Spring Break Submission Ch. 01

Chapter 1: Monday

Cold. That was the first thought that crossed Rachel’s mind as she woman from her nap. Why hadn’t she put a blanket on herself before following sleep? She wondered to herself amidst her grggy state of half sleep and half awake. She tried to shift her legs, close them to conserve heat, only to find movement to be difficult. She opened her eyes to the dimly lit basement, not the room that she had fallen wait in. That was when the panic and horror set in. Cold sweat ran down her the center of her spine as she realized that her arms were bound upwards, chained to the cold stonewalls that supported her leaning back. Another second and she realized that she was naked. She wished that there was someway for her to cover up her nude body; her full 34 C breast with their rosy pink nipples based in All their glory in the luminescent of the poorly lit basement, her pale white skin seemed to glow in the dark while her messy honey brown hair glistened from theoccasional flicker of light from the crappy old light bulb which hung from a long wire.

‘Shit shit shit shit!’ thought Rachel as she struggled to stand up only to realize that her legs were forced apart by a spreader bar attached to her ankles. No wonder she had trouble moving her legs earlier. She prayed to whoever would listen that she hadn’t been kidnapped.

Rachel had always considered herself to be a good girl, the kind that studied hard, went to school and got all A’s. Growing up she had little to no interest in boys preferring to remain inconspicuous by wearing loose clothes which hide the wonders of her body, tightly braiding her hair into a French braid and hiding her face under a pair of thick coke bottle glasses. Seeing that she had no love life, she had decided instead to focus completely on school and building a better future for herself. It was with such diligence and studious behavior that she was able to secure herself a spot at the university that she was now attending.

It took another year into college for her to finally let loose and start dressing a little less conservatively. A month after that for her to switch from glasses to contacts. Three months after that she went on her first date, six months after that things just took off for Rachel. Sure she was a little promiscuous and was known to go on dates with two different men on the same night. But she had never let any of them into her body. Although the rumors of her “slutty” behavior, she was still a virgin. But a tease she definitely was, being known throughout the entire college campus for her tight t-shirts that hugged her curves and gave definition to the curve of her breasts. Of course a tight t-shirt wasn’t the only thing she wore that drive the boys crazy, tube tops, halter tops, mini skirts, “booty shorts”, and tight jeans all served as the weapons which cemented her status as a campus beauty.

Of course she wasn’t just all show. Although being a virgin she did have her fair share of sexual encounters but nothing else than making out followed by the guy either eating her out or her blowing the lucky bastard until he came in her mouth. At some point Rachel realized that she was an extremely sexual creation. But she was still very careful to break off the relationship after the second or third date in order to avoid any sex.

Looking back, Rachel realized that it was exactly that sort of pseudo-slutty cock teasing behavior that had gotten her into this mess in the first place with her chained and naked in some basement somewhere. Desperate for help of any kind she opened her mouth:

“H-Hello?” she nervously called out into the darkness. “Is anybody there?”

“Well well, look who’s finally decided to wake up?” said a deep familiar male voice. It sounded sinister and lucky.

Rachel’s head snapped towards the direction of the sound. In the silent blackness she could make out the silhouette of a person sitting down on a chair. Her heart dropped to her stomach as the gravity of the situation hit her. She was kidnapped, probably sold into sexual slavery for some tyrant ruling over some third world country. “W-who are you?” she stuttered, scared out of her mind, “W-where am I?”

The figure got up from the chair and began to walk towards her. She felt her heart racing with fear beating repeatedly as the figure got close and closer.

“S-stay back.” Her eyes were beginning blur from the tears that were beginning to build. The figure ignored her cries as he walked forward into the light, Rachel’s frozen when the figure stepped forward.


The man smiled as he knelt down to her eye level and raised her chin up to his face. At that level of closeness, Rachel was able to confirm that that was definitely Brian even in the dim lighting.

Brian was a friend that she had known since middle school. Eventually he became a listener and colleague of Rachel’s, one of the few who hadn’t tried to ask her out or hit on her. She had never considered him to be any more than a friend, not a potential boyfriend material not even a guy that she would consider blowing.

Truth be told Brian was not an unattractive man, standing at a powerful 6’2” the man boasted a muscle frame which was often hidden under the sweatshirts and baggy jeans that he wore. She had often taken peeks at his magnificent body whenever they went to the beach with friends and made no effort to hide her lust for that body; a physique that he had gained from his years of martial arts training His face looked like something out of a fashion magazine with a strong jaw and prominent browser which was framed by his short spiky hair and accented by his powerful brown eyes; eyes which now gazed at Rachel with a mixture of arrogance and amusement hidden within them. Right now he stood before her naked, a prominent erection protruded upwards from the abyss of his loins. Her jaw dropped at the sightt of his massive member staring which stared back at her with it’s one single eye.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” demanded Rachel, her bravery had returned when she realized she knew who her kidnapper was. She was in power now, cry rape and the asshole would spend the rest of his life either in jail or paying off court fees. “Let me go this instant!”

Before Rachel could even finish her sentence, Brian had already cut her off by forcing his lips on to her catching in a powerful kiss which throw Rachel’s mind into complete disarray. Slowly she began to respond moving her lips in synch with his, she let out a muffled gasp as he completely shoved his tongue into her mouth. She could feel her pussy began to grow wet as the kiss grow more and more furious. She had never had a kiss this password before. Desperate for control, the same control that she had over other men, Rachel began to move her tongue in conjunction with his, the two slimy appendages stirring together in a primary dance of lust and password.

It was too much for Rachel, he was too intense. She couldn’t breathe! She felt her eyes slowly roll upwards towards the back of her skull as she felt her body grow lighter and lighter, her body screamed for oxygen.

Finally Brian broke the kiss leaving Rachel gasping for air as he shoved her back down onto the ground. She cought up spit as she breathed in the precious air that her lungs desired. Several more gasps and she managed to calm down. She was afraid now. Afraid of this man who had taken her from her single room apartment off campus into this cold dark basement and Scared of what he might do next. She stared at his bare feet, too afraid to look at him. His hand came down to her face reaching out to her and slowly cupping her chin with his fingers and bringing her face up to his level.

“Hello Rachel.” He said softly, his voice was deep and powerful and it sent ships of fear and pleasure up her spine.

“Why are you doing this?!” she asked between breaths.

Brian smile. “I’ve decided to make you mine.” He said casually as he reached up and grabbed a pulley and pulled several times giving the chains which held her arms up some slack allowing her to lower her arms. Rachel cast as she felt blood return to her sore arms, she quickly covered herself up with her arms. Ashamed that she was exposed to her friend in such a shameful manner.

Brian’s quickly reversed his action of letting her arms down with several hard tugs of the pulley dragging her arms and the rest of her body upwards until she was barely standing on her tiptoes. Rachel cried out at the sudden loss of comfort in her arms and the pain in her arms. “Brian please…”

Brian’s open hand went for one of her tits with blinding speed. SMACK! Rachel let out a loud guttural scream of pain, which echoed throughout the cold dark confines of his basement. The sting of the slap quickly traveled throughout herbody, a burning tingling sensing began to fill her pussy. “You’re a slut you know that?” he snarled, SMACK! Another slap this time on the opposite title, another scream, she could feel the tears fill her eyes her body was quivering . “fucking any guy that comes your way.” SMACK She could feel blood beginning to fill her tits, the redness spreading from the point of impact. “You’re such a fucking whore, how many guys have you fucked?!” SMACK! “How

Rachel whimpered after the last slap.

“Since you’re willing to fuck any and everyone. I’ve decided to take things into my own hand. So I’m going to make you my slave.” He said cupping her chin with his fingers.

She was sobbing now. She had never had anyone treat her like this before. “Please let me go…” she begged pathetically.

Brian smiled before his hands went down in between her legs. A finger lightly glazed the slit of her pussy running it’s way up towards her clip, Rachel shivered in cold fear. Or was it pleasure? Brian slowly brought his finger up to her face. “Sure you want me to do that?” he asked showing her the wetness that came from her traitorous pussy. He slowly brought that finger into his mouth sucking her pussy juice off of it. Rachel shivered at the erotic sight before she slowly nodded her response.

“P-Please stop.” She pleaded with him softly.

The movement of his hand was faster than her eye could follow. SMACK! An intense pain rushed from her loins throughout her entire body, burning its way up into her brain as it completed its voyage. She cried in pain no belief what he had just did. He had just slapped her pussy. Her pussy burned with pain and longing as she gasped for air in between sobs. Brian grabbed her face and silenced her sobs with another kiss, harshly shoving his tongue into her mouth. For a second, Rachel seriously considered biting his tongue but she quickly tossed the thought off into the back of her mind as she feared the pain and retribution she would receive for committing such an act. Slowly she bean to once again respond to the kiss with equal lust and fervor, her pussy tingling with desire.

Finally Brian broke the kiss once again leaving Rachel gasping for air. “Seems like you’re still not being honest with yourself.” He said venomously before running his tongue down the length of her neck; Rachel gasping with pleasure as he did so. “I told you that I’m gonna make you my slave and I mean that.” He said softly. Rachel shivered. Brian’s hands went up to the pulley system once again lowering it until Rachel’s arms were able to come down and rest from being held up for so long. “Thank you.” She said softly, in the back of her mind she screamed as to why she was thanking him, he was responsible for everything that was happening to her. Brian said nothing as he walked over to the corner of the dim dark basement and opened what looked to be a cabinet. He quickly returned with a bottle of water and a bottle for holding pills.Opening the pill bottle, he carefully took one out before taking a look at Rachel.

“Do you know what this is?” he asked while rolling one of the hard chalk colored pills in between his fingers. Rachel was silent. “ANSWER ME!” he roared, Rachel jumped up in surprise.


SMACK! She felt the burning on her tits before his open slap even made impact, another scream of pain erupted from her lungs. “No what?”

“No, Brian.” She said quietly.


“wrong answer, try again slut.”

“No…sir.” She answered softly, silently praying that that was the correct answer. Her tits were burning with pain. And she could feel her eyes watering up.

Brian chuckled. “That’s better.” He said, “This is a pill I imported from Asia. Very expensive. Do you know what it does?”

“No sir.” She quietly replied, she didn’t want to get slapped again.

“It lowers your mind’s resistance and heightens your body’s reactions to physical stimuli. The effects are almost immediate and lasts for hours. ” He said, slowly bringing the pill to her mouth. “It is so powerful that any willpower you have will essentially be gone. The next generation of date rap drug.”

Her lips were tight and unyielding, her head cranned to the side to create distance between her mouth and the drug. She could not afford to let him feed her that pill. Brian frowned at her resistance. “Rachel, are you sure you want to do that?” he said softly, the voice was quiet but the threat of pain was still there. Slowly Rachel eased the tension in her lips and allowed Brian to slip the pill into her mouth. He then placed the opened water bottle to her mouth and forced her to drink and swallow the pill. She gulped down the water reluctantly, she then opened her mouth and lifted her tongue to show him that it was down.

“That’s a good girl.” Brian said smiling like a child on Christmas. “Now comes the fun part.” His lips went to her neck kissing her softly running his tongue down the length of her neck and the pathway of her judicial artery, Rachel gasped at the sensing, moaning loudly.

“Please!” she groaned in between gasps of air and moans of pleasure. She couldn’t tell whether or not it was the effects of the drugs kicking in or Brian’s skillfulness at foreplay or more realistically a sinful mixture of both, but she could feel her pussy growing more and more wet. She had never been This wet before in her life! Any more and she would lose all control and beg for him to fuck her right there and then. It took all of her willpower to speak amidst Brian’s kissing and sucking on her neck. . “Brian, please…..I’m a virgin.”

The simple statement surprised Brian so much that he forget to punish her for not calling him ‘sir.’ He looked up and down her frame as she laid there desperately trying to cover up her body. Brian leaned into her as one of his large hands went to cup her chin and kissed her softly. “I’m not going to rap you.” He said gentlely. “I will make you mine, you can try to resist if you want, but I guarantee that you will be mine before this week is over.”

“You promise not to rape me?”

He nodded as he knelt down before her.

“Please just let me go.” She whispered.

His hands traveled up the length of her inner thigh softly grazing the edge of her pelvis mere millions from her soaking pussy. Rachel let out a soft moan as she felt his fingers lightly run their way through the fields of her pubic hair.

Brian moved towards her left ear nibbling on it softly before whispering: “Sorry can’t do that” he whispered softly into her ear. “Oh, and we’re going to have to do something about this bush.”

She shuddered as Brian’s fingers continued to tease the area around her pussy in such a manner while his lips once again went to her neck kissing them softly alternate between usage of his lips and tongue while he teased her the edges of her sex. His mouth soon found their way to her breasts, gasps and moans followed as he kissed her breasts, licking, sucking and lightly biting on every part except for the nipple. As he worked on her left breast, his free hand squeezed and massed her right breast all the while her pussy burned for attention.

Rachel gasped in ecstasy when Brian’s left knuckle accidentally grazed the tiny nub of her cliporis sending jolts of electricity throughout her body. She had never experienced foreplay like this, the majority of the fuckers that she dated usually went straight for her pussy or tits, never bothering to take their time to fully stimulate her. She let out a loud squeal as Brian’s tongue finally their way to her nipple flicking itself up and down upon the little nub with rapid fire speed and precision. “Oh god…” she moaned loudly. “Brian, please don’t stop.”

A low pitched groan rumbled from the depths of Brian’s and to her utter shock and amazement she realized that her right hand was furiously struggling Brian’s cock. His lips traveled to her right nipple giving it the same treatment that its sibling received. “Please Brian…” she moaned. Her mind was delicious with lust, he had barely even touched her pussy and she was on the verge of cumming harder than she had ever cum before.

His mouth abruptly stopped sucking on her nipple as he went up to kiss her lips once again. She responded to the kiss with equal lust and password opening her mouth Once again to allow his tongue entrance. The hand on her groin was now drawing circles upon her patch of public hair. Brian quickly pulled back from the kiss, Rachel desperately attempted to keep the kiss going by lashing out her tongue in desperation. Brian chuckled at the sight of her; just a few moments ago she was begging him not to do this. Now she was begging him not to stop.

Without warning Brian quickly pressed Two of his fingers against the tiny nub of her cliporis and rubbed down. Hard. Rachel let out a scream of pleasure in response, jolts of electricity blasted from her pussy throughout the rest of her body. Everything had been forgotten, the struggling of his cock, the drug that he had forced her to eat and the circumstances of the situation. Nothing mattered only the sensing from her pussy. The sudden and intense stimulation to her pussy combined with the sheer amount of teasing that Brian had given her all served to amplify the pleasureable sensings that she was feeling. Brian continued the assault on her senses rubbing her clip furiously in a circular pattern as Rachel felt the sensings within her body lift her higher and higher towards the ecstasy of orgasm, the straw that broke the camel’s back came when he clamped his mouth down on one of her nipples and sucked hard. Rachel could feel her eyes roll up behind her head gasping as she took in rapid breaths of air. The orgasm rocked its way throughout Her body as she let out a final scream of pleasure, knees buckling and arms failing as she fell backwards towards the ground only for Brian to catch her.

Brian released his grip on her clip lifting his soaked fingers to his face in amusement. He looked down at Rachel who was laying on the ground in a gasping heap of sweat and pussy juice. Chuckling in amusement Brian wiped his soaked fingers on the small amount of cum that had been leaking from his cock mixing the two juices together. The cum cocktail was presented to Rachel’s lips. She ate the sweet cocktail without any hesitation moaning as she sucked on his fingers.

He positioned his cock in front of her mouth, the head just barely nudging itself against her pouty lips. “Suck my cock.” He said simply, yet the power and authority lingered in his voice. She opened her mouth and took his member in sucking on it as hard as she possibly could, licking the tip and wrapping her tongue around the shake. She licked and sucked with fevered intensity desperate to give Brian the same pleasure that he had given her. Brian groaned with pleasure, Rachel was an incredible cocksucker and it wasn’t long before he felt his hips buckling as he shot his load into her mouth. She swallowed without hesitation, before he could even order her to. She never swallowed, but something deep inside of her compelled her to at this time.


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