Student and Professor Pt. 01

You come to my office to discuss your paper for the psychology class I teach. I’m reading papers as you walk in and I don’t notice what you’re wearing until I look up when you’ve already sat down. My eyes widen as I see you’re wearing a very sexy school girl outfit. I make a comment about your wardrobe choice, but you just smile.

I then smile, and say, “I see what you’re doing – matching your outfit to your paper topic – very bold.” I say it’s often very interesting and revealing what students write about when you assign them a topic of their choice. Your paper, “Deviant Sexual Behaviors – Bound for Trouble” certainly fits that mold.

You uncross and recross your legs in the best Sharon Stone imitation.

I tell you your paper was a very Interesting read, but I admonish you for not providing any citations of academic research or papers on the topic. I say that your research seems to have included nothing but looking at internet kink sites or based on your personal exp的文.

At that, you smile and tell me you’ve done a great deal of personal research – after all, shouldn’t you write about what you know??

I blush, but tell you I cannot give you a passing grade for a paper without the proper citations.

You stand and approach me and ask if there’s anything you can do to change my mind – looking down at my growing erection and saying, “I see how you look at me in class and how you’re looking at me now.”

I sternly tell you no, but you just drop to your knees and push my knees apart. I’m practically unable to speak as you start to unbuckle and unzip me.

I tell you no – this is totally inappropriate behavior. You ignore me completely and keep going until my cock is in your mouth and you’re sucking me. I push your face deeper onto my cock gagging you and then push your head back and forth on my cock. I push you away and tell you that you’re a very naughty girl and that you deserve a spanking. Your eyes light up as I put you over my knees and roughly pull down your panties. I spank you long and hard as I also explore you with my finger.

I tell you I can see only one way I can give you a passing grade. You and I will engage in every behavior listed in your paper and as we do them, we’ll discuss the psychological aspects of them. After that, you’ll be required to write another paper about the psychological interplay between a student and professor exploring all the gender, age, power and sexual issues that brings up.

You smile and say, “I’d love to write that paper for you professor.”

You paper has the following sections:

**Spanking: Pain and Arousal**

As I spank you, I start out with slapping your ass checks before I use my full hand to come down hard on each chef, starting low, then the middle and finally the top of each chef as your whimpering escalates to shouts each time my hand comes down. I’m careful not to bruise you, but your ass is going from a rosy pink to a deeperred.

I ask, “How does that feel – and don’t just say “painful” or “wonderful,” tell me the psychology of your feelings.”

You take a deep breath to recover as I pause my onslaught.

You say, “I feel exhilarated every time I feel the sting of pain, but it quickly melts into pleasure until the next blow and the pain begins again. Being over your knees like a child makes me feel something close to the crying love a frustrated child has for an adult who is punishing her.”

“Very good dear” I say in prayer. “Explore those oedipal feelings in the next paper drawing parallels between parent and teacher authority figures.” With that I tell her to stand up.

**Striptease – Seducer or Slut?**

“You will now perform a striptease for me.” She starts pulling her soft purple knit dress up over her body.

“No,” I say “You’re not undressing for me, you’re performing a striptease. The tease part is just as important as the strip part.”

You cock your head and give me a pouty, baby girl smile as you draw closer and bunch the bottom of your dress in your hands and rub it between your legs and throw your head back and moan and worry.

“Yes!” I say, “That’s a beautiful combination of seducer and slut.”

The bunch of dress is your hands now goes up to your little breasts exposing your shaved pussy and your slim, tight wait. You turn around and bend over to show me your ass and you wiggle it closer to me. It’s all I can do not to grab your hips with both my hands and pull you onto my lap, (but academic research can sometimes be frustrating.) You lean so far down I can see your head upside down smiling at me as you wiggle your legs apart showing me more and more of your glistening pussy. You pull your dress over your head and let it fall to the floor.

Turning around, all you’re wearing is the purple bra which matches the panties I had removed when I spanked you. You walk around my chair and softly brush your breasts against the back of my head and then walk back in front of me keeping one hand on my shoulder as you move. You lean down and push my knees apart and come closer and inch one covered breast close to my face until it touches my nose and then you bring it down to just touch my mouth before pulling away.

I lean forward and stick out my tongue hoping for a taste, but you just say, “Naughty professor, you’ll have to wait.”

With that, she reaches around her back and unhooks her bra and lets it slowly drop down her body onto my lap.

“Passing grade?”

“Yes, A+ for that section…” I mummer still taking in her beautiful little body.

**Undressing Your Partner – Tease and Stimulation**

“Now it’s time for me to be undressed,” I say and add “Just like your striptease, undressing me is a exercise in dispatch and arousal.”

You look me in the eyes with an inquiring look as if to decide whether undressing me is something you want to do or not. You look me up and down and thenslowly walk around me appraising my body. When you’re behind me, you let one hand brush across my ass and trail a finger over the wales of my corduroys, around my upper thigh and stop just before reaching the bulge of my rigid cock.

You run the tips of her fingers up over my belt, my stomach, my chest and then my face where you stop to take my face in both your hands and pull me down slightly to kiss me softly. You trail your hands down to my necktie and use it to pull me closer for another kiss.

You slowly untie my tie and pull it from my collar and start unbuttoning my shirt from the top down. When you’re at the last bottom button, you run your hands across my waist to my back and pull the shirt tails out of my trousers. Running your hands up my chest again you slide my shirt from both shoulders and let it fall behind me. You take my face in your hands again and kiss me before you trail your mouth down my neck giving me little butterfly kisses along the way. You stop at one nipple and lick and flick it several times with your tongue before putting your mouth around it and start sucking, lightly at first, then harder and harder until I’m gasping with pleasure.

Releasing my nipple, you continue your travels down my body licking and kissing my stomach until you’re down at my belt level. You look up into my eyes as you begin unbuckling my belt and then pull it quickly through the loops and throw it on the floor. Coming even closer to me, you unbutton my trousers and pull the zipper down. You give me one more look in the eyes before you slowly knee down pulling my pants down with you. I raise one leg and then the other as you pull each pants leg off me.

Putting you hands around my ass cheeses, you pull me into your face and snuggle against my throbbing cock and then pull my shorts down and allow me to step out of them. You cup my balls in one hand and place your other hand on my shake and pull it into your mouth and start rocking your mouth up and down on me. You pull away and look up at me as my cock is dripping with your saliva mixed with my pre cum. I take my cock and slap it across your face several times as you open your mouth looking for it again. I put it in your mouth and take both hands and pull your head onto my cock and start fucking your mouth faster and faster, pausing to pull your head onto it deeper until you’re gagging and gasping for breath.

I release you and wipe your spit off your face and give your hair a gentle tousling, saying “Good girl, you’re a very good girl…”

**Blindfolds and other uses of sensing deprivation**

I leave you on your knees and go my desk, open the bottom drawer and take out a black blindfold.

You ask, “You keep a blindfold in your desk drawer?”

“It’s for my afternoon nap,” I respond with a sly smile.

I put the blindfold on her and tighten it to make sure she can’t peek under it. I reach around her and pull her head back by her long brown hair and put my thumb in her mouth pulling it open as I insert my cock. I fuck her mouth hard for a full minute and then choke her with it.

I pull out and ask, “Did that taste or feel different with a blindfold on?”

She coughts a bit as she recovers from her mouth fucking. “Yes, surprisingly it does taste a little different, more intense I guess you’d say. Not being able to see it, my other senses, like taste and smell, are enhanced.”

“Good,” I say, “Now onto your next section.” I walk over to my desk to consult her paper and say, “Oh good, we’re onto your section on bondage.”

(To be continued…)


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