Josh sat in the unremarkable waiting area, nervously jiggling his leg. In his hand, a clipboard with a signed consent sheet, the second one he had filled out – they wanted to be completely sure that he was up for what he had signed up for. And, understandably so – it was especially niche.
He was in his late twentyties – short black hair and green eyes. Not the type to go to the gym, but also not overweight.
One particular aspect was that he was to undergo the experience with a stranger of the opposite sex. This had led to quite a long waiting time, whilst they found another participant in the scenario in question – over a year, in fact. However, one day he finally received an email letting him know that this requirement had been fulfilled and requesting he confirm the dates on which he would be available, so they could arrange a time where they are both available.
The production values were high. The company running the production was extremely well funded and highlyskilled in creating a fully immersive, but safe experience. Given the amount he paid, he hoped they lived up to the expectation. Certainly, it was not the kind of experience he would want in real life … and he felt bad for the people who had to undergo it without consent, or safety measures. But, this was his fantasy.
A man in shorts, a t-shirt and a radio headset walked into the waiting area. He explained that the Experience was about to start, and he and the other participant would be brought to the first area shortly.
The briefing pack explained the mechanism for emergency exit. Second, whenever the cast or participants needed to break from the scenario, a blue light would be shown around the room. The cast or the participants could turn this light on, using blue buttons that would be within a hands reach. And, in any case that mechanism wasn’t available, he were to say “blue”, to have the same effect. The man in the shorts reiterated this, to be completely sure thatit was understood. He even had one of the buttons on hand to show Josh what they looked like.
This reassured Josh, although, he was still a little nervous. Why did they need so many ways of escaping the scenario?
They both exited the waiting room, and went into another room – this one completely plain, with black walls, an unsealed concrete floor, and two fold out chairs. They asked him to sit down, and put on the blindfold and wait – and that he may be a little while.
As the world went dark, he had a shiver run through him. This was the most exciting thing he had ever done.
* * * * * *
Maria had butterflies in her stomach. Confirming the consent checklist again, she was reminded again what kind of a crazy scenario she had signed up for. It was a dream and a nightmare at the same time, and her number one fantasy. Although, she’d never admit it to anyone, not even a partner, normally.
She sat tousling her curly, volumeous light brown hair, her brown eyes gazing into space in the waiting room, imaging what might come next. She bit her lip. She was quite tall, for a girl – almost 5 foot 11 inches – and was often the subject of ridicule. Which she didn’t fully understand why this was worthy of such treatment, but was weirdly turned on by people degrading her for a physical feature she had no control over.
All of the forms they filled assured them that through their Experience they would not sustain any permanent injury. She was relieved by this, as they obviously have spent a lot of time making the scenario as intense as possible without damaging their participants.
The man with the radio came in to collect her – reading all of the information required, before asking her to join her fellow participant in the room adjacent and put on the blindfold.
As she glanced her fellow participant for the first time, sitting there blindfolded, her heart skipped a beat. This was really happening, and she couldn’t wait.
* * ** *
As they both sat, blindfolded in the second waiting area, a woman addressed them.
“Thank you for participating, this is your formal notice that from this point, the scenario is in progress. You’ve both been briefed on how to escape it if necessary, but I hope that that’s not required as we have tailored your experience to bring you to the very edge of your tolerances. The next time you’ll hear when you reach the end of your scenario, when I’ll say the safe word three times to let you know the scenario has ended.”
The woman exited the room.
Josh and Maria both stayed silent. This wasn’t a requirement, there just wasn’t much to be said.
Suddenly the temperature in the room dropped, and they felt a rush of wind across them, and the smell of automotive air freshener. The sounds of the inside of a van filled the air – the muffled sound of the engine, bump of the wheels over the road. They became aware of a presence near them just as someone took each of their wrists and handcuffed them. The ambiance continued for a moment, until the sounds of the van suggested it was coming to a stop. The click of a wide door being opened, and a man mumbling something.
They each had their handscuffs yanked, forcing them to stand up. They were led from their chairs, and through what felt like a doorway into another area. Gravel crunched under their feet. The air was cold, fresh and smelt of a pine forest. They seemed to walk for a while, turning left and right, until they eventually stepped into another area.
They heard a squeaky metal door close shut as they were led into the area – the floor this time was cold, hard concrete. Their captors had apparently reached their destination and they both stopped – before their hands were pulled up above their heads, and the link between handscuffs clipped into some kind of hook from the ceiling.
* * * * * *
Maria stood, hands held up by the handscuffs now attached to the ceiling. The captors were moving around, but she was still blindfolded so she couldn’t see what was happening. She could hear Josh’s breathing suddenly getting heavier. Then, her blindfold was quickly pulled off – showing the face of one of her captors – an older, larger man, large nose and a bushy mustache and intense dark brown eyes. He made eye contact as soon as the blindfold was removed, pulling her attention to him instantly. After fixing a gaze for a few moments, he walked away. The rest of the room was coming into focus. Stippled cream walls, and an unsealed concrete floor. There were two small, high, barred windows through which only darkness was visible. The room was lit with a single incandescent light bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling.
There were two people were in the room, by a small table to their left. One man, and one woman – both wearing camouflage, possible military, clothes. The man was rummaging through a box, and soon found what he was looking for – two pairs of heavy duty bandage scissors. The woman, quite short and petite with a long red ponytail, was moving some other items around out of sight.
The man walked over to Maria, and the woman to Josh. They worked quickly – first cutting through the top upper arms of their shirts, leaving them to flop down exposing their chests. Then, the sides of the shirts, allowing them to be completely removed – and they both topless – without needing to remove any restraints. Their clothes were then thrown into a bin in the corner of the room. Next, they went to work on their pants – cutting a long line from the waistband, down the outer leg to the cuff – after doing this on both sides, their pants fell away.
They now both stood only in their underwear and shoes. The fact they were still wearing shoes was, if anything, making the sensing of the cool air on their freshly exposed skin even weirder. At this point, the captors walked away for a moment. Maria took a moment to look at Josh – he was shiveringslightly, and obviously very excited, and his face was turning a little red with shyness.
The captors came back, lifted up their feet and removed their shoes and socks. The floor was just as cold as expected, and Maria’s feet curled up in discomfort.
The woman walked over to Josh. He was only in his boxes at this point, and looked into her eyes with excited terror. She took the scissors, and cut down both sides of his boxes, and pulled them away quickly, revealing his wobbling genitals. After throwing the boxes into the bin, she stood back and looked at him, now fully naked, up and down. She looked directly at is penis, then in his eyes, then back to his penis again. She cracked a smile and then laughed out loud. She made a gesture with her fingers that suggested how small she thought his penis was, and a pouting frown, then she giggled.
Josh looked humiliated, as he looked down. Maria could now see him, and indeed – his penis was quite short – maybe only 2 inchesor so at the moment. But the humiliation and exposure was having an effect on him, and it was slowly growing. The female captor watched this, hand on one hip, judging all the while. Josh cracked a quick smile – he was obviously loving this.
Next, the man moved over to Maria. He, too, had the bandage scissors. He proceeded to place them under each of the supposed strraps of her bra and cut them – the cups fell away slightly, exposing the top of her breasts. Then, he put the scissors directly through the middle of the bra and sliced them apart. The elastic made the bra ping behind her and her breasts flop out and bounce a little – which made her gasp, and blush. The man judged her chest, nodding, as if in approval. She was quite proud of her breasts, which were only a C cup, but perky. Clearly, her fellow captive also liked them. Out of the corner of here eye, she could see Josh’s erection twitching the more exposed she became.
Finally, the man cut either side of her pantiesWaist, and pulled them away, revealing her shaken and neat vagina. The male captor squatted to take a closer look – she felt a hot flush come over her as he inspected her. Eventually, he nodded, apparently satisfied, and walked over to the table and started writing some notes.
In this moment, Josh and Maria had a chance to observe each other. They were both standing, vulnerable and naked, having been judged and Even laughed at. Their breathing got heavier as they looked at each other. Josh’s erection was growing – but it was still obviously small. Although he wasn’t the most attractive man she had ever seen, their shared vulnerability made her feel connected.
The two captors returned – and detached their handscuffs from the ceiling and pulled them to the ground where they sat on the floor in the corner of the room. Additional cuffs were applied to their ankles and wrists to ensure they couldn’t stand up in their restraints. There was some activity occurring – there seemed to be more captors moving heavy metal objects scraping along the floor another room through a hitherto unseen room from behind them. The sat their, wondering what might be happening next.
Whilst waiting, they spotted an unlit bulkhead light with a blue filter on the wall, and along the wall there were blue buttons attached to the wall near where they sat. This reassure them, there was an escape if they wanted it.
The scraping from the next room stopped. The captors came back into the room where Josh and Maria sat, and un-cuffed their ankles to lead them into the next room.
In the next room, there were two bare metal bed frames, propped up at a 45 degree angle, facing each other. On each corner was a handcuff. On the left hand pillar, there was also a blue button. A small table sat between them. Josh and Maria were both taken to a frame – first their hands were cuffed to the top pillars, then their ankles to the bottom pillars – holding their legs and arms wide apart.Once they were secure, the captors stopped in their path for a second – and a blue light illuminated on the ceiling of the room, and a voice from nowhere started speaking those they.
“In this next part, we’re going to apply some substances to you. The sensing is quite intense. However, they are water solution and if at any point you need to stop it can be washed off and the sensing will go away in a couple of seconds. If that’s OK, please nod.”
They both nodded.
The blue light went out, and the captors started moving again. They were collecting items from a tool chest – though they couldn’t see what at this point.
The male and female captors who undressed them now came back – both holding a large mains powered, powerful vibrating massager. The captors went to their subjects, the male to Maria, the female to Josh. They made eye contact with them, and turned on the massager. First they held it on to each of their left breasts. Both Josh and Maria both let out a gasp at the sudden and intense sensing. They held it there for a few seconds, moving them around to stimulate their nipple in a variety of ways. Then, they each moved to the right, and repeated the procedure. Maria could see Josh’s erection bouncing up, and she could feel herself getting wet. The captors smiled at each other, and the male handed the female captor his massager. Josh then had both massagers applied to each breast – the combination of Both was more intense than each individually. Josh whimpered, and Maria saw a little pre-cum emerging from the tip of his twitching penis.
They then suddenly stopped, handing the massagers to the male captor. Josh gasped with the sudden change in sensing. The male captor walked around behind Maria, and placed each massager on each nipple. She felt the vibrations rumbling her who torso, with the simulateneous stimulation of both nipples Somehow meeting in the middle and a phantom sensing running down her chest into her crotch. Thelack of control was frustrating, and arousing, and she felt herself getting wetter.
The massagers disappeared from her eye line, and more rummaging started happening behind her. She heard a snap of rubber gloves being pulled on. The male captor walked over to the side of her bed frame – holding a pump dispenser bottle. He dispensed a small amount of a thin gel onto his gloved hands. Over at Josh’s frame, the female captor was doing the same. They then took the thin gel, and rubbed it onto their nipple areas, and the genitals. Josh had his scrotum fully covered, and his penis fully coated, including fully pulling back his foreskin and covering the glasses. Maria had her labia pulled apart, and the gel spread directly onto her clipris – the sensing of which made her jump.
Initially nothing happened – and the captors walked away. Then, in a few seconds, Maria started to Feel a coldness around her nipples. The coldness got more intensity, where it started to feel like the kindof cold that could burn you. She could feel her nervous endings tingling with the burning coldness, making them hyper sensitive. As soon as she was coming to terms to this, her crotch started the same process – cold, too cold, burning. Now she knew what would happen, the process was even more anxiety inducing – and thrilling. It felt like a more extreme version of a mint shower gel that she couldn’t rinse off.
Josh was gritting his teeth, and trying to pull his legs together, as if that would help the coldness engulfing his scrotum. He let out a whimper as the cold stimulation reached it’s peak.
Neither of them had pressed the blue button by their left hands, however.
The captors then took out a box, which they placed on the table between the frames – and on top they placed a car battery. Maria knew what was next, and let out a squeaky cry or excitement and anticipation.
The captors froze again and the blue light came on.
“In the next part, we won’t go overthe levels that you’ve previously tested and agreed to. Please nod if you want us to proceed,” said a voice. They understand what that means – they had performed a trial some days ago where they tested different, but safe, levels of electric shocks, and decided what their limit would be. They both nodded, and the blue light extended and the captors resumed.
First, they took a spray bottle of water – and sprayed both of their bodies until they became shiny with surface water. It wasn’t cold, but still had a chilling effect. The captors spent a moment arranging some equipment – they couldn’t see exactly what it was, but there were red and black wires being run around their bed frames. Once they seemed to be ready, they laid it all out on the table. There were clips of various sizes and shaped, metal rods, and what looked like two vacuum seal tubes, one large and one small.
The captors then picked up the massagers once again. This time the female came to Maria, and pushedthe massager on it’s highest setting into her vagina hard. At the same time, she ran her finger up and down her torso. The power of the victory was overwhelming, and with her cliporis being even more sensitive from the gel, she could feel herself getting wetter than she thought she should. She let out a gasp. The massager was held there for what felt like an eternity, and she was starting to approach orgasm. She whimpered as her chest flushed red – she was so sensitive right now. And then as suddenly as it started, it stopped. She felt degraded – but excited – like a hungry slut ready for punishment.
The male captor had gone to Josh and pushed the massager into his testicles, pushing his penis up against his stomach. It was held there until his erection had grown to the biggest size it had been so far. Once the captor was satisfied, he gave his penis a quick slap – which made Josh yelp with pain.
The two captors then worked quickly. They took the clear vacuum tubes and ahandheld pump each. The female captor went to Maria, parted her labia and placed the tube over her cliporis and began to pump. It sucked her cliporis up into it, reminding her of how an ex boyfriend used to give her oral. Except now it was being sucked much harder – and her engaged cliporis was now filling the small tube. She noticed the tube also had a metal section inside of it, which was connected to a terminal on the outside of the chamber. The male captor went to Josh, and loaded his penis, with fully retracted foreskin, into the larger vacuum tube. Working steadily, he sucked out the air – leaving his penis glands making full contact with the metal inside the tube.
The captors ran the black cables to the contacts they had just applied, and connected them. They led to the box on the table, which was in turn connected to the car battery. Maria, looking down at her naked body, with a wire leading away from her cliporis, was now breathing heavily. She was intensely excited, so much so she even smiled before getting back into character. The gel was making her most sensitive parts even more sensitive, and now the vacuum was increasing the sensing even more.
The captors each took one of the metal rods, and connected a red wire to them each. They throw a switch on the box. The female captor went over to Josh, and made eye contact with him, before gently touching his arm with the metal rod. He jumped and yelped, pulling his legs together as the electric pulse shot through his body and out of his penis. The captor giggled, and touched his arm again, and again. Maria was left to watch as this happened, but not for much longer. The male captor came to her with his own metal rod. This time, he touched her left big toe. It felt like something had hit her toe, and her cliporis, at the same time. She instinctively Pulled her legs together as much as she could within her restraints. The combination of the stimulation and the shock was extremely intense – and she loved it. As she gasped, she let another smile break free.
They reapplied some of the water spray before continuing. They used the rod to touch each nipple in turn – every time it made contact they jumped. Occasionally, the captors held the rod just above their nipples, but in anticipation, much to the captors amusement, they jumped and actually shocked themselves. Maria looked over to Josh and saw the inside of his penis contact tube was starting to get wet with pre-cum. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter – the milk pain was exciting to her, and she loved watching her partner getting the same punishment.
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