Summer Break Submission
It all happened so fast. One day I was a simple college student, the next I was a house pet.
It started after my second semester of college ended and I came home for the summer. It was a sunny day, a great start to the next three months off. When I tired the next morning, my Mom was in the kitchen cleaning and getting ready to cook me some breakfast.
“Morning, Mom,” I said, rubbing my eyes. I’d slept in late and it was already 11am… but still morning!
“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep ok?” My Mom was standing at the sink, finishing up the few dishes, and turned her head to kiss my cheese as I hugged her from behind.
“Yeah. It felt good to sleep in.”
She laughed. “I was wondering if you were ever going to get up.”
“I know. I haven’t gotten much sleep the last few days with exams and all.”
“How were they?” she asked.
“Hard, but I think I did good. We’ll see when they post the grades next week.” I fumbled around in the refrigerator and pulled out the gallon of milk and poured a glass. “Anything I can have for breakfast?”
She smiled at me. “Would you like some eggs and pancakes?”
I smiled back, gulping down my first big glass of milk. “Mmhmm!”
“Coming right up!”
True to form, she whipped out the pans as I sat down at the table. I looked over the local newspaper as she cooked everything and then wolfed the pancakes, eggs, and bacon down in seconds.
“By the way, the neighbors invited us over for lunch tomorrow.”
“The Fosters, right?”
“Yeah, Emmanuelle and her two daughters. Wake up a little earlier, ok?”
“Ok,” I said, waving to her as I walked out of the kitchen to get cleaned up. My thoughts went to the neighbors. I’d seen them last year at the end of summer, but never formally met them. The family was black, with a mom and two daughters that were both in college. As I remembered them, they were all super attractive. I got excited just pictureing them in my mind, especially those two girls. I’d spent several days at the window in my bedroom watching them outside in their bikenis… I’d spent many days last summer masturbating to that scene.
Even now I could hear them outside, giggling. I looked out my bedroom window and saw them in the yard, washing the car in their bikenis. God they were hot! They had almost supernatural curves! I slipped my shorts down and stroked my cock as I watched them, cumming after only a few minutes.
I spent the rest of the day relaxing and my Mom reminded me of our luncheon before bed. I got up earlier the next day and got cleaned up. My Mom made me breakfast again and seemed overly excited about going over to the neighbors. She mentioned that she went over regularly lately and that they were wonderful people. The way she said “wonderful” was… weird. Like there was a lot more behind that word.
I was in cargo shorts and a button-down shirt as we walked out the front door. My MomWas wearing a summer dress, I suspected to look nice and to stay cool in the hot day that was to come. We walked next door and rang the doorbell.
Mrs. Foster answered the door wearing a low-cut top that had a simple strap that went around her neck and went just below her breasts, exposing her flat stomach. Below was a loose, beach-style, wrap-around skirt. She looked elegant and sexy at the same time.
“Hi Rebecca!” she gushed, kissing my Mom lightly on the lips while I watched in shock. I’d never seen my Mom kiss someone before, well, other than my Dad. But that wasn’t too often any more. And I’d certainly never saw her kissing a woman. It was a light kiss, but more than a friendly kiss.
“Hi Emmanuelle, thanks for inviting us over!” My Mom moved into the living room, leaving me to face Emmanuelle alone.
“And who is this handsome hunk?” she asked, pulling me into a hug. I could feel her warm body against mine, could feel her breasts pressing into my chest. It was just a hug… but it was far more of a hug than I’d ever been given before. Most people, when they hug, keep their lower body at a distance. Not her. I feel her whole body against mine. And she smelled heavenly. Her perfume made my head spin and made me hard. And it seemed like she held me forever.
“Emmanuelle, this is Vince. Vince, Emmanuelle,” my Mom said when we pulled apart.
“Hi Vince. I know we’ve seen each other, but this is the first time we’ve met, right?”
I smiled. “Yes.” Her hands were on my shoulders as she sized me up, evaluating me.
Her teeth were perfectly straight and white as she smiled at me, truly a stunningly beautiful woman. Then she waved us in and closed the door. “Come in. Come in. Have a seat. Sandra and Tanisha are around here somewhere. Would you like a drink?”
“I’d love one. Lemonade?” my Mom asked.
“Of course! You know that’s my favorite. Vince? Want one?”
I nodded, still a little in shock. “Uh… yeah… please.”
My Mom sat on the couch and I sat in the chair and, just as Emmanuelle walked into the kitchen, I heard the voices of her two daughters coming up the stairs from the basement. They were giggling over something or other and teasing each other.
“Hi,” the older one said as they stumbled upon us.
“Hi Sandra, Tanisha. How are you?” my Mom asked.
“Good,” they both chimed in unison. “How are you?” They came over and gave my Mom a hug and then sat down next to her. All three were looking at me as I sat there in silence.
“I’m doing fine… just fine. I brought my son over to meet you,” she said. “Vince, this is Sandra and Tanisha.”
I stood and extended my hand to each of them. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said to each of them. Their hands were soft and soupple, definitely different than a guy’s hand. I never was a stud around school, so I wasn’t around women much.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” Tanisha said as they both smiled at me.
“Your Mom’s toldus all about you,” Sandra followed without skipping a beat.
“All,” Tanisha added and the two giggled.
I blushed. These two young women were beautiful and it embarrassed me that I had so much attention all of the sudden.
“Only the good things,” my Mom laughed nervously, breaking the tension.
Emmanuelle came into the room with three glasses of lemonade and handed one to my Mom and one to me. She sat on the arm of the chair beside me, while the girls sat on the couch, on both sides of my Mom. We had a nice, short conversation about me, about what I was doing in college and how things were going. They also embarrassingly asked if I had a girlfriend, which I had to deny. It was sad, but even after a full year of college, I was still too shy to ask a girl out.
“Well, we’re either going to bore you or embarrass you a hell of a lot more,” Emmanuelle said, turning towards me. She towered over me as she sat on the arm, looking down on me as if she owned me. “Why don’t you go downstairs with the girls and play a video game or something.”
I looked at my Mom for direction, wondering if it was ok with her. She nodded slightly. “Ok,” I said and stood while Sandra and Tanisha did the same. They walked over to me, each taking a hand, and led me towards the basement door. I was blushing in total embarrassment and horniness. I knew they didn’t know what their simple touch was doing to me… making me so hard… making me want them so much. And that embarrassed me more.
“I’ll make sure we’re ready for you up here,” Emmanuelle said as we headed down the stairs.
The girls giggled and said together, “Thanks Mom! We’ll do the same.” I was still lost in a haze to even try to think about what they were saying.
We moved into their furnished basement where there was a couch and a couple chairs facing a large, flat-screen TV. Sandra moved to the TV and turned it on, along with a game system, while Tanisha led me to the couch and sat me in the middle. She took a seat next to me.
“I don’t want to play another video game,” Tanisha complained. “It’s so fucking boring!”
“What else?” Sandra asked, turning off the TV again.
“I dunno… what else do we have?”
Sandra moved to the closet and slide open the door. She moved through the stack of various family games, calling out a few only to hear her sister says “no”. “Twister?” she finally asked.
“Oh… perfect!” Tanisha squealed. I hadn’t played since I was a kid.
Sandra brought the box over and opened it up. They both began pulling the pieces out and Sandra laid the plastic sheet on the floor in front of the couch.
“Only two can play at a time,” Tanisha said. “‘Cause someone has to spin.” She looked at me. “Why don’t you two go first.”
I nodded and got up, reluctantly. This feel like a little kids game to me. Not one worthy of us adults playing. “Ok,” I said as I stood on the plastic. Sandra joined me.
“You’re going down, freshman,” she said, playfully jeering at me.
Tanisha spun the dial. “Left foot red,” she said. Both Sandra and I put our left foot on one of the red dots. It was a simple start, that got out of hand quickly. “Right hand green,” Tanisha said after spinning again. Each spin brought us closer together and into a strange, tangled position. Sandra seemed to always pick the dot that would be the weirdest and most compromising position, at one point putting her breasts right in my face. Eventually she fell, though, but only after she got my blood boiling.
“Ok, my turn,” Tanisha said, handing the dial to Sandra.
The second round didn’t go any better than the first, with Tanisha working even harder to put herself into a compromising position. At one point her hand and arm grazed my crotch as she slithered between my legs to touch a hard-to-reach dot. I wasn’t sure my cargo shorts were going to survive the diamond hardness of my cock scanning against it. But, they did, and I eventually fell, knocking Tanisha down on top of me.
We were both giggling as we struggled to untangle ourselves. Her hand pressed into my thigh, so close to my crotch I thought she was going to reach out and just touch it. And the way she smiled and looked at me as she stood up made me convinced she knew how turned on she was making me.
“Ok, my turn again,” Sandra said, handing the spinner to me. I sat on the couch as the girls both got on the mat, ready to go.
I spun repeatedly as the girls moved into closer and closer connections, each move getting more and more erotic. After one step, Tanisha kissed and bit Sandra’s tigh, as she passed between her legs, so very close to her pussy, making Sandra moan before the two giggled.
“You fucker! That’s so not playing fair,” she said. In the next move, she twisted underneath her older sister and put her mouth right on Tanisha’s breast, sucking and licking it through her shirt, as Tanisha arched helpfully.
“Fuck! YouKnow what that does to me,” Tanisha complained, but didn’t stop her sister.
On and on the game moved as both of them tried to outdo the other. I sat and watched, completely amazing and completely hard. It was so uncomfortable sitting there with such a big erection, but there was nothing I could do about it.
Finally, Sandra fell under Tanisha and when Tanisha noticed, she fell on top of her. They kissed for a second, between giggles, looking at me and making sure I was watching them.
“I think he likes what he sees,” Tanisha whispered, smiling.
“You think?” Sandra said, untangling herself and standing up. “I dunno about that.” She moved over to me and pushed me back into the couch as she sat in my lap. She pushed her crotch into mine and began grinding into me. “Well, what do you know? He is turned on.” She smiled down at me, her face hovering over mine.
I wanted to touch and kiss her so badly! I put my hands on her hips, trying to encourage her, and pushed my hips slightly upward to encourage more contact. She giggled, feeling me move with her.
“Hey Vince. Wanna see something we found?” Tanisha asked, kneeing beside me. I could see the wet spot on the breast of her t-shirt where Sandra was suckling her.
My mouth was so dry and I was so excited that I could barely speak. “Sure,” I nodded.
Tanisha disappeared as Sandra Continued her grinding into me, making her groan softly. “Fuck that’s good,” she whispered. When Tanisha came back, I was ready to rip off Sandra’s clothes. If I’d have been braver and more confident, they’d have had a hard time stopping me.
As Tanisha knelt on the couch beside me, focusing metal attracted my attention as she held up a pair of handscuffs and dangled them from her fingers.
“I’m Not sure where my Mom got these, but it’s kind of hot if you think about it.”
I swallowed hard, still too embarrassed to make a sound. I watched her slip one around her wrist and then close it, feeling the metal around her wrist like a bracelet.
“Wanna try them?” Tanisha giggled unfastening it from her wrist and slipping one end around mine. She closed the circlet before I could even respond. It felt strange having it on my wrist. Exciting.
Sandra got off my lap and stood, grabbing my hand and encouraging me to slide down to the floor. “Lay down here,” she said softly. It felt so erotic to be under their control like this. Two beautiful women… wanting me. I didn’t have to do anything. I could leave it all up to them. I could completely submit to their every whim and desire. I went willingly, sliding down to sit on the floor and then laying on the floor in front of the couch.
Tanisha straddled my chest, holding one end of the handscuffs, leaning over me. Her breasts were swinging erotically, hyponoticly, as she looked down at me and convinced me to raise my other arm up over my head. I couldn’t help but obey and then suddenly felt the cold steel snap around that wrist as well.
Tanisha bent over and kissed me, her mouth and tongue hungrily searching for mine, as her hands held my arms in place over my head. I didn’t feel Sandra sit on my legs, didn’t feel the rope coil around them again and again. When Tanisha stopped kissing me and sucking on my tongue I was light headed. I lay there, prone and weak after she got up off of me and lay there as the two stand over me, smiling.
When my mind finally cleared, I tried to move, tried to sit up. But my hands were firmly held over my head and my legs were firmly held tied down, too. I squirmed, helped.
“What? What’s going on?” I asked, bewildered.
“Shhhh,” Tanisha said softly. “Just relax. It’s only just beginning to get fun.”
“What in the world?!?!” I was started by Emmanuelle’s voice as she entered the room. “What are you two doing to this poor boy?” she asked sternly.
The girls giggled running away from me.
Emmanuelle scratched each of them on the ass.”Youtwo get upstairs right this minute! I should have your asses for this!” Sandra and Tanisha dashed up the stairs giggling as Emmanuelle walked over to me. “Oh my gosh, what did my little girls do to you?” she asked kneeing down beside me. She grabbed the ropes around my lower legs and tugged at them, trying to pull them off me, but they were on tightly. She then reached over my head and worked at the handcuffs, trying to free me. But without the key, she couldn’t do it.
“Can’t you unfasten them? Oh God, please… please get me out of this,” I begged her as she sat back on her knees watching me squirm.
She looked down at me and smiled, her face then changing. It made me shiver. It was now such a predatory, hungry smile. She licked her lips as she looked over my prone, helpless body. She put her hand on my face and slide her fingers up through my hair.
“I don’t think so,” she said softly. “Mmmmm… you are such a gorgeous young man,” she said, licking her lips. “Your Momsaid that you need to have a little bit more control in your life. That you need more structure. And she thought that someone like myself would be perfect for the job.”
“Wha… what? Can you… can you get my Mom?”
Her hand moved down onto my chest where her fingers began unfastening the buttons of my shirt. “Oh… I’m sorry… but I’m sure she’s very busy right Now. I’m sure my girls have her… occurred.” Slowly my shirt was opened and her hand trailed over the naked skin of my chest and abdomen. “You know what she said? She told me that she caught you masturbating yesterday. She saw you at your bedroom window, looking out at me and the girls with your shorts around your ankles, stroking that big, hard cock. She said she knew you needed guidance to make sure you didn’t just knock up the next girl that gave you the time of day.”
I shook my head… I couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d heard a sound while I masturbated. And I knew I should have stopped. But the sightof Emmanuelle and her girls out in their yard, all wet from washing the car, had me so damn aroused. I couldn’t help myself.
My mind was brought back to the present when I felt Emmanuelle’s hands unfastening my shorts. All I kept thinking was that this couldn’t be real. She unzipped them and tugged them down over my hips, pulling them down to my knees, followed by my underwear.
She wrapped her fingers around the shake and began struggling it. I was so hard I didn’t know what to think, what to feel.
“Mmmm,” she moaned as her hand swirled over the tip and I jerked. “You gotta be able to control that cock when there’s nice, big breasts around. Maybe even a nice, wet pussy or a nice, meaty ass.”
She kept struggling me, slowly, gliding her hands up and down the length.
“Yeah… control, baby, that’s what it’s all about.” She lifted one hand to her breasts, my gaze following her. Her hand cupped her title, massaging it and pinching her nipple. “Mmmmm… I know you’re liking these. Yeah, I’ve seen you staring at me… through your window and when you pretend to do yard work. Mmhmm… you’re just always trying to get a sneak peek, aren’t you? Well, just consider this your lucky day.”
Her hand moved behind her neck and she untied the strap there. The two parts of her top fell forward and she used them to pull her top down, completely exposing her breasts.
“Mmmmm,” she moaned as her hand played with her bare breast for me. Her other hand never waved in stroking of my very hard shake. Up and down, up and down. At the top, she’d twist as she rose over the crown making the pleasure so much more intense.
“You’re going to be thinking about these all night long,” she said, pinching each nipple in turn. “And you’ll be wanting to see them again and again. But it’ll be all about control. Yeah, these tits are all you’re going to be thinking about. When you’re at school, when you’re at work, with your friends. Uh huh, night and day, they’ll beall you’ll be thinking about.”
She bent over and dribbled spit onto my cock, slowly, making it ageing for me to watch. I groaned loudly, making her giggle, as her hand spread it around, using it for lubricant. Then she bent over and lightly kissed and licked the head.
“Mmm,” she moaned approvedly. “I bet that cock is wanting some nice titties, too. You’d like to put your cock right Between them, wouldn’t you? Hmm? Titty fuck me? I think you would. You want to slide it up and down, right between these titles. You’d like to work them over really good.”
I groaned and closed my eyes. The pleasure was so intense, but she was so good at keeping me on the edge, keeping me from cumming. I feel her lean over and feel her soft, luscious breasts push into my face, sliding her hard nipples over and around it as if searching for my mouth. When my lips found one, I automatically sucked it between them. I had to have her. I had to please her.
“Oh yeah, I’m going to trainthis cock right,” she continued. “My daughters and I, we’re gonna control this cock. It’s just ours. We’re going to fuck you all we want. And you’re not gonna have anything to say about it. You’re just going to sit back, watch, and like it. This cock of yours… it’s not going to be yours any more. It’s going to be ours. We’re gonna control it.”
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