Submissive Squared Ch. 03

(Here we are into a third chapter and still so much to cover. For those of you who enjoyed the first two chapters I hope that your patience will be rewarded. Writing in pairs is hard in that its is rare that one is prepared to be creative when receiving a partial document, especially when the story you began is one on a slightly different path then the one you sent to your co-writer. We do apologize and hope that the end results prove worthy)


I was driving home when I elected to stop and do some shopping. Reliving those last moments in the office and the promise of what lay ahead made me happier then I can ever recall. My focus was to please, not my husband who has lost any interest in me, but my boss and I hoped Master, Mr. Jeremiah Bennett. Although I was positive that the past day in the office, being caned and exchanging those final words, truly means the same to both of us, a part of me worried that I had misread the moment.

I shopped now becauseI wanted to show up in the office tomorrow wearing an outfit that said ‘I’m yours’. I bought shoes with heels higher then I’d ever had, selected thigh high hose in various shades, skirts shorter then anything I owned and blouses that would draw your attention to my chest. As a petite woman with only B cup tits, not wearing a bra meant a less imposing cleavage, so I went with tight or shear. I also bought some short dresses where a single button or zipper would allow gravity to bare me.

I left the stores with my new purchases stored in my car and dreaded going home. The last few days/ weeks of basically forcing my naked body on my husband, in the hopes of keeping our marriage alive had not only failed miserably, but it made me turn to self satisfaction and the belief that I was not a desirable woman. While I have since come to grips with myself and re-insilled a good deal of self confidence, just the fact of facing my husband filled me with dread. Seeing a sign for a Holiday InnI simply pulled off and got a room. I called home, no answer (surprise) and left a message that I was asked to go out of town and would not be home.

I didn’t really need anything as the hotel had a disposable toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste. Small bottles of decent shampoo and conditioner and I certainly didn’t need to worry about panties or a bra. I grabbed some take out and settled into the room. I fired up my lap- top and continued my education in the world of BDSM. All too soon my wake up call lifted me from an erotic dream, I think. I showed and selected one of my new outfits, slide on a complete shade of hose and slipped into a pair of my new heels. It took a little practice to develop my balance at this new height, but soon I was checked out of the hotel and on my way to what I still hoped were my new Master and a new life. I chuckled to recall that my cell never rang last night, so Brian was evinedly happy not to have me come home.

I entered my officewith a cup of coffee and immediately saw a letter and a package on my desk. I opened the letter and began to read.

Good morning Mrs. Ellis

I spent some time here last night reliving our day yesterday and the cryptic discussion that ended the day. If I am correct in what I sense you are wanting from me, then you need to know something about me, something other then what you may know about the Mr. Bennett that is your boss. I am thirty-four years old and unlike you I have not married. That’s not true, I married my company, instead of one of the many women who tried without success to do what you have managed in a short time. I started this business as a new graduate of the Master’s program at the University and after a few interviews and some amazing offers, I realized that I was not cut out to Take orders or to see my ideas lost in a corporate idea. For the past twelve years I put everything I had into developing a successful consulting firm and I recognize that the talented people I hired had a good deal to do with the position the company is in today. A few months back a Professor I respected suggested that I began some sort of success planning, that my company was growing at such a pace that the need for a good right hand man (or woman) would be not only necessary but extremely helpful, not only to the company but to my health. He reminded me that the more I extended myself the less effective I would be. He also suggested that, the person selected to this job should not come from my upper management group but from at least one level down, if not two. His advice was to find someone with raw talent who had not yet become too ingrained in the way things have always been done.

I called my management team in and told them of the plan to find a successor and that none of them were candidates. While I am sure that disappointed a number of them, I told them why I was doing this and that each of them would receive, instead of consideration for ths new job, stock in the company. I them told them to come to me with candidates, someone intelligent, someone talented and someone with promise that could be trained. I was surprised when your name was brought to me by each and every one of them. Aside from the clumsy interview, I knew from your first day that you did possess the talent, intelligence and drive. I also knew you were raw and needed training, training which after last night now takes on two separate meanings. I want to be sure that you understand that one has no bearing on the other. I will train you to be the best you can be in your position and prepare you to co-lead then lead this company if that is your wish. That is set in stone and cannot and will not be altered by anything else that may occur between us.

Now to last night’s parting words. I accept Your challenge to develop you as my submissive. In the box is a necklace that will be the symbol of your desire to serve me personally. If you are still convinced this is what you want then all you need to do is put the necklace on. You should know that once you decide to wear it, if you do, that you will be my Kitten. That will be your name as you are trained to become submissive to me and to learn to serve me as your Master. I do not allow ‘safe’ words I rely on trust. If you put that necklace on you have placed your trust in me.

Should you elect to wear my symbol, then when you hear Kitten being called you will be expected to come to me and present yourself submissively. If you hear Mrs. Ellis or Donna then you will come to me to discuss business. As Kitten, you will call me Master, as Mrs. Ellis or Dona you will call me Sir or if we are involved with clients or other employees, Mr. Bennett. As Kitten you will speak only to answer a question or if you are unsure of a command. Now the decision is yours.


I read the letter and could not believe how happy I was, I ripped the package open and pulled the sterling silver necklace from the box and noticed the small Kitten that hung from it. I unclasped the necklace and placed it around my neck, then lowered it a few inches thinking through the implications of clapping that symbol. I’d learned of this lifestyle first from my husband in what now seemed and excuse for his infidelity. I then read quite a lot about BDSM and found myself drawn to it, like nothing else in my life. I realized that in claping this necklace around my throat, that I was in fact being unfaithful and breaking my marriage vows.

I saw now that I’d rushed into my marriage to Brian, rushed to try to save that marriage and wondered if I was rushing again. The necklace grew heavy in my hands as I allowed it to hover unclasped about my neck. Last night I shopped, not for Brian but for Mr. Bennett. I took a hotel room to avoid Brian, but other then showing Mr. Bennett my naked ass and asking him to cane me, had I been truly unfaithful already. Were my words last night merely a consummation of my intention to break those marriage vows?

Yes, I said to myself and smiled as the clap snapped shut down and the Kitten now rested just above my breasts. I felt empowered, I felt refreshed, I felt new and exciting and yes, ready to serve my Master unswervingly. Then the door opened and He walked in and my pussy throbbed.

“Good morning Sir.”

“Good morning Mrs. Ellis, I see you’ve read the note and accepted the position!”

“Yes, Ma…Sir.”

“Before we commence the day I want you to know something, please come to my desk as Mrs. Ellis and take a seat.”

I did as asked and sat and waited patiently.

“I spent a good deal of time here after you left, composing that letter and reading a report. A report I am going to give you in a moment. I wanted you to read my letter first and make a decision before you read this report. Once you read it, I think you will understand why I did it this way.”

He handed me a thick manila envelope that has been address to him and the return address was from a Secure Investigation Inc. I knew this was the result of the private investigation of my husband Brian that he had offered to do and I accepted. I sat there with it in my hands and did not at first hear Mr. Bennett, then I felt his hand on my shoulder and it brought me out of my stupper.

“Donna, I will be gone for as long as you need to digest that, call me when you are finished.”

He had taken a cell phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

“This is your corporate phone, I am speed dial one.”

Then he left and I walked slowly to my desk and even more slowly opened the report. I won’t bore you with each and every detail but the summary said it best. Brian it seems from survey and discussions with his co-workers had been cheating on me since we’d returned from our honeymoon. There were pictures of him with various women and there was no doubt as to what was happening. I cried when I read the report at first because of his infidelity, then because I was so blind to what should have been so obvious. I took the report and placed it back in the envelope and called Mr. Bennett. When he answered I whispered into the phone.

“Please Master!”

“I’ll be right there Kitten.”

To hear that name was such a relief, such a joy that when He came into the office I dropped to my knees and assumed, as best as I could, the position of subservice. My knees were spread as far as they could, my hand were atop my thighs open and palms up. My head was bowed. When the door closed I said in a clear strong voice.

“Master, I wish only to serve and please you.”

“Thank you Kitten, but let’s take a minute with Donna first.”

I stood and followed him to his desk. He pointed to the chair I’d been in when he’s handed me the report. He then handed me a key and said.

“I do not know if you want to proceed with dividend or not but I will assist you in any way in finding the proper attorneysand support that you need. The key is to a corporate apartment that I usually reserve for out of town clients, I would like you to use it for now until I can set up a more suitable arrangement for us. I would prefer that you not subject yourself to your husband but it is your call. Is there anything I can do for you Mrs. Ellis?”

“I appreciate the apartment, I am sure it will be more comfortable then the Holiday Inn I slept in last night, not wanting to face my husband for reasons I am still not sure of beyond that I did not want to feel his rejection again. As far as he knows if he listens to his messages I have been sent out of town on assignment”

I paused and then said.

“I think dividend will be the next step though for selfish reasons I want to be able to think of Kitten being unfaithful for a bit, so perhaps If Master is OK with it, we will let Brian linger for a while.”

After more thought I said.

“I would like to spend this night as Kitten, but that would be your decision Master. I will plan on living there until you tell me where else to be. Unless you wish to have Kitten here right now, I think work would be good for Mrs. Ellis.”

He nodded and as Mrs. Ellis I returned to the work on my desk. I’d like to say that I was quickly absorbed in my work, but the little Kitten charm that rested so lightly on my chest, Just above my breasts periodically reminded me that I was now committed to Master and His every command or wish. Fortunately Master became busy and spent a good deal of the day in meetings elsewhere in the building, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my work. While I have been more productive in the past, I did manage to produce the necessary reports and summaries required. I ate lunch at my desk and as I did often that morning, fingered the charm. Late in the afternoon Master returned and called.


I dropped everything and came to stand before Him, my chest and hips thrust forward my hands clasped behind my back and I said.

“Yes, Master!”

He said nothing but walked around his desk and moved the two visitors chairs back away from his desk, while I remained in position facing His now empty chair. I heard him settle into one of the chairs behind me and then He said.

“Kitten, bend forward and rest your head on the desk, spread your feet as wide as is comfortable and leave you arms to your side.”

I did as asked and as soon as I was settled knowing my leg were spread and thus pulling the short skirt I had wound and exposing most of my bare bottom I felt the stirring of arousal. I waited patiently knowing I was only to answer questions. The longer he allowed the silence to permeate the room the more embarrassed I became as I could feel my pussy dampening. After what seemed an eternity he asked.

“Why do you want to be a submissive woman, Kitten?”

It was a good question and one I had mulled over ever since Brian first bent me over and spanked me.

“Sir, your Kitten discovered quite by accident that in submitting, even to what Master referred to a ‘demi-dominant’ man that she felt a sense, a fire erupt in her that she has since been unable to quench. Sir?”

He took some time evidently appraising my response and forming his next question.

“Tell me what you expect from me Kitten?”

I wanted to tell Him I wanted massive orgasms, spankings, humiliation, but instead I said.

“Sir, your Kitten wants to feel free to pleasure her Master.”

Angain time stood still while I waited, wondering if my answers were correct, were they pleasure Him, was I passing a test?

“Tell me how you feel right now, bent over exposed, knowing that anyone can walk in here and see you in this submissive position?”

I probably should have thought out my answer but instead I merely said.

“Kitten is happy to be where her Master requires.”

Then He sat still saying nothing and I feel my legs tremble a bit then strain of this position and my growing need making the clock seem to stand still. My brain working overtime wondering if I was pleased Him, I was so afraid of disappointing Him. The memory of how my husband completely ignored me now filled me with even more fear. Please I said to myself, do not let me fail.

“Kitten, you do know that in submitting to me that I can and will do whatever I choose, that as my submissive your body is my body, your orgasms are my orgasms, that you will obey me immediately and you will be distributed for any hesitancy?”

“Sir, Yes Sir, Kitten is aware and will do her best Sir. Kitten is not trained Sir but she is dedicated to Master. Kitten will not hesitate, Kitten will obey, Sir. Kitten will accept and learn from any and all discipline Sir.”

“Kitten you head is laying on a slip of paper and a corporate credit card. It is now a little before five. You will take the list and purchase everything and use the corporate card. If you have questions then ask the salesmen. After completing your shopping you will return to the corporate apartment, place the items you purchased on the floor, take a shower and return to the front door, naked. You will take the items you purchased and arrange them in front of you as you assume a position on your spread knees, your hands on your thighs palm up and eyes staring at the floor. You will be in this position by 7:30 when I will enter. I have allowed you sufficient time for your assignment provided you do not hesitate and allow any shame or embarrassment to delay you. Does Kitten have any questions?”

“No Sir.”

“Then stand up and begin.”

I grabbed the note and the credit card, picked up my purse then turned to Master and said.

“Thank you Sir.”

I was in my car before I looked at the list. I’d never shopped for these kinds of things and had Master not also listed the address and name of the store I would never have known where to start. However, the items I needed topurchase were very intimate and I realized just how much Master knew me. Yes he’d given me sufficient time but only if I had the ability to set aside my humiliation and embarrassment in making the purchases. While I knew I could eventually do that, the time was not sufficient for me to build that courage. By the time I arrived at the adult store I was soaking wet between my legs. I admit I took a few moments, maybe longer but the ultimately the fear of failure overcame all of my other fears and I got out and walked into the store.

Never having been in a store like this I had absolutely no idea where to go, where the items would be. I had the choice to be late or to ask the older man working there to direct me. I felt my face heat up and knew I was showing shade when I walked up to the man and asked for help.

“What do you need Missy?”

I could not speak yet so I merely handed him the list. I did manage to say.

“I need to get all of this.”

“We’ve got it all,but you best get a cart and follow me.”

I felt better but not by much as I grabbed one of the shopping carts and followed him through the store my eyes taking in the garish lights, the more then revealing clothes, the endless rows of plastic and rubber cocks, the various restraints, the row upon row of pornographic DVDs and then there was the faith odor of stale cum that seemed everywhere.

I took little notice of the items dropping in the cart at first then when I did I grew even more embarrassed. I saw box claiming to be an anal trainer, through the cellophane I could see what looked like various sized plugs and when reading the lettering under the cellophane I learned that it was a set of progressively larger butt plugs designed to ease anal penetration. That was a new area for me and I shuddered about putting anything there. The I saw four leather cuffs, with large rings sewn into the sides and Velcro fasters, a large tube of lubricant, nipple clips, and then an arrayof various sized rubber cocks, some indicating that they were vibrators. When a riding crop landed on top of the previous items I actually smiled. Then a longer whip plopped down beside it and I cringed, then what was titled a pussy trainer dropped in and it looked like a small fly swatter and I immediately knew what that was for and trembled already knowing that was a pain, like the anal trainer that I was not sure about. Next came a latex hood, with eye nose and mouth holes, then a latex bra with cutouts for nipples followed by crotch less latex panties.

My head was swimming with all the devices in the now full cart. We were headed to the register and I asked.

“Did we get everything?”

“You can check them off the list as I ring them up Missy. Looks like you’re about to have some fun tonight.”

He Proceeded to ring each item up and I checked them off the list. When he was finished and the cart empty I saw one item not checked off. I said.

“I still need ths one item, a clitoral clip?”

I was so engrossed in accomplishing the task of making the purchase I had not realized what I was saying and how wet I became when realized I was telling this man I need a clip or clamp that would encase my cliporis. I once again felt the heat on my face as the man reached under the counter and said.


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