*This is the final part in my Spring break journal write up. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it, please let me know what you thought. Maybe now that I’m done with this I’ll try taking some fansies of mine and writing some stories based on them.
**This story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or easily offended, please do not read.
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Day 7
I got myself up early even though I was feeling a little hung over from the night before. I figured since it was my last day I wanted to spend as much time as I could on the beach and hanging out with my friends. I got shown and put on a bikini and got the rest of my stuff together. Kate had gotten back at some point during the night and she was up with me, getting ready for the beach. We talked a little and she told me all about the guy she’d hooked up with.
They had gone back to his place and got naked pretty quickly. She said he was really good, especially at oral, and she’d had a greatt time. I told her a little about my night and she just laughed and said we were both sluts. She asked how my tasks were going and I told her things were going good and really just had a couple more things to do. She asked if there was anything she could do to help out. It was really tempting but I said I had everything under control for the day, but might ask her for help the next day.
I went in to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror a bit and then grabbed a tube of sun block. Before leaving I’d bought a tube of the highest SPF sun block I could find, stuff that was basically designed to leave you with no tan at all. I bent over with my butt facing the mirror, squeezed some lotion out onto my finger, and used it to write on the backs of my thighs. I spelled out SLUT on the back of one leg and CUNT on the back of the other. Sir Thanos hadn’t come up with this particular task out of the blue. It actually is a taxe to my all-time favorite story series, the Tiffany Daniels stories. I’d talked to Sir Thanos about it before, about how I really love those stories. I’ve read them all several times and have masturbated imagine myself as Tiffany in each of her many predictions. In fact, I’d probably guess that I’ve played with myself more thinking of those stories than I have thinking of anything else.
In one of the stories, Tiffany is outside sunbathing and ends up bound with her legs pulled back. Her torqueors place cut out letters on her thighs spelling out SLUT and CUNT and leave her out in the sun. While I couldn’t exactly put paper letters on myself out at the beach, the sun block might be good enough. I was already soaking wet as I masturbated myself to the edge of orgasm and then forced myself to stop, grab my stuff, and head down to the beach.
I spent a big chunk of the morning tanning on my stomach, feeling the sun on my thighs and wondering how noticeable the letters would be, if at all. After lunch I stopped back up to the room and went straight to the bathroom where I turned and stood in front of the mirror. I checked out my thighs and could definitely make out the letters. They were a little sloppy and fear but I could see them. I trembled with pleasure and humiliation at the thought of people noticing. At that point I felt like in some way I was actually living out the Tiffany stories.
I masturbated towards orgasm again, Thinking about myself as Tiffany Daniels and being used totally and humiliated completely. Just before I was going to cum I stopped, got my bikini bottoms back on, and took a few deep breaths to try to relax some. I reapplied some sun block to the letters on my legs and headed back down to the beach.
The afternoon was spent mostly like the morning. After a long week, we were all pretty much content to hang out in one spot and chill out. Everyone else was relaxed anyway. I was feeling frustrated, horny as hell, and incredibly excited. The longer I laid there thinking about mylegs the more I wanted to rip my clothes off and find somebody or something to fuck me hard.
Late in the afternoon we all headed back upstairs to shower and change and Kate almost immediately noticed my legs. I was blushing from head to toe as I let her look and explained it a little bit. She laughed a little, gave me a light smack on the ass, and just went about getting ready to go out. I was feeling pretty embarrassed and self-conscious of the writing on my legs and dug out the longest skirt I had brought, which still wasn’t very long. It only came to about mid-thigh, which still showed some of the writing. I just had to hope that with it being dark out nobody would see.
After grabbing something to eat we wandered around looking in some shops and just walked around, not in much of a worry to go anywhere. I was nervous the whole time though, looking around, trying to decide if people had noticed my legs. I don’t think anybody did really, but at the time I imagined that everyone knew and was staring. We made our way to the clubs for one last night of partying and I felt a lot better once inside the dark club.
We spent the rest of the night having our usual great time, drinking, dancing, flirting like mad, and flashing occasionally. I spent some time flirting with my friends, focusing my attention especially on Amber and Kate. Amber and I danced a lot and even playedfully kissed on the dance floor but I could tell there wasn’t anything there other than just playing around. With Kate things felt different though, possible because she knew about my kinky side and the things I’d been doing. We danced and I felt actual sexual tension between us. At one point during a song we were dancing to she gave me a hard smack on the ass and gave my tit a squeeze but then after the song we didn’t really dance together again.
As things were winding down we got everyone together and headed back to the hotel. We decided we weren’t quite ready to call it a night though and stopped at the hot tubs one last time. There were already some guys and girls down around the hot tubs and pool area and we asked if they minded us joining. Rather than go up and change, we just stripped to our bras and panties again and got in the water. I made sure to strip with my back to everyone and slip into the water quickly after that.
I think it lasted about fifteen minutes before more clothes started coming off. Bras, followed by panties, followed by boxes off the guys, and soon everyone was naked. We hung out a while, joking around, messing with the guys. Claire and Kate made out for a minute when one guy dared them to and I let one of the other girls who was down there feel up my boobs.
Things kind of continued down that path, with people starting to dare each other to do stuff. One girl sat on a hot tub jet and let the stream hit her clip until she came. Another girl let a guy finger her to orgasm. Deb sat on one guy’s lap in the water and from the look on her face it was pretty obvious he was fucking her. The longer it went on, the more extreme things were heading towards. More than likely, it would have turned into one huge orgy.
People started to pair off and head back to rooms though. Deb left with her guy, Claire went off with another and Kate with another. Some of the other girls left either alone or with a guy and Amber and I ended up by ourselves with one guy, Craig. We didn’t really discuss it with each other or with him, things just kind of happened. She was kissing him deeply and I moved down and started to suck his cock.
He began to thrust into my mouth as I sucked him and I glanced up to see him leaning down to suck on Amber’s nipples. We were right out in the open but at the moment didn’t care. I Keep sucking on his cock while he moved Amber onto her back and started to lick her pussy. I closed my eyes and listened to her moaning, feeling myself getting wetter as I worked his cock in and out, and slowing down when I felt him getting close.
Finally, when I felt Amber was close to orgasm I started really sucking him, going faster until he came just after she started to cum. The three of us left the hot tub area and went up to Craig’s room where we made our way straight to the bed.
Amber stroked him and sucked him a little to get him hard again and then he had me lay back on the bed. We got a condom on him and he moved between my legs and slide into me. I was so wet by then he had no problems slipping in. As he started to fuck me slowly at first, I reached out for Amber’s hand. I tugged her towards me and when she didn’t seem to get the idea I finally told her to climb on my face so I could lick her.
I was in heaven. Not only was I getting fucked but I finally tasted the pussy I’d lusted after so much all year. I slid my tongue all over her pussy, in and out, trying to lick every inch. After a minute or two I settled in, working her clip faster with my tongue and bringing ahand up to slide a finger into her pussy.
I felt Craig start to fuck me harder and faster, pounding into me, and then he tensed up, groaning, as he came. I licked Amber faster and faster, wanting to have her cum on my face. He slide out of me and sat back. I didn’t feel him on me so I figured he was just sitting watching. I continued to lick her, working her clip back and forth with my tongue, listening to her moan louder and louder until finally she came hard. I kept at her clip a little longer and then moved to her pussy, licking, trying to get every drop of her cum.
She slide off of me as she started to relax and the three of us collapsed in bed. I was still horny as hell but I didn’t say anything and just licked my lips, enjoying the thoughts of what had just happened. Amber tried to get Craig hard again but he just didn’t seem to have it in him. We lay in bed a little longer and then we decided to head back to our rooms. We didn’t talk about it at all on the way down toOur rooms but before going into our separate rooms we hugged and she said it had been fun.
When I got in, Kate was in bed with the guy she’d left with so I just quietly slipped in and got into bed so I wouldn’t wake them.
Day 8
Kate and I both ended up sleeping in fairly late the next day. I’m not sure about her but I was feeling a little wiped out from my ‘vacation’. It was the last day though and even though I was a little hurt out from all my adventures I was still wishing the week wasn’t over. While Kate was showing I dug through my bag and pulled out my beads, butt plug, and rope. I got the rest of my bag packed and when she came out of the bathroom I was sitting at the edge of my bed naked.
Even though Kate knew all about my tasks and kinkiness and everything by then, it was still hard as hell to follow through with what I had come up with as a final task. She stopped when she saw me sitting there and I asked her if she was still interested in helping meout with a task like she had offered the day before. She said she’d love to and I hesitantly told her what I wanted her to do. By the time I was done I was bright red from head to toe and couldn’t really look at her.
She asked if I was ready and I nodded and turned over on the bed, bent forward onto the mattress with my feet on the floor and my legs apart. She moved behind me and gave me a few hard smacks on the ass, nothing too hard, but enough to sting a little bit. Then she picked up my beads and slipped them slowly into my pussy. As wet as I was by then, they had no problem going in. Once the beads were in place she took my butt plug, went to the bathroom, and came back with it coated with toothpaste.
She pressed it against my ass and I held still, feeling her slowly start to push. She went slowly, asking me Often if I was doing ok. I think she was enjoying it but was also worried about hurting me. She kept pushing it in and I pushed back against her to help. Gradually, she worked the plug all the way in and sat back a minute looking at me. She was asking how it felt, if I really liked it, what the toothpaste was for.
I stayed where I was and had her get the rope. I’m not a bondage expert by any means but I had to guide her through tying me up. Between the two of us we got my crotch rope in place and she just sat staring. She said it looked pretty hot on me and gave me a few more smacks on the ass. I stood up and shifted everything a little to try to make it more comfortable and then got dressed.
We met the others down in the lobby and got a shuttle out to the airport. The entire way to the airport I was squirming in my seat uncomfortable and Kate who was right beside me kept grinning at me and a few times leaned over and whispered in my ear asking me how things were going.
Once at the airport we got through security and made our way to the terminal without much excitement. I had a little time to wait until the flight, once again sitting uncomfortable in a chair and squirming. The toothpaste was burning and the plug kept shifting around, not to mention the rope digging into my incredibly sensitive clip. The friction on my clip alone had me unbelievably horny and wet, not to mention all of the other mental and physical stimulation.
The flight home was more of the same, consisting of constant squirming, feeling horny and restless. I tried to sleep or at least think of things other than my pussy and ass but found it increasingly difficult. Finally, we landed and after getting our luck we headed out to the parking lot and got our things loaded. It was a couple hours back to school and I did my best to relax as much as possible. Kate sat next to me most of the ride though and kept making me blush by whispering to me, commenting on my prediction.
The drive home seemed to take forever, but we finally made it. They dropped me off at my building and I got my bags and told everyone I’d see them later, andThen headed upstairs to my room. I was tired to the point of just wanting to collapse on my bed, but first I had to get more comfortable. I stripped naked, undid the rope quickly and got the plug and beads out. After breathing a sight of relief at being free from that disappoint I slipped into bed and crashed for a few hours. As much fun as break had been, my body needed some time to rest and recover.
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