The bar was a cool spot I hated to leave, but Bill, my old Army buddy, had to meet his wife at a party. As we settled our tab, he told me that his marriage was an FLR. This means nothing to me.
“Female led relationship. She is the leader in our marriage. That’s the way it was in my parents’ marriage. Dad was a natural pushover, and he could not manage money. So, Mom stepped in to manage the finances, and it simply spread from there. Dad appreciated her doing that.
“But with Angie and I, it runs a little deeper.” He laughed. “Haven’t you noticed this with us before?”
We left for the front entrance, and I told him that I had thought they were just another married couple. This was only the third time I had seen Bill in two years.
“I Only met Angie twice, you know. At the wedding and last year, so I don’t know her well at all. She seemed like a regular gal to me. And I really appreciated the portrait that she took of me last year. The copy thatI gave to my parents hangs in the living room. I wish other photos of me look so great.”
“Hmm, yeah. She’s a great photographer. But she’s a confident woman.”
We stepped out into the Arkansas night, hot and steamy. I was wishing I was back in the dry air of Colorado as we walked to Bill’s dark green Suburban.
He turned on the interior light and said, “This gathering we’re going to is for couples in an FLR arrangement. There will be a few that aren’t part of the group that are curious. Angie wanted me to bring you over to meet the bunch.”
“OK. Fine by me.” Two beers and a shot of Jamesons will cause me to go along with anything.
It took us ten minutes to get there. It was a neighborhood gathering place and everybody looked like Jay and Joan American to me. Angie greeted me warmly and introduced me to ten other couples in attendance. But I was preoccupied by a naked blonde woman hanging by her wrists, with her knees bent and her ankles secured about waist level. She was having words with a man in front of her; clearly it was not a civil conversation. He forced a gag into her mouth and said loudly, “You’re staying!” Clearly not a gentleman.
“What’s the deal with her, Angie?”
She rolled her eyes and said, “I called an agency for a male model. They agreed, but then they couldn’t come up with one and they brought her. And she is mad because she was told that she would only be on display for an hour when it’s a four hour meeting. Sooo,….I suppose she’s stuck. Look, we’re going to show a short video in the next room. Come join us.”
“OK. Go ahead. I’m going to find the bathroom.”
“Good.” She hurried into the next room with Bill.
I did my business and came out, still thoroughly distracted by the blonde model. I stepped in front of her and looked her in the eye, which was hard to do because of her shaken pussy. Never had I seen one before. I really had to squelch the idea of touching her smooth vulva. She was cleary tired. I looked at the gag and unhooked it. She let a large amount of saliva hit the floor when the ball came out.
“You looked like you could use a break.”
“Thank you. Yeah, the ball gags get old quick.”
“Angie tells me you were supposed to be a male model.”
She showed. “I suppose. He definitely wasn’t honest with me. And staying like this for two hours or longer really makes the shoulders ache.” She seemed to be completely at home with being nude in front of me.
“So, he’s just gonna leave you here for the entire meeting?”
She smiled a tired smile. “I suppose so.”
“I’ll just take you down. There’s no need for this.”
“If you just take me down he won’t get his modeling fee. There has to be a model hanging here.”
She was a fine-looking woman. Crazy ideas just come to me sometimes. Angie wanted a nude male model. I could take her place. Afterwards, who knows? She might be incredibly grateful to me. I would sure like to go down on a baremuff. I told her I would take her place if she would hang around.
“The bastard took my clothes and I don’t believe this femdom crowd would tolerate a naked female at their gathering.”
“No problem.” I returned to the Suburban and brought in my Filson tin clothes raincoat. “If I give you this to wear, will you hang around?”
So, I moved a stool under her and dropped her ankles down. She was plainly relieved when her wrists were loosened. She stepped down and tried to rub her shoulders. I helped her with that and she moaned with the relief.
“Thank you. Oh, yeah, bear down on that hard.” I did, and I just knew the gratitude was building as the tension eased.
“Whew. Thank you. We better get you in place.”
OK. Here we go. I stripped, even though I wasn’t at ease without clothes as she was. She placed the leather cuffs on my wrists and secured them to the chain above me, then put two cuffs on my ankles and secured them to the chain. My knees wer outside my shoulders, my wrists above my head. She moved the stool away and put on my raincoat.
“What’s your name?”
“David. And yours?”
“I’m Jennie. And I thank you again for being such a gentleman. Two more hours would have killed my shoulders. If I ever have a chance to get back at Adam, I’ll do it. I do a lot of nude modeling, but he wasn’t honest about this gig at all. He certainly didn’t tell me it was a meeting of femdom people. They all were shocked when he first tied me up.” She slowly shook her head. “Live and learn. I’m gonna grab a Pepsi.”
She went to the refrigerator and pulled out a Pepsi just as the video room door opened. The men and women came out, different conversations were going on. The front door opened and a tall, white skinned redhead stepped in wearing a midcalf length light coat that looked like it may have been all she was wearing. She wore boots whose tops were covered by her coat. She came directly to me, looking like a severe young lady. My skin crawled.
Angie noticed me then and her mouth opened, shocked. She hustled over to me with Bill right behind her, arriving with the redhead.
“Is this the available slave, Angie?”
“He was Gina, but Renee won the bidding on him. Totally unexpected. She’ll be back to collect him shortly.”
“So, the auction has happened?” She gave me a harsh look and took my balls in her hand, giving them a very sharp squeeze that caused me to stop breathing. “Disappointing. He looks like he would have been a proper victim.”
“Now, Gina. The auction was for a willing slave, not a ‘victim.’ You aren’t in tune with what we’re promoting. Now, let go of his balls.”
Gina gave me a long, hard look as she bore down on me before releasing me.
“OK. You FLR’s have a good evening.”
I was glad to see the front door close behind her. Angie looked at me with her blonde eyesbrows arched. “David, do I need to tell you how bad you’ve screwed up? What are you doing up there?”
Jennie and several other couples had gathered around. Bill was laughing quietly.
“I was just giving Jennie a break. What have I missed”
Now the ladies were beginning to laugh, and Bill was beginning to really lose it.
Angie said, “David, we were supposed to have a male model that we would auction off for a month of slavery. True, Femdom slavery. But Jennie’s so-called agency screwed us over. Apparently, Gina hear about it and decided to horn in. Trust me, you would not have wanted a month with her.”
I was inclined to agree.
“Well, what are we going to do?”
“I’ll call Renee, Jan. She’s dated a little, recently. Let me see what she says.”
“David, I’m Jan Stuart. Are you up for a month of Femdom slavery to a woman that is familiar with it? Gina is a harsh dominant. You do not want to spend a month with her. Renee, Angie, and I went to school together. She was married to a naturally submissive man, but he died due to colon cancelr. Just one of those things. She has been uninvolved with our lifestyle for a year and a half. But, when you allowed Jennie to tie you up there, you were taking the place of the model that was supposed to be audited off for a month of slavery. Do you see what you fell into?”
“Well, wait. Can’t I just let him go,” Jennie asked.
“No. All of the men present are our slaves. It’s not your fault Adam screwed us over. The model tonight was supposed to be sold for a month. I suppose you haven’t heard of our group before, and that is the way we like it.”
“We aren’t that big a secret,” another woman said. She looked at me and told me, “It’s true. We believe in female led lifestyles. But we maintain our lifestyle by dominating our men. George and I are newly married, and he has embedded all aspects of it. When a woman in this group decides on a man, she immediately strips him of all modesty, all dignity. Slaves have no dignity. Last week I took George to Lakeview Park and handcuffed him to a tree. Naked. And I told him to count how many photos were taken of him. Sixty-four women took pictures of George. Twenty-five of them uploaded their photos on the Web. George’s dignity is history.”
I looked at George. He stood there, smiling as if his wife had just told me she had sent him to the grocery store. I looked at Bill, wondering what I had fallen for.
Angie returned. “Renee is on her way over. She’ll check things out, then decide.” She looked at me. Thoughtfully, for a moment. “What do you think, David? I heard them tell you a bit about our group. We can’t just let you go. Gina will come after us, one by one. She’s a passion bitch.”
She turned to Jan. “I overheard you telling him about Renee’s history. What did you think about his reaction?”
She laughed as she said that I had a look of disbelief on my face. “Really, I think he just volunteered to take Jennie’s place hoping that she would be grateful later on!”
Jennie laughed outloud now, and Angie turned back to me. “Is that what was on your mind?”
“Oh, well,”
“Yes or no, David! Or I’ll squeeze your balls a lot harder than Gina did!”
“Yes! Yes! Come on, Angie! She’s very attractive!”
The front door opened and a tall brunette with hair below the shoulders stepped in. Angie and Jan stepped towards her. She looked vaguely familiar to me, but I couldn’t place her. She was dark skinned and wore denim shorts, a black top, and flip flops.
The others present began to step away, except Jennie, who told me that she would have been very, very grateful later on. Then I was alone, trying to hear what Jan, Angie, and Renee were saying. No luck with that. But something was clicking in the back of my mind. I know her, I thought. And she looked at me with a remembrand in her eyes. Beautiful, brown eyes. Jan and Angie stepped away and Renee stepped to me. And I had it. Renee Worthington, who I had last seen at a family reunion eleven years prior,When we were fourteen. Damn! I had left that reunion with a huge crush on her! I think we were fourth, maybe fifth cousins. Could it really be?
She stopped in front of me. “You have gotten yourself in quite a pickle, cousin.”
I blushed. Deep and red. I felt hot from my face to my belly. And I could feel the faint stirring of an erection. Please! Not that!
“Hi, Renee. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your husband.”
“Thank you. And how have things been with you? Apart from tonight’s drama.”
This was totally embarrassing. I had to look away, gather my thoughts. Finally, I met her gaze, tried to speak. Nothing came out.
A smile appeared on her face. A smile that slowly grew, and I could see the sadness inside her.
“Well, uh, life, I guess. Nothing spectacular. Uh…”
“David. Calm down. It’s just us. We talked so well at Three Springs. Just talk.”
I surprised. “Yes. Oh, wow. You were so easy to talk with. You know, when your dad drive upand said it was time to go, I watched you got in the Caddie. I had such a crush on you.”
“Really. You should have given me a call. We could have spoken more.”
“Yeah. Well, young men aren’t that smart.” I took in a huge breath. “I don’t feel too smart right now.”
She smiled like someone that wanted to smile. The conversation became easier. It was easier when I made eye contact with her. Time passed, but I had no idea how much went by. She laughed easily, and I began to not feel naked. Everybody left, except Angie, Bill, Jan, and her husband. And Jennie.
“So, you are in a bind with Gina. You definitely don’t want anything to do with her. She’s cruel. But I won’t take you with me to be a roommate for a few weeks. I agree to purchase you. And you must agree to be my slave for the next thirty-one days. Jennie will take your clothes with her. All of the men’s clothes at my home has been donated. You will be naked 24/7, and you will serve me. This is what I was usedtoo with my husband. This will be a Femdom relationship. You do what you’re told, without question. Can you live with that? I own you. Or we can call Gina.”
Such determination. I looked at a young woman that was used to being obeyed.
“OK, cousin. I’ll be your slave.”
She grabbed my balls and squeezed hard. A lot harder than Gina did. “And you will address me as Mistress.”
I croaked out a “Yes, Mistress.”
She released me and turned to Jan and Angie. “OK. We’re agreed. Let’s take him down. Jennie? Is that right? OK. You will take David’s clothes and leave me your phone number. In thirty-one days, I’ll give you a call on where to return them. Sound good?”
Jennie laughed at that. “You don’t play around, do you? That sounds good. David, serve well.” She turned to leave. “Wait! I need a ride! Can someone take me home?”
“I’ll take you home,” Angie said. “I believe it would be best for David not to know where you live.”
They all laughed at that./p>
Jan said, “Renee? Don’t you want to shake him before you leave? I brought shaving cream and a razor to use on the model that we were supposed to get.”
Renee’s eyes were gleaming when she looked at me. “Slaves are shaken, David. Yeah, girls. Let’s do it.”
Things were getting real now, I thought. Jan and Angie let my ankles down, then chained the cuffs on them. They tied them to a manual engine block hoist and raised my legs up, still spread wide at the knees. This was humiliating. When my ankles were above my head, Jan began cutting off my bush with scissors. When only a stubble was left, she put shaving cream all over my public area and asshole. Everything. Then she and Angie carefully shaved me. I had a smooth chest, but they shave my legs. It was all over in twenty minutes. Wow!
Jan also had lotion and after shake that would have been used on the model whose place Jennie had taken. Jan and Angie used it on me. They put the stool under me and dropped my legs again. Renee released my wrists and told me to get on my knees. When I was kneeing, she secured my hands behind my back and put a black leather collar on my neck.
“Thirty-one days you will serve me, slave. Swear your agreement to me.”
“I swear my agreement to you, Mistress.”
It was all so surreal. She put a leash on my collar and thanked Angie for calling her, hugging her and Jan. She led me to her car and opened the passenger door for me. I got in on her command. Jennie told me goodbye and got in Angie’s car. Bill told me to keep an open mind and left in his Suburban. Jan and her husband also left and I was alone with Renee. She got behind the wheel and smiled at me.
“Well. Is this the way you thought the day would end, slave?”
“Hardly. Mistress.” I slowly shook my head, a bit embarrassed with it all.
“I enjoyed leading my marriage. My husband was a natural submissive, rather like Bill. Jan got involved with a man that was not submissive, but she became his dominant, probably on sheer will. He took a while to come to terms with it, but he did. He willingly follow her lead now, and they are happy with their relationship.
“You are my slave for a month. Let’s you and I agree to make it an enjoyable month. Then you can go back to Colorado.”
I just nodded. Suddenly, the loss of control weighed heavily on me. She started the car and pulled away. Anxiety comes on me.
“What….may I speak?”
“Of course you may speak, slave. Just don’t piss your Mistress off.”
I started to laugh but stopped it short. I just thought for a minute. This was the first time that I had been around Renee for eleven years. She seemed comfortable as she wheeled through town, while I felt, what? Good grief.
“What…what’s gonna happen now?”
She pulled into Central City Park, drive about a block and took a parking space. The car stopped and the lights went out. She faced me, a street light clearly showed her smile.
“Youare very nervous right now.”
“Yes. Very, very nervous. I’m, I’m, oh sheesh.”
“What is going to happen, is you are going to be more comfortable with nudity. Your nudity. Slaves are naked. As you are. And we are going to take a walk in the park. Just to stretch out your limits.”
She got out of the vehicle and opened my door, grabbed my leash and pulled me out. There were several other cars in the lot. I just knew we were going to be seen.
“And David. If I get a hard time from you, don’t think that I wouldn’t leave you here, naked and helpless.”
I didn’t like the look on her face. The pleasant smile was gone, and I felt really alone.
“I’m sorry. This is all so new. I didn’t mean to give you a hard time.”
She palmed my balls and squeezed. “Mistress, slave. Never forget the Mistress.”
I gave her a high-pitched yes mistress and she released me. She tugged my leash and got on the sidewalk, telling me to stay behind her. It was still hot and humid. But I was glad that it was dark. She led me on a brisk walk, and we came upon a park bench with a young couple sitting on it. The woman and Renee exchanged pleasuresants while the man and I remained silent. The embarrassment made me feel slightly aroused. A short walk and we came to another benchmark. Renee took a seat and told me to get on my knees in front of her. I obeyed, and she simply sat there, looking at me in my disappoint. After a few minutes she asked me how submissive I felt.
“Very submissive, Mistress.” She gazed at me a few moments, then crossed her legs and toed a flip flop off.
“Then you should be eager to lick my foot, slave.”
More new ground. I leaned over and kissed that brown foot. Going by the deep brownness of her tan, you had to know Renee was an outdoor person. Twice I kissed it. And I licked it. Nice and slow. It was an attractive foot. I kissed it again, and took her large toe in my mouth and circled it with my tongue. There was a slight tasteof rubber from the flip flop, but nothing you could not easily handle. And I recognized the aroma of Skin So Soft. I really got into it. I licked between all of her toes, but avoided looking up at her. Then I noticed a couple leaving the inner park, going to the parking lot we had left. They were already upon us.
“Don’t stop, slave. Just keep licking.” And I did. I looked at her and her smile was radiant.
“Renee! Who is this man kneeing before you? Servicing your foot?”
“Hi, Charlotte. This is David, who will be my slave for the next month. David, this is Charlotte, another high school class mate of mine. And Jim, her slave. But don’t speak, just keep doing what you’re doing.”
I obeyed, still with the threat of being left in the park fresh in my mind.
“He submits very well, Renee. Possibly you might want to keep him.”
Renee laughed easily. “He isn’t in the life. At the end of the month, he may head back to Colorado driving a hundred miles an hour.”
Charlotte and Jim laughed now. But she said, “I bet he begs you to keep him. You were always a kind mistress to Arthur.”
“We’ll see. I’m not sure if he really is a sub or not.”
“He’s doing a good job of acting like it right now. We have to work tomorrow, you guys have a good evening.”
“You, too. Bye now.”
They left us, and Renee retroscensed her legs and toed the other flip flop off.
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