The Dragon Chief Ch. 09

Willa wanted to say something to Jorvun. She wanted to tell him that she liked the way his hands felt on her body and she wanted him to keep holding her by the neck. It triggered some primary creativity inside her that rumbled warmly when he touched her like he owned her.

She also wanted to ask questions. Did this means she was free to be her own woman? Were his punishments going to be like the one dealt by Torin? Or her punishment in the bar?

She was beginning to believe that he was going to keep her safe, but what exactly was his definition of safe? She hoped it did not include the loss of her will. Willa chewed her thoughts. Perhaps she would press him after they ate. She began to redress, unable to find the words or the courage. He admitted her quietly while she dressed.

They left the tent and the couple settled in Front of the glowing eggs in the center of their small camp. The sun had fallen completely beneath the hills and the moon cast just enough light for them to make their way from the tent. Barr and Oro were still at the fire. Hilda had reappeared and settled in close to Oro. All three were having a quiet conversation as they watched a beefy has roasting above the coals. When Jorvun settled on the sandy ground, pulling a flushed Willa into his lap, the warriors smiled at them. Willa knew they’d heard her in ecstasy.

Hilda’s eyes fell on Willa as she spoke of her hunt to Oro and Barr, looking the merchant up and down. Willa stared her down nervously, curious and intimidated by the liness. The marauder’s dark, plained hair shimmered under the moon and the geometric design tattooed on her chin and down her neck was softened by the hot, glowing eggs. The red-orange firelight made her dark skin glow. Willa could tell that beneath Hilda’s black canvas jacket there was wiry muscle and bulk to back up the warrior woman’s imposing presence.

“Have a nice talk?” Barr interrupted Willa’s thoughts.

“I think we came to an understanding.” Jorvun answered easily, squeezing Willa’s wait. Will flushed but curled herself into his body, appreciated of his warm embrace against the chill of the desert night. She glanced back at Hilda, whose eyes still explored her body. Oro was muttering something to his ferocious-looking partner. Will tried to read her expressions but Hilda was a wall of cool, unreadable intensity.

“Hilda says we’re about Two nights from town if we follow the creek.” Barr addressed Jorvun, passing him a flask. Jorvun tipped it back and took a swig before passing it to Willa. She brought it to her face, breathing in its scent. The liquid smelled intensely of alcohol and spices, making Willa wrinkle her nose. She tried to pass it to Hilda but instead of accepting the flask, the warrior just gave her a cool smile, nodding encouragementally at the steel flask. The petite woman swallowed hard but withdraw the flask and brought it to her face again. This time, she tilted to her lips and took a dirtyl sip.

The liquid burned her tongue and she winced at the heat as it slithered down her throat. The four of them chuckled low at her. Willa eagerly handed the flask back to the other woman. Hilda accepted the flask from her this time, taking a deeper swig than Jorvun had.

“Good. I already sent word to our contact.” Jorvun grumbled. Willa could feel Barr’s eyes on her as well. What were they so curious about? She tried to ignore the stars. She was at least protected by a layer of clothes now. Hilda stood and turned the rabbit over.

“Last turn. It’ll be done soon.” Hilda settled back down and turned her gaze on Willa. “Oro says you wish to learn my art.”

“I… I’m sorry, I don’t…” Willa was confused and frustrated. She had said no such thing. Hilda grinned at Willa’s flustered response. Her eyes were sparkling. Willa looked at Jorvun for help, but he only nodded at her.

“You should know how to defend yourself. You’ve got a lot of enemies now.” Hilda was suddenly solemn and Willa frowned, nodding. She was right. Willa had made dangerous enemies in the past week or so. In her business, she naturally had history. But she did not have many enemies. Now, things were different.

“I would be honored to learn.” Hilda beamed at Willa’s consent.

“Then we began tomorrow evening.”

Willa became excited the more she considered Hilda’s Proposition. She knew the basics of self-defence but the merchant knew real fighting skills would serve her better in this hostile world.

“Pet.” Oro started her from her thoughts. Will tried not to react to the title but her stomach turned slightly. “I’ve been wondering. Did your ol’ man tell you how the ritual was supposed to go?”

“I… thought so…” Willa answered nervously, unsure what Oro meant. She glanced at Jorvun, who was trying not to laugh at Barr’s flushed face. Her eyes dropped to Barr’s tented jeans as she thought about the way he’d filled her up.

“Did he tell you thatYou were supposed to be shared?” Willa was now flushed as dark as Barr.

“Yes.” She muttered.

“Did he tell you that Barr holds the same stake on your body as he does?” Willa looked between Barr and Jorvun, stunned.


There was silence around the fire for a moment. They watched Willa process the new information.

“You’re saying… I belong to him as well?” Willa asked quietly. Oro nodded. Jorvun spoke up.

“According to the old ways, Barr has the right to claim your body any time he wishes. So long as you aren’t already… in use.” Jorvun flashed her a wicked grin and tweaked one of her nipples through her shirt playfully. She started and flushed at the attentions but she was becoming used to being watched by unwelcome eyes.

“You’re going to make me lay with him?” Willa whispered to Jorvun, feeling betrayed. He shook his head and Willa breathed a sight of relief.

“Not unless you want to.” Jorvuns voice was a whisper. Will glanced at Barr, who was still flushed red and staring into the flames. He did not look back at her. She thought about the way his body had felt on top of hers. Willa’s eyes wandered Barr’s large frame. His wide shoulders and narrow hips were defined with smooth muscle and poise, giving away his capability in battle. And Gods, the idea sent fire straight to her loins the way Jorvun did.

“What if I do?” Willa’s voice was low but Barr’s gaze snapped straight to her as she muttered against Jorvun’s ear. She felt the heat of his eyes raking over her body, which was coiled comfortable in Jorvun’s lap.

“I would join you.” Jorvun kissed her forehead. Willa was strangely relieved that he would be with her if she had Barr. The thought comfortable and aroused her. Jorvun whispered low enough so only she could Hear him. “Would you like it if we took turns holding you down?”

Willa gasped aloud, partially at Jorvun’s audific question and partially because her answer was a resounding yes. She wasInstantly damp between her legs. Willa shifted in his lap, suddenly acutely aware that the arousal stirring in her belly was making her pussy ache. She wondered if the gel from earlier was still fueling the embers of her arousal.

“Yes.” Her answer was a whisper. He clamped her jaw in his hand and pulled her into a hard kiss. Willa was jarred by the sudden and unexpected assault but quickly she returned his kiss, exploring his tongue with hers as he invaded her mouth. She twisted towards him fully so her legs were wrapped about his waist and she was sitting square in the center of his lap. The warmth of the fire made the flesh on her back tingle pleasantly.

She pressed her body into his, trapping his growing erection against his belly with her pelvis. Jorvun’s fingers dragged down her fire-warmed back, under her jeans and panties, and settled firmly on her ass cheeses. His hands grope her heavily, pulling her wide open as if to display her.

Behind her, she heard Oro and Hilda both hum approvingly, despite her flesh being protected from their eyes by a layer of denim. One of Jorvun’s hands left her jeans briefly before returning to continue feeling her up. Their eyes did not stop her from sliding her hands into Jorvun’s thick hair to pull him tight against her mouth. His bear was rough on her skin and it made her shudder.

“Gods help you, Jorvun. She’s insatiable.” Oro’s delighted voice reminded Willa she was being watched just as a third and fourth hand joined Jorvun’s, sliding up her waist and under her shirt.

She knew instantly that it was Barr but Willa started and pulled away from Jorvun’s kiss. His hand left her ass and he curled his fingers into her hair, pulling her back in. She was frozen for a moment, trapped, as her instincts decided whether she was in danger. Barr tenderly palmed her naked breasts beneath her shirt. When a pair of warm lips pressed against her nape, Willa decided she was safe. To signal her consent, she arched in Jorvun’s lap and pressed her chest into the massaging hands. A groan rumbled from behind her and Barr’s broad chest pressed into her back, sandwiching her against Jorvun. Will saw into Jorvun’s mouth when one of Barr’s hands dipped between Willa and Jorvun’s bodies and he pressed his fingers against her through the silk.

“Fuck, she’s soaked.” Barr muttered. His hips ground into her ass and Willa groaned softly against Jorvun’s mouth, wiggling her hips to encourage him. Willa wanted to taste Barr. She tugged back against Jorvun’s hold on her hair. His hold did not give but he did pull Willa away from his mouth, craning her head back so he could bite down hard on her neck. She let out a long, low whine as he suckled at her flesh. Jorvun pulled back, satisfied that he left an adequate mark.

“Are you going to do what I say?” He was still holding her by the hair so her throat was exposed to him.

“Yes.” Willa’s voice was tight. Jorvun did not release her. He used his grip on her hair to crook her head so she could finally see Barr, though only from the corner of her eye. He still looked flushed.

“Are you going to do what he says?” Will hesitated as her mind flashed her back to the altar room, slurring useless pleasures to them as they manhandled and used her.

Jorvun nudged his friend and Barr moved away from her. Before she could react, Jorvun had rolled They both over and put her back against the cold grass and coalse sand behind them. As she recovered her breath, he gathered her wrists up, pinning them easily to the ground above her head. He bent and muttered against her neck.

“You’re alright. We aren’t going to hurt you. I promise.” Jorvun’s eyes were earnest and he was struggling a small circle into Willa’s wrist, just above her quick pulse. Willa gave him a nod.

Barr knelt next to her and she craned back to look at him. Her breath caught slightly. His eyes were hungry and dark, so different from his usually laid-back demeanor. Barr brushed his knuckles against her jaw and Willa’s eyes fluttered closed. Jorvun ground his hardness against her through her jeans.

“Now. Are you going to do what he tells you?”

“…yes.” Willa whispered.

“Good girl.” Jorvun pressed a kiss to her forehead and sat up, allowing Barr to replace his hold on Willa’s arms. Pinning her firmly to the sand, Barr bent to kiss her throat and then her lips. She promptly returned the kiss as Jorvun started unbuttoning her jeans, stroking her tights as he peeled the denim off. He settled between her legs again once the offending fabric was gone and the only thing left to cover her aching womanhood was the silk underwear. Barr broke off his possessive kiss and she gasped for breath. His icey blue eyes studied her flushed face for a moment.

“I’m going to let go. Keep your arms up.” Barr ordered sternly. His breath was coming heavier now and his eyes were narrowed down at her hungrily. Willa obeyed and left her arms crossed above her head as Barr’s hand came down on her neck, softly squeezing as he retrieved something from his back pocket. The schwick of a knife being unsheathed brought Willa’s hands to the arm trapping her throat as she started to panic.

“What did I say?” Barr snarled, irritated. “Arms up.”

Willa, trembling at the blade, released his arm and replaced her arms over her head.

“Easy, Barr. She’s still skittish.” Barr’s face softened at Jorvun’s command.

“Sorry.” He muttered down at her. Barr leaned in and whispered. “I’ve been waiting for this since the ritual. Once he was done breaking you in, I was going to hold you down and fuck you over the arm of his couch until you passed out.”

Willa flinched at Barr’s confession. She eyed his blade nervously as he brought it to her neck. A sight of relief parted her lips when he just hooked it into the collar of her t-shirt and glanced up at Jorvun.

“It’s fine. I was going to buy her something more suitable anyway.” Jorvun answered Barr’s silent question. Barr nodded and started tearing his way through her shirt until her pale breasts were exposed to the cool, night air. She was shivering now, having only the strip of silk between her legs to protect her from the cold night.

Subconsciously, Willa’s bare legs pulled Jorvun’s warmth against her and she groaned when his naked cock pressed against her through the silk. She didn’t know when he’d freed himself from his jeans but she didn’t care now that he was rubbing her up and down through the thin silk. Willa’s attention was quickly distracted by the point of Barr’s knife against her hard nipple.

“Please don’t…” Willa started to lift her hands before remembering their promise. She left her arms crossed above her head and hoped her trust was not misplaced.

“I won’t do anything you can’t handle.” Barr soothed her as he circled her sensitive nipple with the blade. His other hand still pinned her by the neck. “But you have to trust us.”

Willa swallowed against his grip and nodded. He pressed the tip into her breast until she bit her lip, winning against the sting. Barr withdraw and softly dragged the blade over her collar bone, his hand light enough to avoid drawing blood. Willa wasn’t sure if her goosebumbs were from the cold air or the blade. The edge of his knife left tingling, hot lines on her skin. Barr’s blade explored her other nipple, making her pink nubs so hard and stimulated that they hurt. Jorvun paid her silk underwear to the side, exposing her wetness completely to the cold air. Willa’s teeth chattered as Jorvun and Barr looked her over, enjoying her nearly nude form played out beneath them.

“Gods. She’s prime. I haven’t had a girl from the North before.” Barr muttered to his friend as he traced shapes into her breasts with his blade. Will stayed quiet, watching their faces closely as they looked her over. Jorvun simply nodded. Barr continued. “How is she with her mouth?”

Jorvun quirked a grin at Barr.

“Why don’t you find out?” Jorvun offered. Barr nodded and tossed the blade aside. Jorvun gave her shaped thigh a gentle slap as he shifted away from her. “On your hands and knees, woman.”

When Willa sat up to obey his command, she noticed Hilda and Oro watching the show with great interest as they ate roasted rabbit. Jorvun slapped her cheek gently to redirect her focus and she rolled to her knees, planning her hands on the grassy beach.

“Such an obedient pet.” Hilda cooled at her from the fire as Jorvun settled between Willa’s legs again. Willa’s belly tightened at Hilda’s words. Jorvun kicked her thighs wider open with his own legs as Barr settled on his knees in front of her. She was appreciated about Barr’s size, but when he fisted His hand into her hair just above her scalp and forced her face between his legs, Willa became downright terrified. She jerked back from him with a gasp and Jorvun swatted her butt sharply. She hesitated inher fear for a moment.

“You’re ok.” Jorvun reminded her gently.

This time Barr just held her hair, and let her explore him. Willa’s tongue darted out to swipe up the bead of precum at his tip. When he did not try to force her head down on him, she cautiously lapped up the side of him. As she started to explore Barr with her mouth, Jorvun pressed two thick fingers into her from behind. Willa squealed against Barr’s tightening balls as Jorvun began to massage her spongy insides with his fingers. Her hips rolled against Jorvun. Becoming more confident, she dragged her tongue up the underside of Barr’s thick shake, playing with the sensitive vein.

Barr jerked his hips against her at the stimulation but this time she didn’t shy away. Willa tested her lips around the head of his cock as Jorvun began to replace his fingers with his throbbing hardness, kneeing her sore ass cheats as he did so. She took more of Barr into her mouth so her lips were sealed around his head. Willa had to concentrate on relaxing her jaw in order to take more of his length. While she adjusted to Barr, Jorvun pressed himself into her slowly. He smiled softly at her moan, which was muffled by Barr’s massive cock. She was still pliable from earlier so it didn’t take much preparation before he was rocking into her from behind at a languid pace. Her body rocked with Jorvun, making it difficult to control how much of Barr she was taking.

Barr’s hips were starting to twitch despite his effort to still himself and, upon a hard thrust from Jorvun, Willa suddenly found herself gagging against him. Both men groaned quietly when her muscles spasmed around them. She was thankful when Barr pulled out of her mouth slightly to let her recover.

Willa could feel drool at the corners of her mouth as she struggled to pleasure Barr. Jorvun had been far more managed at about 7 inches. Barr was thick and had to be at least 10 inches, and certainly it matched his barbarian-sized body. She couldn’t really curl her tongue around him as she usually liked to do.

As Jorvun’s pace picked up a bit and he reached between them to stimulate her bundle of nerves, Willa’s enthusiasm also picked up. Barr began struggling her hair as she slobbered on him and hummed at the deep fuck she was receiving from Jorvun. She slathered him with her tongue, taking her mouth away only to suckle his balls and nuzzle his thickness with her cheeks until she was messy with precum and her own saliva. She tried to take him in again, only managing half his length before she was gagging. Barr tried to withdraw from her but the gagging girl followed him. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she concentrated on relaxing her throat and breathing through her blushing nose while Jorvun continued to pound slowly into her from behind.

Willa stubbornly tried to take more of him and this time succeeded, stuffing herself until she felt him hit the back of her throat.

“That’s it.” Barr pursued at her asshe focused. She couldn’t take all of him, but she could take most of him. When she started to suck he began thrusting into her throat and Willa knew he was satisfied with her progress. Soon she was just concentrated on her breathing, trying not suffocate on Barr while Jorvun took her deep from behind. His hands had dropped from her peach-shaped ass and his fingers had paid her open so he could pound deeper into her. Barr’s hand was still in her hair, holding her head steady as they fucked her from both ends. Her knees were dragging in the sand from the force of Jorvun’s thrusting and he was pushing her into Barr’s increasing rough movements.

Willa felt her arousal tighten in her belly as Jorvun’s thrusts increased in pace until he was hammering into her. Barr matched his friend at half speed so he didn’t overwhelm the woman. Her pleasure climbed, slow and steady, as the maauders used her roughly on the creek bed.

She came to an explosive peak when Jorvun planted a hand on the small of her back and forced her to arch beneath him so he was slamming into her at a deeper angle. She screamed against Barr and his thrusts became erratic as she came. Her muscles clamped around him and she could feel every inch of him inside her. Willa came crashing down from the orgasm, and Jorvun just kept slamming into her at his relentless pace.


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