The Eastern Nursing Program

The Eastern Nursing Program

By James X. Pendergrass

Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The characters featured in this work are all adults. The Author does not condone the events of this story and believe all relationships should be based on love and mutual affection

Part I – 93 days ago

I should have known it was a trap, but I didn’t realize it until it was too late. Maybe it’s just as well. I’m happier now and there’s something to be said about finding my true calling.

It’s hard to believe how much has changed in three short months. I remember waking up hung over as usual, what is it, exactly 93 days ago. I did my usual wake and bake and started surfing around. It was on my social media feed where I saw the peculiar, exclusive advertising.

Local Nursing Program doing a sex reproduction study on 45-49-year-old-males. Must have substance/self-control issues, including alcoholism, drug addition, sex/pornography addiction. Pre-screening required. Upon acceptance to the program, payment is $150 for three-hour time commitment.

I feel a stirring. They must be targeting me was my first thought. In this case my instinct would prove correct, but that didn’t stop me from picking up the phone and dialing the number.

A young but mature female voice answered the call. She spoke very calmly in low tones: “Hello you’ve reached the Eastern Nursing Program. This is Sara without the H, how can I help you?”

Something about Sara-without-the-H caused a stirring inside me. She radiated a breezy confidence and she sounded hot, if it’s possible to do so. Not slutty-hot, more like, mature and educated woman in her 30s hot.

I told her my name (Jason) and said I was calling about the study.

“Of course. Just to let you know, there are a few, um, changes to inform you of. Due to the amount of applications we have received, we are no longer ableto pay a participation fee. It has become volunteer only.”

“Oh, that’s too bad,” I said, and curiosity got the better of me. “Why would guys just do this for free?”

“Well,” she explained, clearing her throat. “The program involved semen extraction. To be 100% clear, it involves our Female staff administratoring manual stimulation of the male genitalia to full ejaculation, and, if I could be candidate, as you might be able to imagine we have found no shortage of males willing to participate.”

Full stop. It amazing me how matter of fact she was about the whole thing. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

“So, you’re basically giving out free hand jobs?”

“I wouldn’t put it quite like that. Yes, there is a clinical extraction process that our subjects can’t help but find pleasurable. It’s a simple matter of the male biology. But we are highly selective of who we accept into the program. The screening process is rigorous, and we reject most applicants during the first step of a two-phase process.”

“What is the first step?”

“It would be me asking you a series of questions, many of which some subjects find personally invasive. Assuming you proceed, I will be evaluating you and determining if you are suitable for the program.”

“What kind of questions?”

“I will be asking you about your personal and sexual history as well as assessing Your overall intelligence level as well as your overall sincerity and general respect for the Female gender. This isn’t a mass parlor, and we don’t put up with disrespectful subjects. If at any point I feel you aren’t right foe the program, I will politely let you know and our conversation will be over.”

“Ok, and assuming you decide to accept me, what happens next?”

“You will be given an appointment with one of our clinicalians and her appreciation and they will conduct further screening on-site. Assuming they deem you eligible you can then proceed to the next step which will be the manual stimulation to orgasm.”

“And who does the manual stimulation?”

“This typically involves the clinician and her assistant.”

“Is the assistant also female?”

“Yes, as I said, the entire staff identifies as Female.”

“Well, yes, we have to use that terminology, but to be clear the entire staff is biologically female, from birth.”

I detected a note of irritation in Sara’s voice as she said these last words. She immediately followed up with, “So, Jason, are you interested in the screening? I don’t mean to be rude, but the lines are jammed.”

“Yes,” I gulped. “I’m interested.”

I should add that I was already hard.

“Ok, great,” she said, and I detected a blip of sarcasm. “Let’s got started Then.”

I was then asked basic questions about my age (46), height (5’10”) and weight (225). Sara then prodded me on my lifestyle, from eating habits, and then my drinking and smoking, where I readily admitted that I had 20 to 25scotches per week, lowball estimate, and smoked weed every day, smoked the occasional cigarette, but didn’t do any harder drugs, other than the occasional k-pin, or sleeping pill. She seemed to loosen up a bit as I answered her coulddidly. Because I was excited at this point (free hand job lol) I tried to be as polite and respectful as possible.

“Ok, Jason, so far so good,” she said. “Now just to warn you ahead of time, I need to ask a few more personal questions. “How do you identify sexually in terms of gender and orientation.”

“Male, hetero.”

“Good and do you consider your identity more of alpha, or beta, or somewhere in between?”

“Never really thought about it,” I lied, “somewhere in between.”

“Ok. Are you sexually active?”

“Lately not so much,” said with a note of defeat in my voice.

“I appreciate your honesty, Jason, that goes a long way in getting you on our good side.”

“Sure,” I said, momentarily pondering the implicationsof her words before my facial mind dismissed a thought, and Sara continued.

“Are you functional in that you can achieve and maintain an erection and achieve ejaculation.”


“How often do you use pornography per week?”


“Do you use pornography to masturbate?”

“Wow, this is getting personal.”

“I did say when we began that you might find some of these questions invasive. You have been doing good so far and honesty give you a better chance of passing our screening process.”

“Several times a week, sometimes more.”

“And how often do you binge masturbate? Binge masturbating is defined as bringing yourself to ejaculation three or more times in a given 24-hour period.”

“Maybe once per week.”

“Ok, very good. We are almost done.”

“Good because this is getting to be a bit much.”

“I understand, but remember participation is volunteer and you can terminate the call whenever you wish. Shall we continue?”

“I understand, but remember participation is volunteer and you can terminate the call whenever you wish. Shall we continue?”

“I guess.”

“Ok, good. I understand your concern but we keep the results of our process highly confidential and I will add that I’m beginning to think you will make a good candidate for the program. Also, in addition to the benefits of a trip to the clinic, our program has the potential to alter your life for the better and address many of the additions and, um, compulsions we have discussed today.”

It sounded as if she was amused and I resisted the urge to get upset. It wasn’t as if I had real women in my life much of late, so I persisted.

“One more question — how would you describe your penis size, above average, average or below average.”

“Average,” I said. “What does that matter?” I felt hot again which Sara completely ignored.

“Good, so between 5 and 6 inches when erect then?”

“Maybe on the low end,” I felt my forehead burning. Why did I admit that? What was wrong with me?

“Ah ok, that is fine. I will put ‘average’ and our clinicians can conduct further assessments on site. As long as you aren’t above average…” she trailed off.


“I’m sorry, sometimes I’m too candidate for my own good. You’ll have to discover this when you visit the clinic, Jason, because I have good news for you: based on your answers to the assessment questions, I think you would make an excellent candidate for our program. Now I should add that congratulations aren’t yet in order. As discussed, there’s a second assessment conducted on site prior to the actual extraction process. Are you available Thursday at 3:00?” It’s a two-hour appointment.”

“This is all getting a bit strange,” I said, but the truth is that this was the most exciting conversation I had in months and I felt it down there. I couldn’t deny that Sara turned me on and I felt as if I had nothing to lose.

“I can assure you that if you come to your appointment with the right attitude and approach this will only lead to good things for you and could poctally drive significant personal improvement. Without getting into further detail, the Eastern Nursing Program cares deeply about the welfare of the males who are accepted into the program. You have my word on that.”

“Ok, I’m in,” I said. “Am I going to see you?”

“Ah no, Jason. You will be seeing Miss Alicia and her assistant Miss Ling.”

“Are they Dominatrixes or something?” I asked in what would turn out to be a moment of lucid thought.

“Ah no, Jason. However, as discussed, you need to show proper respect for the clinicals and all the women who work in the program, or you risk immediately dismissal.”

“Is uh, Miss Alicia and her assistant hot?”

“I’m going to let that one go, Jason,” she said. “Because I like you and think you’re a strong candidate. Our clinicalians are all able-bodied women who believe in what they are doing and are committed to our greater cause.”

“What is?”

Sara laughed. “The betterment of the male gender is aboutt all I can tell you. But I know this will be good for you and I recommend you make a leap of faith.”

“Will I ever get to meet you?”

“Perhaps,” she said, “but no promises. Generally, the results of first meetings are shared with the staff so I will have some idea of ​​how you perform.”


“Remember that whole thing about leap of faith?”

“I guess.”

“Good. It was nice to meet you Jason and I wish you luck in the program. Just two other things: First, please show up on time to the appointment, and second, no ejaculations for at least 48 hours ahead of the meeting. In your case, I believe that means no masturbating.”

“Rude!” I said half-jokingly.

“But not inaccurate,” Sara said, with a note of closure and just a hint of bitchiness. “Thank you for your interest in the program and I wish you good luck, Jason.”

Part II – 90 Days Ago

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to this. I knew going in that something was a bit odd. I wasn’t totally oblivious to the notion of my place in the world and the possibility that I was going to be taken advantage of. But when you reach a certain age and achieve a certain level of desperation with the state your life and the world in general you do exactly what Sara in customer service tells you to do. You take a leap of faith.

Plus, free Hand job.

I arrived ten minutes early to one of those residential neighborhoods full of huge mansions that had been built when people in these parts had more money and larger families. Nowadays these mansions were pretty much all partitioned off into units or offices.

The one I went to had a large orthodontist operation occupying the first floor, two realtors and two shrinks on the second. The third floor, my destination, was designed as “ENP Associates” in fancy script. When I knocked on the door I was greeted by a young Asian woman who appeared to be in her mid-20. She had a relatively plain face — I was guessing Chinese — certainly not ugly, but on the homelier side. She was petite like almost all of them are, but she was not without hips. She wore small-lensed glasses and a white nurse-style coat and a dark skirt that went just below the knee. She nodded courteously but did not smile.

“I’m Miss Ling,” she extended her hand to shake my hand which was surprisingly forthright.

“I’m Mr. Jason,” I said.

She frowned and raised her eyesbrows issuing me a challenging star. “We will call you Jason here,” she said. “Come have a seat and I will get my associate so we can get your second screening process underway.”

She left the room and a minute later emerged with a stunning looking woman of unknown origin. I was guessing India although She could have passed for an Arabian Princess. She was considerably taller than her junior associate, perhaps 5’8.” She had huge dark eyes with long eyesashes, and an angular nose and chin. She wore makeup and wore it well. Like Miss Ling she wore a white button-down top and a skirt, although hers was cut a bit higher and I noticed she wore black hose and black ankle boots. She flashed me a smile and my heart nearly melted.

“Hello Jason, I’m Miss Alisha.” She extended her hand. “We’re glad to have you in the program. I listened to your interview ahead of time and I think this screening process should be a mere formality.”

“You listened?” I asked.

“Oh yes,” she didn’t miss a beat. “We do record successful candidates like you, and we get to hear the ones that pass the initial screening.” She turned her head inquisitively. “I can assure you we keep the data in confidence. That won’t be an issue, correct?

“No,” I said.

Miss Alisha spoke with a clipped accent that seemed common from transplants from places like India and Pakistan. She also had significantly more warmth than had her junior counterpart. She had me sit down on a couch while Miss Ling and she sat in chairs facing me. Miss Alisha had a mini tablet that she joked notes onto during our conversation.

“For starters, Jason, consider a necessary formality for you to refer to Miss Ling and myself as Miss Alisha. This is important protocol which helps show that you have respect for this process and frankly, for women in general. Misogynists don’t make it to the next step.” She glanced at me and raised her eyesbrows. “Are we clear?”

“Yes, Miss Alisha.”

Her smile once again took my breath away. “Perfect. I was a bit concerned when Miss Ling told me you introduced yourself as Mr. Jason. We can’t have that.”


“Great. So, I don’t want to get too deep in the weeds, but this program has been developed by a prominent doctor and feminist. Her name is Amy Taylor. I would encourage you to do some research when you are at home tonight and are assessing your next steps. I personally am in awe of Amy and I consider her a mentor to me. Like her, I intend to be a doctor and am in my second year at med school. Although this program isn’t officially sanctioned or anything like that, we do ask that you signed a release form here.”

She leaned forward and handed me the tablet. “It simply releases us from legal action,” she added. “Otherwise, it is non-binding.”

I took her word for it and signed it with my finger.

“Wonderful,” she said. “So as I mentioned, both myself and Miss Ling listened to your recording. There are usually additional follow-ups but because pretty much everyone agreed you are a good candidate we think we can move quickly to the semen extraction process. The one thing I need to mention to you is that if during this process you act in a way that either myself or Miss Ling finds threatening or off-putting, we immediately reserve the right to terminate the treatment. Additionally…” she spoke so fast! “Additionally, although you are permitted to make the typical noises a male might make when receiving manual stimulationfrom a female, we don’t wish to hear any verbal encouragement of any kind from you. You aren’t to address us unless you are in serious disappointment or some other emergency comes up. Got it?”


“Good! Also, unless it wasn’t already clear, this is strictly a CFNM procedure. Do you know what that means?”

“Clothed Female Nude Male,” I replied.

“Good! I’m impressed Jason! Have you already done research on this?”

“It’s just a term I’m familiar with.” I said.

“Was this a term you discovered when you were involving yourself with your pornography habit?”

As she asked me this question I noticed the corners of Miss Ling’s mouth curl up momentarily into something resembling a tiny grin before she adjusted back into her normal resting bitch face.

“Yeah, probably,” I said.

“Yeah, probably,” she repeated. “That’s a rather flip response, don’t you think?”

“Yes, uh, sorry Miss Alisha,” I said. “You’re right I uh probably discovered it during my pornography habit.”

“Very good, Jason! Very good indeed.” Her smile was both radiant and triumphant. “So then, does CFNM occur your masturbatory fansies?”

“Uh, I never really thought about it. Sometimes I guess.” My eyes drifted to Miss Ling again and she had this really intent stare. She looked at me almost challengingly before Miss Alisha continued her line of questioning.

“You never really thought about it? “Really? That’s strange, but let’s leave that alone for now. My point is that myself and Miss Ling will be wearing the clothes you see us wearing now and you will of course be devoid of your own clothing, as I’m sure it goes without saying. Further, although the extraction process is by definition a sexual act, there will be no additional acts accompanying it. During the procedure you are to follow our instructions to the letter and when it is over there will be a short debriefing and then we will send you on your way. Is this clear?”

“Yes, Miss Alisha.” I want to interject that I was extremely aroused by the way I was being spoken to and excited for ‘next steps.’ There was something formal about the whole thing that made my dick hard. I knew I was being condecended to by a woman who was probably 15 years my junior and I didn’t care. This was better than an Asian massage parlor and wasn’t costing me anything. Although I was unsure how good either of these two were at stroked dick.

“Wonderful! Miss Ling will show you to the bathroom before we start. There’s a shower stall in there. Make sure you are very through.” She turned to Miss Ling and the two made eye contact where there was a knowing nod between them. “Miss Ling will have more information for you so please follow her while I prepare the lab.

Miss Ling led me to the bathroom where she said, “Please disrobe fully and stand and face me when you’re ready.”

Unlike Miss Alisha, Miss Ling had no accent to speak of. She must have been second generation Chinese. She stood and faced me, hands on her hips as I disrobed.

“Fold your clothes neighborly.”

I noticed the shower didn’t have a curve as I excitedly stripped to my underwear and then, my face burning, pulled them down and folded them before putting them on top of my other clothes. I turned and faced Miss Ling who made direct eye contact with me. She had an expressionless look on her face. I don’t know if she was nervous, or taking things very seriously, maybe a little bit of both. She finally won the staring war and I looked away. When I looked back, her eyes had drifted down but then quickly came back up to meet my own. She put her hands on her hips and met my stare, wordlessly again, before nodding her head knowingly, and saying the rather cryptically, “Just wanted you to know that I agree with Miss Alisha. You’re a good fit for this program and I hope you can make it.”

“Thanks, me too,” said rather meekly. I generally appreciated Miss Ling saying as much. It sounded sincere and it was the first time I had felt any warmth from her.

I had let myself go these past few years. I was hairy and required manscaping. I was probably clinically obese and my body was less firm than it used to be. I saw Miss Ling’s eyes diploma down and mine did at the same time and we both looked at my erect 4.5″ penis.

I had said I was five inches, but that was not exactly true. That said, my dick still proudly pointed at an upward angle. It actually kind of pointed right at Miss Ling. I had rather large balls. Don’t ask me why. I became aware of the lewd spectacle and in an effort to break the awkward silence, I said, “Sorry I guess I’m just excited. No disrespect intended.”


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