The Eastern Nursing Program Pt. 03


Part III

By James X. Pendergrass

Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

Still 89 Days Ago

At this point in the proceedings, my mind had gone onto autopilot. I was resigned to what was going to happen to me and at the same time I was in a tizzy about the assault that my bare bottom had just sustained. Being naked in the presence of attractive women was not something I had become accustomed to. To be frank, even now it’s something that always feels new and makes me feel very vulnerable and submissive. And excited of course. But on this memorable afternoon 89 days ago the whole experience was even fresher in my head. Once we got in the hall, Miss Ling turned to me and said as if she was confiding to a friend, “That was by far the best ceremony I have ever been a part of. You’re going to do well in this program. I can just tell.”

She released my ear and motioned me to follow her. “We’re going to get you back into the examinationchair,” she said, and we’re going to remove all the hair around your privates,” she glanced down at my dick, which was now about 3/4s hard. “I can see it didn’t take you long to recover from your spanking. Just remember, the focus is on removing hair, not another ejaculation. There will be no hand jobs today. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Miss Ling, it’s totally clear,” I said, making a praying sign, the pain of being spanked still fresh in my head.

“You can relax a bit,” she said. “I’m not planning on punishing you. I think you’re one of the most well-behaved subjects I’ve ever worked with and you’re going to do fine. Now need to prep you down there for your chatity belt.”

Now inside the exam room she motioned to the table. I climbed on it and put my legs in the stirrups. My Ling made a couple of adjustments to my positioning, first she widened the stirrups a bit which forced me to spread my thighs, exposing me further. Then she reduced the slope of my position so I was lying further back and my face was pointing to the ceiling. This also had the effect of further exposing my balls and anus and I had to pick my head up in order to see her. Only then did I realize that my cock was completely stiff and pointing at my face and I became aware of the lewd spectacle I was once again making.

“Just try to relax,” she looked at me with pursued lips, her face registering contentment and self-assurance, the Thought of which only aroused me further. “We’ll begin as soon as Miss Alisha gets here.”

Moments later, Miss Alisha walked in with a big smile on her face. “Perfect! We are right on schedule. I suspect you will remember this day for a long time, Jason.”

“Yes, Miss Alisha.”

“Spankings are always memorable,” she said. “It looked like a cathartic moment for you.”

“Yes, it was, ma’am.”

“Oh good, yes in case you are wondering you can call any of us ma’am if you like. That is allowed even though I did not specifically tell you it was ok, I’m telling you now.

“Thank you, ma’am,” I droned.

“Perfect. Miss Ling will now perform your exfoliation. We will be eliminating all the hair around your genitals, but there’s also hair on your genitals as well. We need to remove all the scrotum hair as well as the hair around your anus, and, believe it or not, your penis as well.” For emphasis she reached out and pulled a couple of hairs at the base of my shaft and I grunted. She laughed. “So responsive,” she added. “The best type of subbie. Ok are you ready, Annie?”

“I sure am,” said Miss Ling. She had a tool in her hand that resembled a small portable device that one might use to make whipped cream. She flipped on a switch and it began to buzz. Without further pretense, she reached out with her now gloved hand and put it over my penis, forcing it down and keeping her hand flat, fingers together. I was so stiff that I grunted in pain and it wasn’t possible for her to push it.

“May I?” Miss Alisha said, and Miss Ling released me and stepped back. Miss Alisha moved into position and said to Miss Ling, “When he is this aroused you need to just use your thumb and forefinger like this,” and gently sort of tug the penis out of the way. Miss Alisha made a ring with her two digits just below my head and began manipulating my stiff dick in various directions. “Like that.”

“Ah, I see, said Miss Ling, who mimicked Miss Alisha’s technique. I saw as she did, which they both clearly heard but did not respond to. Miss Ling now began “mowing my grass,” quickly removing the nest of pubes just above my genitals.

I grunted and lifted my head up to watch this young Chinese woman shake my pubes. Something about the vibrations of the trimmer combined with the way Miss Ling held me by my cock put me into Some kind of horny trace. I just throbbed in Miss Ling’s fingers and I swear she had this way of adjusting from time to time and toggling me in different directions, her small fingers gripping me and maneuvering me with surprise dexterity. She was a quick learner.

“Perfect!” said Miss Alisha, as Miss Ling completed the job. She put the trimmer down and to my chagrin released my penis. She turned and took a mini spray bottle, the type that would be used to hold Windex or formula 409, except this had water in it. She pointed it at my junk and began spraying me all over my ass, balls and penis. She used used Miss Alisha’s technique, hooking her finger around my stiff dick and deftly tugging it upright again. She liberally sprayed my genitals, moving down to my balls and ass before pinching off the base of my shaft with her thumb. The cold water was starting and at the same time felt good and I gasped involuntarily and let my big head drop back so I was looking at the ceiling.

The next thing I know, Miss Ling was wiping me down with a towel and I gasped again and took a deep breath and Miss Alisha laughed and said, “You never cease to amaze me, Annie. You’re apro at this already.”

“Thanks Ali,” she said. “Not done yet though.”

After that, Miss Ling then put on a plastic face shield and began shaving my anus. Miss Alisha was apparently not happy with my positioning because she suddenly began instructing me. “Put your hands under your ass, Jason and pull your legs back a bit. There, that’s it.”

If I wasn’t already humiliated enough now they could my well spanked ass. “Wow,” Miss Alisha mused. “Miss Madeline did quite a number on him, didn’t she?”

“That’s an understatement,” said Miss Ling. She had moved her way up to my taint area and was now trimming directly under my balls. It began to feel especially good and I sawed and felt my dick get even harder. Miss Ling paused and said to Miss Alisha, “Uhm. Do you see the way he’s throbbing?” I couldn’t tell if she was generally annoyed or just doing it to humiliate me.

“Yes, it’s rather conspicuous, isn’t it? Well, he has no self-control, which is why he is here in the first place. Plus, he obviously loves this sort of treatment. Just look at him. Look at his face!”

“That’s absolutely true,” acknowledged Miss Ling as they both glanced over at me and I felt the humiliation just wash over me, and I groaned with pleasure.

“My god,” said Miss Ling as she made eye contact with Miss Alisha and they smiled and rolled their eyes before Miss Ling got back to work. She was now pulling my scrotum in one way or another and trimming me down to smooth skin. To finish the job she had to tend to the hairs on the underside of my shake, close to the base where my unit connected to my balls. In order to do so, she surprised me by again taking my throbbing cock in her hand and pulling it up so that it stretched away from my body. She then adjusted her grip so her four fingers gripped the back of the shake and then pressing her thumb directly onto my “male G-spot” which was the area beneath the head. Then the shaker buzzed the lower part of my shake. At onepoint she adjusted her grip and rotated her thumb ever so slightly before planning it down and squeezing me. It dawned on me that this young woman was quite literally taking me in hand. Her thumb remained the tiniest bit busy, as though she was searching for the perfect grip and something clicked in my mind and I completely lost it, taking a deep breath as hot cum began oozing out and sliding down the shake across Miss Ling’s gloved hand.

“Oh my god he’s ejaculating,” said Miss Ling, glancing over at Miss Alisha who said, “Just hold him in place.”

I groaned and involuntarily bucked my hips and launched an incredible spurt into the air that landed directly on my cheek, just below my eyeball, thankfully.

“Oh dear,” said Miss Alisha but her smile betrayed her concern. Miss Ling adjusted me ever so slightly, pointing me at a steering angle towards my belly and reading her thumb grip, which was unnecessary but drove me wild as I grunted and spurted uncontrollably. I must have launched five more cumshots onto my stomach and belly button. I picked my head up and looked at Miss Ling as she was just totally expressionless with a classic “resting bitch face,” her lips pursued in a slight frown although she did not look unhappy. She must have noticed me studying her because she took her eyes away from my penis towards me face for a split second. Our eyes met and I groaned with unbridled pleasure and throw my head back. For a moment I could feel my eyes rolling back into my skull and I squeezed my ass cheats and thrust my hips until I heard Miss Alisha’s voice echo in my head. “STOP trying to hum Miss Ling’s hand, Jason!”

I grunted again, this time in frustration, as I knew I had no choice but to obey Miss Alisha’s orders and by doing so the second part of My orgasm was somewhat ruined. I squeezed my ass and my toes and made my hands into fists.

Miss Ling handled the whole thing like a pro. She just held me in place, not helping me in any way, simply pointing my penis away from her and Miss Alisha and waiting for me to finish coming on my own stomach. It occurred to me both women had gotten quiet and were studying my orgasm quite intently. Finally Miss Ling spoke up. “Is that normal?” she asked Miss Alisha.

“I would say for his age it is certainly unusual,” said Miss Alisha. “A lot of times these subs have a huge sex drive and this one certainly does. You did a perfect job managing the situation. Now let’s get him cleaned up so that we can get the chatity belt on.”

“We don’t usually have our subjects lose it like that during the exfoliation,” Alisha began. “I think you’re the horniest subject I have seen since I have been doing this wonderful job,” she mused. “You sex drive is off the charts for a middle-aged man. Do you know that, Jason?

“Yes, Miss Alisha,” I said. “I’m sorry for losing control. I didn’t mean it.”

“I know you didn’t, you silly little creativity. It’s fine. It’s exactly the reason why you’re a good candidate for the program. You should apologize to Miss Ling, however, for trying to hump her hand. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, I’m so sorry Miss Ling! I didn’t mean it.”

“Let’s not be disingenuous, Jason,” said Miss Alisha. “Of course you mean it. It’s more accurate to say you couldn’t control yourself.”

“Yes Miss Alisha. I’m sorry Miss Ling for being unable to control myself and being focused on my own pleasure.”

“Apology accepted,” said Miss Ling. She was still holding my penis. My orgasm was complete but semen continued to dribble from my spend cock onto my belly where it pooled inside my belly button. She then turned to Miss Alisha. “It’s repulsive but at the same time kind of fascinating.”

“Indeed, we will discuss in private. For now, let’s get him cleaned off.” Miss Alisha grabbed a big wad of tissues. Miss Ling finally released my penis and stood back as Miss Alisha took over and roughly cleaned the cum off my belly.

“Don’tforget about his face,” quipped Miss Ling.

“Oh yes, I almost forgot,” said Miss Alisha, laughing at her junior colleague. And then Miss Alisha was looking down at me, wiping my eye and said, “You gave yourself an actual facial, didn’t you?” And I had to admit that I did and Miss Alisha said rather cryptically, “There will be other opportunities down the road with good behavior.” And then, noting the look of confusion on my face, “I’m really going to enjoy putting you in chatity. I think it is long overdue. Don’t you?” Her smile was meant to rub in the message and I could feel my face burning again as I replied.

“Yes Miss Alisha.”

What happened next was very quick. Miss Alisha informed Miss Ling they needed to move fast before I got erect again. She had Miss Ling leave and without warning Miss Alisha began rubbing cream around my thighs, held public area and finally my cock and balls. By the time she was done, Miss Ling had returned and I was starting to grow hard again.

“Drat,” said Miss Alisha. “No such luck. Go get the ice bucket, Annie, would you?”

“Of course,” said Miss Ling and she handed Miss Alisha a fancy looking pink box with a lacy hot pink bow. She popped open the box and I was familiar enough with what I was looking at: a male chatity device and a rather sophisticated one.

The tube was frighteningly small with a penis-head shaped clear tube with an open slot presumably for the unfortunately male to pee out of. There was also some sort of wiring just below the penis head and the ring that presumably was to separate my package from the rest of my body looked adjustable and there were these odd leather pouches that looked to be home for the scrotum. The whole thing looked alarmingly sophisticated and the little padlock was fancy looking and struggle. It was also pink colored and had a female astroological symbol. There was talking beneath the symbol as well. I couldn’t quite read it.

Miss Ling returned with the icebucket and put it on the floor. Miss Alisha took my hand and told me to stand. She helped hold me up when my first steps weren’t steady; I was still dazed from the orgasm I guess. Then she pointed to the bucket. “You need to plumge yourself into the bucket until we get you good and flaccid.”

I stood over the bucket and bent my knees so that I could effectively sit into the bucket. I groaned as my balls dropped in. It was starting. Miss Alisha giggled and Miss Ling was smiling.

“You need to get your penis in there as well, Jason,” said Miss Alisha. “Otherwise we will be here all day.”

I leaned forward and walked my legs behind me so I was prostrate over the bucket and thus could plumge everything in there. I gasped with pain and effort since this was effectively a yoga position and I was out of shape.

“Hold that position as long as you can,” ordered Miss Alisha.

I think because I had just orgasmed and the ice really does work, I was able to announce that Iwas no longer erect. Sure enough, I was not only no longer erect but shrinkage had taken place.

“Ok, stand up.” Miss Alisha throw me a towel, “Dry off quickly.”

I did as I was told and looked down at my shaken and totally flaccid public area, which was light pink and very unimpressive. For some reason I had to open my mouth and say, “I’m not usually that small.”

“It will be in your interest to stay this small from here on out,” said Miss Alisha thoughtfully as she pulled up a chair and with great practice and efficiency hooked the belt around my taint and made it tight enough so there would be no possible way for me to yank it off. Then, she stuffed my little pink penis into the plastic sheath where the fit was snug but I was glad to say there was a little room for expansion anyhow. The scrotum sheath seemed to go naturally into place. It was actually a bit large and my balls rested comfortably in the dual pouch as they were meant to do I would imagine.

“Showtime,” said Miss Alisha, and she proceeded to snap the lock shutt, where it made a surprisingly loud click, which was followed by Miss Alisha adding, “You are now officially a chatissed male, Jason.” She held up the pink lock. “Note the symbolism of the lock. It says ‘Female Supremacy’ in case you were wondering. Which is fitting since the three keys will be held by Miss Amy, myself and Miss Ling. Don’t you think that’s fitting?” she smiled at me.

“Yes, Miss Alisha.”

“Good! Oh shit, Annie I just thought of something. He is going to need to be released for cleaning in the next 48 hours and I’m away this weekend. Shit Shit Shit! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Well, we’ll have to get him in here first thing Monday morning, I guess.”

“I can supervise him Sunday morning,” said Miss Ling. “I’m around.”

“Oh my goodness. Would you actually do that? You are such a dear!”

“Sure I’d be glad to.” Miss Ling glanced at me. “I think I’m going for a little extra credit with this one.”

“That is so great!” Miss Alisha actually took Miss Ling in an embrace and they hugged and I could see there was a generic happiness between the two of them to the point of being emotional. And it occurred to me the two young women were effectively celebrating their dominion of me and the joy that it was bringing them. For the first time, I felt a dull thud as my loins stirred and the head of my dick immediately was stopped cold by the plastic shell.

Miss Alisha pulled back so she was still hugging Miss Ling but now they could make eye contact. And then Miss Alisha turned back to me. “You are going to make such a fabulous subject, Jason. I know we are both really excited about training you.”

I feel my face turning red again. “Thank you, Miss Alisha.”

“Don’t Worry. It will be hard at first- Wait, bad choice of words there. It will be difficult for you, but you will enjoy it and over time you will reach new levels of evolved that you haven’t yet in your lifetime. Now a few things about the belt,” she turned and they both faced me and glanced at my imprisoned penis.

“This is a serious piece of technology,” she said, tucking her finger underneath the penis tube and pulling it up into the air.

“Look at how red his face is,” remarked Miss Ling with a smile.

“I know. He’s so much fun, isn’t it? So, Jason, as I was saying, this is serious hardware. It has smart technology. For example, any attempt to break the ring will result in me being notified. It will also trigger the full shock features of the belt. There are two primary ways of delivering discipline to the belt holder. This scrotum sheath…” Miss Alisha released my penis tube and took me firmly by the balls. “Stand on your tippietoes so I can explain,” she ordered, and I did, as Miss Alisha tugged me. “The scrotum sheath is fully electrified, as is this area right here,” she released my balls and returned her finger directly under the tube. Both myself and Miss Ling will hold remote controls. I like to keep mine in my handbag.”

“Me too,” said Miss Ling. “In the side pocket.”

“Perfect,” said Miss Alisha. So, in other words, it’s easy for either of us to fry your balls and zap your penis at a moment’s notice. We don’t even have to be in the room if we want to make a point to you. I think you’ll find it extremely motivating.” She gave me a serious look. “One little push of a button with our pinkie fingers and you will be neutralized.

“The penis sheath also has a buzzing feature so we’re capable of delivering something a little less painful and more pleasant. Of course, the irony of this is that you will find it’s just as bad if not a worse punishment than getting zapped. For reasons I need not explain.”

“Should we test things out?” said Miss Ling.

“No, I think he’s had enough today,” said Miss Alisha. “Also, it’s time to wrap this up. So get dressed, go home and get some rest,” said Miss Alisha. “Miss Ling will see you Sunday morning, when Annie?”

“Ten works.”

“At ten o’clock sharp. And I know I don’t need to say this but I’m through. You are to treat Miss Ling like the superior woman that she is or there will be severe consequences.


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