©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
After 37 chapters I’m just going to put up new characters here and the names of staff. If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 — 36
*Lacy Alexis — Sister to Valentina
*Ellen McGraw – Stalker
*Derrick Cassidy Kennedy — Suitor to Lacy Alexis
Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley
Brian West — Assistant to Jake
Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
*New character
The day after his accident, Mason’s bruises were nearly gone. Daniela made him stay home. She told him that Jake and Hayley would be coming the next day and he needed to rest. Mason didn’t argue with her. In fact, the thought of spending a few days with the babies was just what he needed.
He got up early in the morning to find his mother giving Carlos his bottle while Camilla seemed to be staring up at the mobile waiting patiently. Daniela was sleep. She had done the two o’clock feeding. The twins were sleeping after that until six and Lady Catherine took that feeding with Mason joining her most mornings before he left to go into the city.
Today since he was home he picked Camilla up and sitting with his mother fed her. Camilla hated the bottle. She was happiest when sucking her mother’s breast while Carlos didn’t care as long as he was fed. They already had their own personalities.
“Jake and Hayley are coming over this afternoon.” Mason said as he stared into Camilla’s face. She was so beautiful and looked a great deal like Hayley at that age from photos Matthew had shown him.
Carlos was finished and Catherine put him over her shoulder for a burp. “How do you feel about that?”
Mason told, “Mother, so much has changed and the other day when I was in that accident I realized how important I am to Daniela and the twins. I can’t wait to marry her.”
“Yes you are.” Catherine said and started to play with Carloswho was grinning at her.
“No one and nothing will prevent me from marrying her and raising these children. Jake has been wonderful, but I wonder what he will tell his family, if anything. Carlos is their first grandchild.” Mason said as Camilla finished her bottle.
“You need to speak with him about that. You need to have a cover story for his family if necessary. Until Stephen proposes to Mary, you need to keep this under wraps. I’d be more concerned about Mary, if I were you. I saw the way she looked at Carlos when she came to see the babies. That girl could cause trouble.”
Lady Catherine said then wrinkled her nose, “I think I better change your nappy little one.” She said and Carlos gurgled at her.
Lady Catherine took the baby over to the changing table. Mason thought about what she said as he burped Camilla, he knew that he needed to speak to Jake.
Hayley went shopping. She was trying to think of an appropriate gift for the twins. She decidedd that since everyone had given the twins clothes and things for the nursery she would concentrate on a little something for when they got older and some baby toys for now. Hayley phoned Lady Catherine and asked her to ask Daniela if she could give the children two playhouses for their backyard. Daniela called Hayley herself and said enthusiastically yes.
The playhouses would be ready for the twins first birthday a year from now but before they even arrived, Hayley was having a lithograph done of the houses to put in the nursery.
Hayley had spoken to Jake about their gift and showed him the photos from poshtots.com. Jake laughed hysterically at the very expensive playhouses but he allowed her to buy them and the jungle gym because he knew all of this was hard for her and she was accepting the fact that his first born was Daniela’s and not hers. Jake could kick himself for not taking Hayley’s feelings into this equation.
Henry and Susan were eager to see Jake and Hayley and invited them to dinner for the next day. Jake drove his Bentley to Greenwich with the backseat full of baby gifts.
Lady Catherine came out to meet them. She hugged Jake and kissed Hayley. “Millie will come out and get the things from your car. Daniela and Mason are in the nursery.”
Lady Catherine led them to the nursery then went to fix lunch. Taking a deep breath, Jake opened the door. It was Like a scene out of a movie about royals Daniela was sitting in a rocking chair holding Camilla while Mason was sitting in another chair holding Carlos. The room was beautifully done and you could almost see the Queen coming into the room to see the babies.
Mason stood up and brought Carlos over to Jake while Daniela did the same for Hayley. This was their bond. Jake’s son and Hayley’s sister or You could look at it as, Jake’s sister-in-law and Hayley’s step-son.
Jake smiled at Mason as he held his son for the first time. He felt a sort of connection but he knew in his heart, this boy belonged to Mason.
“He’s beautiful.” Jake said in a hushed tone. He had never held anything so precise in his life. Daniela walked over to him and said, “Thank you for everything.”
She kissed his cheek. Mason maneuvered Jake over to a chair where he sat down with the baby. Hayley sat down in the rocking chair with Camilla and rocked back and forth. “Hello little sister” Hayley said kissing the baby’s nose. “You look just like I did as a baby.” She said smiling.
Jake asked Hayley to exchange babies and Mason took Camilla and brought her to Jake while Daniela brought Carlos to Hayley. Hayley could see the resemblance between Carlos and Jake even at this young age.
She kissed his cheese, “Welcome to the family my little son. Your father loves you and so do I.” She said tears staining her cheek as she looked up at Daniela.
“Let’s go outside and leave the men with the babies. I want to show you where we will put all the things you have planned.” Daniela said and Hayley handed Carlos back to Mason.
Mason took Carlos and he and Jake sat holding the babies. “Jake, we should talk about your family.”
Jake sent and put Camilla into her bed as she had fallen wait. Mason did the same with Carlos who was on his way to slumber. “I know we should tell them, but I don’t think now is the time, if ever. As for Mary, she’ll know After her own ritual. I don’t want my parents to think I had an affair.” Jake said.
He moved the chair closer to Mason, “As far as I’m concerned, Carlos is your son Mason. I will see him from time to time and you can decide when is the right time to tell him that I am is biological father.”
Mason smiled at Jake, “I’m glad you did this for Daniela. I know that Hayley must have had a hard time with it because she wanted to carry your first born.”
“I think she’s gotten over it.” Jake said folding his hands in front of him. “We agreed they are your children. I had a talk with Matthewand I’m sure he won’t be causing either of you any problems.”
Mason ran his hand through his hair, “I’m sure Daniela told you I was in a car accident. My driver was killed and it made me think. I would give my life for Daniela and the twins. I want them to be happy.”
“And I want that too, so let’s not complicated matters anymore. We are in agreement.” Mason said standing and extending His hand.
Jake stood and they shook hands. “Let’s go to lunch, I’m starving.” Mason said.
While the men were outside talking, Hayley and Daniela walked around the grounds. “What a beautiful house.” Hayley said as Daniela pointed out where she’d like the playhouse and the pirate ship to go.
“Thank you. Mason and I love it here. We are going back to New York in a week or so, I start school, the new nanny will be arrival and Mason has work, but we’ll come here as often as we can.” Daniela said as she walked around. She then stopped and they sat down on a benchmark that Mason had bought. The bench was around a little pond that had fish and a plaque would be added to the benchmark with their wedding date.
“Where’s your father, I thought he was here?” Hayley asked. “I wanted to see him.
“He went home yesterday. He wanted to stay longer, but he told me he had something to attend to and that he would be returning just after I return to school.”
Daniela took Hayley’s hand in hers, “I know this is a lot for you and I just want to say thank you. The sacrifice that you and Jake made for me is tremendous and I can never repay you. Please tell Jake he can see Carlos anytime he wishes.
“Daniela, you should talk to Jake about that. We made a decision.” Hayley hesitated before she said, “We want you and Mason to be their parents and we stay out except when we are all together. The children are yours. Jake did what he did to protect you and now the babies are here, we want them to grow up happy and carefree not worrying about who they will spend weekens with.”
Daniela kissed Hayley’s hand, “Thank you.”
“If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate. I know my father can be a bit much, but I also knows he cares about both children and has arranged for them to be taken care of financially. I can give you more money, but I believe what you need is peace and that is my real gift to you and Mason.” Hayley said.
Daniela with tears in her eyes hugged her friend. “Thank you” Mason came outside, “Lunch is served and Millie will kill us if we don’t eat now.”
Daniela and Hayley walked arm in arm into the house for lunch; their friend very much intact.
Lacy lay in bed sleep when she felt a hand cares her breast, then feel a mouth on her nipple. She moaned, “Ahhh” and opened her eyes to see Blake sucking on her nipple.
Her eyes were wide as he climbed on top of her and ground his dick on her body. “Sir, why are you…”
“Shush” He ordered and Lacy closed her mouth. “I’m here to teach you how I like my dick sucked.” Blake said and moved up her body. Blake held her arms above her head. He was wearing a robe which he removed.
Lacy’s eyes grew even wider as she beheld his massive cock visible in the fear light coming through the curtains. “Open your mouth my little cunt” He said and she did.
Blake grabbed both sides of her head and moved his cock slowly in side. “It’s too bad that I am training you for another because I would fuck you and make you my slave to service your sister and myself, but I do get a reward” He said chuckling to himself.
What reward? Lacy wondered as she began to suck. Blake pushed more of his cock in her mouth. “I’m going to use a mouth stretcher on you if this is all you can take.” He said moving more of his dick into her mouth.
“Relax your throat cunt.” He said as he pushed more of his cock in her mouth and began fucking her faster and faster.
Lacy tried to relax, but his dick was so huge that he was hurting her throat. She gagged and tried to cought but he kept moving. “Breathe through your nose damp.” Blake said taking her head between in hands and fucking into her mouth. Lacy felt as if she were going to suffocate and managed free her arm. She began hitting Blake.
He pulled back and out of her mouth. Blake slapped her hard. “You will learn to take my cock all the way down.” Blake said and grabbed her hands. He moved back and pulled her so she was sitting on his lap, her pussy just an inch from his dick. Blake wanted to shove his dick into her, but he couldn’t so he kissed Lacy hard on the lips.
Lacy moved her hips until the tip of Blake’s cock was at her opening. Blake pushed her away and got off the bed; grabbing her arms he found her bathrobe and pulled out the tie. He used it to tie her hands. Blake pulled her head back until it was hanging off the bed. He brought his dick to her lips and Lacy refused to open her mouth. Blake laughed.
He reached up and ripped the lace panties off her body and scratched her pussy. “Ouch!” Lacy yelped and Blake slide his cock into her mouth.
He began fucking in and out and Lacy attempted to relax. He was so big and he was using her mouth as a pussy.
Blake knew she was trying, but not hard enough. Pulling out of her mouth, Blake moved Lacy again. He sat on the bed and pulled her towards him. “Suck me” he ordered and she began to suck as he began to spank her.
SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Blake said as he pushed her further down on his cock. “YOU WILL LEARN TO TAKE ME ALL THE WAY DOWN LACY AND ENJOY IT!
Blake said as he fucked in her mouth. Blake pushed Lacy’s head down and she gagged. “Those young boys you sucked had little cocks and you Haven’t learned how to suck a dick properly so every night I will come in here and you will suck me.” He said as Lacy sucked. Tears prized her eyes, but she continued to suck him.
Blake pulled her off is cock and straddled her. He began licking her snatch and held his cock above reach. Lacy took a breath. She wanted his cock and she didn’t. She wanted him to force her and she didn’t.
Blake lowered his dick and Lacy opened her mouth. As he ate her pussy she relaxed more and she took more of him in her mouth. “I’m going to cum soon. You may not. You will swallow all of my seed, if you miss any, I will take you in the Danger Zone tomorrow and whip you.” He said as he began to move faster in and out of her mouth.
Lacy’s pussy was soaking wet and Blake tasted her virgin honey. He could stay there forever and intended to be here at least for a while longer. Blake sucked and licked. He knew she was fighting not to cum as he thrust in and out of her mouth. “Yes Lacy, yess, I’m cumming.” He said and then he flowed her mouth.
Lacy Attempting to swallow and not choke gulped him down, then twirled her tongue on his cock. She kept sucking him as he kept eating her. She wanted to cum, needed to cum. Her pussy was on fire and her clip was engorged. “Please Sir, please.” She begged.
“Every night I will cum here and I will fuck your mouth. You will beg to suck my cock and you will learn to take it all or I will put a mouth gag on you that will stretch your mouth and you cannot close it. So you better start taking more of my dick because your Master expects it.” Blake said and lifted off her body.
Lacy was on fire. “Pleeese Sir, I need to cum” Lacy said.
“What will you do for me if I let you cum?” Blake asked pinching her nipple.
“Ahhh, Sir, what do you want?”Lacy asked afraid.
“I want you to submit. Tomorrow I want you naked by the door with your sister and if you are naked then I will let you cum, if you are not then I will whip you down in the Danger Zone.” Blake said and left the room without another word.
Lacy began to cry. Her hands were still bound and she couldn’t get out of the ties. She scooted in the bed and moved so that she was lying on the pillow and managed to pull the coverup a little.
In the morning she felt someone until her. When she looked up she saw Blake. He was dressed for work and her eyes wandered down to his crotch. Blake opened his pants and took out his cock. She could smell that it had been inside her sister’s pussy. Blake held it and Lacy moved closer, whimpering. Blake held it out of her reach. She closed her eyes and begged, “Please Sir, may I suck you.”
Without a word, Blake grabbed the back of her head and pulled her towards his cock. Lacy began suckling on him. He pushed more of his cock in her mouth and she grabbed his clothesed butt and pulled him a little more inside her mouth. Blake stroked her hair as she sucked him.
He moved in and out of her mouth, “obey your sister. You will come to the doctor with her. Do your chores and be waiting naked for me by the door. If you do as I ask, then I will have a surprise for you tomorrow. I put your new computer on the desk.” He said moving in her mouth.
Blake grabbed her head and shoved hard. Lacy felt his cum spurting out of the head and she swallowed.
He withdraw, tucked his cock in his pants, kissed her forehead and left.
Lacy again cried herself to sleep, this time because she enjoyed it.
Valentina brought Lacy an alarm clock radio and set it up in her room before she tired her. “You will be responsible for waking yourself up from now on. Master put your new computer in your room. It’s quite nice.”
“Your husband came and fucked my face twice this morning.” Lacy said as she got out of bed.
“I know. He told me. He said that you are to be waiting naked by the door when he comes home. He will be meeting us at the doctor’s office, then he has to return to work. Dinner will be an hour late.” Valentina said and went to the dresser and took out a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra and handed it to Lacy.
“What kind of sister are you? Your husband fucked my mouth and now it’s raw!” Lacy said and cought.
Valentina laughed, “From what I heard you begged him to suck you.”
Lacy closed her mouth and taking the clothes went into the bathroom. She hesitated before brushing her teeth still tasting Blake. Lacy reached down and felt her pussy. She enjoyed Blake and wanted him desperately to fuck her.
Valentina had made the bed by the time Lacy came out. “just this once I made your bed, because we will be late. Johan will be here to work out with us so make your breakfast and eat quick.” Valentina said and left the room.
Lacy ate some oatmeal and made a fruit salad. Valentina drank some orange juice and took her vitamins. After breakfast they went to the exercise room. Lacy was surprised to see the fully equipped gym with mirrors everywhere.
Johan arrived. He was a tall, handsome, muscle guy that Lacy immediately found very attractive. Johan put them through their paces. He was aware of Valentina’s pregnancy and was gentler with her, but with Lacy, he had her sweatingwithin ten minutes.
In an hour, she was dripping wet. Lacy went to shower. Her cell phone rang. The ring tone was from the movie Star Wars which she had seen a few years ago and was the music they played when Darth Vader appeared on the scene. Looking down Lacy laughed, Blake had chosen this as his ring tone for her.
“Yes Sir.” Lacy answered.
“Very good, how was it with Johan?” He asked curtly.
“I’m getting ready to shower. He wore me out.” Lacy said.
“Do not, I repeat, do not masturbate. Don’t touch your pussy, now go shower. I will see you at the doctor’s and take you both to lunch.” Blake said and hung up.
Lacy was annoyed, how the hell did he know that was what she had in mind. She throw the phone on the bed and went to Take her shower.
Lacy dressed in a very pretty black checked skirt with a white blouse. She wore her new jacket. She met Valentina downstairs and together they got into the Bentley to ride to the doctor’s office.
Dr. Kennedy had taken a new job in Texas and Valentina’s new doctor was a young doctor named Dr. Mark Powell. Dr. Powell was a young black man who had been friends with Blake for many years. He was a specialist in ob/gyn and his celebration client list was growing.
Valentina and Lacy walked into the very striking doctor’s office. Framed pictures of babies delivered by Dr. Powell were showcased on the walls with their famous and not so famous parents.
Valentina filled out the online form several weeks before. She and Lacy were offered sparkling water and then they were led into a soothing room where Valentina dressed and put on a clothes gown. She was led into another room with a reclining table. Lacy sat in the chair nearby.
Dr. Powell entered and Lacy looked up and down at the handsome doctor. She noticed the wedding band and decided to behave herself. Married men, except for Blake, didn’t interest her.
Dr. Powell introduced himself and talked to Valentina. Lacy tuned him out. Blake arrived and they all talked. The nurse entered and took Valentina’s vital. She put some gel on her stomach and did a sonogram. Lacy saw the baby on the screen. A 3D image was printed out and given to Blake and Valentina.
Valentina was in perfect health and then something happened. Dr. Powell locked the door. He pushed his finger into Valentina’s pussy and began fucking in and out. Lacy looked at Blake who just smiled.
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