Still More Friends! Ch. 04

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.

Laura’s reaction caused Sonia to look both puzzled, and appreciated.

“Come on Laura, it’s a conversation I’m sure you can win” I went.

“Scott, I’m not getting on that thing ever again!” she said firmly.

“Well, then you better win!” I said, getting a little angle.

“Here is the deal. You two give each of us a blowjob. The one who makes her guycum first wins! Laura, being the talented little cocksucker you are, that should be a piece of cake for you” I went on.

John didn’t see it, but I noticed a quick glance between the two women. They didn’t realize I’d seen, but they were clearly up to something.

“What is this apparatus?” Sonia asked promptly.

“It’s just something I made when John and Laura were here last. One way or the other you’ll see” I told her.

“Shit!” Laura said under her breath.

“Okay, what the Hell, I’m game” said Sonia, “but how about we make this a little more interesting. A double contest, whichever of us makes the guy cum first wins, but the guy who cums first loses. I get to have my way with the loser for an hour while the winner gets to have his way with Laura.”

“What!” Laura yelped in what I thought was mock surprise.

Sonia’s suggestion wasn’t a big surprise. In our conversations, she’d told me she was a bit of a switch. She tried to talk me into letting her top a couple of times, which I steadfastly refused.

Let me explain. When I was new to the scene, I’d bottomed a few times. I think every top should have the experience. It simply isn’t my thing, plus I wanted to maintain a control with Sonia that wouldn’t be possible if we switched from time to time. In any case I didn’t plan to do so.

“Hmm, interesting. What do you think John?” I asked.

“Uh, gee, I don’t really know” he said flustered.

“Oh, what the fuck. Let’s give it a try, BUT only if you two agree that whichever of you loses, give up her safe word for the apparatus” was my response.

“NO! I’m not doing that!” Laura insisted.

“Come on Laura, let’s play” Sonia implored softly.

She clearly had a plan.

Even more quietly Sonia added, “Trust me.”

Ultimately everyone agreed to the conditions.

I have pretty good staying power and since I’d cum even more recently than John, I figured I could last longer. But I decided to give myself an extra edge.

“Since Sonia’s cum is still all over John’s cock, it’s only right that Laura does him and Sonia, you do me!” I finished.

I hadn’t been kidding about Laura being talented, she was the most amazing cocksucker I’d ever seen. I also knew that my size was a problem for Sonia, so she’d have a much harder time getting me off. Sonia was the best fuck I’d ever had, better than Laura even, but when it came to giving head, Laura had no peer.

“Okay, let’s got started” I directed, “Just to make it a little more interesting we’re going to tie you girls hands behind your back.”

I did this last part because without her hands, I knew Sonia would be at a huge failure. John didn’t seem so enthused anymore, but hadn’t caught on to how severely I’d stacked the deck. I had no intention of giving myself to Sonia for an hour. I had a pretty good idea what that would be like and didn’t care for the notion at all!

We all got situationated. John and I sitting on the couch, the two women kneeing in front of us, hands secured behind them.

“Ready, GO!” I declared.

I leaned back and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to risk getting excited by watching Laura bob her head as she inhaled John’s cock, which I knew would be the case.

As I expected, Sonia was having a bit of a challenge. She was licking me all over, including my balls. It felt wonderful, but it would take a very long time for her to make me cum. She started sucking and licking the cleft in my cockhead, the place she knew to be my most sensitive. It felt great, too fucking great! I started to be concerned that she was going to be more successful than I’d thought.

Damned if I hadn’t got myself into a mess, here was this fabulous piece of womankind, sucking my cock as best she could and I was trying hard not to enjoy it! Fucking dumb!

It wasn’t all that long however, before Laura’s talent would eliminate my concern. I knew that she would do ANYTHING to avoid the apparatusagain. I was certain she was giving John the most awesome blowjob in history.

I heard John’s moans. He sounded like he was fighting it, but losing. In a couple of more minutes I heard him growl loudly as he came. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Laura sucking and swallowing like mad.

She glanced up at me and smiled broadly around John’s softening cock.

My attention was immediately diverted back to Sonia though. She had just enveloped my cockhead in her mouth. She was sliding almost half of my shake in and out. The sensing was unbelievable. She wasn’t able to take as much as Laura did, but her technique was every bit as effective. This, after the tongue lashing she’d been giving my cock and balls, was truly amazing. It didn’t take long at all Before I felt that wonderfully familiar churning in my loins. Knowingr contest was over, I was able to relax and relish in the feelings of her mouth pleasure my cock.

Soon her efforts were rewarded. I cried out as I started shooting cum down her throat. I opened my eyes again to watch her greedily wolf down my seed. She sucked and swallowed, not missing a single drop.

I slumped back, catching my breath. My mind was reeling. I realized that she’d ‘thrown’ the game. I don’t know if I could have held out longer than John or not if she’d started sucking me that way at the outset, but I was positive she would have made me cum much, much sooner.

I opened my eyes again and looked at her. She was smiling at me, a rather self satisfied look.

“I’ve been doing some jaw stretching exercises” she said very softly.

I knew with a little more practice, she might just give Laura a run for her ‘title’ after all. Practice which I most assuredly intended to give her!

She was definitely up to something, but I had no idea what yet! She was, however, going to pay a Hell of a price later.

I glanced at John and Laura. He looked dismayed, she looked ecstatic.

No one moved or spoke for a little while. Sonia broke the silence.

“Let’s take a little break and have something to eat, then I want my hour with Johnboy!” Sonia announced, appearing to take charge.

I was satisfied to see what the Hell she was up to and let her, after all, I was going to get an hour to use Laura as I saw fit. Since she hadn’t got John to change his rules yet, it was my plan to make it a difficult hour for her.

We ate and locked for more than an hour. John was nervous and fidgety, the other three of us relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. I kept marveling at the contrasting beauty and sex appeal of the two naked women. I feel like pinching myself to make sure it wasn’t all a dream.

Finally Sonia again took charge. She looked at John and with her index finger, indicated he should come to her.

“Okay, my little price, it’s time to start” she purred.

John glanced at me. I just shrugged, he had lost fair and square, well almost, and was on his own.

I started to lead Laura by the hand, but Sonia interrupted.

“Why don’t you two sit and watch for a while. This should be interesting” she said.

I shook my head and smiled. I still had no idea what she was up to, but clearly this was well planned out. Whatever she had in mind, she’d managed to pull off taking control.

Instead of leading Laura where I’d intended, I led her to the couch and we both sat to observe. She was so happy and relaxed I was now positive that these two must have cooked this up together. Whatever was going on, she was clearly in on it too.

Sonia wasted no time. She strung John up by the wrists over a beam, just as I’d done to both of the women earlier. She used a spreader bar to keep his legs spread wide and buckled the ball gag in place.

I noticed she hadn’t given him a safe word, and he hadn’t thought to ask for one. It wouldn’t have mattered at this point anyway. Besides, I trusted her not to go to far since she had a ‘virgin’ on her hands.She was way too experienced for that to happen.

John looked pretty miserable already, but I’ve said this before, John is no wuss. He is actually a pretty tough guy. I’d seem him get creamed by linebackers on numerous occasions and laugh it off. He might not enjoy what was coming, but it would be educational for him and he could certainly handle it.

Sonia went to her bag and took out some items, I couldn’t see what, but it was further confirmation that she’d planned this all along.

The first thing she did was pull John’s balls away from his body and attach a weighed ball stretcher. It looked heavy and stretched John’s balls a good inch or two towards the floor. Better him than me I thought.

She fondled his balls and stroked his soft cock, which of course caused it to start to stiffen. She snapped a leather cock ring in place as he got fully hard.

Next she attached a couple of nipple clamps. I couldn’t tell how tight they were, but from the grunts and grimace on his face, I gathered they had his attention.

She stepped back to survey her work, reaching forward to stroke his cock some more and make sure it was good and hard.

“Now, I think you should learn what it’s like to feel the crop!” she declared as she picked it up.

She positioned herself beside him and took a couple of practice swings before landing a sharp blow on his ass.

To his credit, he grunted loudly, but that was all.

She landed about four more and stopped.

Standing in front of him and gently tapping her palm with the crop she spoke, “On your ass this stings pretty good, but imagine what it does somewhere more tender. Like on tits, or” she paused for effect, and put the tip of the crop under his stretched balls and lifted them ever so slightly “your balls!”

John’s eyes went wide, whether with fear or surprise, I’m not sure. It didn’t matter. I didn’t think she’d really crop his balls, but I wasn’t positive.

She very lightly tapped them up and down.

“Now, you made your wife hang here while you fucked me, maybe you should get to watch Scott fuck her while I work on your ass some more. Oh wait! He can’t do that because you made up a rule that he couldn’t put his cock in her pussy. Hmm, I guess I just have to work your balls over after all!” she said sinisterly.

It all fell into place. This entire scheme had been so Laura could get the big cock fix she so craved. Sonia was even willing to be subjected to the apparatus that even to do this for her friend. I had to admit she was a better friend than I was. I damn sure hadn’t treated John that well!

I glanced at Laura who was watching the whole thing intently, smiling slightly, the bitch.

Sonia continued, “Unless of course, you’d like to change Your mind and tell Scott it’s okay to fuck Laura after all, hmmm?”

John glared at her, but she didn’t flinch, “If you agree that it’s okay just nod your head, we’ll all understand.”

Johndidn’t move.

Sonia lowered the crop a couple of inches and flicked it upward against his balls. That got quite a reaction out of him. She hadn’t done it hard at all, but it was sufficient to let him know she was serious and I imagined that the weighted ball stretcher had made his nuts all the more tender.

“Sooner or later you’ll give in, we both know that. Your little jewels there won’t be able to stand much of this. If you agree now, you’ll save yourself a lot of age!” she said sternly.

As she lightly tapped his nuts again she repeated, “So, do you agree to let Scott fuck Laura?”

This time, with defiance in his eyes, he nodded his head perceptibly.

I stood and looked at him, “John, you sure about this? I won’t stop Sonia, but you give me Any indication that you don’t want me to do this, I won’t no matter what.”

I mean it, but really hoped he was going to give in. I wanted to feel my cock buried in the luscious pussy of hers again.

I was looking John straight in the eyes, but could see Sonia gently tapping his balls with the crop in my peripheral vision.

I couldn’t read John’s true feelings, but he looked straight back at me and nodded his head yes once.

“Sure?” I repeated.

He nodded once more, then looked away.

That was all my conscience needed. Hell, let’s be honest, by now, when it came to fucking Laura I had damn little conscience,period. His nods were good enough for me to go ahead.

I turned and pulled Laura out of hearing range for Sonia and John. Sonia started to warm John’s ass with the crop.

I hissed her Laura’s ear, “You little slut! You convinced this entire scheme just to get some more big cock didn’t you?”

She looked at me and smiled guiltily, but said nothing.

“Well I have to hand it to you, you pulled off quite a stunt. I guess if you worked this hard for it, you are entitled to a thorough cunt pounding, which I’m going to give you right now since Sonia wantsJohn to enjoy a little show. But you will pay dearly for this the rest of the weekend you nasty bitch!”

With that I lightly tossed her down on the blow up mattress where Sonia and John would have a good view. I climbed between her legs and buried my cock in her cunt to the hilt. Having already cum twice, I knew I’d last a long time. I was looking forward to that.

“Oh yeah! Yeah, fuck me with the great big cock of yours! FUCK! POUND MY PUSSY WITH THAT MONSTER!” Laura was crying out almost immediately.

She had wrapped her legs around me and we were fucking each other like made. It was no time at all when she came for the first of several loud, quaking climaxes. Her whole body literally shuddered hard every time she came.

I don’t know how much of her screaming for more cock was for John’s effect and how much was how badly she just wanted her cunt stretched to the max and pounded mercilessly, but either way it was about the wildest fuck we’d ever had.

“YEAH Baby, Hard! Harder! Oh God, use that huge fucker to POUND MY CUNT!” she screamed as she came yet again.

I was most happy to enthusiastically comply with her request. I was going to last even longer than I’d thought and it felt fucking wonderful. Her pussy was so damn wet that my cock was sliding in and out easily, but was firmly grasped by her love tunnel all at once. Jesus she is a good fuck!

I could hear noises coming from John and Sonia, the crop occasionally to be sure and other noise that I didn’t specifically identify. Not that I gave the tiniest shit at the time. Later Sonia told me that she had alternate between working over his ass with the crop and stroking his cock with her hands until he nearly would cum, then leave him hanging while she went back to his ass. She told me that he stayed rock hard throughout and had his eyes glued on Laura and me the whole time.

Finally my balls started to tighten and I came hard inside Laura bellowing as I did. That pushed her over the edge one final time as she screamed out nearly as loud as I. We both just lay in a heap, fully spent for quite a few minute before moving.

I was still ignoring the sounds coming from Sonia and John.

Laura reached over and grasped my semi soft cock.

“I love being fucked by this wonderfully huge cock of yours!” she whispered.

“Well, ‘it’ loves fucking you” I responded.

So much for size doesn’t matter. This bitch was going to want big cock forever. We’d just have to see how that played out.

Laura and I finally got up. Sonia was teasing John’s cock some more.

“Hmm, time for a change” Sonia exclaimed.

She untied John and moved him to the horse. He didn’t look too happy, but he didn’t resist either.

She removed the nipple clamps, which caused a grunt through the gag and a serious wince. She left the ball weight in place as she secured him to the horse, then cuffed his hands behind his back.

I had no idea what she had inmind. I figured some more abuse to his ass. I would turn out to be correct, but not in the way I’d imagined.

“Laura tells me you’ve taken a liking to fucking her up the ass!” she said haughtily.

She kept talking as she went back to her bag, “You really should know what that feels like if you’re going to keep sticking your cock in her like that!”

She pulled out a stick-on dildo. It wasn’t very big I’ll admit, but I sure as Hell wouldn’t want it in my ass. I know, with a cock like mine that I shove up Laura and Sonia’s asses regularly, that’s pretty lame, but all the same.

It was one of those two ended dildos. As Sonia put on the harness, the small end slipped inside her cunt and I could tell it would work her clip pretty good as she reamed John.

She moved in front of him so he could see what she was wearing for the first time. His eyes went rather wide. Then a new look came over him, not one of fear or even anxiety, but anger!

Right then and there, IFigured that both women, but especially Sonia were in for it, once John’s hour of subbing was over, which it would be in less than 15 more minutes.

“Look John, this isn’t even as big as you, so I’m sure you’ll barely feel it!” Sonia chuckled as she move around behind him again.

I glanced at Laura and she was just staring spellbound.

Sonia took the bottle of lube and pour some on her fingers which she then started to work on John’s ass. After a few minutes of that she lubed up the phallus and started to work it in him. Soon she had a good steady in and out rhythm going.

The look of pleasure on her face got greater and greater as she increased the tempo, shoving the fake cock harder and deeper and therefore assaulting her clip more too.

John was being quite stoic, letting out only the occasional grunt.

I could tell that Sonia was close to cumming. She started to moan loudly and really started ramming the cock in and out of John hard and fast.

Hisface was tight, but he still was being quiet.

Finally Sonia came hard, crying out as she slumped over his back.

After a moment, still bent over she started to pump again, only slow and steady. She reached under John and grapped his rock hard cock and started to pump it in sync with her thrusts.

I could tell that John was trying to resist but just couldn’t. All that Sonia had subjected him to for nearly an hour had his body ready to cum even though his mind was fighting it.

It didn’t take long though before you could hear his muffled moans through the gag. Once that started it was only a matter of time. Soon his body jerked in the restraints and he started to spew cum on the floor as Sonia kept stroking and milked him dry.

She stopped and withdraw the straw-on. She quickly released him Then removed the ball weight and the gag. She had a very self satisfied smile on her face.

John looked at her with barely controlled fury.

“YOU BITCH will pay for that’ then spinning towards Laura, “as will you, you little slut!”

“John and I are going to take a little walk, we’ll be back after a while. You two kids have fun while we’re gone” Sonia said with a glint in her eyes.

John looked momentarily confused, then clearly coming up with some kind of idea said, “Yeah, we’re going to walk down to the lake.”

Sonia looked unperturbed.


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