The Dungeon

Part 1

Everything starts out totally black, but that is normal. I just figure that I am still wearing the mask that I sleep in to keep out the sunlight, but I’m not. Something else is different. I am lying on my back, so that isn’t unusual. Hmm, the sheets are very soft on my skin. Feels like satin, instead of the normal flannel. I can feel the softness in the pillow, and the sheets on my back, I can also feel the soft rustling on my cock, I am naked.

I try to move, but firm but soft straws restrain my arms. The straws are stronger than cotton, or silk, but perhaps leather. I do have a limited range of movement, though and that is something. My legs are also restrained. I might normally start to panic at this point, but something keeps me calm.

My eyes start to Become accustom to the darkness. I can start to make out shapes. The bed seems to be a King sized of the four-poster variety with the ornate carved headboard and frame. I still can’t make out much ofthe shapes. I am tied down in roughly the center of the bed. As I move around, the soft satin is arousing.

There is a wall behind me, though how far it goes, I can’t say. There is the faint sound of water dripping somewhere in the distance. The echoes are strange and I can’t make them out very well, but they almost sound like they are sounding off of stone walls. There is a heavy scent in the air, like flame, perhaps candles or a fireplace in the distance, though no light is to be seen.

I hear another sound in the distance. At first it is disappoint and indistinct. After a while, the sound resolves into a rhythmic click-clack sound. The sound is very regular, almost a heart beat. Click-clack…click-clack…click-clack. Growing louder and louder. Then the sound pauses, and a lock clicks. The door sounds heavy as it swings open on the thick strong iron hinges. It moves slowly.

A ways off in the darkness and to my right is a darkened form of a doorway. As my eyes adjust to the new light, which is only enough to change the shadows from a dark gray to a deep black, I began to make out details. The shadows seem to give the room size. The room seems larger than I would have thought possible. There are shapes along one wall which might be bookshelves, or a rack for all I know. A chair is set on the other side of the bed, and something hangs from the ceiling.

“She” is standing in the doorway. She is tall, perhaps 5’ 8”, and has long hair, dark, but not black. Perhaps brown or a deep red. It is absolutely straight, and goes down past her waist. Her form is statusesque. Full round breasts and nicely curved hips. Her legs are long and end in tall spiked shoes. All that I can make out of her clothes is that she is wearing black straps over her shoulders, and the rest is form fitting and tight.

She stands in the doorway for a moment, and then enters. When I open my mouth to speak. She motions for silence. There is authority in her movements, but also a quiet sensitivity and power, which I respond too. Her hands draw my attention to her full red lips. They smile, but seem to hide a cruelty in the perfectly white teeth behind them. In the shadows I can’t make out any more details.

She is carrying a cup of something, actually more like a goblet or a chalice. She leans over me as her Leather clad hand brings the chalice to my mouth. It is filled with a sweet intotoxicating wine. I realize that I am thirsty, and drink greedily from the cup. It is then that I become aware of the cut of her body. In my surprise and amazement. I spill some of the sweet wine down my face.

Part 2

She is wearing and extremely low cut and form fitting corset, leaving the valley between her ample bosms exposed down to her waist. Her nipples are not covered, but are erect and swollen. A chain hangs from a thick spiked leather chaser around her neck. The chain connects to clips which tug on each nipple. Around her wait, is an elaborate and interlocking silver chain and leather belt, which supports black fishnet stockings down to her thigh high leather spike heeled boots. Her pussy is exposed and shavled to utter perfection.

At first, she does not look happy with the mess that I have made of myself. Her cruel teeth come out as if to chastise me. Then she changes her mind. She puts the chalic aside and leans over me again. She starts by running her tongue and lips all over my chest and shoulders, first one side then the other and then back. She is very thorough. Occasionally the cruel teeth come out and play.

Then she moves to my neck. Now her tongue seems to only be there for back up, as her teeth start their work. The nibbles are not meant to cause pain, or serious damage. But they are meant to be felt. She is obviously very experienced in exactly the right pressure to apply, and is an expert at finding the right spots to get her reaction.

And she does get a reaction. At first, I begin to feelthe rush of adrenaline. The blood starts racing around my body, and my hands and arms start to flex. The bonds prevent me from either pushing her away, or caresing her as I want to. I try to move my head so that I can lick and kiss her face, but she pulls away. My body flushes and I begin to feel the rustle of silk on my cock as it begins to swell and extent.

Her hand starts roams my lower body, caressing My legs and tight through the satin sheet. She rubs her body against mine. When she notices the growing bulge, she looks up at me again. She steps back from the bed, and looks down at the sheets. With a flick of her wrist, she draws the satin sheet back to the foot of the bed, fully exposing my naked and excited body. At this point, my cock is so hard, that it stands up off of my loins. The head is full and round, the long shake pulsing with the blood inside it. The balls are constricting in anticipation.

For a long moment, I am not sure what she will do. The shadows arelong around her face, and I cannot see her expression. I do notice that one of her hands has started playing with the chain hanging from her neck. The random movements cause the clamps to tug on her nipples in unusual ways. Then the other hand moves to her chest, and starts to rub down her body. Slowly but inexorably, it reaches her pussy lips.

She moves her head so that the shadows and her hair leave her face. I can see the evil grin which passes across her mouth. She saunters over to the chair in the room, all the while, rubbing her thighs and tugging on the chain. The chair is large and ornate, the kind you might find in an old castle. The woodcarvings on the arms and back are curvy and suggestive. The cushions are plump and soft. She strikes a match from somewhere, and lights a candle on the nightstand next to the chair.

The flame dances on top of the tall, thick stick of wax. It casts eerie shadows about the room, and accentuates the curves of her body. She sits on the chair, one leg played over the far arm. She sits in a manner which leaves her pussy lips in my full view. Her right hand cares her inner thigh and teas her moist lips. Her left hand tugs on the chain. Each tug seems to bring her almost as much pleasure as the motions of her fingers on her clip. Both hands seem almost to be in competition to see which can cause her the greatest pleasure.

My already extremely erect cock pulses helplessly pleading for attention as I watch. Seeing this only makes her stroke herself more. She spreads her pussy lips wide so that I can see how wet she is. She runs her left hand around her breasts and the swollen nipples. Her tongue moves feverishly around her mouth and teeth and ruby ​​lips. She pushes two of her fingers inside of herself while the rest continue to stroke her most sensitive spots. Then she brings her hand to her mouth and begins to suck on her fingers, lapping up the precious juices there. Her teeth nibble on her fingers as if they have a will all their own. Then she goes back to struggling herself.

This is worse torture than anything I can imagine. Just when I don’t think that I can take any more, I see the beginnings of her orgasm. Her face changes and contors in a supreme effort to control her body. Her flesh convulses in alternating spasms of glorious pleasure and torturous age. She tries to cry out, but the cruel teeth trap the screams inside. Still she drives her body on.

I can see her body begin to succumb to wave after wave of ecstasy, the sweat beading on her skin, and the leather and chains pinching in all the right places. She continues to stroke herself and cares her nipples, driving herself further and further over the edge. Finally, the teeth relent, and she lets out a long slow guttural moan of utter satisfaction. Her body continues to shake from her release.

Part 3

I have come to believe that seeing me lying there naked and helpless, as well as extremely excitinged and erect, was as much of a catalyst for her fun as anything that she was doing to her self. My cock fully extended with its head tipped with cum, my balls constricting in rhythm with her movements were as much of a show for her, as she was for me. Now she turns her full attention to me and she smiles a wild, evil grin as if to say that now the cruel teeth are in charge.

As she stands, she collects the candle from the nightstand, the flame flickering wildly. Her face is momentarily cast in shadows, but I can still see the teeth. Slowly she approaches the bed carrying the thick tube of hot wax in her outstretched hand. Some of the hot wax has run the side of the shake and dripped on her hands between the leather straps, as if to show that not even an inanimate candle can contain itself in her commanding and tender ministers.

Her moment is that of a stalking Tigress. Her long hair swishes across her back as she approaches the foot of the bed head on. I have to look down the full length of my naked body, past my swollen and pulsing cock to see what she does next. She places the candle at the foot of the bed, and starts to crawl onto the soft satin surface.

Slowly, and on hands and knees, she starts to crawl up my body. She starts by licking and caressing my lower legs. She stops and pulls at the hairs with her cruel teeth. Gradually she makes her way up. Her tongue dances on my excited flesh as I watch her breasts sweep under her. Her ass also has a rhythm of its own, stuck high in the air, the movements not unlike the hypnotic sweeping of a snake. Her hair hangs down over one shoulder, caressing my leg, yet she manages to keep her head tilted in such a way that I can always see her eyes and teeth. Am I watching her, or is she watching me?

Slower and slower she moves, until she finally reaches my inner thigh. My desire to be touched and caressed is beyond all description. My entire body is screaming for tender kisses, from her luscious lipsand tongue. Sensing my anticipation, she carefully circles my swollen member with her mouth, and only lightly, so very lightly brushing it with her wet lips. She smiles at me as if to ask me if I want more. My balls ache in glorious age for her attentions.

Slowly she begins to move up my body again, as if to totally ignore my desire. Inch by inch, she cares my stomach until a moment When she stops. At that instant, I feel a strange sensing on my cock. She has moved her body far enough up mine, that the chain hanging from her nipples has hooked around the head of my penis. As she carefully sits up, the chain becomes taught and pulls my cock towards her. The clamps tug at her swollen nipples, causing her breasts to pull closer together. She closes her eyes and moans loudly. Although the tiny links in the chain pinch me, the pressure and the view excite me even further. I feel I may lose myself then and there, but I hold off.

Recent she starts to move back down my bodywith her mouth. Her fingers are lightly caresing my chest and legs now. Parts of me tingle, which I had never even known existed. Inexorably, she reaches my erection again. This time, her mouth is generous with its attentions. She greedily laps up the natural lubrication provided by my current state. One hand grips the base of my shake while her mouth does its work. Her tongue dances and darts, finding the spots which cause my back to arch and my arms to strain against their bonds. There is a moment when the teeth come out that scares me. Her hand strokes up and down very slowly and in time with the swing of her ass.

I am quickly approaching the point where I know release will come. I can feel it deep down in the core of my body. The wave starts building in what promises to be beyond anything I have experienced before. Then Everythingturns!

Part 4

She takes my head, and as much of the shake as she can into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around, seemingly on all sides at once, focusing on the most sensitive spot just at the rim. Then her teeth come out andBITE! My entire world swirls around me as I try to deal with this sudden and terrifying change. She hasn’t broken the skin, nor indeed really hurt me, but it does bring me under control. Once again she begins to run her tongue up my cock.

I am much more fearful of her touches now. She has to work hard to achieve any reaction at all. At first, she sucks and cares my balls. Her hand rubs the sensitive spots on the head, and I began to warm. My fear keeps my reaction in check.

While still stroking my swelling penis, she draws herself up to her full height. She moves her body so that it straddles mine, and begins to rub the head of my cock against her well-lubricated pussy lips. Her fingers are dexterous enough that as she strokes me, my cock head cares the sensitive areas of her clip. With her free hand, she cares her body and breasts. Her tongue does anExcellent job of hiding her teeth as she moistens her luscious lips. She swways her head so that her hair cares her ass and the tops of my legs. The movement is slow and deliberate. Her moans are primary and deep.

As she leans over to kiss my waiting lips, the chain hanging from her neck cares my chest. Her lips move in on mine, full and moist from her excitement. They promise success and tenderness, yet I now know that cruelty and pain live beyond their tender embrace. As her erect nipples press against my chest, and we start to exchange tongues, I suddenly feel her teeth grab me again. They are playing this time, and do not pinch, yet they are there. The fear begins to grow deep down inside.

As we kiss, she grinds her pussy up against my ever-hardening cock. Although my better judgment, I am excited by the danger. I know now that she can hurt me, yet I am stimulated by her closeness, and the smells of her flesh and her arousal. I can feel my cock soaked with her juices as she grinds up and down, the sweat dripping off of her heaving breasts, as they press against me.

She starts to slide down my body once again. Her eyes watch my face as her heaving frames slide down, one on each side of my erection. The head of my penis peaks out between as she gently applies pressure to each breast causing them to close around my long shake. She moves up and down in this manner, Her lubricants reducing the friction as our two bodies rub against each other. All the while, her eyes never leave mine. Her fingers knee and cares her swollen nipples as we grind. Her ass swways in the air with the motion of our bodies. We slide up and down against each other until I again start to feel the wave rise in my loins.

Just as my eyes start to roll back in my head, she flashes me a toothy evil smile and snaps Her teeth in the air. They click solid and loud. The point is made. My fear and distraction allows me to summon the strength to stop the rising tide, but only just. My body bucks and she rolls off onto the satin sheets. Her touch still causes my flesh to tingle, but it is clear that she is not going to let me cum. My balls begin to ache, beginning for release as my consciousness mind wrestles with my baser desires.

Her face is cast in shadows again. I cannot see her teeth, just the outline of her curvaceous and abundant form lying on the bed next to me. Her breathing is heavy as if she were laboring hard. Although everything, I can tell that she is just as turned on and frustrated as I am. Her hand reaches out to touch me. Within the confines of my bonds, I shrink away from her. I fear that if she touches me even once, I will release, and her teeth will seek revenge. Even the movement of my naked body against the silk sheets threatens to overwhelm me.

Slowly she uncoils herself from the bed and stands in the shadows. She bends over my bound wrist and removes a key from somewhere in her own leather and chain bonds. She gently unlocks the metal lock that keeps the strap held in place. She drops the key and steps back as if she doesn’t trust me. As I release my arm, she backs her way down the bed towards the candle. The wildly dancing flame accentuates where leather covers her body more particularly the areas that are not covered.

It takes me several minutes to unlock my other arm and then each leg. As I free myself, she collects the candle and flees back to the doorway to watch. In my current condition, I can’t walk. I need release. My free hands straight down to my loins and my swollen and slick penis. I begin to stroke myself up and down, my mind on fire with vivid memories of her body touching mine, her caresses, her licks, her kisses and her moans. As I stroke myself faster and harder, I lay back, my body arched, and my legs spread wide. My toes ball up as I began to feel the rush that has been denied me all evening.

My hand goes up and down, my balls clenching as I play back the image of her in the chairin my mind. I imagine that my hand is her tight wet pussy and I am entering her over and over again while caresing and teasing her breasts and nipples. My pelvis starts to move up and down. My other hand rushes across my body, caressing chest and body as I remember her doing. My mind then switches to her sucking my cock. My finger cares the rim of my cock head the same manner as her tongue. My entire body threatens to be overwhelmed as I get closer and closer. Even the soft cares of the silk sheets on my backside enflame my loins.

Through the darkness, I hear a gasp and realize that she is still watching the spectacle as my hand slides up and down my dick. She is caresing her clip to my rhythm while watching the head of my cock disappearing into my hand and then come out again as I stroke up and down the whole length of fluidhy pole. Low moans escape her lips as she sees my body begins to shake with anticipation and my chest muscles clnch with execution. She knows when Ireach the point when I can’t hold on any more because she has reached that point too. Just at that moment, she speaks.

“Are You Ready?” she asks in a deep and sultry voice? I stop myself just short of ejaculation. The words are simple, yet powerful. Her meaning is clear and in that instant, I know that I want her on my terms. I want to drive her to the edge and over, time and again, until her body rebels with joy, and utter exhaustion. I want to make her mine as much as she has made me hers.

Part 5

Naked I stand before her. My cock remains hard and aroused with desire of what is to come, and my legs are weak from the repeated near misses throughout the evening. I must use the Mahogany posters at the corners of the bed to steady myself. She stands framed in the doorway, almost shivering in Anticipation. Summoning all of my remaining strength, I approach her.

As I draw near, she gets down on her knees. She bows her head, her hair falling around her faceand hiding her smile and the teeth that I know are enjoying every minute. She raises her arms to me, palm up and wrist first. I notice then, that she is wearing leather cuffs that can be locked together. Also, lying across her palms is what looks to be a bit and bridle, made just the right size for her. Her offering is clear. She wishes me to feel safe from the teeth.


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