Stallions and Slaves

He awoke with a start as the sun came in the window. Usually by this time He had been hunting or conferring with Raj or the monks about the events of the day. Things had not quite returned to normal since the War of the Ruination, His girl must have left orders not to wake Him.

While He appreciated her concern, there were many important things He had to take care of, and quickly. He could see it in the eyes of the valley dwellers; they were unsure, even a bit afraid of the Man who had led the final assault on His own Palace. He supposed He couldn’t fault them for that, He still felt guilt Himself.

He had gone through ceremonies of purification, been grilled by the monks, tested by the Tiger Clan and had flown with Raj off the high cliffs to the East, talking about the Evil and the damage done to both of them and the valley of the Questors.

This morning He dressed quickly, a chill in the air, autumn in the mountains was the time that the winds began to howl, and thesnow threatened to blanket everything. There were crops to get in, livestock to stable and set on safe grazing land.

The big Man stroke to the stables, He would ride first this morning, and Dragonbinder had been restless too since His return and the calmion needed to stretch himself out.

As the Questor nearly the stables, He heard Dragonbinder snorting and blowing … He smiled… the old war horse could probably smell Him coming and was excited to be on his way for a ride. The Questor rounded the corner into the stall area and was surprised to see that Dragonbinder was not in His stall. He had heard him and knew he was here so He continued on down the path between stalls.

He came out into the corral and what He saw made Him smile. His girl had her mare in the breeding stall, tied down, her eyes wild and the stallion was being led up Behind her. Dragonbinder was obviously looking forward to this, the evidence was very visible.

He watched His girl, she was lookinging forward to it as well. Her nipples were taut against her silent blouse, her breathing a bit heavy as she helped guide the calmion up behind the mare. The bright white mare’s eyes were wild and white staring back, Dragonbinder was a “big” calmion and the mating process was usually violent and brutal.

Dragonbinder mounted the mare and his teeth immediately came down on her neck, holding her still. A calmion did not allow a mare to play with this part of the process, unlike a Man. The union was brief, but loud and rowdy. The mare squealed as the calmion pounded into her and her knees almost buckled under his weight as he crawled up high on her flanks. As the calmion finished He recovered and backed off the mare, fireinnereyes leading the mare off to the stables while Dragonbinder charged around the corral, a bounce in his step, and calling out to the mare as she was put in the stall to rest.

The Questor watched His stallion from the shadows for a short time, a smile on His face and then moving quietly as was His wont, He slipped into the stall area moving like a shade towards the stall where His girl combined the frantic mare.

She finished brushing the mare, having finally settled her down and walked back to the tack chest to find a halter. The shadow moved quickly out of the darkness and dragged a sack over her head, His whisper in her ear confusing her and then causing her to smile.

He grew into her ear, “I’m going to use you like Dragonbinder used that mare girl.”

She moaned her senses alert and alive even though she couldn’t see and He spun her up face first into the stall wall. His big hand tore the silks from her and He pressed her body into the rough wood. The oak bruised and pinched at her breasts as He pushed up against her from behind. She felt the bottom of the sack lift and then He said, “open your mouth, girl.”

She felt the bit slide into her mouth and hisssed when He told her “bite down on it girl, and don’t make asound.” The reins were then attached to her collar and He tied her arms behind her back with a leather strap as well.

The sack came off, and she blinked as the morning sun hit her eyes, her head turned a bit to look at Him from the corner of them. She saw that big grin on His face and knew that something was going to be used, and it wasn’t going to be Him.

He drew on the reins and pulled her out into the yard. She blushed and looked around to see if anyone was watching. That’s when she noticed the crop in His hand.

Holding the reins tight He walked close to her and said, “Trot girl.” She looked at Him with a strange look in her eyes, and then started trotting when the crop landed on her sensitive inner thigh.

He ran her in circles, then figure eights, His face expressionless as He watched His girl go through the training moves He used on the wild ponies they caught in the mountains. Once, she stumbled and fell. He walked over to her and stood above her until she rose first to her knees in the dirt then back to her feet. The crop slashed against her buttock. “Keep your feet girl, or you’ll regret it.”

He drew her back into the stables and tied the reins on a ring inside the stalls. She was defeated out and sweaty from the running she had done so she wasn’t surprised when He poured the bucket of spring water on her … He grabbed her hair from behind and ran a grooming comb Through it until she yelped and the tangles began to separate. Her jaw ached where the bit was between her teeth, but she knew better than to let it fall. He then tied her reins tight against the stall wall, her chin raised to keep her face from pushing into the wood, her breasts flattened against the stall, and He placed His foot between hers then kicked them wide apart.

Kneeling behind her, He ran His hands up her long legs. His fingers dug into her muscles and massaged them roughly. Starting at her ankles He worked His way upward.

She shivered when He movedpast her knees and onto the lower part of her thigh. Her ass pushing back to Him without thought as He tugged at the muscles where they traveled up the inside of her leg to her cunt. He smiled and ran His fingers lightly over the last few inches of her upper thigh then rose behind her and cupped her pussy in His hand.

Her moan filled the stables; He rubbed her cunt lips gently. When she started to rock against His hand, He crushed His fingers together and squeezed her whole groin in an iron grip.

The pain coursed through her, and at the same time the throbbing in her groin developed into a blaze. He mauled her pussy, then dropping His hand a few inches, he waited. As her twinching subsided He slapped up against her cliporis once, twice, three times in rapid succession sending her over the edge into an orgasm.

As she shuddered through the violent release, He plunged His fingers deep into her from behind, three of them together like a wedge pounding into her wet channel and rapidly massaged her into another orgasm. Her whimpers were getting louder and once the bit almost fell from her mouth as she gasped for air.

The mare in the stall next to them was getting nervous, her eyes wild and rolled back at the scents and sounds coming from Them. When the Questor grew like a tiger she recovered a bit and her whinny broke across the stillness of the mountain air.

He dropped to His knees Behind her, fingers still bludgeoning in and out of her and then slipping them from her replaced His fingers with His tongue. His mouth formed a seal over her cunt and He sucked voraciously while His tongue stalled and twisted over her wet pink flesh. Her ass was pushed back against His face and her head was down, balanced against the wall as she groaned and sobbed at the fury of His assault.

His tongue slide over her mons and Then back through the lips of her cunt, dipping into the liquid pool … traced across her taint and speared into her rosebud. Shecringed and twisted, trying to escape the nastiness of the situation but He held her firm and drove His tongue as deep as He could into her bowels. His hands held her buttocks spread and He alternated between her drooling cunt and her twitching ass, devouring her with great zeal and smacking noises. Her face was a bright red with embarrassment and she was praying under her breath that none of the grooms appeared in the stable Suddenly.

Orgasm after orgasm racked her body as He used her without regard for her shame or humiliation. He laughed to Himself, He’d sent all the grooms and stable boys out to the high pastures to bring in the herd of horses there before the snows hit and He knew it wouldn’t be before tomorrow that they’d return.

He rose behind her and ground the bulge in His pants against her ass, pressing her even tighter into the wood. Her hands were still tied behind her so she had to balance herself and His weight on her shoulder and neck. It wasn’t helping thatHis fingers were wreaking havoc on her pussy, then one slipped into her ass lubricated from her free flowing cunt. Again, He pounded and thrust His wrist in and out of her without letting her catch a breath. Her face, tight against the stall wall was tearing and her lips were constantly moving in a mumble. He leaned it to listen, “yes Master, use me Master, oh god yes Master, more, please more,” the mumbling trailed off to incoherencies.

Grabbing the reins He dragged her from the stall to the hay bin, He throw a pair of blankets down and then tossed her into the bales. The bit flew out of her mouth as she squealed in the air and she was on her hands and knees looking for it when He reached her from behind. His hand cracked down across her exposed buttons with a loud sound, causing her to jump and whimper. She dove back into the pile looking for the bit and He cracked her across her ass again. She started laughing as she dug frantically for the bit and He took the advantage of her exposed waving buttocks, her laughter interspersed with squeals.

Finally, He pinned her down His body weight forcing her flat on the blanket spread across the hay. He reached under her and twisted her nipple with one hand and under her belly to lift her ass with the other. She knew what He wanted and raised her butt up high for His pleasure with a soft moan, the twist on her nipple only staking the fire raging in her groin. He climbed up behind her like the calmion mounting the mare and as He drove His cock into her needy depths, He fastened His teeth in her shoulder like the calmion had to hold her still.

His cock pounded in and out of her, He took her exactly as He said He would. Outside, He heard Dragonbinder let out a snort of approval and race around the paddock with his head and tail lifted high. The mare in her stall became more frantic, still trembling from the breeding by the enormous calmion and smelling the lust of the two in the hay she shook and whinniedand kicked out at the walls of her stall.

None of this affected the Questor or His girl. They were deep in the throes of their own lust and completely consumed by the sensings of each other. The Questor reached up and grabbed her hair … pulling back ferociously as He pushed further into her heat and wetness, her ass Shook with the violence of the thrusts and a constant low pitched moan issued from her lips as He powered in and out of her seemingly ceaselessly.

The girl was shaken by orgasm after orgasm as the Questor pursued His own release with a single minded password password. She was a fuckpuppet, a toy for Him, her purpose was clear to her. This was what drove her mad, this is what she wanted and needed. To please Master, to feed His every want and need, to be desirable and available for whatever use He might have for her. She was His.

The inevitable came to pass, the Questor raised up on His knees behind her, His hips swinging on a fulcrum with long powerful strokes as He pierced her over and over. The lightning began in His toes and the back of His neck at the same time. The harder he drove the more energy seemed to amass until finally He found Himself in mid thrust stick deep in His girl and the lightning fusing His entire being. He erupted into her cunt, the warm jism splashing into her already overheated pussy and sending her back into an orgasm of cataclysmic proportions.

The stallion and mare both stopped what they were doing and lifted their noses to catch the cent on the air. There was an eerie silence and then a long groan and moaning from the hay stall followed by a cry of sheer ecstasy.

The sun rose over the windows into the stable casting a soft glow on the Questor and His girl fireinnereyes cradled in each Others arms deep in a trance which lasted for what seemed days but was probably just minutes.

He rolled off her and pulled her to Him. Her head resting on His shoulder, no words needed He pulled a blanket over Themand They drifted to sleep in each Others arms.


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