Spring Rain

Look, it’s just fantasy, OK? No one is being tortured around here. It’s just fun to think about playing in the rain around here sometimes.


It was a nice day for the Northwest, completely overcast but warm enough you could run around without a coat on. The weather folks on TV kept saying we were in for a heck of a storm later this afternoon. Around here that means rain, and a lot of it. But for right now, life was good.

I was upstairs working on a project in the office, and looking wildly outside. I could hear Mistress Z downstairs working on a project of her own. The back door kept sliding open and shut, and things were being moved about, but I just noticed it as background noise as returned my attention to my task.

If only I had known what she was up to. She had kept me in a chatity device for two weeks. That is the only reason I can offer for why I was so easily tricked. Well, that and Mistress is really good at this kind of thing.

She quietly entered the room a while later and waited behind me until I came to a stopping point. “How would like to have an opportunity to earn your way out of the cage tonight?” she breathed into my ear.

With my hormones kicking into overdrive, I couldn’t agree quickly enough, “of course.”

“Finish what you are doing here, then, and put on the clothes I left for you on the bed. Then come downstairs.” With that, she left me to close the computer up and put my things away.

I went into the bedroom to find a pair of white satin stockings, a white garter belt, a pair of thin white panties, a pair of large breast forms and a thin white bra, and a pair of shocking red open-toed heels. A makeup kit was lying nearby, with a note on top directing me to bring this down with me when I came. I hurried out of my clothes and into the things on the bed. The stockings were light enough that I could see the fire-engine red nail poison Mistress had put on my toes through them. The polwas exactly matched the color on the fake fingerprintnails Mistress had put on my fingers this morning, making my work today a little more challenging. I attached the stockings to the garter, and then slide my panties over the top, as I knew Mistress would prefer. I slide the breast forms into the pockets on the bra, and then quickly attached it and hurried downstairs with the makeup kit.

I found Mistress in the front room, sitting facing a straight backed chair, which she directed me to sit in. A pair of plastic cuffs were placed around my wrists and ankles, and I was quickly tied by them to the chair. “Let’s get you made up, then,” she said, and went to work.

Although I had shaken in the morning, Mistress shaken me clean again. She made several trips into the makeup box for eye shadow, foundation, etc., etc. transforming me into a parady of a woman I knew well from previous games. She told me it turned her on to see me looking like the garish woman she turned me into and then making me have “lesbian sex” with her, as she referred to it. The last touch was a bright red tube of lip color that matched the color of nail varnish she had used earlier. It had “permanent” in large friendly black letters on the side, causing me more than just a little concern.

“There, now that is better for what I have in mind,” she said with more than just a little humor in her voice. “Now let’s get you set up the rest of the way.”

Mistress reached under her skirt and slipped off her panties. Wadding them up, she stuffed them in my mouth and tied them in place with a scarf. A blindfold was placed over my eyes, and a collar affixed around my neck. My cuffs were unattached from the chair, my wrists were attached behind my back and a leash was attached to my collar. Mistress pulled me out of my chair.

She led me across the room, and I heard the backdoor open. “Step down carefully,” she cautioned, and helped me out onto the patio and then into the grass in the back yard. I heard a crinkling sound beneath my heels, and then she helped me to lie down on what I discovered to be a cold piece of plastic. My wrists were unattached from each other and then spread out over my head. I heard locks being attached to chains. My body was pulled down tight on the plastic, and then more locks on chains around my ankles. I was tightly spread-eagled, and couldn’t move an inch. My blindfold was removed.

I lifted my head to see that I was laying on a piece of black plastic hidden by the fence in the back yard. My wrists and ankles were attached to metal stakes, well out of reach, by chains locked to my cuffs. My head was propped up on something under the plastic, so that it was elevated comfortably.

“I’m going to leave you here to think about this for a while. You’ll be given one chance soon to answer. As promised, I’ll unlock your cock cage and let you free tonight, but you stay out here all evening until I wake up and set you free. Or, you could agree tomake me climax with your mouth a certain number of times decided on by me, and I will set you free and you come into the house. But the cock cage stays on. I’ll give you some time to think about it. Is that rain I feel?

“Back in a while,” she said from the door. “Oh, you might keep in mind I sleep late on the weekend.”

She slide the door closed just as the first drops of rain began to fall — she had timed it perfectly.

An hour later and I was soaked completely through. I now know why Mistress had used water-proof make-up. I was a bound version of a wet t-shirt conversation, with everything completely visible through my drenched white underwear. The rain was coming down sideways in the wind, the temperature had dropped a little and it was starting to get cool — bearable but becoming Uncomfortable. I knew it would get colder as the sun went down. There was never any doubt which way I would decide.

Mistress slipped out the door. She was wearing a heavy woolen skirt, asweatshirt under a rain coat, and carrying an umbrella. I would have teased her about the umbrella, but I wanted to get in sometimes this evening.

When she removed my gag, I started pleading right away. “Please Mistress, please. Please let me please you with my tongue, and if I satisfied you and it is your pleasure, please allow me back in the house.” I continued rambling like this for a while. I knew that as uncomfortable as I was now, it was only going to get worse.

“Well, I guess I can give you a chance. You’ll need to bring me to a satisfaction climax three times before I’ll even consider it, though. So you had best get to work.”

She settled two towels on either side of my head, and kneeing on them and lifting her skirts up, she settled down over my face. As Much as I wanted to worry to get back in the house, I knew Mistress would never allow that, so slowly and carefully I began to explore her pussy. I gently licked and explored every crevice. I then moved to her wet pussy, and gently licked my way around the outside, before slipping my tongue in and fucking her with it. She grabbed my head and held me in place there for a while, and then pulled me up to her clip. As I licked her there, her hands fell away and her legs stiffened around my ears. She cried out as she came forcedly on my face.

She slide off me and patted my cheek. “That was a nice start, Little Slut. You may find your way inside tonight after all. I’m going to go in and warm up, and I’ll be back in a while.” She picked up her towels and went in. I watched her go, my cock straining in its cage.


It wasn’t the rain so much, but more that it kept pounding down on my skin and face. The water would pool around my body on the plastic and trickle here and there — that was a little annoying. It wasn’t the cold so much, it really wasn’t awful. For spring, it was downright balmy. By with wet clothing and lying in pools of water, I did begin to chill off. I was readyby the time Mistress came out for her third visit to promise the mythical “everything” just to get back inside where it was warm and dry and didn’t have things that fell from the sky. One of these days she is going to collect on those many “everythings.”

An hour later, and I was working slowly and carefully on her pleasure one last time. I truly enjoy pleasure Mistress with my mouth, but I was finding it difficult to focus on her pleasure through the cold and wet. I forced myself to slow down and think about giving her pleasure she deserved, as I gently circled her clip with my tongue. I could feel her slowly building to another climax, but knew I couldn’t worry her. She had come twice already this evening, and I knew it would take a little longer this time, but even though I was uncomfortable, I didn’t want to rush — to wreck it for her.

I forced myself to slow down — take your time, take your time — and was soon rewarded with the sound of her climaxing on top of me onelast time. She moved back and fell on top of me. I revealed in her warmth while she recovered from her climax. Slowly she stretched and climbed off of me with the prayer, “Very good, Slut.” She released me from my bonds, and helped me to the back door. She quickly stripped me of my clothes and dried me off. “There is a warm bath waiting for you upstairs, go get in it. I’m going to put things away, and I’ll be right up with you to get you dried off and put into bed”

A short while later, warm and dry, Mistress cuddled up to me in bed and idly played with the lock on my cock cage. “That was nice, we should do it again sometimes,” she giggled, as I drifted off to sleep. Then with more seriousness, “we really must do this again.”


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