Still More Friends! Ch. 05

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.


In spin of how much I’d come to love Sonia’s luscious breasts, and the size of them which was quite a bit larger than Laura’s even, I was taken again by how nearly perfect Laura’s were. They were completely firm and round and her areola were what I’d describe as a dark pink. Smooth and capped with large nipples.

I seized hold of the crop and took adeep breath. I started out slowly and not very hard since I was committed to making this last a long time. I did not avoid her nipples as I’d done in the past, letting them feel the crop from the very start.

“So, you think you want to feel the crop on your tits huh? You’ll change your mind before I’m through with you this time!” I said evenly as I continued to turn her white skin a rosy pink.

I worked them all over, sides top, bottom as best I could and regularly scratched her nipples. It wasn’t long before she started to moan, and this wasn’t from pleasure. I was methodically making every inch of them sting.

Once I had them a nice uniform pink I paused and gripped one nipple in my left hand stretching it up as high as I could to expose the cream where the bottom of it met her chest. I laid Several sharp blows all over the tender fold and then repeated it on the other side.

Knowing how tender her nipples must be after that treatment, I made sure to catch them with the very tip of the crop on the next several blows.

“Ow, Oh God that hurts! Enough, ENOUGH!” she cried out.

It was my plan to push her limits.

I increased both the strength and the frequency of the strokes.

“SHIT! I’m sorry Scott, really! I know I shouldn’t have done that. OW! OH FUCK! STOP, PLEASE STOP NOW!”

I stepped it up a little more.

Tears were running down her face now.

“NO MORE! OH GOD I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE! PLEASE!!!” she was screaming.

I kept at it showing no mercy and focused even more of the smacks on her nipples which were flame red by that point.

“AHHGGGG! OH FUCK SCOTT STOP!” she was sobbing hard.

I knew she couldn’t take much more. I increased the punishment one more level


I smile sadistically. I eased off quite a bit and avoided her nipples for the moment, but didn’t stop.

“NO! NO! STILL TO MUCH NOOOOO!” she cried out even louder.

I maintained the same level still.

“YELLOW! YELLOW! FOR CHRIST’S SAKE YELLOOOO!” she wailed in desperation praying I’d stop.

I eased off more still, both easing up and slowing the frequentism significantly. I kept avoiding her nipples too. I knew she would not be able to last much longer.

The words had stopped, just shrieks of pain were coming out of her mouth. Her eyes were begging me!

With two quick flicks, one to each nipple, I dropped the crop on the floor.

She sagged like a rag doll, sobbing continuously.

“Next time you think you want your tits abused, remember this!” I said evilly.

I knew she had been on the verge of using her stop word.

I left her hanging there while I pulled on some clothes. At last I freed her. She staggered to a chair and sat hard.

“Get your ass up and put on some clothes. I think we better go check on John and Sonia, they’ve been gone quite a while” I ordered.

She looked at me disbelieving, but drug herself up and slowly went to the bedroom. It was a few minutes before she returned, wearing shoes and shorts, but topless.

I laughed, “A little too tender for a shirt huh?”

She still didn’t speak.

We headed out the door and down to the lake.

When we got to the tree, Sonia was strung up as I expected. We’d heard her screams almost from the moment we left the cabin.

John had a pretty wicked looking branch that he’d stripped the leaves from and was using as a quite effective multi strand whip.

“Hey you two, come to watch the fun?” John quipped.

Sonia was fairly well covered with mean looking red stripes covering her ass, tighs and back as well as her tits and stomach. For a moment I was concerned that John had gone to far. After the workout we’d given her tits earlier, I was sure they had to hurt like Hell now!

“Get her to use her safe word yet?” I asked in a joking manner, but needing to know.

“Nah, the bitch is tougher than I thought!” he replied.

I looked her in the eyes with a question on my face. I was relieved when she gave her head a little shake no.

John was working her over quite thoroughly, but any worries I had about him going over the line were unfounded.

“Come here John and feel your wife’s tits. They’ve had a pretty good workout too!” I said.

He reached over and roughly squeezed one boob in each hand.

Laura made the first sound since I’d stopped cropping her. It was a piercing sketch of pain. Her tits were hot to the touch and still scarlet. She was going to be feeling the treatment I’d given her for quite some time.

“My, looks like you did a nice job Scott!” he chuckled as he released her and picked his whip back up.

Having given her barely a break, he went back to whipping Sonia. I realized how he’d managed to be at it so long, he was constantly moving from place to place so the repeat markings were well spread out.

As he worked, I talked as if it wereany ordinary conversation.

“Laura actually asked for that. I’m mean really ASKED! I doubt she’ll do that again soon. In fact, I made her use her safe word twice before I stopped!” I told him as if the two women weren’t even present.

“Really?” he said curiously.

“NO MORE, OH PLEASE JOHN, NO MORE!” Sonia was sobbing hard.

I knew she was Just about to break too. I wasn’t sure if John knew or not.

He landed a couple of pretty nasty lashes on her tits and then a few especially brutal ones on her ass before dropping the whip to the ground.

“Hell, that’s enough for now. She still has to provide tonight’s entertainment” he laughed.

Much as Laura had earlier, Sonia crumbled so that her entire weight was supported by her arms.

“Help me get her down, will you Scott” John said breathing hard.

“Let’s put her here on this moss, I’m not quite finished!” he said lustfully.

I did so without comment and to my surprise, John pushed her legs apart and climbed on top. He began to fuck her hard and fast.

It was clear that Sonia was hurting and not enjoying the experience, but from the sounds John was making, he didn’t give a shit and was enjoying it thoroughly.

It didn’t take long before John came and came hard. Spent he crawled to his feet leaving Sonia just laying there.

A little sheepishly I thought, John said, “Damn, I enjoyed that!”

He took Laura by the hand and started to lead her towards the cabin.

He looked over his shoulder as he walked and called out “Think about that the next time you throw a bet Sonia!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle and though it was the only movement she made, a minor smile came to Sonia’s lips.

I sat down next to her and asked softly, “You OK?”

She didn’t respond at all for a moment, then “Seems your student is learning quickly!”

I chuckled again, “Apparently. ARE you okay?”

“I’ll regret it later I’m sure, but yeah, I’m OK” she said softly.

“I didn’t think John saw through me” she went on.

“He didn’t see all the way through you” and after a pause I added, “like I do!”

She looked at me with a quizzical twitch of her eyebrow, but said nothing.

“I think everyone knew you connived to throw the blowjob contest, but I don’t think John fully understands why” I answered the unasked question.

“Go on” she urged, obviously unwilling to contribute.

“I know you baited John like that so he’d really lay into you without me being involved. I think it worked from the way he fucked you afterwards. I think you brought out the animalistic pleasure that’s been buried there, showing him how much he can really enjoy giving you, or more specifically Laura, the treatment that you both need so much!” I said rather smugly.

“Damn it! I keep slipping into thinking of you as a beer salesman, not a magna cum laude psychology graduate!” she laughed, confirming my evaluation as correct.

“Don’t, it will get you in trouble!” I joked.

I helped her up and we headed to the cabin as well. The way she was moving, I could tell John had done a most effective job on her. I was a little worried about putting her on the apparatus later, but I didn’t think John would agree to let her off the hook.

She was a better friend to Laura than I’d ever known, I thought again.

As we headed back to the cabin I added, “I think you’ll regret it all the more during the entertainment later!”

“Tell me about that. Laura wouldn’t tell me much, just that she’d never do it again and that I wasn’t going to like it much” she asked.

“She’s right. Other than that you’ll have to wait and see, but I suggest that when we get back to the cabin you try to get some sleep, you’re going to need your strength to get through it!” I said cryptically, then added “I’ll try to take it as easy on you as I can.”

And I would too. I’d probably have let her off all together after the treatment John had gIven her, but I knew after the treatment she’d given him, he’d never stand for it.

She smiled at me in a way that just about melted my heart. I took her in my arms and kissed her passwordately for quite a while before we continued back to the cabin.

When we got back to the cabin John had Laura secured to the horse again and was working her ass over with a belt.

I decided to take Sonia into the bedroom and tuck her in before checking on John and Laura. She was going to need to get some rest if she was going to survive her apparatus ordeal that would come later. I helped her lay down and covered her up. I bent to give her a gentle kiss and got a smile in return. By the time I got to the door and turned to take a last look at her, she was sleep, or nearly so. John had really worked her over. I closed the door and went to see what was up with John and Laura.

Tears were running down Laura’s pretty face and she was begging John to stop. I was some surprised to seethat John had attached two of the heavier, more vicious nipple clamp and weight combinations to her tits. Between what I’d done to her ass that morning and much more recently to her tits, the treatment he was giving her was quite brutal. It absolutely had to hurt like Hell. It was a rather heavy belt he was using to really lay into her ass. Her entire ass was bright red and there were a few nasty looking Welts.

“I’m trying to cure this slut of her desire to have that big fat cock of yours plowing her cunt, but I’m not making much headway. I told her I was going to thrash her ass with this belt for a while and if she used her safe word that I’d NEVER let you fuck her again! So far the ache in her cunt seems to be winning over the pain in her ass!” John explained, smiling as he spoke.

Laura was really in pain, I could tell, but I could also see John hadn’t broken the trust. All three of us knew that if she used her safe word, he’d stop, but we all also knew that if she did,John would follow through on his promise that should could no longer have his permission to fuck me and that no matter what Laura did, I’d never break John’s rule!

Considering how recently John had fucked Sonia, and judging by the tent in his shorts, I’d say Sonia had been successful in getting John to realize how much pleasure he could derive from giving these two women the punishment that was part of their sexual excitement. I wondered if he’d been too successful, as what he was doing to Laura now was pretty extreme.

To my amazement, he continued to stick her ass something fierce, and yet while sobbing and pleading for him to stop, Laura still hadn’t used her safe word. Maybe John was right. Maybe her desire for a large cock fucking was that strong after all!

I actually considered stopping him, but first off, Laura could do that if she really couldn’t take any more, and second, it really wasn’t my place to do so.

I was positive that Laura was about to use hersafe word, especially since John showed no signs of letting up or stopping anytime soon. But just when I could see in Laura’s face that she couldn’t take anymore, apparently so did John, and to my surprise he dropped the belt rather than push her over the limit.

I figured he was done with her now and expected him to release her, but I was wrong.

“Hell, if she wants cock that bad, let’s just give her what she wants. Remember that first time I walked through the cabin door, how we fucked both ends of this slut at once” John asked rhetorically.

“Of course” I said haltingly, afraid I knew exactly where this was going.

“Well, lets do it again, and since she likes your big cock so much, we’re going to switch ends this time” he said, meaning I was going to fuck her up the ass.

After all that Laura had been through already I was nearly positive she couldn’t take that, after all I’d already fucked her up the ass once and she’d had here ass cropped and belted severely on two separate occasions.

I could have refused to participate of course, but I could see that it was indeed John’s attempt to demonstrate to Laura that the cost of strange, larger cock, was going to be very high. I figured it was John’s call though, but didn’t think he realized what the outcome would probably be if Laura finally did use her safe word. Well, it was his show and his problem if that happened.

Laura was screaming for us not to do it, but as I grew up her asshole and John stuffed his cock roughly down her throat she still didn’t stop the action.

I tried to be as gentle as I could, at least until I got it worked all the way in and she loosened up a little, but John was having no part of that either.

“Come on Scott, fuck her harder than that! Let’s get in sync here!” he said without mirth.

That would have required me to increase my pace generally to keep up with the pistoning he was doing. I drew the line there, this was as much as shecould take and then some, I thought. I continued at my slow steady pace. It was going to be bad enough for her in that after the days activities already, I knew I’d last a long time.

Soon John was grunting and obviously shooting his load deep in her throat. I could tell Laura was trying her best to swallow it all, but John had his cock stuffed as deep as he could and she was having trouble not gagging. Once he was finished he just slumped down in the chair and watch Laura and me.

Now that her mouth was no longer full of cock Laura became a bit more vocal, “Oh God Scott, Fuck that hurts, Please stop, PLEASE!” she became.

I considered stopping but two things kept me from it, first I knew Scott would not be pleased and thought he might continue to abuse Laura Some more if I did, and second I was just too close to want to leave myself hanging.

Picking up the pace just a little was enough, “Almost there baby, ALMOST THERE!”

I could feel Laura tighten her muscles and squeeze my cock some more, that was all it took. I pulled her back towards me and buried myself as deep as I could and just held there while my cock pumped yet another load in her very tender ass. As soon as the last spasm was done, I slowly pulled my cock out with a ‘POP’ and quickly removed the nipple clamps, which of course caused a yelp, and then undid the restraints.

Laura just slumped over the horse not moving. I picked her up and carried her over to the sofa where I gently laid her down and then covered her. She lay there softly whimpering.

I was actually pretty pissed at John. I thought he’d gone too far with both Sonia and Laura, but then who was I to talk. Somehow it felt different though. I cleaned up and pulled on some shorts. Went to the cooler and grabbed a soda. Motioning to John I asked him if he wanted one too. He nodded yes and I tossed him one.

“Let’s go outside and have a chat!” I said rather gruffly.

He gave me a bit of a defiant look,shrugged and then headed to the door with me.

I took a couple of drinks and a deep breath before speaking.

“Okay, you want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” I said harshly, still pissed.

John surprised me.

Rather testily he barked back, “Look pal, you can’t have it both ways! You want me to learn the ropes and enjoy myself, well, that’s exactly what I’m doing. And I sure as HELL wasn’t any rougher on either of them than you’ve been. Probably not even as rough!”

He took a deep breath and went on more calmly, “Laura wants me to take control, but she still tries to push the envelope. You know damn well she needs me to keep her ‘in line’, it’s part of the turn-on for her. She baited you into cropping her tits and she baited me into Punishing her for craving big dick. And Sonia knew exactly what she was doing! She pushed me to the point of making me mad and wanting to get even, but you know what? You taught me well. As soon as I had her down at the lake and strung up to that tree, I realized I was acting out of anger. I didn’t start whipping her until I got back in control, but it turned out her little ploy worked anyway. I really started to enjoy laying into her good and hard, not like I’d been doing to both of them earlier. So Sonia’s plan worked after all, even if I had figured out what she was up to. Besides, she had her safe words and I would have Totally respected that. She didn’t even use her ‘slow down’ word, though she must have been close!’

“Fuck!” I exclaimed.

“What” John replied somewhat defensively.

“No, no. I’m sorry is all. I was worried you were losing perspective and control, I see you were just generally enjoying yourself! And I’d say that while you may have been pushing their limits, so where the women. I didn’t give you enough credit, sorry!” I chuckled.

John laughed too, “Forget it, I’m just more of a natural than either one of us dreamed possible! In fact, in spine of myself, watching your monster cock pounding in and out of my wife’s hot, horny cunt makes me incredibly hot! And getting some strange stuff from the likes of Sonia is certainly not too difficult to warm to! I was glad Laura didn’t break in there. I like the four of us to do this again sometimes.”

Jesus, who had understood whom this time!

I actually started to laugh.

“Now what?” John said, clearly confused.

Still laughing “I was just thinking about how different this is turning out than I expected! And I imagine Laura is going to end up getting more than she bargained for. Not that it doesn’t serve the conniving little cunt right!”

We both started to laugh.

After a moment I caught my breath and went on, “John, I can’t lie about it, I certainly would be happy to keep being the one to give Laura her big cock fixes, if it works for you. You need to know that Sonia is very much her own woman and further participation in a foursome like this weekend may not be in her plans.”

John looked pensive. Evidently that aspect hadn’t occurred to him. He was quickly becoming a full blown dom, but still lacked experience.

I figured I might as well get the other issue on my mind out. I took another deep breath, and while John was still thinking I went on “John, I’m thinking about letting Sonia off the hook about the apparatus tonight.”

John looked at me intensely for a minute before answering, “Scott, I don’t think that works for me after what went down earlier!”


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