12th February 2013
I slept surprisingly well despite the prospect of finally meeting Sylvie. Her long promised photo had never materialised and I wondered what the significance of that was. Still, Morning Glory knew what day it was. I showed and shavled, selected my after shake, deodorized, flossed and scrubbed and looked into the mirror.
A balding grey haired git looked back. I smiled at myself, more a grimace, teeth were clean, but those fillings! I had crowd’s feet at the corners of my piggy eyes, which I couldn’t see unless I had my glasses on, which made me look even older. Seeing the blemishes and little patches of dry skin, I dabbed on some moisturiser. But there were a couple of fine red blood vessel lines surfacing near my nose, a drinker’s nose? What on earth was I doing trying to pick-up a thirty seven year old?
But Sylvie had said from the start that she liked older men, and I was confident that a lot of women around my age apparently did seem to find me attractive. Ho hum. Go with the flow and see what occurs, I thought. I snatched a small breakfast, a bit late to worry about looking (be realistic, being) over weight now. I just didn’t want to feel bloated.
I knew I was at my best when I had physical energy and was mentally energised and lively. That’s the mood I wanted for nearly ten hours later, but it’s a bit like playing football where all the preparation can be perfect and you play coldly, and the day you pitch up feeling like death warmed up you have a blinder. Form is an elusive thing, it would be down to fate if I was in my ‘up for it’ mode come 5:30pm in Bridgebourne.
I packed my briefcase for the day’s three meetings. Suited and booted I loaded the car; it was a very cold wintry day so I swapped my business overcoat for my heavy, white winter wonderland coat. By 8am I was on the road and listening to the radio: sports, weather and traffic reports.
I arrived ahead of schedule, and waited in the outskirtsof Compton, tempted to email Sylvie again, and then thought, ‘add no pressure, leave her be’.
Eventually guided by Zoot, my ancient female satnav, named after the Monty Python Holy Grail Nun desperate for a spanking, I drove into the city centre and collected my client, Allan from the rail station. Zoot took us to our meetings which went well after which we had a meal and our ‘wash-up’ meeting. Eventually I dropped Allan off at the station a little after 3:30pm.
Me: Hi, have finished early, so could meet sooner if you can.
Sylvie: I will struggle to get an earlier boat but will try. If you don’t want to hang around we could do next week if you are in the area. [What? Postpone? Never! I needed to see what this Pixie Pervert looked like.]
It was still very cold and the sea breeze was kicking up to a freezing wind. I drove around the Old Town district of Bridgebourne and parked near The Navigation pub that overlooked the Harbour.
Time to kill.
I walkedaround wrapped up in my big coat. The pub was closed and it was not clear if it would be open by 5:30. I walked to the ferry terminal where I wrongly assumed Sylvie would light from, and strolled around the extremely re-developed area of the Lighthouse Quays, all new shops, bars, restaurants and apartments. And then back to the car.
We messaged about whether anywhere else would be more suitable for us to meet, and decided Café Blue in the Quays was best. All that time to kill and I was in the wrong area.
Me: I’m wearing a big white winter coat, and you?
Sylvie: I’m here blue shirt, curly hair, red nose. Hope you’re not colour blind X
Five minutes later I entered Café Blue, and immediately I saw, standing near the bar joking with a barman, a small slender woman with a wonderful mass of almost unruly red curly hair.
‘Sylvie’ I said.
‘Hello Jack,’ she had bright lively eyes and beamed an equally bright smile at me, I was immediately attracted – evenWithout my glasses on, my first view of Sylvie’s face left me tingling. I had that instinctive involuntary biological reaction you have on the sudden proximity to a beautiful person. Heart beat and pulse quickens, breathing shallows and also quickens, pupils dilate, nerves fizz and the skin flushes.
Bloody hell, she’s lovely I thought. She was trim in tight fitting clothes whilst I must have looked like the Michelin man in my huge white winter warfare Eskimo survive tent for a coat.
I was like a duck, attempting to look calm whilst hiding a furious reaction beneath the water line. All I wanted to say was ‘Wow’! but all I actually said was ‘hello’ and asked what she would like to drink.
We took our drinks to a corner table and talked. We never actually talked about sex, and for a delightful hour we covered her job and my job and mostly it seemed my novel. She drove the conversation asking questions, chatting and smiling. At no time was it silted or forced, nor did it ever seems to lull, we just relaxed and talked, it seemed so natural. Anyone eavesdropping would have assumed we were well acquainted friends or colleagues catching up with each other’s news, not two strangers who had swapped obscene fans and planned perverted bondage and domination, sadism and masochism and not forgetting the obligatory bukkake, together.
She was really pretty but as we talked I was reluctant to put my glasses on and look at her properly; I was a stupid old git who was dreaming if the vibrant young woman would have any serious interest in sexual intimacy with me. But we talked easily, I really liked Pixie Sylvie.
When it was time to leave I paid the bill for our drinks – modest quantities of red wine as I still had to drive home. We wandered out of Café Blue towards another coffee bar where she would later meet her friend.
Somewhat awkwardly I said goodbye and how much I had enjoyed meeting her.
She looked up at me and asked. ‘Aren’t yougoing to kiss me?’
Surprised and pleased I leaned down and kissed her soft rosy cheese, it was still warm from the restaurant, she motioned for me to kiss the other cheese too. It was it was our first physical contact, so prim and polite but loaded with phenomenon meaning.
As I walked back to my car I realized I had been enthralled by her, so much for me hoping to be ‘on form’ though. I had felt old, big, awkward, shy even. I wish I had dared to wear my glasses and see her properly because I still only had a fuzzy recollection of her face, I was a stupid, half-sighted fool. I wondered just how this would play out, and before starting off for home I emailed her from my car.
Me: It was lovely to meet you this evening, not only are you delightful but I am pleased to say that I am definitely not beauty blind, you are gorgeous too. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and chat again soon.
I drive home with an odd feeling that I was either on the compromise of finding someone really special or that it would never get going at all because I was too old, or she would lose her nervous and render our new dalliance stillborn. And how would she feel after some reflection on our face to blurry face introduction in Café Blue?
13th February 2013
When her email arrived I half expected the old thanks but no thanks, or it was nice to meet you but the chemistry wasn’t there, or we could be friends but not in the bedroom. But I also felt confident that we had got on well. I clicked open the email with uncertainty.
Sylvie: Hi Jack It was lovely to meet you too. I hope I wasn’t too forward with my questions, I was nervous but felt we got on easily. You have a ‘delightful’ pixie face. Hope to hear from you soon. S X
This was fabulous news. I felt a mixture of excitement that she was still up for an adult encounter, and relieve that I hadn’t messed up our introduction meeting. A lot of emails were exchanged and that evening we crossed a Rubicon of intent. Her questions were positive and indicated that she was still very much interested in a sexual adventure with me. She asked me about my preferences – ‘I never got to see your profile…bukakke a given of course…’ she stated.
I told her I loved oral sex, giving and receiving – slow and extended. I liked bondage and would like to see her in various vulnerable positions, for example wrists tied to the bed, or her ankles up behind her shoulders. Totally exposed I would shake and then use and abuse her. I liked objectification too, though it might be a tad boring in practice. I added spanking, paddling and flogging, gags and blindfolds, anal play and eventually ending with me cumming over her very pretty, upturned pixie face, mouth open, tongue out…
We discussed if water sports were erotic: hot piss onto an open pussy and the humiliation of a golden shower: female kneeing, head bowed, man standing over her urinating on her hair, face etc. Pissing into someone’s mouth is evenMore degrading, the secret is drinking lots of water, so the piss is clear and almost tasteless, old piss stinks and the taste can be very unpleasant (I’m told).
I had experimented a couple of times with water sports with Shannon, (who was also into rimming). It was erotic, but I would not want to do it all the time. One thing I discovered was that I couldn’t piss if I was too aroused, I suppose the erectile tissue squeezed the pipeline closed.
Pixie said she had tried it only once but had enjoyed it which was why she ticked curious about it in preferences. A boyfriend had ‘peed’ on her bottom when they were in the shower and then fucked her from behind. She said she had liked the sensing, and wanted to explore more of this and other sensings with me but was uncertain how far to go.
I was almost beside myself reading that proposition.
14th February 2013
Whilst I travelled to Northampton, Sylvie resumed our e-conversation and asked about objectification.
Me: For example human furniture, I have a couple of images that turn me on. One is the human ink well; the master is sat at his desk with his work to do, it is a very large L shaped desk and on one side the female slave is trustsed up in such a way so that her holes are accessible. He has to keep his pens, pencils and mobile phone somewhere. Another variation is that he ties her to the underside of his chair – so that she can orally service him as he works.
Then there is the human pillow needed after a prolonged session when she is tied across the bed in place of a pillow – a man has got to rest his head somewhere through the night. A variation is with you tied spread-eagled on the bed, head at the foot end, so the master can sleep close to your open pussy, or flop his cock in your mouth during the night, as he so wishes.
In Japan there is a fetish about eating sushi off a naked body, ‘dressed’ as a dining table, and of course some people go further with human toilets as I am sure know.
Happy Valentines Day.
Then she asked about oral sex, and said she loved giving oral, it was her favourite thing, and would love to be expert at it – ‘I guess that comes with practice?’
Me: I too really enjoy giving oral sex to a beautiful pussy, and a woman who responds to it. I have some quick questions: Are your orgasms more cloral, vaginal or anal? Apparently it’s all about where a woman’s pelvic nerve is located. I think it’s also the secret of the G spot. Are you brought easily to orgasm? Are you a multiple orgasmic lady? Finally, would you prefer forced orgasms, begging me to stop, or does the idea of orgasm denial turn you on more: keeping you on the broke, begging me to let you cum? ‘
I was playing the role of experienced mentor, ascertaining the best approach for our sexual encounter to come when she surprised me with her next response.
Sylvie: Glad you asked, I think that’s a first. My orgasms are mainly clitoral although Ihave a very sensitive g spot. The latter I don’t reach climax via but get extremely aroused and wet and sort of dazed. I have never been brought to orgasm by anyone but myself. [ that caught my attention ] Apart from in my sleep when I can orgasm during an erotic dream. I don’t fake orgasms but I enjoy penetrative sex to the degree that my partners feel satisfied that I am satisfied. Forced orgasm? Don’t know yet! There, I’ve been honest. I come easily but I guess to date I just haven’t found the right partner, or at least one who shares my little nuances. Put you off or is that a challenge? S
Me: Dear Sylvie, I love your candidate, and the challenge, – and would relish going down on you – especially if it’s cloral. Here’s a boost to risk failure but I have been complimented on my oral skills on more than a few occasions. Are you shavled, neatly trimmed or bushy down below?
Sylvie: Neatly trimmed although I have had Hollywood waxes in the past. What do you prefer?
Me: The more accessible the better, and would be happy to shake you as a wonderful preliminary to some oral attention, especially if you are tied with your legs wide apart.
All day I was in a lively mood, bouncing along as I tried to concentrate on my job: driving to and from meetings, making calls, and trying not to daydream about bouts of bondage and bukkake with Sylvie. By the evening I was back from Northampton and at my computer in my home office when her next mail arrived.
Sylvie: I like the idea of being held by someone else…I always enjoy it when I do myself. Now my working day just got harder to get on with…
Energised by her sexuality and imagining her trim body naked and wanting, I spent a few minutes searching on the internet for a hotel before I decided to make the push for a date.
Me: I can do all this next Friday, if you wish. And if you have the day off work, it can begin at noon.
Sylvie: Where would that happen if it can happen…
Me: The Accor hotel
Sylvie: Now I’m even more nervous…reality looms? Am I safe in your hands?
Me: Totally, no surprises, I promise and limits respected. I want to see you more than once, so from my perspective I want to make it a fantastic experience for you. The hotel is booked by the way. Jack xx
Sylvie: Ok. I’m glad you find me attractive. I hope you still do when I’m naked…Better leave you to your busy day. S. xx
The next few days our exchange of emails confirmed our timings for the following Friday; things were moving ahead. Every minute of each day my mind constantly switched from daily routines to images of Sylvie and the plans I needed to make for our encounter. Every night was even more of an intense struggle to not self indulge in fansies that were rapidly promising to come true.
19th February 2013
Yet again I was excited and buzzing with plans. What should I do with Sylvie, what equipment was needed? I rummaged through my bondagegear, some of it was old and needed replacing. At night I mentally scrolled through long fantasized about scenarios and activities. But the priority was to make it exciting and memorable for Sylvie, and for our session to flow naturally from the start to the finish, perfectly choreographed, so as not to break the spell I was hoping to create. We had agreed that crossing the threshold of the hotel room would symbolize the commencement of her submission to me. But once inside there was no room for clumsy untying her and slowly changing everything around. I then sent her my version of the hotel booking confirmation:
Room type: Pixie Degradation Suite
Purpose of visit: No hole’s barred sex
Terms and conditions: Deposit required; facial
No backing out, No free will, Sperm included
Golden shows optional. BYO vibrators
Clitoral Orgasm: To Be Determined
Sylvie: Thanks for making the booking. Will there be breakfast? I like a high protein shot whenI woke up to get me through the day
I could check in at 11am on Friday, and check out as late as 2pm on Saturday. I had pretty much decided what I was going to do with her but needed to prepare for different events and drew up a shopping list of what was needed.
21st February 2013
My bags were packed, my list of things to acquire itemised, my clothes decided and my agenda settled. It wasn’t easy to sleep with Pixie / Sylvie in my mind and filling OG with expected passages. I had not touched him for a week whilst the testicle manufacturers had worked diligently to replenish the reserve of promised sperm, readied to flood upon the willing Pixie’s upturned face.
22nd February 2013
I was up again before 6am scrubbing and cleaning, brushing, trimming, shaving and deodorizing, with special attention to those intimate areas, any part of the body with an orifice basically. I grabbed some tea, but no breakfast for the paunch, and loaded the car. At 7am Iwas on my way.
It was over an hour to Bridgebourne and as I nearly the city Zoot directed me to the out of town shopping plaza. It was another freezing cold windy day. I grabbed my black woolen hat, gloves and gray scarf and then realized I had forgotten my big white coat. I zipped on a scruffy old short black down jacket that was already in the car. I looked like an American longshoreman, or a striking coal miner on flying picket duty.
I walked across the vast windblown car parks to the DIY superstore. Jesus it was bloody cold. Inside the store I looped up and down multiple aisles with my list of needs and my antennae out for inspiration. Trigger hooks, check, soft rope (shibari) washing line, check. Gaffer tape, clothes pegs, D rings, and the like, all checked. I bought a basket full of goodies, left the store and hurried back across the Ross Ice Shelf that was temporarily masquerading as a car park.
Zoot led, I drove to the city centre and the hotel but Zoot’s dirEvolutions were out of sync with the modern road layout and I got confused in a half square mile area that had once been so familiar to me as a student over thirty years earlier.
At 11a.m. I eventually checked into the pocket sized room that just about held a double bed. I diligently unpacked my Mary Poppins bag of BDSM tricks and subtly prepared the bed for bondage.
I was wrapped up in my casual clothes with breath steaming as I waited at Wharfeside station for Sylvie. Somehow she clocked me first and smiled. ‘Hello.’ I barely recognized the attractive stylish woman in a light brown over-coat, sunglasses and mass of red hair who greeted me. I felt some nervousness, how did I look? Was I a disappointment to her, but my doubts were quickly dispelled and my confidence soared when she smiled easily and seemed generally pleased to see me, if also a little nervous herself.
We walked to the hotel with chapped lipped conversation about the choppy offshore waters and thecold wind. She was not too familiar with Bridgebourne so I led the way and crossed the road at the wrong place so that this refined, slim young woman had to clanber around the roadside safety railings. She was way too elegant to be a gangsters moll, but I certainly looked like a heavy duty bodyguard accompanying her. I hoped the way I looked had not put her off.
We went to the Boar’s Head on Mercury Street, next door to the building that had been in my youth, the happy watering hole of the student union. Inside were a couple of other customers and a slightly camp bartender. We shimmied around the corner of the bar and took our seats. She looked fabulous, her figure friendly dress was a little low cut but a silk scarf added modesty and sensitiveness, with just occasional hints of cleavage and the little plump mounds of pert Pixie breasts. Nice make-up, red lips, wonderful thick dark red hair, so pretty.
I bought her a glass of red wine and me a pint. We talked about our weekin such a way, flirty but unfamiliar with each other, that the gay bar man suspected we were up to something. He started cleaning glasses near by or going to the office behind the part of the bar where we sat, listening I am sure. Rather than feeling self-conscious about our conversation, this only added to the excitement that we were already feeling, that we were indeed ‘up to something’.
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