Neither Willa nor Jorvun had stopped thinking about their last encounter when it was finally time to get moving. When he had hurt her, she had glanced at his talented mouth almost immediately, flushing hot at the recent memory. Willa was swift to dress and Jorvun set about holstering guns, knives, and his beloved spear, which perched on his back.
They exited quietly, each carrying a thick pack. Instead of entering the bar, as Willa had done every time before when she left his flat, Jorvun used a set of keys to unlock a screened chain link gate. A small bubble of anxiety formed in the pit of Willa’s stomach. She hadn’t really seen where they went when she first got here and she hadn’t been outside the two buildings and the alley. Aside from asphalt, she could only guess what lay beyond the fence. He creaked it open and stepped out first, glancing around before gesturing at Willa to follow.
She was a little disappointed when she peeked out and there was essentially nothingg. A few scattered brick buildings stood up from the asphalt island. The sand and dust dunes that occurred their surroundings swallowed up swathes of cracked, sun-beaten asphalt and the waning moon above them cast an eerie glow on everything. Willa apathetically noted the doors that Barr first carried her through as she and Jorvun hurried across the blacktop as quietly as they could.
They reached the edge of the asphalt island and then they were plodding up the side of a dune. As they reached the crest, Willa’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she saw a gathering of horses and maauders on the other side.
“It’s fine. They’re with us,” Jorvun reassured. They slide down the dune and approached them. As the pack came into focus under the moonlight, Willa recognized among them the broad shoulders of Barr and let go of the breath she was holding. There were two others with him. One she recognized as Oro. Now that she was looking at him through sober eyes, she could see he was actually quite handsome. He was lanky but lean and strong. His short, sandy hair was sheared almost to the skin on either side of his head. The other was a woman, as tall as Oro and thrice as striking. Standing as tall as Oro and at least a head taller than Willa, the warrior was also built like a swift athlete. Her slender body was smooth and tight with sheer physical power. Her eyes were ringed with kohl and it made her already intense gaze downright terrifying.
“Oro, Hilda.” The two slender warriors bowed their heads. “Your loyalty will be rewarded.”
Willa wondered briefly what he would reward them with. She was distracted from the idle thought when Jorvun turned to her and spoke.
“C’mon. We need to get moving before the sun rises.” He helped her onto the back of a gentle painted mare. Willa tensed when he pulled himself up into the saddle behind her, so his front was pressed firm against her back. He raised his voice slightly so everyone could hear him. “Barr, take up the head. Oro and Hilda, you’ll take up the rear. We’ll go north and collect information in Redwater.”
They started moving, and as the dust rose around the hooves of their horses, the compound quickly disappeared in the dunes. The party was quiet for hours before they began to let down their guard. Hilda began teasing Oro relentlessly and he jabbed right back with easy wit. Barr interjected occasionally with a sarcastic or lewd comment that made all three of them roar with laughter. Willa was still tense against Jorvun. When he wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed the mare to a trot, Willa spoke.
“You said you wouldn’t touch me.” She felt the warm rumble of his laugh behind her and received no response. Willa had felt comfortable with the patient and broken Jorvun behind his closed door, but she was not so confident with this Jorvun. This Jorvun still had cold eyes and a hard touch. The merchant decided she would not risk confrontation for his minor breach of her comfort but she could not relax her body against his hardness, which was pressed into the small of her back. As the ride went on, Will tried to shift forward and break their contact but Jorvun’s heavy arm pulled her tight against him each time. After the fourth or fifth time, he left his arm circled around her and leaned into her, speaking softly against her ear.
“Just because I regret the things I did, It does not make you any less mine.”
“What? You were going to let me go.” Willa was confused and frustrated by his inconsistency. She raised her voice slightly. “I thought you wanted me at your side. That’s the point of all this, isn’t it?”
Oro and Hilda had fallen quiet. When Jorvun’s hand smoothed up her belly and rested soft but strong about her neck, Willa fell silent as well.
“You are the one who choose to stay with me, woman. I’ll make myself clear this time.” His lips brushed against her ear as he spoke and a chill shook her spine while the warm serpent of arousal coiled in her lower belly. He lightly tightened his grip on her throat. “If you leave in the night when we make camp, I will not hunt you down. But if you stay, you submit yourself to me as Adhvhar and accept me as yours in return. I will vow to protect your flesh with my flesh, and I will struggle to give you all you need. But you must also offer yourself. It goes both ways, love. Am I understand?”
Willa thought for a long moment. Jorvun had loosened his grip on her neck but his hand was still wrapped about her throat and his thumb made soft circles over her pulse. The reins were twisted loosely about his other fist, which rested on Willa’s warm thigh.
“Please make me at least one promise. If I stay.” Willa offered quietly. She was well aware how his last promise went, though that promise had been flippant and without solidity. She was also not ignorant of the dangers of her old ways, traveling alone as a young woman. A partner like Jorvun would be the perfectinsurance. Willa just wasn’t sure if she was prepared to vow her body to the marauder. She was certainly attracted to him, but her trust was thin. She had been so sure she had the upper hand back at the compound but now she did not know where she stood, which means he had the power.
“What would you ask of me?” Jorvun prompted. Willa hesitated, her swallow felt tight against his called hand.
“I would ask that you do not… force yourself upon me. If you do, I would have to boil your eyes for soup. And I do not think that Barr would be very happy with me.”
Willa was nervous at the silence that followed. When Jorvun began to laugh, his body shook hers and put her at ease. Hilda, Oro, and Barr also broke into laughter. Evidently they had been listening closely to their bargain.
“Very well,’ Jorvun nodded and dropped his hand so it was played over Willa’s breast bone. His voice went low so only Willa could hear him. “But I expect you will still fulfill your duties.”
Willa swallowed hard but she nodded. So that was that. If they made camp and she awoke with him in the morning, the contract was done. The ritual might have opened her heart but this was to be her vow. The thought made her dizzy. Willa knew full well she should disappear into the night. But she also knew that come nightfall, she was going to curl up in his tent, on his bedroll. And in the morning, she would wake up next to him. She was coming to peace with her new path, if slowly.
The party rode through the day until the dunes tapered into brush and grassy hills. Sparsely distributed trees marked the landscape. The red sun was beginning to disappear behind the hills and cast everything in an orange glow when they finally came to a stop at a minor creek. The little stream skipped and hoped over bare stone and was lined with spindly trees and verdant grass. They made camp in the shadow of a soft slope, protected from the winds carried from the dunes. Oro secured the horses and while Jorvun, Barr, and Hilda set up a small camp, Willa set about searching for tender and wood. In the dry plains, it would not be difficult to start a fire. She gathered a night’s worth of fuel while she thought about Jorvun’s words. Willa would not deny that she found his aggressive personality and overbearing presence to be sultry and exclusive. As she hurried back with her harvest, she could feel his eyes on her. She wondered if he already knew she would stay. She also wondered why she was so curious about the way his hand felt when wrapped around her neck.
As Willa set about starting a fire, Oro returned from setting the horses in for the night. Jorvun and the others were finishing up camp. Instead of joining his brothers and sister, the slender blond settled on the ground across from Willa and watched her closely as she kicked sparks off her flint and onto a carefully arranged bundle of tender. She swiftly completed her task, nestling the tender into the firepit and waving the flames to life beneath the neighborly stacked branches.
“Beautifully done, Adhvhar.” Willa started at the sound of Oro’s voice. It was the first time he’d ever spoken to her and his voice was gritty and low. She glanced up at him and he was staring her down with a raised browser.
“Thanks,” was all she could manage in that moment. Willa was uncomfortable with the sudden attention. Oro smoothed back his sandy hair and smoothly fetched a hand-rolled cigarette from the front of his leather jacket. He stuck one end of it into the flame until the tip began to smoker before bringing it to his mouth and pulling the smoke through until there was a hot ember at the end. Willa was slow to react when he offered it to her, exhaling the pungent smoke into the air above them. The merchant recognized the smell. It was a favorite among her clients. She accepted the cigarette and breathed the smoke in deep, thankful for the relaxing haze that blanketed her.
Willa was about to pass it back to Oro when a hand from over her should snatched it away. She looked up to see Barr standing over her.
“Making friends?” He asked her as he exhausted. He walked the cigarette back to Oro, passing it down to the seated man. Will glanced between them, still unsure of Oro.
“I’m not sure yet,” she answered Barr
honestly. Barr snorted and Oro smiled, looking into the growing fire. Barr settled between them, flashing Willa a broad grin. Oro passed the cigarette back to Willa, who gratefully took it.
“He might like scaring pretty women but he doesn’t share unless he really likes you.” Barr’s words actually reassured her, somehow, and she flashed a shy smile at the lanky blond across from her. Oro rolled his eyes but still wore his crooked smile. Willa coughed up her smoke and passed the cigarette back to Barr, who was looking her up and down.
“Can I ask you something?”
Curious at his next words, Willa gave him a slow nod.
“Why are youStill here?” He asked in the same way one would ask someone about a pair of jeans or the weather. Stunned, she just stared at him for a moment before dropping her eyes to the fire.
“Because…” Willa thought hard. She’d been asking herself the same question. “My gut says this is where I should be.”
Barr chuckled but let her be. Willa knew he could see straight through her. Barr seemed to know as well as she did that she was in way over her head. But the idea of leaving in the night made Willa’s chest tight. When Jorvun approached the gathering at the fire, Willa felt oddly relieved. His hand settled into her hair.
“Your pet sure knows her way around a striker.” Oro addressed Jorvun as he passed him the almost burnt down cigarette. Willa’s eye twitched at the nickname and Jorvun took a long draw, flicking the butt into the fire as he massed his fingers into her scalp. He nodded obviously at Oro’s observation.
“Perhaps Hilda could tutor her. She has potentialial. And my Hilda is skilled as far more than a tracker, Chief.” Oro’s wicked grin made Willa lean into Jorvun’s leg. Jorvun laughed warmly.
“Your offer is welcome but I’m still declawing this lynx.” Jorvun ruffled her hair affectionately but Willa felt a pang of hurt. The chief looked down and addressed her directly. “Come with me. We need to speak.”
Willa nodded. She stood and let him lead her away from the fire. They went to his tent, which was just tall enough to duck in. He led her in and sat cross legged on the furs and bedrolls laid out on the ground. When she hesitated, he patted the ground next to him. She joined him on the ground and waited patiently for him to speak.
“I need to lay some ground rules.” Jorvun’s tone was firm and Willa bit her lip. Was he angry? Had she done something? “Don’t look at me like that. You’re not in trouble.”
She couldn’t help but let out a small sight of relief.
“But you need to know what I expect of you. And what youcan expect from me.” Willa nodded. That seemed sensible. “Let me start with the easy stuff. Each man is expected to carry his weight, and that includes you. If you stay with us, you are one of us. As my companion and Adhvhar, you are mine and I am yours above all others. I will protect your flesh as if it was my own. I expect your obedience and loyalty in return.”
Willa swallowed hard. “When you say… obedience… what do you mean?”
“I’m not only your companion but as Dragon, I am also your commander. Those here on this mission are my most trusted warriors. You will do as I order, just as they do.” He flashed her a coy smile. “It would be my pleasure, and yours, if you do as I order in our bed, as well.”
Willa flushed but nodded. Jorvun looked, pleased. “This next one might be harder for you, I think.”
Willa furrowed her browsers at his wry grin.
“If you fail to follow orders, I reserve the right to punish you as I see fit.” Jorvun watched her face closely,amused by the distress.
“That doesn’t seem fair. Do I get to punish you?” Willa pouted. He laughed.
“No. You are not my commander,” Jorvun pointed out. Willa had no comeback. So she just nodded dumbly.
“Really. Just like that?” He seemed generally surprised. “If I throw you over my knee and gave you the strap, you wouldn’t fight me at all if I could give a good reason?”
Willa hated herself a little for the dewey mood that gathered between her legs at the thought of willingly receiving his punishment. As she thought about all the scars on her body and the things she had seen in her many years of traveling the wasteland, Willa found herself more attracted to the safety that Jorvun could offer. After all, if he broke his end of the deal, she could always run.
“If you are reasonable… I suppose I would.” She chewed her lip nervously, unsure of what she was truly getting herself into. Jorvun was beaming at her. He combined his fingers through his bear thoughhtfully.
“And what if I asked nicely?” Willa blinked at his question.
“N-no!” She hesitated for a moment, considering the dampness between her legs. “I-I don’t know…”
Jorvun was smiling at her. “How are your welts?”
He reached into one of his bags, fishing out a jar. She knew what he was doing, but she was actually very sore from the ride. The Still-aching stripes across her ass and tighs that she still bore from Torin’s punishment were healing but still tender. If that jar contained the soothing salary from before, she wanted it.
“Sore from the ride,” Willa admitted.
“Let me put salary on it.” Jorvun’s eyes were independent.
“I can do it.” Will started to reach for the jar and Jorvun pulled it away.
“Allow me.” Jorvun waited for Willa to concede. She dropped her hand to her side and nodded at him warily. “Good girl. Take your jeans off.”
Willa did as he instructed, wiggling out of the denim with care to avoid aggravating the healing welts. She hooked her fingers in the satin panties he’d given her with the jeans, pulling them down her legs as well.
“Alright, come here.” He competed at the space in front of him. “Lay down.”
Willa obeyed and he got to work massaging the salve into her flesh. She quickly relaxed into the touch, nearly falling asleep in front of him. She completely woke up when she felt him circled closer to her most sensitive flesh.
“Shh. Remember when I told you it would be your pleasure to obey me? Let me show you.” Will think about the last time she had the salary between her legs. She started trembling beneath him but she nodded slowly, sucking in a deep breath. His fingers drew closer to her folds, and soon he was probing gently at her. “Open your legs for me.”
Willa realized she had squeezed her thighs together. She took a shaking breath and parted her thighs. He was right. She was soaked and he’d barely touched her.
“That’s it.” His voice was soft. He started rubbing his salve-slicked fingers in circles over her clip until she was rocking her hips against his hand. Satisfied, he pressed one, then two digits into her from behind, admiring the way her back arched into a smooth curve. She was quiet except for her quickened breath, afraid of alerting the men around the fire. As he pumped his fingers in and out of her slowly before adding a third thick finger, so she was stretched tight around him. She was twitching against him and her breath was shaking but did not protest so he kept fucking her with the three digits until her walls were squeezing him desperately.
“I want to fuck you. Do you want my cock inside of you?” His voice was a whisper.
Willa nodded breathlessly. The salary had begun tingling inside of her and needed the itch to be satisfied.
“I want you to ask me for it.” She was quiet for a moment before yielding.
“Please…” She started. When he did not react, she continued. “Please, Jorvun.I want your cock inside of me.”
Willa’s words were breathless and Jorvun did not hesitate to remove himself from the restriction of his jeans. He settled between her legs, stroking his hands over her thighs. He teased her eager sex until she was grinding against him, mewling like a slut. Without warning, he slammed into her yielding, desperate hole. She let out a howl and her hands whipped back so her nails could dig into his thighs and pull him closer. As he pounded into her from behind, she cried out for each thrust. Jorvun dared to reach forward and fist a hand into her hair, pulling her back so that the curve of her back was exaggerated. The sound of his hips slapping her thighs and her low whimpers encouraged him and he quickly his pace until her whimpers became breathy shouts. He felt her clnch and spasm around him as he fucked her, holding her in place by her dark curls. He snarled as his climax built and he came deep and hard, until his juice was oozing out of her around his base. He did not pull out of her, instead pulling her into him as he rolled onto the furs so they were spooning and he was still lodged deep inside her.
Willa’s muscles twitched around his still pulsing cock and she was silent as he stroked her hair and body. The salve was a building heat inside her. It was less intense this time and she wondered if he had cut it with the weak cooling gel. Her insides began flexing around him as the salary whirred her arousal back to life. Willa’s hips rocked back against him and he dropped a hand to her thigh, dragging his called finger pads over her soft, creamy flesh. He then gripped her hip, holding her, impaled, so she couldn’t rock against him. Willa made a whining sound deep in her chest.
“What are you doing?” Jorvun did not answer her as he dropped his hand to bundle of nerves at the peak of her needy slit. With her hips pinned hard against him and her body clenched deliciously around his cock, he began rubbing small circlees into her most sensitive tissue. She craned her head back into his chest, and the hand Jorvun was using to hold her on his cock drifted up her abdomen and rested softly around her throat. He stopped stimulating her as he rolled on top of her. He used one arm to brace himself above her and began plunging himself again slow in and out of her velvety folds. Still holding her throat, he fucked her like that as long as he could hold out, but eventually her squirming body drove him over the edge and he was slamming into her again. He let go of her throat, using the hand to push her face down into the furs. He pushed her thighs further apart so her muscles strained her folds were open to him so he could see every detail of her womanhood. He watched himself moving in and out of her, memorized by the way her flesh seemed to pull him into her. His pet was Still red and sore but she was mewling and purring like a cat in heat. She came around him twice before he could not handle the tightheat anymore and came with a roar against her cervix. They both laid on the furs for a long time, still connected at the hips, as they gathered their breath.
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