Submissive Squared

(This story will be the result of the combined efforts of LittleOne14385 and myself. We started with a basic premise and then each of us fleshed it out. At this time neither of is sure how good, bad or independent it will be. We do hope that it finds favor with some of our readers).

My name is Donna. I am twenty-six years old and married to Brian. We have been married now for five years and what I am about to relate to you begins somewhere towards the end of our second year of marriage.

I am what you might call a petite woman. I am only five feet tall and I try to keep my weight above ninety pounds. Yes I am what most of you would call “lucky” in that I have to eat a good deal in order to maintain my weight. So while my girlfriends munch on salad with dressing on the side, I wolf down burgers with all the fixings and large orders of fries. The word “diet” is never seen on my menu. My body though small is well proportioned, my breasts (tits if you prefer) are a B cup and my bottom (ass) is nicely rounded. I exercise to keep my body firm. I have dark black hair that I keep short because I like being able to get up and go without a lot of fuss. I use minimal make as well.

I work for a consulting firm and have been with them since college. I enjoy the job and over my time there I have received a few promotions and steady complements on my performance.

Brain’s work is more physical as he works construction. He enjoys using his hands and the work keeps him fit and in shape. He’s taller then I (Isn’t everyone?). He stands five foot eleven inches and like me he is slender. While he is muscled it is his brain that makes him successful in his job. Like me his hair is black and his eyes are blue. I fell in love with him and after dating for a year we moved in together for about six months before deciding to “make it legal”.

Brian was always a considerate tender lover. His cock was normal, about six inches in length when hard and sufficiently thick enough to give me all the pleasure I could absorb. Up until that time late in our second year of marriage we were in all ways, a normal married couple. We expected some day to have children but wanted to secure ourselves financially first. We were in love, we were both intelligent and we were both successful in our careers.

So what happened? At that time my job had me traveling from time to time on assignments. I’d usually be gone no longer then a day or two depending on the distance. My objective was to either receive instructions on what a client wanted or to deliver the results on our consulting efforts. After one such trip I came home to an empty house, evidently Brian was either still working or had run some errands. I was not, at that time concerned. As I was unpacking my bag I heard Brian’s cell phone chirp and I laughed at how he must have forgotten his phone again. I often teased him about it saying ‘what good is having a cell phone if you don’t keep it with you?’ I looked over on the dresser and gasped as I saw a picture appear on his screen. It was a photo of a naked woman, tied up in ropes, her legs forced wide apart by ropes and she was being fucked. She seemed to be in the throes of orgasm but what really got to me was that the man fucking this hog-tied blonde was Brian. Below the photo was a message.

“Thank you Sir”

A name ended the message – Sandy

I felt the blood drain from my head and I plopped down on the bed. My marriage was over my husband was a cheating bastard. Tears fell from my eyes and I could not get the image of my husband and that bitch out of my head. I sat for a long time reviewing the whole thing and who I needed to see, certainly a dividend lawyer. Brian returned about an hour after my discovery and by that time I was thinking more Morefully. Perhaps the marriage could be saved, maybe it was just a mistake and I was taught to forgive. At the time I didn’t see how I could. Eventually I elected to seehow honest about this Brian was, to find out the why of it. I didn’t want names or details I wanted only to know why. I figured if I knew why, perhaps we had a chance to save what we had. I wasn’t ready to just walk away, not unless the why of it was such that I had no choice. I walked downstairs, Brian’s cell in my pocket.

“Hey Donna, your home earlier than I expected. Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you, stopped off for a few beers with the guys.”

He said as he walked to me and gave me a hug. I responded as best as I could, not wanting to allow him to suspect my anger and fear.

“Brian, you know that’s OK. I got lucky and no delays in the flight smooth early landing and the traffic was great. It’s good to be home.”

I said as we finished our embrace.

“Have you eaten?”

He asked and I shook my head no.

“Let’s go out and grab some dinner!”

I knew I could not wait to find out what I needed to know and I did not want to do this in public. So I looked him in the eye and said.


I could swear his face paled but he recovered swiftly and played dumb.


I admit I lost a bit of my control and snapped.

“You know Sandy! The blonde you were fucking!”

He stared at me, surely wondering how his secret was out, yet I saw determination and defiance in his eyes.

“Me? Fucking someone named Sandy? Donna I would never…”

I could not let him finish so I slipped his cell out of my pocket and brought up the photo and said.

“You forget your fucking cell phone again Sir!”

Then I walked back to our (or was it to be my) bedroom. The next part was his he needed to come to me, to explain the why and to ask forgiveness. I’d give him a few minutes and then if he failed to come to me, I would start packing his things.

After alternative between sitting on the bed and pacing the floor for what felt like an hour, he finally joined me. I was shocked to find him shirtless and barefoot, wearing only his business slacks unbuttoned at the waist with his belt hanging unbuckled as well. This lit my fuse anew and in a venomous tone I spat at him,

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re aiming at here, but if you think for one second…”

“Shut up, Donna.”

He ordered me in a tone so sharp it gave me reason to pause and fall silent.

“Sit on the bed, we have a few things to discuss.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Well I’ll say.”

But his resulting glare was so reproachful that I plopped down, shut my mouth, and I almost felt the need to apologize. This change in his demeanor was disorienting, as we’d always been polite enough to one another. Even when we argued he was always the one who kept a clear head, the one who would walk away and give us both some needed space. I’d never known this side of my husband and I didn’t know what to make of it. Nonetheless, he began to speak again,

“That’s what your problem is, Donna, you always have somethingg sarcastic to say, have you ever considered that the sexiest quality in a woman is when she is demure and compliant?”

“Brain have you considered that to a woman the sexiest thing a man can be is faithful?”

I couldn’t help it when my temperature flared as he referred again to my problem I knew it. He was going to try and blow this on me and make it my fault that he had an affair! At this point I was not ready to make that mistake.

As he opened his mouth to respond I held up a hand.

“No of course you haven’t.”

He stared at the carpet feeling chided and as angry tears filled my eyes I asked him in a tiny voice filled with all of my fears,

“Why Brian, why didn’t you talk to me instead of seeking out some other woman’s bed, and God knows what else?”

He Sighed and when he finally answered his tone was kinder.

“I tried Donna, but given our vanilla sexual history I assumed you freak out and think I was some type of pervert. And I didn’t seek her out, not initially.”

Out of my own morbid sense of curiosity I heard myself ask.

“How did you meet her? Was it through one of those freaky adult communities on the Internet?”

I made quotation symbols with my fingers in the air and even I heard the bite in my question.

“No Donna!”

He answered in the same patronizing tone that one would use when speaking to a petulant child.

“Like I said, I didn’t go looking for her. She is a consulting corporate engineer on a high level project at work for which I am the project manager.”

‘Sounds more like a buy one get one free tramp from the nearest street corner’ I thought twice but didn’t speak the words aloud and he continued on in his tale, oblivious to my wayward thoughts.

“We’d have been working on this project for a three months straight, day in and day out when we decided to go out for drinks after an especially long and trying day and she invited me back to her place. At that point you and I’d both become preoccupied with our business obligations, advancing our careers and to be honest the vanilla sex we were having wasn’t an issue for me. I’ll admit it, I was thinking with the wrong brain. Sandy showed me the pleasures of exercising my long time desire to dominate in the bedroom. What can I say? She’s gorgeous, submissive as fuck, and I’m a red-blooded man with desires that are not being met in this marriage. Since that first night we’ve meeting at least once per week to scene, fuck, or whatever may happen.”

He caught the murderous gleam in my eye and before he could stop me.

“So let me get this straight? You have a sexual fantasy that you ‘can’t share’ with your wife! You say I’ll think you’re a sexual pervert! Then some fucking bitch says tie me up and fuck me and it’s my fault?”

“Now don’t look at me like that, you can’t tell me that sub-two minutes of boring vanilla sex is enough to leave you fulfilled sexually.”

I feel awake with anger and fraught with the embarrassment and the knowledge that he was right about the two-minute drill as I often referred to it. I just didn’t see the same emptiness in our marriage. There was some truth to our career ambitions and I began to think that there was some truth to Brian’s words, But still I felt as though he was placing all of the blow on me for this entire mess, namely for his choices and I could no longer stay silent.

“Well of course, you’re working together so I guess it wouldn’t be a stretch to see why you’d be tying her up and fucking her, it’s a regular requirement of the job!”

He gave an exasperated sight and turned to leave the room. Suddenly my anger evaporated and I was overwhelmed with the fear that if he left now not only would he be going to seek her out, I felt that I would lose him forever; and for whatever reason I feel the desire to fight for all of the things no matter how small that I loved about our relationship. It was that desire that caused me to cry out after him and leap up from my place on the bed.

“Brian, wait! I don’t want this to end on sarcasm.”

When he froze in the doorway, his form rigid his head turned back towards me.

“Are you willing to stop with this woman? Are you willing to try to save this marriage? Do you love me?”

“Are you willing…”

I cut him off he was after all the philanderer.

“Answer those questions then I will answer yours Brian, Please!”

“Yes I love you. Yes I am willing to try to save our marriage and the woman in question has returned to her home office that is over. To answer your question though yes I would be wiling to stop with that woman.”

I believed him and decided that I now needed to make an offer to help the both of us.

I stumbled on legs made of rubber towards him.

“Tell me about your fantasy and tell me what I need to learn to be your submissive, please.”

He laughed aloud at my offer.

“You’re kidding me right? There is not a single submissive bone in your entire body.”

As I felt my own desperation building I took hold of his hand, squeezing it tightly.

“Please Brian, I asked to stay away from the sarcasm. Every one has submissive trait, just not necessarily in the bedroom as a sex play. You’re right I have not exhibited those traits, I can try and I promise that I will try. I know it’s not my typical cup of tea but I can learn. I am willing to do this to keep you because I love you. I or we have invested time and energy in our relationship. I don’t want to just toss it. Do you?”

His eyes were still guarded but I could see arousal burning in his eyes. I decided to take that as a yes, so I reached my free hand for the zipper of his trousers but he grabbed my hand and smiled,

“Nah-ah-ah Donna dear, that’s only for good girls. Are you sure you want to do this?”

My nervouss over having no frame of reference for this type of thing built a heavy lump in my throat and I swallowed hard and noddly.

“Yes. Should I be on my knees? Do you want to tie me up? I want to try this please help me!”

Without another word He pulled me to stand and firmly yanked my pencil skirt up over my hips revealing the lacy tops and garter belts of my nude nylons. Pulling my lacy thong underwear down to my knees he pointed to the bed and I waddled my way over to it before awkwardly climbing up on top of it. When I began crawling my way toward the pillows he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back to the edge of the bed towards him.

Removing his belt he finally spoke, and his voice was noticeable gruffer than before.

“Donna, you have been bad and you have displayed behavior very unbecoming of a lady, much less my submissive. I will spank you ten times and after each swat I want you to count each one aloud. To voice your understanding simply answer.

“Yes, Sir.”

The idea of ​​a spanking made me incredibly nervous but I knew this was a breaking point, if I were to refuse everything I knew of our life together would be over. That itself gave me the courage I needed to nod and respond with a shadow voice.

“Yes, Sir.”

He placed his hand on the small of my back making me jump and said in prayer.

“Good girl.”

I had not been spanked since my childhood years and the very idea had a knot building in my stomach. When the first blow landed it took me by surprise at how much it hurt. I blinked furiously struggle to stay in place. Then I remembered I was supposed to be counting.


I said aloud.

The second and third blows came in quick succession and were harder than the first.


I grunted out the counts.

By the time the fourth blow landed I was counting through my teeth.


And the pain continued on.

Steadily the intensity increased as the heavy leather belt found its purchase on my skin again and again,

“Five, six, and seven…”

By the eighth blow tears were streaming but I fought to keep them at bay and by the time ninth, then the tenth blow landed my face was soaked in my tears and I screamed out the word.


Afterward, when he placed the palm of his hand against the curve of my singing ass I whimpered and almost screamed out of reflex but I bit my lip hard until I tasted blood.

“You did well, Donna. How was that for you?”

I paused for a few moments trying to restrain the sarcastic quip that threatened to tumble from my lips. Instead I answered honestly.

“It hurt.”

“Thank you for your respectful honesty, do you feel any reactions in your body beside the obvious pain?”

I didn’t stop to think and my immediate response was a very quick.


But in response he slid his hand downward and invaded my quivering pussy with two of his large fingers without pretense.

“Oh Donna, honey, that’s where I think you’re wrong. Do you feel this?”

He moved his fingers ina wide circle inside of me and I couldn’t do anything to restrain the moan that drifted from my lips. He crooned.

“Oh yes, you do, there’s no denying that.”

He continued his rhythm until I began rocking my hips in time with his movement, and he groaned. Unzipping his trousers he pulled down the zipper and let them fall away and stopped his ministers.

“Move forward on the bed.”

He commanded and I obeyed without question moving forward to make room for him on the mattress. Within moments I felt the head of his erect penis, poised at the entrance to my pussy and without preamble he slammed his hips into mine and I moaned loudly in response.

Pulling my hips back he leaned his torso over against my back and began to thrust his erection in and out of me without any sense of Restraint. Reaching around me with one hand he began to roughly grope my breasts, pinching and pulling on my nipples in an alternate pattern until I was panting.

“That’s right Donna, it feels good to give up control doesn’t it?”

My head was spinning with the over stimulation which flooded me, from my aching nipples, the tender chafing slap of my sore as his hips slammed into my abused pussy. I had never experienced sensing like this and I soon I felt a tidal wave begin to build inside of me. He sat up on his knees and continued to pound me further. He pushed me even further when he put his thumb first into his mouth then inserted it into my asshole.

I couldn’t stand it any longer and I crumbled under the weight of my orgasm, screaming wantonly until the waves began to subside. He waited until I began to breathe again and he removed his thumb and his drained cock from inside of me.

“So what do you think, Donna? Are you willing to submit?”

“Yes, Sir!”

I said in the aftermath of the orgasm still rolling through me. Orgasms were not unique in our “vanilla” sex, but this was a significantly more powerful one, even if the actual fucking was still within the confines of the “two minute” drill. I stayed in position on the bed awaiting further commands from my Master (I really didn’t know yet what to call Brian) but I watched as he tucked his spent cock into his pants and left me saying.

“I need a beer.”

I felt I had disappointed him. I worried that I wasn’t what he expected. Slowly I got up, winning, as my ass was still sore from the spanking Brian had administratored. My skirt fell back into place and my blouse, though never removed needed to be tucked back in. My panties were still around my knees so I let them fall to the ground and kicked them off. I felt a bit of a delicious thrill standing there without panties and feeling Brian’s ejaculate ooze onto my thighs. I followed Brian and found him with a beer in his hands watching Sports Center.

“Are you hungry?”

I asked.

“Are you hungry SIR?”

Brian said to me without even looking up at me.

“Are you hungry Sir?”

“Yes Iam bitch. Go make me some dinner and bring it to me, but first I need another cold one.”

“Yes Sir.”

I served him his beer and dinner and then more beer throughout the evening and although he referred to me as ‘bitch’ or ‘slut’ a few times, it was obvious the sex was over for the night. I asked him.

“Sir, may I take a shower and do a little work on my laptop?”

His response was very condescending and I thought cruel.

“Yeah I’m done with you tonight.”

After my shower I booted up my laptop but instead of work, I decided to learn about the Dom/Sub lifestyle so I could better prepare for what I needed to know to please Brian. I’ll admit there was a lot of information and really no one singular type of Dom/Sub lifestyle. In fact there was a wide range of experiences some very severe some milk. I was confused as to where Brian wanted me, so I tried to seek out the commonalities, the types of behavior a Sub might exhibit regardless of the severity of the situcation. I learned that referring to one’s Dom as Master or Sir was common and made a point to always call Brian Sir, as he had used that very term.

I learned also that a lot of submissive women (yes I learned that some men took up that roll too) were often denied the use of underware, no panties or bras. Also that they were required to wear dresses or skirts so that their sex was always available to their Master. I feel myself getting quite wet thinking about being at work or out to dinner with Brian and basically naked under my dress or skirt. I began to rub my pussy as I read and wondered if I was allowed this pleasure as many Masters liked to control their subs orgasms. Well Brian hadn’t gotten that far so I brought myself to orgasm.


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