Summer Belly

The middle of summer was always boring to Shawna, and as the sun beat down on her, she hastily covered her bare skin with a general portion of sunscreen.

“Why do you always put so much on?” Tasha asked.

Shawna glanced over at her friend, scowling at her perfectly tanned legs. She rubbed sunscreen over her knees as she fought back the urge to say something sarcastic in return.

“We’ve been friends for years now and you still don’t know that I have pale skin that burns quickly. We can’t all have perfect bodies like you.” Shawna grimaced, sing at her failure to bite her tongue. “Sorry. I just hate this stuff.”

“I wouldn’t call it perfect.” Tasha sat up, pressing her hand into the sand, watching as it covered her fingers.

“I would.” Both Tasha and Shawna looked up.

Blake swaggered up to them and Shawna glanced over at Tasha, her face blushing red right on cue. Tasha nonchalantly moved her hands to her sides, pressing her chest out, her full breastsbulging in her skimpy black bikini.

“Hey!” She cried out.

“Hi.” Shawna said quietly, her eyes on the man behind Blake.

Riley nodded in her direction and Shawna blushed, her heart speeding up at the smoldering look in his dark brown eyes. She stared at him under the cover of her auburn bangs. His eyes never left hers, and she was transfixed by the way the sunshone on his hair, eddying in pools of highlights. Swirls of light that seemed to shimmer.

“Shawna?” Tasha asked.

Shawna shook as if coming out of trace and looked back at Tasha. “What?”

“Blake said we should play a game. Aren’t you listening?”

“No. I…uh…got distracted. A game sounds fun though.” Shawna adjusted herself, sitting up straight, her legs stretched out in front of her.

“Yea!” Tasha turned back to Blake.

“Great! Uh…Shawna? What’s that stuff on your leg?” Blake stammered.

Shawna looked down at her legs, noticing a white glob on her right thigh. “Oh! Justsunscreen.” She quickly rubbed the cream into her skin, glancing up at Riley, disappointed to find him looking across the beach.

“Sure.” Blake smiled, looking back at Riley. “Huh. Well anyway. How about hide and seek?”

“Hide and seek?” Shawna snorted. “What are we eight?”

“Yes.” Blake smiled at Tasha, rubbing his crotch with his hand. “Exactly eight.” Shawna couldn’t help but roll her eyes, though she was pleased at the smile on Riley’s face as he glanced at her.

“Can we add some spice to it?” Tasha leaned forward, pressing her breasts, fully aware that Blake was staring directly at them. “Maybe a sexy version?”

Shawna knew exactly where Tasha was going and she couldn’t help but imagine herself with Riley. She pressed her legs together as her pussy began to drip at her thoughts.

“Yea…like what?” Blake asked, his eyes glued to Tasha’s breasts.

“How about the captor gets to do whatever they want to whoever they catch.”

“That could be fun, but why don’t we make it more interesting. The girls all write down a rule that has to be followed and at the end they draw them at random.” Riley said, stepping forward.

“Rules? How is that fun?” Tasha grimaced.

“It will make it more interesting, and you can make the rule whatever you want. Who knows, you might even draw your own.”

“I don’t know…” Tasha pouted.

“I like it.” Shawna perked up, staring at Riley.

“Could be interesting.” Blake agreed. “But before we decided anything, where are Amy and Ted? Isn’t this her beach house?”

“They went out to get beer. Since Ted has a car.” Shawna answered.

“When they get back we’ll play then. Three on three. Men versus women.” Blake smirked.

“Well let’s go inside and wait then.” Tasha chirped. “I want to be ready.”

Tasha rushed into the house, Blake followed quickly after her. Shawna glanced up at Riley, he looked out over the beach, but made no move to go inside.

Shawna stood up, adjusting her bikini, making sure as much cleavage as possible was showing. She sauntered over to Riley

“Hey.” She spoke softly.

Riley didn’t answer for a moment, but when his face turned towards hers she saw an intensity in his eyes that made her gasp, her chest expanded and her bellyheld as if struggled for breath. Without any hesitation he moved towardss, quicker than it seemed possible, and his lips reached for hers, stopping an inch away.

“I’ve been waiting for a private moment all day.” He smiled against her lips.

Riley covered the remaining distance, his lips pressed deeply against Shawna’s. His hands braced her back and hip, holding her still as his tongue darted into her mouth. She let out a gasp, involuntary and loud, causing her cheeks to blush.

“I can’t believe I just did that!” She giggled as he pulled away.

Shawna gasped for breath and Riley took a step back, removing his hands from her body.

“Why-?” Shawna asked.

“Are youguys coming inside?” Blake’s voice belted out behind them, causing Shawna to jump.

“Oh!” She squealed.

“Yea.” Riley smiled, walking past Shawna and into the house.

Shawna breathed deeply, waiting until her heart stopped fluttering before following after him. She walked into the room, Tasha sat on the couch with Blake sitting so close that their thighs touched. Shawna smiled and sat down in the chair opposite them. Her eyes strayed to Riley, who stood staring out the window towards the beach. She showed, wishing his lips were on hers, wishing to moan his name, wishing she was tied up with his cock deep inside her. Her eyes widened, her cheeks blushing at the thought and she giggled and turned her eyes away from him.

“What’s so funny?” Tasha glared at her.

Shawna glanced over, Tasha’s hand on Blake’s arm. “Oh nothing. Nothing to do with you!” She amended, understanding now the glare that Tasha was giving her.

Seemingly mollified, Tasha turned her atAttention back to Blake and Shawna was free to daydream again. It wasn’t long before Amy and Ted returned, and Shawna relaxed, no longer feeling the need to check over on Riley, who still stood firmly ignoring her. She felt deflated, and wanted nothing more than to lie in the sun and wallow in her self goal. But she always followed through, and since she already agreed to the game, she knew there was nothing she was going to do to get out of it now. Blake explained everything again once the group was all together and Shawna tried to ignore the gleam in Ted’s eyes as Blake explained the price. Shawna especially didn’t like how his eyes looked in her direction.

“How do we capture them?” Ted asked.

“I have collars and leashes. When we capture them we have to put the collar and leash on and lead them back to the house.” Blake hold up three collars and leashes, handing them out to Riley and Ted.

“So that’s it then. Let’s got started. I think we can all say we want the game part over as quickly as possible.” Blake turned up at Tasha. “But first, the girls all have to write a rule down.”

Shawna stared at the note card she was given, trying to think of something that would ruin the prize for anyone and she smiled as she wrote her rule down. “Captive’s bikini top and bottom must stay on. No moving aside allowed on breasts or pussy.” She giggled at the look that would be on Tasha’s face at the notion that Blake wouldn’t be able to stuff his quivering girl into her dripping pussy.

At least she hoped it would be Blake. She glanced over at Riley. Would he go after Tasha instead of her? Up until now she assumed he would go after her, and after the kiss that thought had solidified, but now, like ice melting, she felt her hopes slip away.

Shawna glanced away, regretting it as her eyes found Ted. He was staring at her, a predatory smile on his lips and she shivered. He was the one person she hoped wouldn’t be chasing after her. She witnessed and rocked on her feet.

“Can we start?” She asked, her tone more impatient than she intended.

“So ready to get railed?” Ted replied. Shawna didn’t answer, still looking at Riley’s back.

“I’m ready.” Tasha stood up from the couch.

“Me too.” Amy agreed, she looked at Ted, a warm smile on her face, though he starred repeatedly at Shawna.

“Ok, we will give the girls a five minute head start and then we are coming to get you!” Blake grew, he winked at Tasha, and she giggled.

Shawna rolled her eyes, but was out the door before Tasha could see her reaction. Amy right behind her.

“Hey, so.” She bit her lip as they jogged lightly down the pathway to the dunes. “You aren’t interested in Ted are you?”

Shawna stopped abruptly at the question. “No!” She blurted out.

“Oh?” Amy stopped, her left eyebrow raised higher than the right.

“Really, I have no interest in him. Why?”

“I…he talked about you a lot in the car. And, I saw the way he was looking at you before we started.”

“I can assure you it is completely one sided.” Shawna said, trying to keep from laughing.

“Right.” Amy turned and ran further on.

Shawna grumbled, moving in the opposite direction. The beach was close by, she could hear the constant lapping of the waves. But that was too obvious of a hiding place. She spotted a dead tree among the tall grass on the dune and ran to it. The bark crumbled under her touch, and there wasn’t any opening to hide in. She glanced around, still able to see the house from her position, and saw the guys coming out. She quickly ducked down in the tall grass, watching, her heart hammering in her chest, happy to see that Riley was walking in her direction. Ted moved towards where Amy had gone to hide. She smiled and crawled further into the grass.

After several minutes she heard a rustle behind her and flattened herself to the sand, her eyes straining to see who was behind her. She felt footfalls and herheart picked up speed. She lay still, and saw legs pass her. She risked raising her head, her heart accelerating as Riley walked past her. Even though she wanted him to be the one to capture her, she wanted him to work for it. She lowered her head, trying hard to keep from giggling.

The game was on. Shawna got up and ran through the dunes, ducking down so the grass covered her. As she croouched, she grimaced, realizing that her hot pink bikini offered very little camouflage, but she was small enough to hide in the grass. She sat down, peering through the foliage, watching as Tasha ran nimbly down the beach, her long blond hair flowing out behind her like a veil.

Shawna turned her head, spotting a clump of trees, and she ran towards it. As she ran she looked back and saw Riley running after her, Though he was still a way off. She quickly her pace, laughing to herself, and hidden behind a tree. She peered out, Riley was catching up to her, a few more steps and he would be right on top of her. She closed her eyes, imagining the feel of his hands encircling her wait, his arms wrapping around her. As if she willed it, strong arms enveloped her from behind and a grown voice whispered in her ear. “Gotcha.”

She opened her eyes, Riley stood in front of her a few feet away. His hands crossed around his chest with a disappointed look on his face. She looked down at the hands closed around her stomach and looked back. Ted. His lips turned in an arragon grin.

“Looks like you are mine.” Ted took the collar out of his pocket and secured it around Shawna’s neck. “I think Amy is still out there.” He said to Riley, his eyes never leaving Shawna’s.

Shawna looked back at Riley, watching as he received back out onto the dunes. Her stomach turned, disappointment replacing excitement. Still, she knew she was beaten and let Ted lead her back to the house with the lean he had clipped onto the collar.

Shawna tried not to look over at Ted as they walkedto the beach house. She wanted to knock the self-satisfied smile off his face. If only Riley had been a little faster. She pouted, looking up to see that everyone else was gathered outside. Riley glanced at her, giving her a wink, and a blossom of hope bloomed inside her at his confident stare.

“Ok, now we draw.” Riley stepped forward, holding the cards. “All the women take one, whatever it Says is the rule they have to follow.”

Shawna glanced up at him, she couldn’t be sure but it looked like there was a twinkle in his eyes. Like he knew something she didn’t. She grabbed a card, not bothering to look at it, still contemplating the look on his face.

“What did you get?” Ted asked. Shawna jumped, turning the card over.

“It says I’m not allowed to take off my bikini. My breasts and pussy have to remain fully covered.” Shawna smiled, fighting the urge to laugh. Of course she would pick her card.

She turned towards Ted, he grimaced, the swagger he held not even a minute ago gone from him now. He turned and walked away and Shawna smiled again. A moment later a blindfold covered her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking you to my lair.” A raspy voice whispered, and a hand wrapped tightly around her neck. “You are mine.” Shawna raised her hand to grab the blindfold. “No peeking.” The voice whispered again.

Shawna felt a warm hand on her shoulder, and the leash tugged at the collar around her neck. Gently, she was pulled forward. She didn’t complain, and she stifled a whimper as her bare foot stepped on a sharp woodchip. To Shawna, it felt like hours before they stopped, and she shook her head, completely disoriented by the blindfold.

Shawna moaned out as she felt the cool metal touch of handcuffs slide around both her wrists and the comforting click as they were sealed. She felt a wetness between her legs and she moaned, despite herself. She felt fingers stroke along her right arm, fingers she wished were anothers. But still, wherever she was touched she felt fire beneath her skin, like her blood boiled, and she had to bite her lip to stop from moaning again.

“How do you feel?” A husky voice breathed in her ear.

“G-good!” She whimpered.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.”

The blindfold moved down from her eyes and Shawna breathed a gasp of pleasure. Riley! He smiled, watching her reaction. Shawna blushed, the warmth in her skin only growing as she looked at him.

“What! When did you switch?”

“It was really easy, as soon as you drew the rule that your clothes had to stay on Ted lost all interest.” Riley laughed. “He’s an idiot.”

Riley stepped forward, stroking his index finger down her stomach. Shawna shivered, sucking her belly in. She moaned at his touch, feeling a drip run down her legs.

“Wh-what are you going to do?”

Riley looked into her eyes, serious, his hand still struggling her stromach. “I know where you get the most pleasure.” His voice was soft,and Shawna bit her lip as his finger stroked across her stomach, circled her bellybutton.

Shawna moaned as he got closer to her sensitive hole, her whole body responding to him in a way she had never felt before. “Riley…” She moaned, her eyes closed.

“Does that feel good baby?” He whispered in her ear. Shawna could feel the coarse stubble on his chin rub against the bottom of her ear lobe as he spoke, causing a shock wave down her spine.

“Yes!” She shivered.

“What if I do this?” His finger poked into her bellybutton like a blade, digging deep into her soft and tender folds. Her back arched involuntarily, her stomach sucking in. She let out a loud wail and her juices spilled in reckless abandon down her leg.

“Fuck!” She squealed. Her toes danced for even footing as her legs trembled.

“All right, good girl.”

Shawna opened her eyes, her heart beating in excitement at the contented look on RIley’s face. His finger still dug into her bellybutton, still forceful and dominant. The initial sting was gone though, and now all she could feel was the relentless pleasure. Pleasure that made her skin crawl like fire ants, her body burning and scalding from her center.

Riley stared into her eyes as his finger continued to explore her, a look of determination and fire that she had never seen in him before. With a gasp he turned away, his finger retreating, leaving a cold empty feeling in her bellybutton. But it was short lived, RIley moved down to his knees, his face level with her stomach, and his hot tongue arched out, digging deep into her bellybutton. If she thought that the height of pleasure was his finger, she was quickly proven wrong. An ecstasy she had never felt before flowed through her skin, echoing between her legs and erupting in a flood of juices, pouring out of her and down to the ground.

Shawna squealed and moaned with each stall of his tongue, her toes curling and her stomach undulating and squirming. Rileyheld onto her hips, his fingers leaving red finger prints on her pale white skin from the force of holding her in place. His tongue coating her bellybutton in saliva.

“That should be wet enough.” He said, standing up again.

“Wet enough?” Shawna asked, her eyes unfocused.

RIley smiled. “That’s right bitch.” He reached his hands down, unzipping his shorts, and with a grunt let his throbbing cock bounce up into the cool air. “Since this is the only hole I have access to, it is the one I am going to use.”

With that he spaired his cock into her wet bellybutton. His cock head shoved its way into her deep bellybutton, filling it completely. Shawna compromised on his cock, her sensitive hole impaled on his hot and throbbing shaft. Her eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled out of her lips, saliva dripping down her chin. A low and deep moan erupted from her lips, a primary growth of desire that came from a deep part of her. Her pussy dripping and gushing like a rushing river, her bikini bottom drenched, more than any body of water had ever made it.

“Fuck!” She squealed when cooperative thought returned to her. “Riley!”

Her stomach heaved against him, trying to drive his whole cock into her bellybutton. But the tip was enough. Her bellybutton throbbed as his cock stretched her out, the nerve endings firing endlessly, an exploration rocking straight down to her aching sex and Making her juices crash out of her like a waterfall.

Through her throes of ecstasy Shawna managed to look at Riley. His browser furrowed in concentration, his eyes staring into hers, seeing but unseeing. He grunted, his hips jack-hammering into her and precum oozed into the crevices of her bellybutton. Just the sight of pleasure, mirroring her own on Riley’s face, sent a fresh wave to crash over and out of her.

“Riley!” She gasped. His head jerked, as if coming out of a trace.

“Fuck I’m going to cum!” He grew out, his hips slamming hard once more, driving his cockinto her navel as hard as he could.

Thick ropes of cum sprayed over her bellybutton, filling up the deep basin quickly before washing down her stomach. At the same time Shawna’s orgasm reached her doors and she welled out a deep and satisfying growth of pleasure as her juices geysered out of her. Her screams filled the room, melding and harmonizing with RIley’s growths. Shawna whimpered as she came, her juices spinning out of her for what felt like hours. Riley kept his cock inside her bellybutton, causing her orgasm to reach peak after peak. Sweat dripped from Shawna’s forehead, and she breathed heavily, her body heaving and heated as if she were climbing a mountain. Finally, Riley released her, pulling out of her, and as the pleasure in her bellybutton dimmed her orgasm lessened until Shawna hung alone from her bonds, her body sagging as exhaust took her.

“That was amazing!” Riley exhausted, reaching up to free Shawna from her bonds. He carried her over to the couch thatsat against the wall and laid her on her side before climbing over her, pulling her until she rested against his chest. “How was that?” He asked, his finger sliding down to finger her cum-filled bellybutton.

“I…I can’t think!” She stammered, and RIley laughed.

“I think you are the only girl I know who can orgasm so hard without any stimulation to her pussy.” He giggled. “I love it.”


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