Chapter 3. Nests
I had two office affairs, Joanna and Jo, both during my time at British Airways. Not together, that would have been mind-blowing.
Jo was first and lasted during a week long business trip to Beijing. We sat together on the long flight chatting about office gossip and our lives. Cockney Jo was bright, a first class honours graduate, petite, pretty with a broad sparkling smile. She was in the middle of breaking up with a long standing boyfriend, an engineer. In recent months during his own business trips abroad she had done some wandering herself and was enjoying a sustained period of ladettism.
She later confident that she had picked up nine lovers in eight weeks. She was amazed ‘It was so easy.’ How little she really knew men I thought.
She showed me photos of her friends, mostly girls on London night’s out, and I shared photos of my kids. One with me in the swimming pool with my daughter drew my comment, ‘And me looking a bit portly’
‘Iquite like portly,’ she said.
Aye aye, I thought, maybe she understand men really well.
The working days were long as we prepared for the aviation conference that we were hosting, and that I had set up. There were six of us from the company and in the evenings we would relax in a Chinese facsimile of a British pub. Late the second evening we walked back to our rooms together and I invited her into my room for a nightcap.
Pretty soon we were stretched alongside each other on the bed. We kissed password carefully and caressed each other freely, and then she responded to being held down. I put an airline blindfold over her eyes and the sub in Jo was let loose.
She loved it as I improved with my ties and bound her wrists together. I slowly undressed her, and when lifting her skirt and parting her legs I gently kissed her panties over her mound of venus. She let out a long groan.
Jo got the full cunnilingual treatment, we had good condom sex (nine men in eight weeks ensured that), and her bright broad smile received a complimentary sprinkling of ninety-white OG juice.
Two days later she invited me to her room. But she was no longer smiling, upset as boyfriend had finally ended their relationship by email that day. Weeping she sat astride me as I sat on the edge of the bed and amidst her tears we kissed, fondled, disrobed and fucked.
We had a few more nights together and only once let our guard down in front of our rumour monk prone colleagues. We were seated at a table in the hotel pub and Jo had to squeeze past three of us to take her seat in the corner next to me, as she steadied herself to get past me she laid a hand high and firmly on my thigh.
‘I saw that,’ said the guy to my right.
That’ll do the rounds back at HQ I Thought.
That and Joanna.
Joanna was new to the company, ginger, usually with a long pony tail, had a very pretty frozen face, and a tall hour glass figure. I had a trip coming up to Manila and the airlines there were interested in her product.
As we discussed the possibility of the trip this confident, vitality public schooled young woman looked me in the eye and said, ‘I want to go to the Philippines with you.’
The first night in the Penninsula hotel she wanted to swim in the outdoor pool, I said I would join her but only after my run, (I was training seriously back then). I did my four mile run on the treadmill, the gym was on the ground floor, with large windows. It was a good hard sweaty session, I was focused on the seven minutes a mile pace I wanted, and didn’t realize she was watching me from the pool just outside.
After the run I showed and went to join her in the pool, she looked very attractive in her bikini, but had finished her exercise for the evening. She did compliment my running but I had missed out.
The next night was different, we went for a meal in the Makati district and then drinks in the Giraffe bar. Initially we talkedabout the business as she was new and enthusiastic, and then about our contrasting backgrounds. My secondary modern and polytechnic education and her Sherbourne School for Girls and Oxford. My ex was a teacher and her fiancée a professional Opera Singer.
I wondered what she was doing flirting with me when she was engaged, especially towards the end of the evening when the conversation turned to sex.
We Walked arm in arm back to the Penninsula and then the nightcap routine up to my room. The kissing led to disrobing, she wore mens briefs, ‘more comfortable’ she said. I hoped they were the opera singer’s.
I went down on the ginger minge and she came hard. During the build up this very pretty woman’s face contained into the most abnormal cummy face I’d ever seen. We fucked missionary style for a while and eventually I rolled off her.
I had expected her to stay the night and we could couple up again in the morning, but perhaps Opera Singer seven hours behind us inLondon might call and she said she was leaving for her own room.
I asked, ‘May I ask you a favour?’
She agreed.
‘May I cum?’
‘Of course’ she said, ‘tit for tattoo and all that, after all I am a Sherborne girl.’
She massaged, with a bit of mouth, the head of OG until I came. Sperm shot into her mouth and she let it drool over over my genitals.
Dirty posh totty I thought.
Back at the office Jo and Joanna had both been very friendly in my presence, Jo even a little flustered sometimes. Others noticed too. Joanna was a little more guarded, and her wedding went through only a month after our title for tat encounter. I was pretty sure I was her last fling before she committed to her marriage vows and she didn’t want to encourage Another or reveal anything to anyone else, but our friendship was still noticed and our conversations became awkward.
The discomfort of the office rumour mill had flared briefly after both flings, something I didn’t wantagain. Work colleagues should be off limits.
A couple of years later after my Kerry experience I added neighbors and friends to the no go list. Don’t shit in your own nest was my conclusion.
So how would I solve the problem of no regular sex?
A possible solution came to me as I was driving on an unusually uncongested M25 one afternoon, (as my fledgling business slowly picked up I spent more of my time on that motorway than in the gym) I switched away from listening to my habitual Talksport radio station to the BBC4. There was a discussion programme about dating websites. Most of it was about the psychology of youngsters exploring romance and relationships with the opposite sex for the first time through the online environment rather than my real world experience of turgid school Christmas balls.
But there was also an aside about mature people searching for purely sexual relations outside of their stable if boring home lives. The name of one site was The Affair. Perhaps that was what I was looking for?
The next day when working in my home office my mind wandered back to this new possibility. I googled and found the website, read through it’s over hyperped claims supported by improbably good looking models and decided to join.
It was expensive; at that time you enrolled for free and paid for tokens which you used to send and receive messages and other services.
This well-heeled customer base displayed monkies like JenniferP, LittleTeaser, lovetoloveyou and Uptownngirl. I scrolled through women within my target age group: my age plus or minus five years. Intermittently over the next few weeks many carefully crafted messages went out. None received replies and nobody even visited my profile.
I reworked my description to sound more adventurous, (in reality it should have been in the past tense), successful (definitely past tense), and erudite, (or wordy). I still got nowhere and considered dropped the exercise as a slightly pricey, utterly fruitless disappointment, but as a final desultory gesture I sent off a few uninspired speculative messages with the last of my tokens. A few days later a message alert came through that I had received a reply, but of course I would have to buy another batch of tokens to be able to open and read it.
I dallied at the wisdom of it, but noticed that the messenger had actually visited my profile a couple of times. A couple of days later I purchased the tokens and opened the message from my unexpected admirer, Claudia.
She was my age, lived only a half an hour’s drive away and was deeply unhappily married. Her message and profile were brief and there was no photo, but hey, I had someone to dilly dally with.
Three exchanges of messages later and we had swapped personal emails and photos. We also swapped mobile phone numbers and chatted a few times. She was a freelance writer for women’s romantic publications, and planning a trip to Seoul in South Korea.I showed off my knowledge of the place and it was all very grown up and sensitive conversation. She was slim, attractive, well heeled, worldly and creative. More importantly she wanted a new lover. She asked me for a photo of Old Glory, and this was when OG received his name. So I agreed to show her mine if she showed me hers and sent her one of OG placid and flaccid and another fully aroused. In return I got Some lovely compliments and the photo of her hairy beaver.
We first met on a blustery day at All Bar One at the base of the newly opened Shard building next to London Bridge station. She arrived fifteen minutes after me, in flapping floppy hat and long coat.
She was charming, intelligent and artistic. We got on well and agreed to meet again a few weeks later, also in London. I had a meeting in the City that morning with a perspective new client, to add to two existing clients, my original airline focused Aussies and some Americans selling similar services to hotel chains. We spent the afternoon strolling around like a couple, enjoyed an Italian dinner and watched a Johnny Depp spooky comesdy movie in a deserted cinema. I did touch her corduroy clad tigh but other than that all I received was a kiss on the cheese.
She was pretty, slim, funny, quirky and a bit posh. She also hated her husband; his business had failed and she bemoaned their loss of money, made more humiliating because her circle of friends were incredibly wealthy.
It was our fourth meeting when she was ready to move onto a hotel room, which we did after a preamble in the lobby bar. Once in the room we stood at the garden window, at first I stood behind and held her waist, and she made the first sexual move when she gently squeezed OG through my trousers. I turned her around and we kissed for the first time. We moved away from the window as I undressed her and soon we lay on the bed naked and continued kissing. When I first touched her ‘Mindy’ with my fingers, she orgasmed really quickly and then burst into tears. It had been a long time, she explained.
We met quite a few times after that mostly in motorcycles and a couple of times in a large grim shoddy place we called Hotel Darko. Otherwise weather permitting it was picnics in the woods or a secluded car park. Penetrative sex was rare and condom only but Claudia loved it when I went down on Mindy, climaxing within ten minutes: exhaust she called it. Unlike other women she didn’t moan but made cute little ‘cumsqueeks’, and neither did she clamp her legs together and thrust at my face, but instead would keep herself spread wide open, squeaking away whilst I continued toguing, and she would cum again ten minutes later. I could get her off three times in half an hour if I applied myself, which mostly mean getting my back and neck in a comfortable straight position. In return she usually gave me a ten minute handjob with liberal smells of baby oil which at the end would smoothly mix with my sperm as she mAssaged by balls and cock. Very nice it was, even if it was over a bit too quickly.
Once in the woods under dappled light from a hot sun we had a really pleasant experience, partly because of the setting and partly because it was one of the few times she used her mouth on me. My orgasm took her by surprise and she instinctively pulled away: clearly and disapointingly this woman didn’t have a liking for sperm.
Playing al fresco was enjoyable only until the time we were ‘parking’ and mistaken for exhibitionists when a dogger came up to the car window to watch. Claudia particularly lost her outdoor nerves after that and it was back to Hotel Darko.
I was now keen to explore the site for a more fulfilling affair and over a few weeks I intermittently searched and eventually found and met Carol. She was a university lecturer, was starting new research for a PhD and had already published a book on her subject. I thought how strange to meet another writer, I had never met onebefore and then two come along all at once.
She was also another unhappy wife and we met a few times in various Hertfordshire hotels. She was similar to Claudia: strictly condoms only, she loved to receive oral, especially rimming, and especially when sitting on my face. She would push down on me and gasp as I tongued. She had a good figure, large in an almost Amazonian way so the grinding on my face was heavy going at times. Another similarity with Claudia was that she also preferred to use her hands to bring me off. As a lover of blowjobs and facials, and racier sex in general I had not yet found the right woman. Anyway eventually she and hubby separated and she no longer wanted a fuckbuddy. She wanted romance and I was history, well in that department, we became pen friends as she continued to email me from time to time.
The Affair, Forbidden Liaisons and Adult Encounters mostly cater for cheating spouses. They are all relatively expensive. The women that I correspondedwith on the sites were geneuine, lonely unloved wives, and though they were refined, intelligent and very good company they didn’t really satisfy me. Was I immoral? I don’t know, but I was surprisingly unperturbed at fucking other people’s wives. Unlike with Kerry I had no connection with their husbands and was sanguine and guilt free, the infidelity was an issue for my new playmates, not me.
I cast my net to other sites such as: Playthefield, New Couples, Friendsindeed, and Fabulous Times. One free dating site introduced me to Annie, not as pretty as Claudia and Carol, and definitely not middle class, was chunky but up for it. She was my age, married, and wanted NSA sex, No Strings Attached. She fucked (at last!) and sucked (Yeah!) and even liked some milk bondage, but ultimately in the various movies and hotels around Cambridgeshire she liked to complete in Ye Olde Missionary position. She even kind of called my bluff when on the occasions she did let me cum in her mouth she then insisted on a following up sperm kiss, hypocritically this not something I actually year for. I steeled myself to comply as the trade off for squirting into her gob in the first place. At least she didn’t want me to cream pie style clean out her minge after a missionary fuck.
She later dumped her hubby to move in with an Italian living in the desolate wastes of the fens. As she no longer needed me for extra curricular activities and as she didn’t particularly turn me on, we stopped seeing each other.
I explored more sites and met a variety of interesting people, most just wanted erotic chat and shied away from any liaison. I think quite a few are on an ego trip just having so many men compete for their attention. Carol admitted she loved reading through twenty or so new emails every day. Quite a few of these women seem to use health issues as an excuse not to follow through. So the aimless flirtations and disappointments means a dedicated man can waste a lot of time.
But I did find Rosanna on New Couples. It is a free and geneine dating site mostly for those seeking long term relationships, but the odd polyamorous, dominitrix and NSA are sprinkled through the legs of women with names like Floozylady, Buttercup and Constellation. It works through extensive questionsnaires on various themes, and using proprietary algorithms you get percentage matches based on What you are looking for and what kind of person you are.
Rosanna and I had a match that was exactly zero percent. I just had to find out what a zero was like. Her profile photos were nice enough, so what was the problem?
God was the problem.
Rosanna was a precious ridden catholic Brazilian.
Bu interestingly her occupation was waxing the genitals of women and gay men. We messaged on New Couples and then emailed directly until during one late night long e-chat she asked if I liked blindfolds. I was hooked.
We met three times before deciding to go a step further. HerSexual interests were the opposite of zero; bondage, domination and oral sex. She wasn’t too bright, had limited but managed English and immediately the sex was over she withdraw into a weird silence, ashamed of her sexual desires and deeds, but always a few days later her urges returned. So Rosanna was not a longer term prospect for me but promised to be a pretty good interim sex partner.
Fundamentally what she I wanted was to wax me, she must love her job if it is essentially the same activity as her preference for sex. She also had quite a few fans involving bondage and domination, anal penetrations (hers and mine), forced bisexuality (hers and mine for fucks sake!).
The waxing experience was exhilarating. She tied me spread out on the bed, I was blindfolded with a silk scarf and then she waxed me, removing all my pubic hair and ‘everywhere’ else, her euphemism for my ass hairs. She released my ankles to get my ‘ass up’ with my hips off the bed, ankles by my wrists, thighs spread, rectum winding. She really was into anuses and only ever achieved orgasm with my finger picking in and out of her bum. ‘One day’ she said, ‘I want try anal sex’, I would have done it for her, although it’s not really my thing.
The waxing was a long session, especially for my back, as she methodically applied the hot red wax and then later picked off the cool hardened flakes with her finger nails and thus tearing out the hairs beneath. She worked on different areas in turn, starting around my pubes, then my inner thighs, across my scrotum stretched out with her free hand, and down my crack. In between each application she played and sucked me, and soon enough was inserting fingers and her tongue up my arse. It took some time to complete the process, it was a divine experience of altering pain from dripping hot wax and ripping hairs with seventy wet oral sex and gentle hand massaging of newly smooth hairless generals and frequent finger poking. I came with a howl as she slurped her tongue around and inside my anus, she continued licking my ass and my tingling perineum until I entered the drop zone of unconsciousness. It was the best build up and orgasm I had received from any internet date, to date. The orgasm was on a par with the old Japanese crowd who gave me a body massage plus extra ‘ticles’ and then a post orgasmic head massage in the Tokyo hotel.
I wanted to get her into a threesome with another woman, but she seemed more interested in watching me get fucked up the arse by her gay cousin or something. That was a huge adios motherfucker, no forced bisexuality for me.
Curiously someone else I met had a similar fantasy. I met a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) dominatrix on The Vault – a website for kinky people to find each other. Ordinarily I would not be into large women, Although I could appreciate volunteer and curvy as long as it wasn’t flabby wobbly. (One of the most important of my long term relationships had been Candy, she was a little curvy and as with all my loves, the relationship was built on great sex.)
Candy had taught me all I needed to know about giving oral sex, which to my surprise and everlasting appreciation during a lengthy lesson in a hotel in Montreal, turned out to be quite a lot. Her firm and proportioned plus sized body, turbo charged sex drive and oversized throbbing cliporis saw to that. You could actually see it twitching when aroused. It was proportionate in size to her labia and vulva, and when she got going she had a very heavy discharge of juice. ‘Slicking’ she called it. My American Deep South Candy loved giving and receiving oral sex more than fucking, and she loved ‘queening’ or face sitting most of all.
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