“Hello? Miss? Are you okay?” A squeaky teenage boy behind the counter said.
“What?” Carla glanced around, embarrassed and confused. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” She ordered and took the food to a corner booth to hide. The mall was packed, and she found a sort of anonymity among the crowd. As she ate, she tried to examine the insane direction her life had taken.
I just sucked a stranger’s dick for money, she thought. Worse, I liked it. She knew Ricky didn’t care for at all. And at this point, she also knew he was taking advantage of her situation. Manipulating her. But not exactly forcing her either. He was rough, inconsiderate, dominant. But he had given her an option out every step of the way, and hadn’t she also revealed in every moment of sexual depravity?
Thoughts of what that means swirled in her head, but she was unable to grap the answer.
Carla’s throat ached with every swallow of her food. The taste of his cum was slowly wiped away.Before Ricky, she never would have allowed herself to be treated that way. And yet, she now wondered if after this weekend, she could ever find someone else that would.
She would follow through with this whole thing. She had to. She wanted to. She finished her food and began the too-short drive home.
For the first time after one of her morning appointments, the house was not empty. Aaron was passed out on the couch, shirt off and one hand down his pants. Carla wondered how she had felt anything for such a boy. She went upstairs to shower and meet her friends on the beach.
The night was long with distracted anticipation. Carla wished only for tonight to end so that tomorrow could begin.
Aaron hung around her like a shadow, trying again and again to explain where he had gone last night and why. Carla, no longer interested in the boy, ignored him. But his constant nagging means she could not enjoy the company of her friends.
“Fuck off, Aaron,” Carla finally snapped, when she could ignore him no more. “I don’t care what you did last night!”
Shocked, the group starred in uncomfortable silence. Aaron worked his mouth before tossing his beer in the sand and stomping away. Mike and Andy recovered first, carrying on their conversation as if the interruption never happened. The girls, who knew Carla better, looked at her with concern.
It was nearing nine o’clock, so Carla used her angry outburst as an excuse to turn in early.
Carla showed, shaved, and dried her wavy hair. She wore a peach colored sundress so thin she had bought it to wear over her swimsuit at the beach. Today, she wore it without her bra or panties. As Ricky had instructor, she worse socks with shoes, her black Chuck Taylor’s.
The short drive felt impossible long. Her stomach fluttered as she knocked on the office door.
Ricky evaluated her with a look from head to toe. He made a non-committalnoise before guiding her inside. Carla instantly felt nervous.
“Rule one,” Ricky said, “do not speak unless spoken to.”
Carla nodded, staring at an odd machine sitting in the middle of the studio. “It’s called a Sybian,” Ricky said. “It was made to bring women like you pleasure.” It looked like a saddle with a dildo sticking up from the middle. A large dildo. Larger than anything that had been inside her before. Carla’s jaw quivered, her pussy dripped. “But it can also overwhelm the body so intensely the pleasure might as well be pain.”
Carla swallowed. He was trying, and succeeding, to get into her head.
Ricky lifted her dress, roughly used his fingers to feel the proof of her arousal. He looked at the evidence of her arousal, rubbing the sticky wetness between his fingers before cleaning them with Carla’s mouth. “Rule two. Do what you are told, immediately and without question.”
Again, she nodded.
“Sit on it.”
Nervously, Carla squatted overthe dildo, noticing it’s girl for the first time. Thankfully, Ricky had already lubricated it. She could only hope that the lube and her own dripping arousal would be enough to ease the monstrous dildo inside her.
At first, it entered easily, but became more difficult as the appendage thickened towards the middle. She felt herself stretching and stretching. About halfway on, she felt pleasantly full, wishing the dildo stopped there. But this was a day of punishment, she knew, and so she gritted against the disappoint and keep going. The middle was the thickest point, and she struggled to push past it, but as the base of the dildo narrowed, the resistance gave way and she slipped all the way onto it with an unhappy groan. Instinctually, she tried to pull away, but found herself to be stuck, the bulge in the middle too thick to pull herself back off.
Eyes wide and panicked, she searched Ricky’s uncompassionate face. Oddly, his lack of concern served to calm her down. If he wasn’t worried, it was because he had intended to do this to her.
Ricky moved Carla’s legs from a squatting position, to kneeing on either side of the Sybian. One at a time, he then closed heavy metal cuffs around her ankles and drilled them into the ground, locking her in place. Carla flinched at the scream of the drill. She knew Ricky wouldn’t hurt her, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t Cause her pain. The lingering ache in her throat was proof of that.
Next, he strapped her ankles to her thighs. Her wrists were bound behind her back and secured to the ground behind her. She had to rest her hands on the back of the Sybian to keep from falling backwards, although the size of the dildo seemed to be doing as much to hold her upright as her arms and body. He looped a thick rope around her wait a half a dozen times, tightening until she could only expand her diaphragm enough for most of a breath. This he secured to the wall in front of her. She couldn’t fall backward, forward, or to the sides. She had never been in bondage so secure she couldn’t move. A wave of claustrophobia crashed into her. She began to sweat despite the thinness of her dress.
“This controls the Sybian,” Ricky said, showing her a small black box with two buttons and two dials. He pressed a red button labeled “vibration” and it lit up.
This is too much, she thought. I’m in over my head. I need to—
Ricky turned the dial one click and all thought left her head. Carla jerked against her bondage in shocked pleasure. She felt her abdominals tighten and relax involuntarily, finding it strangely erotic to have her body move without her permission. The violations were weak, but she was so completely filled it seemed to vibrate her entire body.
He pressed the green button and turned the dial a single click. The dildo inside her began to rotate, and Carla’s eyes rolled back into her head. She had never felt pleasure so complete. So nearly overwhelming.
In a handful of seconds, she was sweating into the fabric of her dress, heaving and at the edge of orgasm. Minutes later, just before she found release, Ricky flipped both switches off completely.
“Nooo,” Carla while, her body convulsing at the sudden loss of pleasure. “I was almost there!”
Is that my voice, she thought, sounding so desperate to cum?
Ricky ignored her, bent down to untie her shoes. “I had to think long and hard about how to punish you,” he began. “Much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn’t spank you hard. Not with the time you spent on the beach.”
Ricky had her shoes off and was removing her socks. “And that means I also couldn’t whip your breasts or thighs or back.” His finger went up, as if in some great realization. ‘Maybe your pussy,’ I thought. But no, if I missed and marked your stomach, your friends would ask too many questions.”
Both socks went into her mouth, and it seemed Ricky wrapped half a roll of tape around her head securing them in place. She could taste the sweet of her feet and found the humiliation euphoric. “Then, yesterday, you gave me the perfect idea!” Ricky smiled.
He brushed her cheek with his hand. Speaking generally, he said “You’re a cum-whore. And I don’t mean that you like cum, obviously you don’t. You like to cum.”
Click. The vibrations start again. Ricky is right, Carla realizes. Already her body is convulsing around the dildo, looking for release. She can hear herself moaning—a guttural, animal sound—but she can’t stop it from happening. Another several minutes. Then, Click. Emptiness and anger for another lost orgasm.
“I decided in that moment. Your punishment will be your own pleasure, but at my control.”
Carla had no idea how long he teased her. Always the vibrations were at their weakest, always the rotation at it’s slowest. Never aggressive enough for quick release. The build was always slow enough for Ricky to stop. At one point she realized she was crying and begging. She offered to fuck him. To suck his cock again. To suck his cock again. To suck anyone’s cock if he wanted it. Of course, Ricky could understand none of this with the socks in her mouth. More than once she tried to spit them out, but the tape was too secure.
When Carla had given up all hope of orgasm, Ricky turned the dials all the way up. The sensing, while certainly something that would bring orgasm, was too overwhelming and intensity to call pleasure. She screamed when the intensity only grow, her pleading unintelligible. An orgasm Shook her body. Her muscles cramped. It seemed to go and go.
Ricky did not turn the machine off, as she had expected. When the orgasm finally faded, her body was in such a sensitive state that the Sybian’s Vibrations felt like electricity running through her pussy. She burned with pleasure so intense it had become unbearable. The tears flowed freely down her cheeses. Now, insteadad of begging for more, she begged for it to stop.
A second orgasm wrapped her body. Her thighs shook violently, sweat poured from her skin. Still, intensity continue to grow.
A third. A fourth. Eventually, she lost count. Her body had become an overloading circuit. Mentally, she knew she was breaking, that if things went on much longer she would pass out. One more orgasm and the world was turning into a colorless tunnel.
At last Ricky turned the machine off. She collapsed as much as possible against the ropes. Fresh tears of relief falling from her eyes.
Ricky cut the tape free, took her socks out of her mouth. “Thank you,” Carla gasped.
“You did good,” Ricky said. “I’m going to fuck you in the ass now.”
She looked up in shock. “I-I don’t,” she stuttered. “I’ve never done that.”
Ricky turned the Sybian back on.
“Noooo. Please no! I can’t take any more. I can’t take it, I can’t take it, I can’t ta”—another orgasm hit her. She screamed freely without the gag.
The orgasm subsided, but the Sybian continue. “I can’t. I can’t, please. Ricky, please. Please stop. I’ll do anything!”
“Where am I going to fuck you?” Ricky yelled, face to face.
“In the ass! You’re going to fuck me in the ass!” Another orgasm. He let it run its course and then turned the Sybian off.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,’ She repeated, crying.
She was so exhausted, and sore, and overwhelmed, that she lay limp as Ricky cut the ropes around her waist and released her from the bondage. He lifted her off the dildo, making her groan in pain as it stretched beyond her limits one more time.
“Good girl,” he said, petting her sweat-soaked hair. She was too weak to move herself around, so he put her on her knees and positioned her mouth over the Sybian’s dildo. “Suck, he said.”
Oh my God, gross, she thought, but did it anyway. Although her initial thoughts, the depraved nature of cleaning her own girl-cum off the dildo was mentally arousing, even if her body was too exhausted to respond in kind.
She felt Ricky pour lube on her ass. He pressed the nozzle of the lube itself just past her sphincter and squeezed a general amount directly inside her. The sensing was oddly pleasant. Then came is finger. Then two.
Carla was far too exhausted to reach orgasm. They both knew it. But This wasn’t painful like she thought it would be. Ricky took his cock out of his pants and pressed the erect head against her ass. Slowly, with a gentleness he hadn’t shown her yet, he pushed past her resistance and into her ass, working himself deeper inside an inch at a time.
Slowly, he worked, until Carla felt him push all the way in. She was surprised to find it only mildly painful. Another thrust, a little faster. And faster. Soon he was pounding her like she had hoped he would be pounding her pussy. Although, after the Sybian, she knew her pussy needed a break. After the Sybian,There would be no more orgasms at this point, at least for her. But it felt nice knowing that she was pleasing Ricky.
Ricky was done be gentle. He grabbed a handful of her hair and shoved her head deep onto the dildo, making her gag. Several times she had to pull her mouth off and spit out long lines drool, cought.
He pounded her harder until her ass ached. Finally, he pulled out, dragged her head around by her hair, and shoved his cock into her mouth. She gagged at the taste and humiliation, but didn’t resist him. Soon, she was choking on thick spurts of cum, trying to swallow it all.
When he was done, he pushed her off him. “Good girl,” he said again.
He pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and dropped another $2,000 in front of her still recovering form. “I have a shot I need to get to. Let yourself out.”
He stopped halfway through the door. “Be here on time tomorrow. You’ll be shooting with other models.”
Carla laid on the hard wood floor of his studio for what seemed like another hour. Every muscle reached in ways she hadn’t known was possible. The pungent taste of cum clung to her throat, which, she supposed, was better than the taste of her ass. There would be no masturbating today. She balanced at the idea of even seeing her friends.
$5,900 she thought, a smile on her exhausted face.
Her dress was a wrinkled mess of dried sweat and her own cum. Her cheeks burned at the idea of being seen by her friends like this, so she made the decision to buy something new.
Her dress, her hair, her make-up. She looked like a girl that had just been fucked by a half-dozen men. As sweaty as she was, she probably smelled like it too. But there was nothing to be done for it.
She rushed from her car and into Holister, buying the first t-shirt and shorts in her size.
She was in her car in the parking lot before a giddy euphoria had her shaking and giggling for twenty minutes. I can’tbelieve I just did that, she thought, surprised to find her hand inside her new shorts. While she had lost count of the number of orgasms the Sybian and forced out of her, none of them had been pleasurable. It was more like her body had been hot-wired into overloading. Sexual satisfaction hadn’t been part of it.
She realized now that she was ready for proper sexual release. She licked her fingers and put her hand back down her shorts. She thought about all the things Ricky had done to her, and her arousal soared. When she came, it was long and satisfying. She sat in her car trembling, tired, and wishing she had time to do it again.
But it was already 2pm, and she needed to get home before her friends got truly worried.
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