Stallion Ch. 02

Chapter 2

I had to return home to make arrangements to close up my house and attend to some minor matters. About a week later, I was back at the property. I was met by Verity who took me to my new room. She said, ‘I’ll see you in the morning for your first training as a calm. Be awake by 6.00 o’clock and ready to go.’

I was tired by Verity at 6.00 o’clock. She was wearing a back skin tight suit and boots. ‘Not a good start is it. I told you to be ready to go at 6.00. Mistress Lois is going to take a personal interest in your training and performance and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her. Come on and we will get started.’ She took me naked to a stall where she put a collar on me and then a lead which she attached to a fitting on the wall. ‘Put out your hands!’ she commanded. She then fitted leather gloves which had horse shoes ends and lacened them up to my elbows and hooked them together. Then she took a head harness and fitted it over my head with a bit in my mouth and side blinders and buckled it up behind my head. She then shortened the lead so that I was bent over with my arse in the air.’ She went to a cupboard and then stood behind me.’ Lift your left leg’ she said and proceeded to ft something to my foot and tie it up. She did the same to the right leg and joined the 2 together. I was still bent over.

‘Now’, she said,’ a calmion needs a nice tail.’ I heard a snap and then I felt a cold finger on my arse hole and a hand on my cock. Verity started to wank my cock as she slide her finger further into my arse hole. I tried to move but I was very limited in movement. ‘Don’t you dare move!’ she commanded as she squeezed my cock really hard. ‘That’s better’ she said. She removed her finger from my arse. Next she produced a butt plug with a long tail and showed it to me. ‘You are going to look the part with this’ she said. She then moved my arse cheese apart and started to insert the butt plug in arse hole. ‘Relax,’ she said, ‘It will go in much easier that way.’ I felt the butt plug going in – it did feel strange and a bit painful. ‘I knew that you had a tight arse hole but it will get used to the plug and we will get you bigger ones as the training goes on.’ My cock had become quite engaged by all of this and Verity’s ministers.

When she was satisfied that the butt plug was Securely in place, Verity released the lead so that I was able to stand up. Except that it was quite difficult as I realized that the shoes that she had fitted to my feet didn’t have heels. ‘You’ll get used to it very quickly’ she said. She left me like that and I heard her shut the gate to the stall and lock it. Nothing happened for what seemed a long time. I was attached by the lead to a hook on the wall, my hands and feet were locked together, my arse was a bit sore from the butt plug and standing was getting easier although by no means easy.

I then heard another voice saying, ‘How’s the stallion going. Bring him out and let me have a look.’ Verity then opened the stall gate and approached me. “Come on,’ she said. She unhooked the lead and started to lead me out of the stall. I hobbled out and lead me to Lois. When we got closer, she said, ‘That’s enough. Lift up his arms.’ I heard a noise and a chain was attached to the coupling holding my arms together and then my arms were lifted above my head. Lois then moved closer to me. ‘How are we this fine morning my calmion?’ she said. She then moved around me, feeling me all over. She twisted my nipples, slapped my buttocks and pulled on the tail. ‘Oh, I do like the tail – very sexy!’ Then she said, ‘the piercer will be here shortly. The usual things, nose ring and nipple rings. And we will have to do something about that cock. We can’t have him erect all the time and not concentrated on what he needs to be. Put him in chatity.

Also, while we have him like he is, I hear he was not ready this morning wheren told to be so. We can’t have that! Verity, give me that flogger!’ Verity handed her the flogger. I tried to twist and turn but with little success. ‘Verity, you know what to do.’ Verity approached me and bent down. She attached a hook to the coupling between my feet and the floor thus making any movement even harder. Lois said, ‘Now my calmion – this is a reminder that you will do as you are told Without delay.’ And she brought the flogger down on my bare arse right across the butt plug and tail which only served to push it further into my arse. I cried out but Lois took no notice. She brought the flogger down again and again. My eyes were wet with tears and my arse hurt like hell. Lois came to me and whispered in my ear ‘Remember – you are mine to deal with as I please. No more misbehaviour or else.’ I nodded. ‘Good boy,’ she said and stroked my cock. ‘Such a nice cock but it is also mine. I have some nice fillies and maries coming in soon so just remember what you are here for…’

Lois then left. Verity then came to me. She said, ‘Such a nice cock and those balls. Seems a shade lock them up but what Mistress Lois wants, she gets. Besides, it will at least be a week before you get to serve any fillies or mares so you’ll be so horny by then that you will do anything. I suppose you’d like to fuck me now and I wouldn’t mind but Mistress would float was Both if she found out.’ She then went a got a chatity cock cage and proceeded to fit it around my balls and then over my cock. She stood back and admired her handiwork. She lifted my balls up and let them drop. She left me standing where I was with my hands over my head, my feet attached to the floor and my arse, still smarting but getting more bearable.

Another lady soon arrived. She looked me up and down and Wandered around me. She said, ‘I like those balls and would love to him them banging against my arse while you fuck me. I’ll have to talk to Lois about it. Anyway, on with the job. It’s nose and nipples isn’t it.’ She opened a bag and proceeded to take something out. ‘Hold you head back so I can get to that nose’ she said. I did not move. ‘Look’ she said, ‘this is going to happen whether you like it or not. I can get Lois come back to give you another flogging and then get you in a head stall so you can’t move or you can do as I ask.’ She proceeded to put a hole through my septum and Then added a ring, quite a large one which hung down over my top lip. Then she did the same to my nipples also with rings. ‘Everything will heal within about a week. I would love to have you fuck me with Lois leading you by the nose ring and then fucking me up the arse.’

Verity came back a little while later. She said, ‘Oh I do like the rings. Now there are some rules. As a pony you do not speak, you neighbor when addressed and stomp your hooves when required. One stomp for yes and two for no but I don’t expect there will be many two stomps. Do you understand?’ One stomp. ‘Good boy.’ She then produced a harness which she proceeded to strap over my chest and through my legs. She then lowered my arms and attached them by a chain to my collar and some reins to my head harness. Then she undid the chain holding my legs together and said, ‘Okay, let’s move!’

We went outside to a parade ring. I was having difficulty walking and only taking small steps as I became accustomed to the hoof shoes. ‘Now’ said Verity, ‘walk around the ring to get used to your hooves and your gear.’ She used one of the reins to guide me around. After a few laps, I was getting more used to the hooves although my ankles were a bit sore. ‘Time to pick up the pace’ said Verity, now holding a whip. She started cracking it as I walked around the ring encouraging me to go more quickly. I was starting to get the hang of things. After about half an hour of this, Verity stopped saying, ‘Good boy. Come here.’ I walked over to her. She then bent down and attached a chain to my hooves, not as short as the earlier one but still not allowing me to stride out easily. She then said, ‘I am taking you to a paddock where some fillies and mares are resting. You will probably be serving some of them later on. This will help you to remember what you are here for.’

She then led me to the paddock and after removing the reins, let me go. I walked over towards a group of ponies attired somewhat the same as me. There was some jostling and pushing and a couple walked over to me. Some eyes were downcast towards my cock and chatity device. I could feel my cock trying to engage but the spiked ring on my cock soon put paid to that. Nevertheless, one of the fillies tried to back into me and my cock and clearly frustrated, keep pawing the ground as her efforts proved fruitless. I thought, ‘This one needs a good fucking – I wonder when I might get to do her!’ She was a very cute blonde with nice pierced tits and a trimmed neighbor pussy.

A few moments later, another assistant appeared. She grabbed the girl who had tried to mount me by the collar and quickly attached a lean to her collar. She led the girl to a bar which was standing in the middle of the paddock, bent her over it and shackled her arms and legs to the bottom plate of the bar. She then produced a flogger and proceeded float the girl mercilessly. The girl screamed and yelled as the flogger came down on her exposed arse. Verity then appeared with a hose and sprayed it all over the girl and walked away. The other assistant then said, ‘Any more behavior like that and you will all get a flogging. Blondie here will spend the rest of the day like this to consider what she has done and her chances of getting served by the calm are very remote.’ The assistant walked over to the girl, produced a chain which she attached to the girl’s nipple rings, drawing them together tightly and then attached a lead weight to the chain. The girl screamed again as the weight pulled on the chain and repeatedly her nipples.

Verity by tHis time had attached a lead to my collar and was leading out of the paddock. She took back to the barn. When we got to the spot from earlier, she stopped me, lifted my hands above my head, attached them to the overhead ring and my ankles to the shadowle on the floor. She then removed the collar and replaced it with a much larger and stresser one that went up under my chin and down in to the top of my chest. This made any head movement much more difficult. The next thing there was a thwack on my arse followed by some more. I tried to move away but did not succeed. Verity said, ‘You should not have allowed that blondie to get so close to you – you should have moved away. Let this be a lesson’. And gave me a few more cracks with the crop. I stood there puffing and panting with a very sore arse. Just as well I was left standing up because I could Not have sat down for any reason.

Sometime later, I must have fallen sleep despite standing, I sensed someone standing in front of me. I lead was attached to my new collar and my arms were released from the ring. The rest of the gear that Verity had put on me in the morning was still in place and my ankles were attached to the floor shadowle. I couldn’t do much with my arms as they were still covered by the hoof like gloves and attached together. ‘Stand still,’ I was commanded – it was Lois. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘our calmion has got himself into some trouble already – only have a few days here. I have a good mind to leave you like this all night.’

I could see that in her right hand she held a flogger which she proceeded to flick around. Her left hand made it way to my pierced nipples which she touched gently but still made me flinch and then to my caged cock and balls. ‘I’m not sure who will be the first benefit of that cock when we let it out of its cage. I know Verity was impressed with the fucking that you gave her at the interview. I might put her in the breeding stall over the bar and let you fuck her in frontof the fillies and mars of course. Or the piercer – she was also impressed by the size of your cock and balls and asked if she could use you. I have to let her know. She has pierced nipples and about half a dozen rings in her pussy lips. Maybe one of the other filles – I may put them all together, bring you to them but blindfolded so that you can’t see them but they can see you and let them do with you as they please. So many choices! Blondie who caused the problems today, I will have you fuck her but probably just before she leaves.’ I could feel my cock stirring as Lois spoke but of course nothing was going to happen while it was in its chatity cage.

Lois moved behind me holding the lead. I felt her hand on my arse and I flinched. ‘Good boy’ she said. ‘You remember what I did to you earlier. And just as a further reminder…’ she brought the flogger down 4 times on my arse in quick succession. She re-tied by lean to the overhead ring and walked away out of the barn.

VEriity returned shortly thereafter with an assistant. Verity attached a lead to the collar and held a crop. The assistant wore a very tiny bikini – just enough to cover her nipples and a string bottom covering her pussy and up her arse crack. As Verity watched, the assistant undid the leash from the ring and brought my hands down in front of me. She then undid the harness, the head stall with reins, and removed the hoof gloves from my hands. The collar which had been put on earlier was still in place. She then attached a chain around my middle and attached it at the back. Then she bent over, giving me a good look at her lovely breasts and undid the hoof boots. I was able to put my feet on the ground for the first time in hours although I was quite unsteady on my feet. The assistant moved behind me and started to remove the butt plug. She was gentle and it came out quite easily at the same time as she squeezed my cock and balls still in their cage. She then moved in front of me and usedHer hand to lift up my balls and then took my cock in the cock cage in her mouth. Oh, how I wished that my cock was free to enjoy the treatment. At the same time, Verity had moved behind me and was attaching another chain to the one around my waist. This move was clearly designed to distract me from what Verity was doing. The assistant then took hold of the leash, and with Verity behind me, led me to my stall.

The stall had a Special room off it for sleeping with a separate bathroom. As the assistant led me through the room, Verity went ahead and attached a length of chain from the chain around my wait to a shadow on the wall above the bed, locking each end with a padlock. The result was that I could move about in the room and to the bathroom but no further. Verity said, ‘A meal will be given to you soon. I suggest that you eat up, go to the bathroom and get some sleep. I will be back at 6.00am to hose you down, get you geared up and ready for the day. We don’t want a repeat of thats morning, do we?’ The chain around my wait did allow some turning but I was still in chatity so although I slept, it was not the most comfortable night’s sleep I had ever had.

The next morning, I was ready at 6.00am, the previous day’s ministers and administrations still fairly on my mind. My arse, although still a bit sore, was no more than uncomfortable. Verity and the assistant arrived at precisely 6.00am, the assistant, whose name was Melody, this time more deeply attired than the previous night. While Verity again watched with the crop and I was still attached to the wall by the chain. A collar was placed around my neck, a lead attached and a spreader bar attached to my ankles. I was then led to another area of ​​the barn where I was washed and hosted down including up my arse. I was then led back to my stall where the assistant put all the gear back on from yesterday. She inserted the tail butt plug, put on the stiff collar with lead, the horse shoe boots, the head stall, the harness and the horse shoes gloves.

I was the led back to the barn where the piercer was standing. She inspected her handiwork and pronounced herself satisfied. ‘Everything is healing nicely,’ she said. ‘I especially like the nose ring and I am looking forward to Lois leading you by it when you fuck me. I haven’t decided if I want to be fucked in the breeding stall or just from behind – both my pussy and my arse. In any event, Lois says that the fills and marres are going to watch to see what they are in for so you better put on a good show or you know what will happen and I will deliver them myself. So, I want to cum at least twice in every hole.’

Verity then came up to me and said, ‘Lois has decided to parade you in front of the fillies and marres. We like to keep them a bit on edge so that when they are fucked, they are ready for it. We give them a bit of something with their food and that keeps them like on heat and wanting to be served. That probably explains abit of Blondie’s outburst yesterday. But first, I’m going to take that chatity cage off so the fills and mares can see what they will be getting. When the parade is finished, it will go back on.’ Once she removed the cage, my cock didn’t need any help in coming to attention. She then led me outside to the parade ring. The fills and mares were all lined up in the parade ring and Verity brought my inside. She said, ‘Ladies – this is our calm. He is going to serve each and every one of you before you leave here. He comes with the best recommendations and I am sure that you will enjoy your time with him. See his lovely hard cock and think of it engorged inside your psies, pumping into you and making you cum.’ There as some neighboring and hoof stamping as Verity led me around the parade ring 3 times. I was Then took back to my stall and the gate closed behind me.

Some time later, Melody appeared at my stall. She said, ‘Verity has convinced Mistress Lois to let you fuck her. Verity said that unless you get some relief soon, you will not last very long with the fills and mares when the time comes. After some discussions, Mistress Lois has agreed. Lois is going to conduct the serving herself and it will be in front of the fillies and mares. Verity is to be collared and restrained. She will have on ankle cuffs and wrists cuffs. She will also be wearing a ball gag. You will be dressed like You are and I will lead you in to the breeding stall. Verity will be laid over the bar and attached to the side of the stall by the ankle and writs cuffs. I will lead you in front of her. Lois wants to hear you neighboring and pawing the ground in anticipation of the serving. Another assistant will see that Verity is nice and horny, her pussy lips engorged and pussy wet for your cock. The ball gag will be released and you will stick Your cock into Verity’s mouth. She will suck and lick your cock until Mistress Lois thinks that is enough. Then I will lead you behind Verity and onthe command by Mistress Lois of ‘Mount’ you will mount Verity and thrust your cock into her pussy and fuck her. When you have finished, I will lead you back you to Verity for her to lick and suck all the juices off your cock. Have you got all that? Stamp your foot once.’ I did so. ‘In the meantime, open your mouth and take this. Mistress Lois wants to make sure that you put on a good show. You’re on in about half an hour.’


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