Raven opened her eyes as the pain ripped through her body. It was dim and cool where she was and smelled a bit moldy as if she was underground. Her eyes strained to adjust to the limited light. Her head was throbbing and she could feel a welt on the back of her head near her neck. She tried desperately to remember something, anything. The last thing she could remember was laughing and talking to the charming gentleman at the bar. She exhausted herself to go to the bathroom…then just darkness. She tried to reach her hand up to her pounding temple but as she did so she realized she couldn’t move her hands. They were tied securely behind her back. For a moment she panicked, then calmed as she understands she needed a clear mind to figure out what was going on. By now her eyes had become adjusted and she was able to make out some shapes in the room. Becoming more aware of her body, she now know that not only her hands were tied, but also her ankles. The same length of rope was tying allParts of her body. There was a loop around her neck that ran down her back and wrapped around her hands, from there the rope went around her waist and then down her legs to wrap around her ankles. If she tried to move one part of her body, another would feel the pain of her efforts. She was laying on her side and most of her skin was exposed. Apparently her captor had decided to leave her bra and underwear on, the rest of her clothes were gone.
Knowing she couldn’t move and that attempting to would only cause her more disappoint, she focused her mind on surveying the room. There was what appeared to be a table of some sort in the center. It was larger than a normal table, much larger and made of steel. Along the far wall she could make out what looked like chains that she imagined would have been used in medieval dungeons. Along the wall to her right was a sink and some drawers and cupboards. She shuddered to think what might be concealed in those cupboards. In the corner on that wall stood a door. The wall behind her seemed bare from what she could feel and the wall to her left had various “instruments” hanging from it. She took a deep breath and wondered about the type of person who had taken her to this dungeon. Just then she heard a noise above her. The sound of footsteps moved towards her right and then she heard a door open and close and the sound of footsteps on stairs. She found herself holding her breath and concentrated on letting the air out and then taking even breaths.
The door opened and a man walked in. He was in the shadows so she couldn’t make out his features. Her first impression was of a man of incredible height, but this could have been heightened by the fact that she was on the floor. She strained to see his face and then heard his deep voice break through the silence like the crack of a whip “Close your eyes.” It was not yelled, but his voice was like steel and she obeyed, not daring to tempt that anger that was behind that stateent. She listened as his heavy footsteps slowly moved closer to her. It took all her self control to keep her eyes closed. Finally, she could sense that he was standing right over her. She heard a soft chuckle and then she was roughly pushed on to her back. Her hands were crushed under her in this position and she turned out to discomfort. Her eyes opened from the shock of being moved and the pain radiating from her wrists. Just as her eyes opened she felt the slap of a hand across her cheek. “I told you to fucking close your eyes, bitch.” She was swift to obey, her cheek still singing.
Tied like she was, she couldn’t adjust to relieve the pressure on her hands. She felt his breath on her neck and shiver went through her body. It should have been a shiver of pure terror, but there was excitement and arousal mixed in despite what her rational mind told her. She knew she should be trying to figure out a way out, but at that moment, her mind was zoning in on this overpowering man and she could only think to obey. She jumped and gasped as she felt the tip of what she instantly knew was a very sharp knife. Her captor ran the tip along her neck, just below the rope, leaving a red scratch in it’s wake. Raven dare not move. Her chest rose and fell as she did her best to control her frenzied breathing. Suddenly, the knife stopped moving and simply rested against her neck. She could feel the blade pressing in to her delicate skin and focused on staying still. Before she could utter a sound the blade was removed and she relaxed. Too soon. Pain and shock surged through her body as her bra was cut from her chest. A small trickle of blood ran down between her breasts. A whimper escaped her lips as she heard the man gives a growl of a laugh. She shook in alarm and yet in excitement. She felt her underwear being similarly cut from her and heard the man give an outright laugh. Her underwear was shoved in her mouth and she could taste her juices on them.
“Your body doesn’t lie, slut. You like this.”
Raven whimpered and tried to deny but couldn’t get the words out. He was right, her body was responding to him whether she wanted it to or not. Once again she felt the knife against her throat and then a mouth on her nipples, alternative kissing and licking them. She held back a moan. He bit her nipple hard and she jumped from the force of it causing her neck to press against the knife. A gasp escaped her lips and she swallowed slowly. Her senses were in overdrive. Her mind swimming from the pain and arousal this man was stirring in her. Just as she felt like she couldn’t take anymore he stopped. The knife was removed and she heard him move away. She wanted to open her eyes, see where he went but she dared not. Just then she was lifted in his arms and then placed gently on her feet. She had to struggle to Keep her balance but she was grateful to be off her hands. Her eyes were still closed, her mouth filled with her damp underwear and her body nearby tied. She imagined she must be quite a sight. She heard a click and then the smooth sound of her captor’s voice.
“Open your eyes, cunt. I want you to see yourself.” She opened her eyes and found herself standing in front of a mirror that had been hidden from her view when she was on the floor. The image that confronted her both surprised and scared her. Her fear was not brought on by the way she looked, but by her response to it. Seeing herself like that was stirring something deep within her. She stared at her creamy white skin, illuminated by a bright bulb hanging above her. The rope was frayed and pressed in to her skin, and there was still a tiny trickle of now drying blood right in between her naked breasts. A small red line could be seen on her throat from where the knife had been pressed and there was a tiny cruele forming on her Cheek. Her pussy was glistening in the light from her body’s involuntary response to his treatment of her. She was exposed, naked, vulnerable, helpss. She was his. The thought hit her like a swift punch and she felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. Just then she saw him step in to the light behind her and then bite down hard on her shoulder blade. She crumpled and the only thing that kept her from falling to the ground was an arm that he looped around her stomach.
“Tell me what you see,” he grewled as he took the underwear from her mouth.
“I see,” she paused trying to think of what answer she should give. “I see a prisoner.”
“Close,” he said and then kissed along her neck, still supporting her with his arm. “But not quite right. A prisoner usually doesn’t take such pleasure from her captor. Would you like to know what I see, slut?”
“Y-yes,” she stammered as he alternatively bit and kissed up and down her neck.
“I see a slave. I see a slut. I see a whore who enjoys being put on display like this.” He smiled at her and then with one movement swept her off her feet and carried her to the metal table in the center of the room. He sat her on the edge of the table and then looked at her with an intense, unblinking star.
“Are you a slut, a whore?” he questioned.
She paused, her lips parted as she wrestled with the question. His hand seemed to appear out of nowhere, hitting her cheek with such force that her head snapped to the side.
“I asked you a question, whore.”
“Yes, I am,” she admitted her shoulders slumping slightly.
“Much better,” he smiled. “And don’t look so sad. You make a lovely little slave,” he chuckled.
She looked up at him and studied him for a moment. He was the same man from the bar, but in this setting, he had a completely different look. Pure power seemed to radiate from him, his movements, even his voice were strong and in control. A tiny shiver went down her spine as she looked in his eyes and she quickly dropped her gaze.
He slowly walked up to her and then pulled the knife back out from a sheath on his waist. He smidle at her then cut the rope from her ankles first, then her wrists and finally her throat. The blood rushed to her hands and feet and her body shook from the pain. She wondered if he was done with her, then almost wanted to laugh out loud at the absurdity of that thought. An eyebrow rose as he watched her expressions change.
“Amusing thoughts, whore?”
“No, I mean, yes. I’m not sure,” the words tripped out of her mouth.
“Lay down. And shut the fuck up. You can’t even answer a simple question.”
She obeyed and lay down on the table. Her legs were still dangling over the edge and she heard him move again. Before she could react, she was being pulled further up the table by her hair. Whimpering in pain, she pushed up with her feet, helping him move her in an effort to lessen the strain on her hair. He let her go and now her whole body was laid out on the cold, steel surface. She waited, silent, still, wondering what would happen next. The only sound in the large room was the rasping of her breath.
“Give me your hand,” he commanded from her right. She reached out her hand and then felt it being secured by a metal ring. The same sequence of events was repeated for her left hand and then for each ankle. The final result was her lying on her back, spread eagled, secured to the table. The metal was cold against her skin and the restraints were unyielding. A tiny wisp of fear circularized Through her veins even as her cunt became even more wet in its exposed state. He stood above her, surveying his handy work and then disappeared in to the shadows. It feel like an eternity to Raven, but only a few moments passed before his figure returned. He had a candle and vibrator in his hands. She wiggled slightly and he raised an eyebrow.
“I see I caught your attention, cunt.” He lit the candle and began methodically dripping the wax along her exposed body. A drop on her right nipple, one of her stomach, one on her thigh. With each new drop, Raven cringed. A loud gasp escaped her lips as he let a large drop of wax fall directly on her clip. He then added the vibrator and she compromised under the sudden attention her little love bud was receiving. While her clip was being tease and attacked by the vibrator he began kissing up her tight to the spot where the wax had landed. He circled the wax with his tongue and then bit down, hard. She cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. His teeth scraped the wax off her skin. He slapped her cunt with the vibrator and then clamped his mouth over her swollen clip, scraping the wax off as he sucked and bit her. She moaned and tried to move away from the intense sensings he was giving her. His touch was relentless, however, and she couldn’t move. Finally, he stopped his assault on her clip and moved to the drops of wax covering her body. At each spot, he bit down hard leaving teeth marks and making Raven cry out in pain. After he had finished scraping all the wax off her body, he moved to the bottom of the table and without warning shoved two fingers in her cunt. She was dripping wet and his fingers slid in quite easily, but the surprise made Raven cry out. He yanked his fingers out and walked up to the head of the table shoving them in her face.
“Lick them off you dirty slut. You are so pathetic. Lick them off and taste how wet your dirty cunt is right now.”
She licked them off trying not to gag on them as he shoved them roughly in her mouth. He laughed and then took his nails and raked them down her body. Her pussy was aching and her clip was throbbing. She couldn’t think straight. Her sense were swimming. He laughed again as he walked away, leaving her trembling.
She couldn’t tell how much time had passed. Her arms and legs ached from staying in the same position and her body longed for release. Not just for physical release, but also for sexual release. Raven couldn’t remember the last time she had needed to cum so badly.
The dungeon was dark exceedpt for the single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. There were no windows and no way to tell the passage of time. Raven found herself staring at the ceiling, becoming for something to happen. Anything. Her skin still burned and tingled from the wax and her captors merciless bites. Where was he? Occasionally she heard some movement in the room, but she could not turn to see despite her best efforts. Ultimately, she gave up and just waited. Exhaustion began to kick in and her eyes fluttered shut. She fought the urge to fall asleep, not knowing what would happen were she to give in. No matter how hard she tried though, sleep was quickly taking over. Her eyes had just closed for the 20th time when she felt the sting of a blow to her ribs. She jolted and yelled in shock just as a riding crop was brought down on her hips.
“Did I give you permission to sleep?” Another blow from the riding crop, this time across her breasts. She tried to move, to curl up, to lessen the blows, but she couldn’t. She could hear the riding crop slice through the air again before it smoked hard against her legs. Her only option was to end whatever he chose to give her, so she bit down on her lips and braced herself. The pain was very real, but to her dismay, her pussy was getting wet yet again.
“You’re pathetic,” he barked at her as he dealt another blow with the riding crop. “Look at you, understanding in pain and yet your pussy is dripping, becoming for more. Well I decided if and when you get more. Do you understand, slut?”
She nodded and was rewarded with another sharp blow from the riding crop. “Say it!” he commanded. “Say that you are a dirty fucking slut and that you will take whatever I decide to give you.”
“I’m a dirty slut and I’ll take whatever you decide to give me,” she breathed.
“Good girl,” he cooed. She heard him throw the riding crop to the side and then felt his fingers exploring her slit once again. They were quickly covered by her juices and he smiled at her as he licked them off.
“What a pathetic little cunt.” With those words he moved to her ankles and released them. THEn he let unhooked her hands and she curled up, a hand moving down to her wet pussy. He slapped her hand away. “I know you want to touch, but you are not allowed to, now get off the table, whore.”
She quickly climbed down from the table and stood in front of him. He Grabbed a handful of her hair and throw her to the floor. “How dare you try to stand in front of me. I didn’t give you permission to do that.” Her head was yanked back fiercely and she yelped in pain. “Open your mouth, slut!” She obeyed. He opened his pants to reveal his hard cock. There was precum leaking from the tip and he rubbed it against her cheek. “Do you want to suck my cock, Whore?”
“Yes,” she stammered. He pulled hard on her hair as he thrust his cock all the way in her mouth. She gagged slightly but he didn’t care. He mercilessly pounded his cock in and out of her mouth as she desperately tried to keep up. Letting go of her hair, he cupped her face in his hands and slowed down just enough so she wasn’t gagging anymore. “Do you want me to cum in your mouth, slave?” he asked her. Her eyes grew big as she nodded up at him. He thrust his cock in her eager mouth a few more times before pulling it out and slapping it across her face. “When will you learn that it’s Not about what you fucking want? The correct response would have been, “Do you want to cum in my mouth, sir?” Cumslut!” He stroked his hard cock while saying these words to her and with the last word shot his load all over her face and hair.
She stayed kneeling at his feet, covered in his cum, still aching to have some release of her own. “Stand up, slut. I’m not done with you.” Obeying, she stood and he led her to the wall with the chains. He shackled her legs to the wall about shoulder width apart and then chained her hands together and shackled them above her head. “Do you want to be fucked, slut?” he asked her as he dragged his fingernails down her chest.
“Do you want to fuck me?” she replied.
He smiled and nodded. “You are a fast learner,” he said as he rubbed his fingers against her throbbing clip. A moan escaped her lips and she closed her eyes. A slap across her face made her open her eyes. “Keep them open, whore.” He went to retrieve the vibrator he had used on her Earlier. Pressing the vibrator against her clip he began to finger her, licking and biting along her neck as he did so. “You’re such a pathetic cumslut aren’t you? You want nothing more than to have me fuck you right now. You don’t even care if I used my fingers, just so long as your pathetic pussy gets to be fucked. Am I right?”
“Yes,” she moaned and he sped up his movements.
“Slut. Whore. Slave.” he whispered as he kissed along her neck. “Don’t you even THINK of cuming until I fucking say you can.” She let out a moan and he stopped fingering her and took the hand that was covereded in her juices and wrapped it around her throat. As he picked her, he shoved his cock deep inside her and she let out a stringed moan. He pumped in and out of her fiercely as she struggled for breath. Letting out a moan of his own he continued to ram his cock in her as his cum spilled outside inside of her. She shook from the effort of containing her own orgasm and just when she thought she couldn’t possibly take it Anymore she heard him rasp out one word. “Now.” The orgasm that shook through her body was unlike anything she had ever experienced. He let go of her throat as her body understood in ecstasy. As the last wave of her orgasm coursed through her body she became limp and the only thing holding her up was her chained hands. He pulled his cock out of her and then unchained her ankles, then hands. As the chains fell off, she slumped to the floor. Walking to the sink he washed his hands and then reached above in to a cupboard and pulled out a towel. He throw the towel at her and ordered her to clean herself up and then walked out of the room. The thud of a deadbolt rang out in the empty room as Raven sat on the floor, gasping and shaking.
The smell of pancakes floated up to him in his sleep and he stretched lazily in bed. He could hear the sound of his wife moving around in the kitchen and decided it would be nice to go join her.
“Good morning,” she said as he walked in the room. Raven placed a plate of food in front of him the moment he sat down at the table. He smiled up at her and pulled her in to his lap. They kissed and then he let her go, swatting her butt as she walked away from him. She glanced over her shoulder at the man of her dreams and then her eyes wandered to the door that led down to their basement. A content little smile spread across her face as she recalled the birthday present he had given her the day before. She could’t imagine a more loving Master and she hoped that He would allow her to spend somemore time in the dungeon soon
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