed. “Couldn’t you be at least a little coy about it? I don’t have a penny to my name!”

Her voice was feminine, yet cool and confident. I loved hearing her talk. And she spoke intelligently too. “That’s because you’re a slave”, I reminded.

“So what? I still want nice things.”

I reached out and patted her shoulder, eyes glancing back and forth between her and the road ahead. She nuzzled into my touch, grinning brightly. Then she, too, looked out at the road ahead, though for a different reason.

Presently she rested her gaze on me, and I felt the warmth of her anticipation. “I guess I’ll see your neighborhood soon. Do your neighbors know you’re buying me? Or am I going to be a surprise?”

“You’re a surprise”, I answered coolly.

“Oh good.” She straightened her legs and scrunched her toes excitedly. “Are you going to carry me inside? Or maybe you’ll make me crawl?”

Her questions were beginning to make us both aroused. “Crawl.”

“I-I think I should. For you. I bet I look good on all fours.”

I chuckled. “Hell, you look great right now.”

That made her blush. She hid her expression by glancing out the window again. Once it was successfully quelled, she turned back, seeking my gaze. “Will I be like a wife? Or just a slave? Oooh, I could be your pet! Gosh that’s-!” She put her hand between her legs. “I’ll be a good pet”, she declared. “Your. Pet. Elf.” She pronounced each word in quick succession, chuckling to herself.

“I already bought you a cage”, I asserted. I looked at her, watching her expression roil sweetly under my direct gaze. Her heart was obviously full of butterflies.

Now she crossed her legs, and turned towards me again.

“Can you guess what I’m feeling?”

I thought for a minute. “Hmm. Nude vixen, in the passenger seat of a car driven by a strange man, racing towards his rich home which contains at least one cage.”

“At least one”, she echoed, cheerfully masking her anxiety.

“I think you’re turned on, but a little terrified.”

“Oh I’m terrified”, she laughed, flashing me a smile in spite of her words. “Not that I want you to turn around, of course. Take me right to my dEstiny”, she instructed, accentuating her point by stallbing her right hand forward.

“You’re cute.”

That was all it took to make her blush and look out the window again. I had just pulled into a certain neighborhood, and she watched excitedly as the highway disappeared and we traveled down the increasingly narrow capillaries to my home. At long last, a familiar house lost in the distance, and I turned into an empty driveway. My house wasn’t huge, standard suburban fare. I could have afforded more, but I’d sacrificed a little house to gain a little elf. No regrets there.

I stopped the car. She leaned back in the seat, eyes glued to me and her arms at her sides. Her toes curled and uncurled with anticipation, but she didn’t dare to make a move without being ordered. I went around and helped her from the car, standing her before me. She stood on tiptoe as I affixed her collar to her neck, and a little gasp escaped her lips as I leashed her.

“Oh master!” she exclaimed, almost swooning against me.

I wrapped my arms around her, but she sank to her knees. I didn’t even have to order her down on all fours. I led her up the driveway and to my front door, her bare bottom swwaying temptingly as she crawled. Her every movement was poetry.

“Say, Dave”, greeted my neighbor, watering his grass. “What’s that you got there?”

“Summer breeze. Just got ‘er.”

“Hi!” the summer breeze greeted nervously. Then she turned towards me, her face bright red. “He saw me!” she squeaked.

“Hi there! You two have fun.” He went back to watering his grass.

I smiled down at her and jerked her lean a little, pulling her across the threshold.

“He certainly did. Alright, stand up.”

She stood.

“Go get the wine from the fridge”, I ordered. “And the glasses. I’ll be waiting on the porch.”


Around two minutes later, she emerged through the sliding glass door, both wine and glasses clutched triumphantly in hand. SheStill hadn’t a stitch on. We exchanged a smile, and she poured us each a glass. As soon as I gave the motion, she sat on my lap with her legs crossed.

I took a sip of wine. So did she.

“So what are you going to call me?” She gave a deferential pause, allowing me to think. But she grew impatient. “I was thinking something like-“


“Oh, what a pretty name!”

“Well, of course. It fits you.”

Catherine blushed desperately. “Thank you”, she answered sweetly, her voice almost a whisper. In the silence that followed, she leaned back and nuzzled my cheek gently. I sipped my wine.

“It’s really nice out”, she observed. “Can we- what if we-?” her voice faded away nervously, afraid to finish her question.

“Can we what?” I pressed. I wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted, though one or two things certainly came to mind.

She blushed once more, and cleverly bought herself time with a sip of wine. Her little smile broadened, and she shrugged. “Well, you have a nice privacy fence…”

“That’s true”, I answered. “And what would you like to do, behind this privacy fence?”

“Something fun…”

“Oh? Like croquet, I imagine, or perhaps lawn darts.”

She nearly choked on her wine. “Master! Is it really that hard to guess?”

“No. I’m just torturing you.”

She set her wine down and uncrossed her legs. I thought she might stand, but instead she turned around and faced me directly, crossing her arms across her chest indignantly. “The gall of you!”

“The gall of me”, I repeatedly dryly, taking another sip of wine. I set my glass beside hers, then reached out to fondle her breasts. “Now, why don’t you tell me exactly what you want to do, in lurid detail?”

“Absolutely not”, she protested, pulling away from my touch. One arm guarded her bosom while the other still rested on my shoulder. “I’m not going to be humiliated so easily!”

“But you are going to be humiliated.”

She bit her lip, and tried desperately to suppress the awkward smile spreading across her face. “Don’t you want me to struggle? Or should I just lay on the floor so you can wipe your feet on your new doormat?” was her sarcastic response.

“Of course you’re going to struggle.”

I went for a kiss, but she pulled away. When I grabbed her should, she froze. A battle raged between our eyes. I knew she I wanted me, but the constant stream of humiliation I casually tossed at her made her appreciate. If she gave in too easily, she indeed risked becoming a doormat.

She finally saw there was no point in resistance. Whatever bits of her ego I allowed her to keep were up to me. And so, her eyes fluttered shut and she offered up her lips. We kissed for a solid minute. It was I who pulled away. Instead of remaining upright, she leaned against me, chest to chest with her head resting on my shoulder. I caressed her hair gently, allowing her to continue being the fragile being that she was.

“In prisoniple, you should punish me for refusing an order”, she asserted in a soft voice. “And then make me do what you ordered me to do in the first place.”

“Of course. Or did you think I was lax?”

“No”, she said softly. “I don’t think you’re lax.”

“Punishing you is going to be a delicate matter.”


“You’re a delicate creativity.”

“Yes I am”, she admitted.

I ran my hands up and down her back, brushing the tops of her buttocks but no further. She showed softly and let her muscles relax, while her arms hung simply over my shoulders. Even her grip on her wineglass softened.

I broke the silence. “Are you afraid to be punished?”

“A… a little. They told me what it would be like, Somewhat, and to expect it. Though, I think I should fear you somewhat, shouldn’t I?”

“Yes. A little fear is necessary.”

She nodded, and then throw her hair back, setting her wineglass down on the table specifically. I followed suit. Her delicate hand found my chin, and she brought us together for another kiss. Her wavy blond hair fall around me, and I smelt her perfume. She turned her head to the side for a french kiss. I tasted her soft and sunt lips, and her tongue, and I bit her lower lips a little. Her breath was getting short and hot, and she ground her naked crotch against my thigh.

We parted breathlessly.

“You want me to make love to you, don’t you? Right in the grass, in the open air, with the last heat of sunset on our backs.”

She made a funny expression. “Must you always be so direct? I feel like a beast.”

“Maybe not. But that is what you wanted, is it not?”

She wrapped her legs around me as I stood. The two empty glasses of wine sat on the table, watching as Two lovers made their way down the wooden stairs and onto the verdant law, still wet from a warm afternoon rain.

I set her in the grass gently. She surprised blissfully as the little green blades slide between her toes.

“Such a nice lawn”, she remarked. “How do you get it so green?”

“The answer to that question isn’t very romantic.”

Instead of answering, she knelt down to examine a dandelion. “We had these, back at my farm. Even bigger than this one. I would have shown you, but you were in such a worry to leave with me!”

“I wonder why?” I pondered sarcastically.

She looked up at me, blushing just as she had every other time I teased her. She flopped back on her haunches and gazed up at me. “The answer to that question isn’t very romantic either”, she observed astutely.

I knelt down over her, my hand on the back of her head as I made her lay on the grass. “You’re right. Raw, animalistic desire is hardly romantic.”

She barely bothered to blush anymore. She gazed up at me with her hair played out wildly over the grass, the yellow-against-green making her own dandelion. She had the good sense to spread her legs a little, and push her bust up for the sake of my gaze. I knelt down and kissed her lips again; she was so unbelievably soft. Her lips, her breasts, her skin, her entire demeanor. Even as she returned my kiss, she carefully deferred to my lead.

The weight of her impending punishment hung over our embrace, bringing the tension to electrifying intensity. She had no way of knowing whether her conquest would be temperate and tender or sadistically cruel. Her every kiss and cares was rife with a profound implicit trust.

I chose to love her, if only to give her proof of just how beautiful she was to me. A beating could never do that in the same way. And so I ran my hands over her body, towards her breasts which I had badly wanted to touch since the moment I had purchased her. Her hands went to my chest cautiously, and to the collar of my shirt.

“Master… May I undress you?”

Her request was barely more than a whisper, and I answered with a solemn nod. She leaned forward and unfasted my shirt, working quickly onEach button. Under this, my undershirt. I lifted my arms, and she pulled. It caught on my shoulders and then flew off all at once, and was flung into the grass behind her. Catherine rocked back a little, and her legs parted to expose a little pink flower hiding beneath her vagina. She let out a little low chuckle and gently closed her legs, hiding it away for the moment.

I crawled on top of her, my belt buckle over her face. She required no instruction to begin unfastening my belt, flinging it away delightedly. She yanked my jeans to my knees, inhaling excitedly as my cock tumbled out.

Catherine took my cock in her hands tenderly. “So girly!” she exceled with a bright smile. She rubbed my cock in her hands and then took me in her mouth, but her position gave her no leverage. I cupped my hand under her head and facefucked her instead. Her delicate hands took their place on my hips, and her fingers ran down across my buttocks.

She didn’t dare touch herself. Her handsslid from my body and laid at her sides submissively. I pulled out, and her saliva dripped from my cock back into her mouth while we panted for breath.

“Aren’t you going to-“

“No. I’m going to make love to you properly, like a lady.”

She laid back on the soft grass and sought out my gaze. “Oh master, you’ll spoil me!”

“I wish to honor you before I humiliate you.”

“Yes, master”, she whispered.

I lifted her left leg over my shoulder and yanked her pelvis into position. As I entered her, she gasped and allowed her eyes to flutter shut. She while softly with each thrust, and fondled her own breasts passwordately. Her pussy was warm and wet, and slid tightly over my cock. I yanked her delicate body into each thrust, rocking her Forcefully against the grass.

Her skin was softer than velvet, and I felt the raw erotic password emanating from her body. It wasn’t long before we were both on the verge of orgasm, and she bit her lip to constrain her desire. She didn’t allow herself to orgasm until I came inside her, letting out a series of shrinks that no privacy fence could contain. Her thighs and belly trembled, locked in orgasm as I gave her a final thrust, jamming my cock deep inside her.

The moment passed. Catherine propped herself up on her elbows, her thighs spread wide apart. My semen caught in her pubic hair, leaking from her spread vagina. I leaned over her and caressed her cheek, and kissed her very gently. A satisfied sight escaped from her soft, pink lips.

She basked quietly in my love. “Well now”, she uttered quietly, a smile creeping across her lips. “I suppose now I’ll finally pay for my impudence.”

I kissed her again. “It has to be painful, my love. Or else…”

“Yes, painful”, she breathed.

“Or else you’ll never fear me.”

She laid down with her arms back in the grass. “I don’t think I’ll offer much resistance.”

“No”, I entered. “You won’t.”

I scooped her up from the grass and brought her to the patio, setting her in a decorative metal chair. I bound her, first by her ankles to the legs of the chair and then by her wrists to its arms. Her neck, too, had to be secured, and her wait as well. She thought I was now done and attempted to speak, but I bid her to be silent. She watched while I bound her knees to the chair arms, forcing her tights up and apart. When this final binding was completed, she let out a little gasp of arousal.

Her eyes met mine, and she now began to struggle. She flexed her arms and tights, and attempted to lean forward, but the tightly bound ropes kept her fixed in place. She gave off a little erotic sight, and her pussy contracted involuntarily.

I affixed a pair of nipple clamps to her breasts. These were weighed, and rattled pretty as they dangled from her. She squirmed once they were in place, unused to the pain. In her brazen disobedience, she had probably overestimated her tolerance. Unfortunately for her, this was not all that would be done to her. I had a contraction consisting of elastic straps connected to steel clamps. When hurt, the clamps bit down on her labia and spread her vagina painfully wide.

She gasped and while as this was done to her, and her writing became more frantic and desperate. It took her a minute to even look up at me. I was standing over her, wielding a bamboo switch in one hand and a garden hose in the other. Only after she fully met my gaze did I begin her torture.

The cold water arced through the air and splashed across her stomach and breasts. She inhaled sharply as it splattered against her soft peachy skin, misting her everywhere with tiny droplets. Then I aimed the water lower, onto her pussy, and held it there. She giggled and then burst into uncomfortable laughter, unable to handle the intensely conflicting sensings. I stopped the deluge with my thumb periodically, giving her the kind of respite that would only intensify her experience.

She jerked her head from one side to the other, desperately trying to escape the onrushing water that blasted her spread pussy and cliporis. Eventually I brought the water back onto her chest, snaking it across her bare belly and breasts. Then onto her face, assaulting her mercilessly. She grimaced and slammed her eyes shut, ending her degradation silently. Finally I poured the water over her head, fully drenching her wavy hair. Her fists clinched and unclenched helpedlessly, her arms unable to offer the slightest assistance.

I stopped briefly. She spat out a little water and looked up at me, looking a little frightened and annoyed-not only at me, but at herself for incurring my ire. She was shivering, too.

“So. Ready to talk?” The harshness of my voice caught her off guard.

“Yes!” she gasped. clamps which clung to her genitalia were obviously still causing her a great deal of pain.

“I asked you what you wanted to do in the grass, and you refused to answer. Wouldyou like to answer now?”

“I-I thought you would easily guess!” Her voice was shrink and desperate.

I jetted the hose directly in her face. “Answer the question.”

“I wanted us to make love!” Her voice started as a shout but ended as a sob.

“I know.”

“You didn’t want to be direct, because you feared humiliation. But did it occurred to you that I wished to make love to a humiliated girl?”

“No, I-” She told. She was beginning to consign herself to her present state. “I didn’t think of that.”

“From now on, you must obey when you are given a direct order. Brazen disobedience is extremely serious. Understood?”

“Yes!” she squealed.

I continued interrogating her, sharing none of her impatience. “So. What else did you wish for us to do? I’m generally curious.”

“Just love. That was all I wanted.”

I sprayed her in the pussy. Not necessarily because her answer was incorrect, but because I wished to remind her thatI had the power to do so. “Surely your desire was more complex than that.”

“I-ugh-I wanted you to spank me, and press my face into the grass. I thought-“

I sprayed her face again. “You tried to predict the consequences of your disobedience.”

She spat out more water. “Yes”, she groaned, utterly defeated.

“And that was all? No other desires.”

She looked up at me and bit her lip, and then took a deep breath. The poor thing was near tears. She closed her eyes in utter exasperation, and relaxed in her binds. “Alright, you win”, she conceded. Her forthcoming admission was obviously painful to her. “I wanted you to use a different hole.”


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