The Family Ritual Ch. 36

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison Cassidy – Husband to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy – wife of Kenneth, therapist.
*Derrick Cassidy Kennedy – Suitor to Lacy Alexis
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
Valentina Alexis Black– former supermodel, wife/slave of Blake Black
*Lacy Alexis – Sister to Valentina
*Ellen McGraw – Stalker

The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Daniela – Frederick’s daughter, fiancée to Mason
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer

Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

*New character


Valentina woke Lacy up at 8:30 in the morning. “Get up and get dressed. Here is your list of chores beginning tomorrow. Today you have to make your own breakfast and clean up after yourself. You and I are going shopping. Blake wants you to have appropriate clothing.”

Lacy was sore and sleepy. She had a restless night. Valentina looked at Lacy’s body. She ran her hand over her sisters marks, “Master will want to see how you look tonight when he comes home. I’m justlearning to use the cane, but I think I did all right.”

“You really are fucked up Valentina.” Lacy snapped.

Valentina spanked her butt once hard. “Ow, damn Valentina that hurt.” Lacy said.

“Watch how you speak to me.” Valentina said pulling Lacy’s hair.

“Get up and get dressed. We are leaving at ten and you are to make your own breakfast.”

“Why can’t the butler or I assume you have a cook do it?” Lacy said sitting up.

“Because Master has ordered it and because you are not the Mistress of this house, I am. Read the list and I will meet you downstairs where my breakfast is being prepared.” Valentina said and swished out the door.

“Argh” Lacy exclaimed and throw her pillow at the door. She picked up the list, “Damn, damn, damn.” She said and got up. She read the list twice. The first thing she had to do every day was clean her room and make her bed.

Lacy got up, took a shower, brushed her teeth, made her bed and hung up the clothes she hadleft on the floor. Today she was going shopping, but tomorrow all this work. She told, I have to get back on track. She thought. This wasn’t going the way she planned.

Lacy put on a black short lace skirt with a black and red shirt. She put on lace stockings and checked herself in the mirror. She looked hot. She made sure the room was perfect and then went downstairs to the kitchen.

The chef smiled at her. She smiled back sweetly. He led her around the kitchen showing her where everything was. Lacy could make breakfast so she decided that she wanted some bacon and pancakes. She made a big mess but she made her breakfast; the list never said she had to clean up after breakfast.

The chef looked at the mess and went to Valentina. Valentina angrily went into the breakfast nook as Lacy was just sitting down to eat. “Clean up your mess in the kitchen” Valentina said.

“The list didn’t say anything about that.” Lacy said taking a bite of her pancakes.

“Don’t push me Lace. If I have to call Blake, he will not be pleased.” Valentina said.

“Tattle if you want, but I will clean up after I eat. Don’t have a cow.” Lacy said continued to eat.

Valentina returned to the kitchen and brought out a carafe of orange juice. She had already eaten. She sat down next to Lacy and poured them each a glass of juice. Valentina stroked her sister’s hair. “Behave Lacy please and you’ll find that Blake can be kind and generous. I want us to have a fun day today and we’ll have lunch out.”

Lacy turned to Valentina, “I’ll behave, I don’t want to be able to be able to be able to any more.” She looked up at Valentina through her lashes, “How did it feel to put your tongue in my pussy?”

Valentina blushed, “You tasted good.” She said taking a sip of her o.j.

“I’d never do that. I’m no lesbo.” Lacy smiled finishing her pancakes and picking up the plate she returned to the kitchen and cleaned up.

Valentina shook her head and said aloud, “You have no idea the thngs Master will make you do.” Valentina’s pussy started to get hot at the thought of Lacy eating her out.


Derrick phoned his father, Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy. He sent him photos and a DVD he had received from Blake of Lacy. The two Derrick found most intriguing was the one with the stripe marks on her body and the one with her defiant look after she had been able.

Lacy didn’t know about the hidden cameras and the videos in the Danger Zone.

Derrick was 25 years old. His brother and sister were waiting patiently for him to settle down and he was ready. He had, had his fun. Derrick had fucked, whipped, spanked and controlled his share of women and now he was looking for one woman to join him for life. His dick was hard as he watched Lacy and the way she wanted to defy Blake. He wanted to keep her spirit but bring her to heel. He couldn’t wait to meet her.

“What did you promise Blake for bringing this beauty to you?” Alan said as he looked at the photos.

“I promised him her anal.” Derrick said on the phone.

“That’s fine; because I’m sure he’ll be preparing her for your cock.” Alan said. He locked his office door and took out his 6 inch cock and began stroking it. He was envious of his son’s much larger at nine inches dick, but Alan knew how to use his. His wife, Amber, a former Miss California and a Domme taught Alan Everything about how to please a woman.

She would want to see the video and photos so Alan would make sure to put them in his briefcase.

Alan knew that he would owe Blake big time for bringing his son a virgin for a bride; a feisty one at that. He wondered what Blake would ask besides the young girl’s anal virginity.

As for Alan, all he could think about was the fact that during the ritual he would get to take her virginity and he hoped she would fight him.


Lacy was disappointed with her sister’s choices for shopping. She was expecting designer and haute couture, but Valentina had taken her to Macy’s, Lord and Taylor’s and Bloomingdales. She had however allowed Lacy to get a really cool military jacket from a boutique called Free People. The distressed cargo jacket had beautiful studs and metallic embroidered embellishment on sleeps and a hood.

Valentina took Lacy to Tiffany’s and Cartier for some jewelry. Lacy asked to go to Harry Winston’s, but Valentina just laughed, “You have to earn that one”

Their final stop was Saks. The personal shopper there helped with the purchase of two evening gowns and four cocktail dresses with appropriate accessories and a diamond and gold watch. They stopped for lunch at Café S.F.A and then spent the next three hours in the store’s three shoe departments matching the appropriate shoes to the outfits and then on to the lingerie department where Valentina purchased twelve short and long very sexy nightgowns for Lacy and a few for herself. She also bought three bathrobes, two for Lacy and one for herself.

Valentina stopped in the men’s department and purchased some shirts and ties for her husband and a new cashmere coat as a surprise.

Their final stop was DavidZ where Valentina purchased sneakers and boots for Lacy. Blake’s driver drove them home an hour before Blake was to arrive home for dinner.

“You need to change and get ready. Master will be home shortly.” Valentina said.

“Why do you call him Master?” Lacy asked.

“Because that’s what he is to me.” Valentina said softly and with reverence, “I am his wife, but also his slave. I love Blake and will do everything to please him.”

“How can you love him? He’s awful.” Lacy said frowning.

“He’s wonderful and I love him because he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.” Valentina said. “He will arrange a good marriage for you if you’ll behave.”

Lacy just stared at her sister and prepared to go along. “I’ll behave.” She said, but Lacy was really thinking, no one is going to arrange my marriage. I’m going to pick the perfect Cassidy man for me.

Lacy changed into one of her new outfits and she had to admit the red lace sleepless dress looked good on her. She put on some high heeled sandals and gold earrings; a light red lipstick and she was complete.

Lacy heard the front door open and knew the Master of the house was at home. Pasting a smile on her face she went out to say hello.

Valentina was dressed and kneeing at the door. Blake told her that until the baby came she could now just be kneeling waiting for him. After her fifth month, she would wait for him in the bedroom. Blake helped his wife up and as they walked up the stairs, Lacy stood at the top looking at them.

Blake was surprised at how she was dressed, “Well, don’t you look nice; very sophisticated.”

Blake turned to Valentina, “Well done my dear.”

Valentina smiled, grateful for the compliment from her husband. Blake walked up to Lacy and kissed her cheek. “I heard you made yourown breakfast and cleaned up after. Good girl. If you keep this up, then things will be much better for you.”

Lacy smiled sweetly. “Good evening Mr. Black.”

“You may call me Blake; after all I am your brother-in-law.” He said. “I want you to phone your mother and let her know that you are all right. Here’s your new phone.”

Blake handed Lacy a pink iPhone 10. “Wow, this is super. Where’s my other phone?”

“It’s been destroyed. I programmed your new phone with a few friends that your mother and I approve of and your new computer will be brought up later this evening. Tonight, I want to see how well you suck cock.” Blake said as he felt Valentina’s ass.

“You want me to suck your cock!” Lacy said incredulously.

“Yes or you can suck Henry’s or Luke our chef, whatever you prefer.” Blake said nonchalantly.

Lacy turned pale. She was thinking quickly and licked her lips at the thought of sucking Blake’s big dick.

“I can’t take all of your cock in my mouth. You are huge.” Lacy said staring at Valentina who was watching her.

“I will call Henry or Luke after dinner.” Blake said, then added, “But you will learn to suck my cock. The man I have chosen for you has a pretty big dick. You need to learn to take him in deep.”

“Uh no. I’ll suck your cock, as long as my sister is there.” Lacy said.

Blake laughed, “Whether your sister is here or not you will do as I say, you forget, I am Master here.”

“Uhm Sorry. Do you want me to call you Master too?” Lacy said sarcastically.

Blake appraised her, “No, you haven’t earned that privilege. When we are in the Danger Zone or when we are having your training sessions, you may call me Sir.

“We will begin after You help clear the table. You will change into night clothes when you come into our bedroom.” Blake said and continued with Valentina into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Lacy went on a tour of the house. She hadn’t realized how big it wasand there was a garden in the back. This was how she wanted to live with servants, money for shopping, and a man who would submit to her. She imagined her husband, his hands tied behind his back, his mouth on her pussy sucking her to her heart’s content.

Lacy’s thoughts went back to Blake’s big dick. Her mouth was salivating with the thought of sucking Blake’s cock. Yesterday all she wanted to do was suck on it and she hoped he would be as rough with her as he was with her sister.

Lacy shook that thought from her head. “No, I will not enjoy this. I’m just doing this until I meet the man who will suit my needs and my agenda, not Blake’s.” She said stubbornly and continued touring the house.

Blake kissed his wife passwordately. “I believe your sister is playing acting for my benefit.” Blake said and began to unbutton Valentina’s shirt.

“Your mother is coming and I’ve told her that I am a dominant. She said that she sumised that when she met me. Your mother is a smartwoman. Gertie further informed me that your father was a dominant and she told me that he would spank and flog her often.”

Blake said as he pulled down Valentina’s bra strraps and popped out her breasts. He captured a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, “Ahhh Master” Valentina groaned.

“Did you know this?” Blake said as he twisted her nipple.

“No Master. My father was a bit stern, but my parents keep their private life, private.” Valentina said as she felt her nipples harden.

“She did say that she kept things secret from her daughters, so she understands about you and I and hopes that I will discuss Lacy strongly. I’ve told her that I had a husband picked out for Lacy and he would make sure that she would be kept in check. I also guaranteed that Lacy would remain a virgin until her marriage or” Blake chuckled,” Until the Ritual”

Blake went back to sucking Valentina’s nipples. He took her over to the bed and laid her down. Blake lifted up her dress andsaw her naked pussy. He began to lick Valentina, “Don’t cum. I just want to taste you. Tonight you’ll get to cum.”

“Yes Sir.” Valentina said as she tried to be still, but Blake’s mouth was so damn good and her hands clinked the bedspread.

Blake took out his cock and put it at her entrance. They were both still fully dressed even though Valentina had her skirt up and her Shirt half off with her bra pulled down.

Blake fucked in and out of her, “I’m not going to wash, I want Lacy to taste you on my cock. If she had asked for Henry or Luke they would be fucking you now.” Blake said moving his hips.

“Ah, Master I’m glad it was you.” Valentina groaned as Blake thrust in and out of her.

“Yes, I’m sure you are, since your pussy molds around my cock like a glove. Your mother will be coming in a few months and we don’t have to change a thing, which makes me very happy. I hope to have Lacy engaged by then.” Blake said as he again bent to lick her nipples.

Blake fucked Valentina hard and whispered in her ear, “I’ve changed my mind, you may come, I want your juices all over my cock.” He said as he moved his hips. “Maybe I’ll have Lacy lick up my juice from between your legs so put on some panties and a pad to keep it all in there.”

The thought of Lacy between her legs sent Valentina over the edge and she came hard all over her Master’s dick.

Blake held her underneath him and kissed her lips, “Tomorrow, Lacy should exercise with you. Your trainer will be here in the morning right?”

“Yes Sir.” Valentina said stroking his hair.

“Good. After she can come with you to the doctor’s for your appointment. I have a plan for you and Lacy will be there to watch.” Blake said.

Valentina shivered and said nothing. Blake kissed her again and carefully removed himself from her. Blake felt her nipples and kissed her belly.

Blake changed his clothes as Valentina went into the bathroom. She changed again and they both went down to dinner.

Lacy found one door locked and she asked Henry. Henry told her that was Blake’s study and he always kept it locked. She wondered what secrets were in there and how she would get in and find out.

Dinner was delicious and Lacy ate heartily. She helped clear the table with Roslyn and helped her load the dishwasher. When Lacy returned and sat down for dessert, Blake informed her that she would be joining her sister for exercise and later in the day for Pilates. “I need you to be limber; your future husband will expect that.” Blake said.

Dessert was a strawberry pie using the last of the summer berries. It was yummy and Lacy ate every bite. Blake sat back watching her as he sipped his dessert wine. She was really very beautiful once she wore the right clothes and stopped smiling. Valentina watched her husband watching her sister. She didn’t feel jealous. She knew that Blake loved her, but she was concerned that Lacy was treating all of this as a game and would do something where Blake would punish her severely.

After dinner, Blake told Lacy to change in something comfortable, one of the nightgowns Valentina bought her. He also told her she would be watching a movie with them.

Valentina went up to the bedroom to change into a lacy black negligee. Blake told her he wanted her to look wonton and sexy. She put on bright red lipstick and let her hair out. She could feel Blake’s semen running down her leg and she felt her clip pulse with desire of what would happen this night.

She waited in the outer room for Blake to come upstairs. He was making a phone call.

Blake called Derrick. “So what did you think of my video and the photos? She’s perfect for you.” Blake said rubbing his cock through his pants.

“Yes, she’s quite beautiful. Her sister needs to teach her to move more gracefully. I love the marks on her buttocks and tighs; your handy work I suspect?” Derrick says.

“Mine and my wife’s. I let her give the first five and then I laid on ten more.” Blake said.

“Fifteen for her first time, that must have been excruciating.” Derrick said.

“She was mouth off. Her plan was to find herself a submissive that she could spend all his money and boss around.” Blake said.

“Then that is the way I’ll play it at first.” Derrick said laughing.

“I think you should. She’ll be eating out of your hands.” Blake snickered.

“Good, I’ll see you the end of September. Brandon will be with me. He has been chosen as the next Batman.” Derrick said.

“That should mint you a fortune if you’re producing.” Blake said.

“Only if you and Matthew are in.” Derrick answered.

“I’m in and you know Matthew, I’m sure he’s in. The rest will be done by the family so I can’t wait.” Blake said.

“What are you doing with her tonight?” Derrick asked.

“Teaching her to suck cock” Blake answered.

“I thought that was what she got explored for.” Derrick answered.

“Yes, but sucking little boy’s cocks are different from sucking yours and mine. She also needs to learn to take it all. By the time you get her she’ll suck your meat all the way down without complaint.” Blake said and felt his cock jump as he thought about what would happen in a few moments.

“Thanks for doing this. I don’t have the patience for training. I was wondering if when I come I could spend Some time with your wife” Derrick asked.

“You haven’t been seeing anyone have you?” Blake said as he stood. He was anxious to move the night along.

Derrick ran his hand through his hair, “No. I was seeing someone, but she isn’t the type that you have fun with, if you get my drift.”

“Then Valentina may suck you and you may fuck her, but nothing else, she’s expecting and we need to be careful, but I may have someone else for you.” Blake said.

“You mean at Madame’s?” Derrick asked.

“Yes, you could spend some time there.” Blake told him.

“I haven’t been there since I turned 18, so yes I’d like it.” Derrick said.

“Good, I’ll make the arrangements as soon as I know you’re coming.” Blake said as he walked towards the door.

“See you soon and…teach her well.” Derrick said.

“You know I will.” Blake answered and hung up the phone.

Blake went up to the bedroom. In the sitting room he saw how sensitive Valentina looked and his dick jumped again. He went over to her and pinched her nipple through her nightgown. “You look so luscious.”


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