(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
Here are the characters:
The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison Cassidy – Husband to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy – wife of Kenneth, therapist.
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
Valentina Alexis Black– former supermodel, wife/slave of Blake Black
*Lacy Alexis – Sister to Valentina
*Ellen McGraw – Stalker
The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Maton Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Daniela – Frederick’s daughter, fiancée to Mason
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer
Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
*New character
The photographer who took Valentina’s photos for Blake was named Howard. He delivered the photos and the negatives to Blake’s house. The butler asked if that was all of them and he answered yes. He lied. Blake asked him to blow up three photos and he had and a four one for himself.
Howard keep one photo the photograph of Valentina’s face as she reached her climax. He just couldn’t part with it and blew the photo up. Howard hidden the photo in the bedroom of his house in Queens where he stared at it for hours on end andmasturbated to it at least once or twice a day.
He prayed that Blake Black would never find out about the photo, he was wrong. Blake Black was not a man to be betrayed. He said what he meant and mean what he said and Howard should have known and respected that. Howard was a fool and Blake Black didn’t tolerate fools.
Lacy came down to dinner, she was dressed in a very pretty designer dress which her sister had given to her as a gift. She was cordial as she sat down to dinner.
Blake watched her. He knew that she wasn’t giving up that easily and he wanted to see just how far she would push him. Lacy had no idea who she was fooling with or how hard he would push back.
Lacy ate her dinner without complaint. She smiled sweetly and answered questions and apologized for her behavior. Valentina looked at Blake and rolled her eyes. She was familiar with Lacy’s behavior. Lacy always got away with everything but this time, Lacy didn’t realize that she had met the Master. Valentina couldn’t wait for Blake to bring her to heel.
“Lacy, I’ve enrolled you at the Fashion Institute. I’ve heard you are interested in design. You start in two weeks. Until that time we will give you a list of chores to be done every day.” Blake said as he took a bite of his fish. “I will leave the list with you after your punishment.
Valentina will show you how to use the subway and give you a metro card. You are to be home by seven for dinner every night. Valentina will take you shopping for some clothes because we do a great deal of entertaining. I will give you a cell phone…”
Lacy interrupted, “I have a phone.”
“Please do not interrupt me” Blake said continuing to eat, “as I said, I will give you a cell phone. I’ve already confused yours and will go through it. On the new phone I’ll have Henry put in the numbers you may call. I have also taken your computer and a new one will be brought to you tomorrow.”
“What the fuck! I paid for these things myself. You can’t…” She started to continue and Valentina gave her the shut up look. Lacy took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but why did you take my things?”
“You are not to ever question me again young lady.” Blake said severely.
“I’m a grown…” Lacy again had to bite her tongue.
“You may be of age, but my dear, you are not grown. You don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. You don’t have any money, no job prospects and no one to sponsor you. The only thing you’ve managed to hold onto that’s worth anything is your virginity, so my dear Lacy, if you want to be the wife of a Cassidy, you have to be worthy to be the wife of a Cassidy.
If you do as I say and your training goes well you will be allowed more privileges and more leeway, but.” Blake stopped and his voice grew softer and more deadly, “If you continue behaving like a spoiled little bitch, life will not be very pleasant for you. I am a man of great means and infinite powerand you don’t my dear want to fuck …with… me.”
Blake smiled and took his wife’s hand. “Your sister is my slave, you are my little project, my cunt if you will and I will use you as I see fit. You will always speak to my wife, your elder sister, with the proper respect and you will obey her, because if you do not I will make sure that you do. Now finish up and go into the ‘Danger Zone’. Valentina will show you how to position yourself. I have a few phone calls to make and will be there when I am ready.”
Lacy’s face turned red. She fight with the voice in her head that said behave, take your time and you will get what you want. Play along and don’t argue.
Valentina rose from the table and Blake kissed her hand. She smiled at her husband and took Lacy to the Zone.
Blake went into his study. He didn’t often smoke cigars, but tonight he took out a Cuban and lit it. Henry walked into the room and waited by the door. “Come in and close the door.”
Henry entered, “Sir?” He asked.
“Miss Lacy is to be given chores. I want her to have about two to three hours’ worth. I also want her to begin to learn about art and music. Make sure that she does some manual labor. Let her help in the kitchen and out in the garden. Let me know if she is rude or impolite to you or any of the other staff. Keep an eye on her. I want to know who she sees or talks to.”
Henry smiled something he didn’t do often. “Is she going to be trouble?”
Blake grinned, “Absolutely and I’m looking forward to disciplining her. Depending on the crime, you may join in.” Blake took a puff of his cigar.
“Except for dinner she is to make her own meals and clean up after herself. She wants to be the Queen but doesn’t understand that she’s lower than a serf. I will teach her before I give her to Derrick.” Blake’s grin was broad.
“Is she to be Mr. Derrick’s bride?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I think she’s perfect as his bride and his slave. She needs to be brokenand you know how Derrick treats his woman.” Blake said as he took another puff.
“His father will be thrilled.” Henry said.
“Yes he’ll owe me one.” Blake said and finished the cigar.
“He will indeed.” Henry said. “Is there anything else Sir.”
“No I will deal with the rest in the Zone. Valentina needs to rest, make sure to remind her to nap every day and if Lacy give her any lip makes sure you tell me. Valentina must learn to make her sister submit. I’ll work with her on that.” Blake said as he walked over to Henry. “Thanks and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Sir and…have fun.” Henry said.
“Don’t I always.” Blake said and went to change into more appropriate punishment attire.
Blake came down to the playroom in a pair of black jeans with buttons at the crotch and black slippers. His chest was bare and for a man of his age his body was taut.
Lacy was fully clothed and kneeing with her hands in her lap. Valentina was kneeling the same way also fully clothed. When Valentina had brought Lacy down to the playroom, Lacy’s eyes grew wide. She had never seen so many devices of pain in her life.
Her mind was whirling with thoughts of what implementations Blake might use on her and she was afraid. She whispered to Valentina, “Shit sis, do you enjoy this?”
Valentina shushed her. “No talking. Master will explain everything to you.”
Blake entered the room and sat down on the blue velvet sofa. This sofa was especially made with a slight slope so that the person being spanked was in just the right spot.
“Very nice Lacy, you will learn many positions which will please your Master. Your punishment since this is your first infection in my home will be ten spanks with my hand and…”
Lacy smiled she could do with ten spanks.
Blake glanced down at her and saw the smile on her face. He continued, “And because you’ve made your mother suffer, ten hits with the cane.”
Lacy’s head snapped up. “What!” She said before she could take it back.
“For that outburst it will be fifteen with the cane. If you say another word it will be twenty. Your sister will give you the first five and I will give you the rest. Take off your underpants and get over my lap.” Blake ordered.
Lacy surprised and attempted to stand. “You don’t stand. Take your panties off while you are kneeling and then crawl over to me.”
Lacy closed her eyes and then pushed her panties down. She moved them off her legs and over her shoes. She crawled towards Blake.
Blake looked at Valentina “Bra and panties.” He said and she began to undress.
Lacy crawled up to Blake who picked her up as if she were a feather and placed her over his knee. His dick was starting to rise. Lifting up Lacy’s dress his breath hitched as he saw her beautiful round ass. He wanted to take her right then and there, but Blake knew it was not his place to take her pussy. She would remain a virgin for Derrick’s father, but if it worked out with Derrick next month, he would take her ass as Derrick’s gift to him for finding his bride; that should bring Miss high and Mighty Lacy to heel.
“You are to count and thank me for your spanking.” Blake said and he began.
SLAP! Thank You for disciplining me.
“You forget to count so that’s one extra for you. We will begin again.” Blake said as he felt her soft behind.
SLAP! “One, thank you for disciplining me.”
SLAP! “Two, thank you for disciplining me.”
“Why don’t we try adding a sir to your thank you.” Blake said and struck her right cheek.
SLAP! “Three, thank you SIR for disciplining me.”
At five, Blake stopped and ran his hands down to her pussy. He inserted his finger and found her wet. “You are enjoying this aren’t you cunt?”
Lacy bit her lip and said nothing. “Answer me when I ask you a question.” Blake said and came down hard on her ass.
“Ow six, thank you sir for disciplining me and yes I amturned on.” Lacy said.
Blake looked at Valentina who was still kneeling watching him. Blake raised his hand and quickly alternate slaps as Lacy counted to ten.
Blake had a raging hard on, but he wanted to finish the punishment.
Lacy had tears in her eyes, but she was more turned on then hurt. Picking her up, Blake placed her on the spanking bench. He unzipped her dress and pulled it over her head. Blake unhooked her bra and took it from her. Lacy was naked except for her blue heeled sandals. Blake removed her shoes.
Before the caning began he wanted to see all of her. “Stand with your arms behind your head and your legs opened.” He said and he motioned for Valentina to come forward.
Valentina crawled to him and was by his side as Lacy stood. Her face was red with embarrassment. Blake ran his hands down her tear stained face. Lacy moved her face from his hands and Blake chuckled. He grabbed her cheeks and to her surprise kissed her. Blake kissed her deepand hard. At first Lacy tried to pull away, but Blake held her and the kiss deepened. Lacy began to relax into the kiss. She wanted to wrap her arms around Blake’s neck. No man had ever kissed her like this. Blake was consuming her and her pussy was dripping.
Just as she totally got into the kiss, Blake released her. “So you think I’m too old and too ugly for you. You seemed to enjoy my kiss.”
Lacy looked defiantly at him, “I’ve had better.” She spit out.
Blake chuckled again, “No you haven’t.” He said and he slapped her face not too hard, but not too gently either.
“Get into position cunt.” Lacy put her hands behind her head which thrust her breasts out.
Blake felt her neck, he moved his hands slowly down her cleavage and reached over to one nipple. Blake twisted the nipple and Lacy sucked in her breath. He moved to the other nipple and lowered his head. Blake teased the nipple as Lacy fought to control her growing orgasm. She vowed that Blake would not make her cum.
Blake continued to suck on the nipple and then moved back and forth between them. “Valentina, come and taste your sister’s nipples, they are quite tasty.”
Valentina followed Blake’s orders and stood. She bent down and sucked Lacy’s nipples, “Ahhhh” Lacy said as Valentina sucked her nipple.
Blake went behind Lacy and felt along her back and her spine as Valentina continued sucking her sister’s nipples. Valentina was getting very turned on herself. She and Lacy had never done anything like this. Most of their lives together had been spent arguing as sisters do.
Blake got on his knees and opened Lacy’s ass cheeks. He licked her ass and Lacy nearly came. Blake felt down to her pussy. He fingered her and felt the hymen still intact. “Valentina, it’s time for you to taste a virgin pussy.”
Without hesitation Valentina went down and began to lick Lacy’s pussy. Lacy felt as if an electric prod had been inserted inside her as she felt Valentina’s tongue.
Blake was still eating her ass as Valentina was sucking her pussy. Blake pulled back and said, “Don’t you dare cum. You haven’t earned that privilege.
He went and got the cane. Blake motioned to Valentina to change positions with him. As Valentina stood, he handed her the cane and he stood in front of Lacy. Bending down he again kissed her as Valentina brought the cane down on Lacy’s back. Lacy couldn’t scream because Blake’s mouth was on hers.
Her reflex made her bring her arms down. “Put those arms back up.” Blake said and bent down to suck her nipples again. Valentina brought the cane up and hit Lacy on the right butt chef. Lacy cried out, “Pleeeese.”
Blake bent down to her pussy and opening her legs wider he divered into her pussy as Valentina gave her the next three hits on her buttocks with the cane.
Lacy’s mind was a bundle of confusion. She felt extreme pain and then pleasure as Blake ate her pussy. She was at the edge of her sexual precipice andAbout to explode, but Blake would not have that.
He took her over to the spanking benchmark and secured her hands. Taking the cane from Valentina, Blake rapidly marked Lacy’s buttocks, back and feet with the cane.
The fifteenth and last blow caused Lacy to scream and collapse into hysterical tears, her entire body afire with pain.
Blake unzipped his pants and grabbing Valentina by the hair he shoved his cock in her mouth. Blake savagely fucked his wife’s mouth as Lacy lay sobbing over the benchmark.
“I hope you’ve learned that if you disobey me, are rude to me, my staff or Valentina you will be disciplined. If you obey life will be much better for you. Yes Valentina, suck your Master’s cock. Yess, suck it deep.” He said as he fucked in her mouth.
Lacy could hear Valentina’s mouth working as she sucked Blake. The anger, the desire and the pain were all going through Lacy’s mind at the same time. She hated Blake, yet she wanted him. Lacy wanted his cock in her mouthand hated herself for wanting to suck him. The pain was mixed with pleasure; her pussy was so wet and she wanted to cum badly.
Blake knew what Lacy was feeling as he fucked in Valentina’s mouth. He wanted to bring his cock to Lacy’s mouth, but she would have to beg for it and tonight was not the night. Valentina looked up at her Master as she sucked. Blake stroked her face and pulled her head in hard as he exploded in her mouth.
He held Valentina tightly to his crotch as she swallowed and cleaned him. She didn’t move away until he pulled away and helped her to her feet. He kissed her and whispered in her ear, “You did well. Let’s take Lacy to her room.”
Blake went to pick Lacy up. She pulled away from him and he grabbed her hair. She saw his cock. It was massive even when soft. He brought her head to his cock and she opened her mouth. He pulled back, “you will beg for it, but not today.”
He said and he picked her up. She didn’t fight him. Naked he took her up to her room with Valentina following behind him.
Valentina put soothing ointment on her sister’s body. Blake had left to take a shower and change for the night. “How can you stand him? He’s so cruel.” Lacy cried.
“And you are so wet from his cruelty.” Valentina spit out. “You need to learn to obey. He can be quite wonderful and quite good. The more you Fight him sister dear, the worse it will be for you.”
Valentina kissed her sister’s cheek and tucked her into bed. As she was leaving Lacy called out to her, “Why did you lick me? You are my sister.”
“He is my Master and he ordered me to.” Valentina said simply and closed the door.
Valentina took a shower and came to bed. She crawled towards the bed with the lube in her hand. Blake looked Surprised and took the jar from her. “You’ve earned it. Come and make me hard.” He said and Valentina eagerly sucked his cock. When he was hard he lubed her ass and his dick. Grabbing her from behind Blake sank his cock intoher tiny asshole.
“You enjoyed sucking her?” Blake asked moving his hips.
“Yes Master.” Valentina said.
“You will do it again and she will suck you often. Would you like that my slut wife?” Blake asked moving his hand down to her clip and teasing it.
“Ah, yess Master.” Valentina said.
“I love you.” Blake said and moved harder inside her ass.
“I adore you” Valentina said as she moved her ass back on his cock.
“Cum my wife, cum for me.” Blake said as he slammed faster and faster in his wife’s ass and Valentina came just for him with Lacy’s juices still on her lips.
Lacy lay in bed and cried. She vowed that Blake would not break her, but a part of her wanted to taste him, wanted him to fuck her and liked her sister’s lips on her pussy. Lacy was fighting a battle with her feelings and desires and as she fought with herself she wondered if perhaps she might lose the war.
She cried herself to sleep and dreamed of Blake fuckingher.
Howard was in his studio when Blake’s men broke into his house. They saw the picture hanging in the bedroom and removed it. They searched and found nothing else and reported back to Blake.
That night when Howard came home, Blake was sitting in his house on the sofa in the living room.
Howard turned pale.
“It seems to me that we had a deal and you broke it.” Blake said pacing back and forth.
“I’m sorry. I just like the photo so much.” Howard said.
Blake smiled, “Yes so do I, you do good work.”
How started walking towards the bedroom.
“No need to look for it. My men took it away.” Blake walked over to Howard and poked his chest. “How dare you jerk off to my wife’s photo. She doesn’t belong to you. She belongs to me!” Blake said yelling.
Howard stepped back, afraid. He had about sixty pounds on Blake, but he knew that hitting Blake would be a really bad move.
“Please Mr. Black. I’m sorry. I screwed up.” Howardsaid.
“Yes you did and now I own you. I had many scenarios’ planned for you, some really horrible and some that would destroy your life, but instead I think that I will use you for some undercover work now and again. You will take photos and videos of whatever I wish you take. Understand?”
“Yes Sir, thank you sir.” Howard said mopping is brow with a handkerchief he took out his pocket.
Blake walked to the door, “I’m glad you enjoyed the photo. She is beautiful my Valentina.” Blake said as he closed the door behind him.
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