The Domme Next Door Pt. 02

I am writing a love story that contains lesbian, male submission, female domination, female submission, exhibitionist, erotic and BDSM themes. If you don’t like these themes, please skip this story.

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or incidents is purely coincidental.


Bill, 65, Retired, Widower. Diane was his wife.

Alison, 62, Single, Primary Care Doctor and next door neighbor. Has been a close friend of Bill and his family for decades.

Betty, 42, Single, Head nurse at Alison’s practice.

Jenny (Eldest), Anne (Middle Child) and Randy – Bill and Diane’s Adult kids. They consider Alison their aunt. All are married with kids.

Samantha — Alison’s Neighbor on the other side.


The following day Bill was tired up by a call from his middle child. He answered with a cheery hello.

“Dad, that’s the first time I’ve heard any happiness in your voice in a long time. What happened?”

“Well, Anne, your Aunt Alison has been running tests on me and she thinks she may have found a medical problem behind my depression. She is an amazing woman.”

“I’m glad you finally figured that out. Are you going to ask her out for a date? I know she likes you and I think you have always liked her. By the way, I’ve talked to Jenny and Randy, and we wish you two would get together. So, since all three of your kids are okay with you dating her…. Or more… we hope you take a step in that direction.”

“Well, she’s running more tests on me later to further understand my medical problem. Until that is under control, I don’t plan on anything else.”

“Well, don’t pass up a good thing. Good luck on the next test, Dad. I’m sure Alison will figure out how to help you.”

“Thanks, Anne. I love you. Give my love to your family.

“Sure will, Dad. Love ya.” Anne ended the call

Bill looked at his phone and saw he still had three hours until his next pill. His cock was still hard. He would have liked jerking off, but Alison had told him not to and he wanted to please her by following her directions.

He made breakfast and then went out to work on the yard. He stopped when it was time to take the next pill. He was feeling better than he had in ages, even though his cock had been hard since Alison gave him his pills.

He went to the market and got what he needed to make dinner instead of eating another microwave dinner like he had been doing. When it was the right time, he went to Alison’s house.

When he got inside, he saw that Alison was not alone. Betty was wearing an unbuttoned white medical coat over a skin-tight leather catsuit. Alison had her white Doctor’s coat on, but he got glimpses that she had skin showing underneath it.

Alison asked, “Bill, how is your cock? Has it been hard since last night?”

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Take off your clothes so that I can exam you.”

He looked at Betty and then asked. ” Is she staying for my exam?”

“Bill, I am disappointed in you for even asking that question. If you don’t think I care deeply for you and want you in a better place, you are free to leave and go home. Betty will be performing an essential test on you this evening. You need this test to help me understand what your body needs. She stays.”

“I’m sorry, Alison. I know you want my best. I apologize to you and Betty for questioning your order.”

“Bill, tonight you will address me as Mistress Alison and Betty as Mistress Betty. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do, Mistress Alison and Mistress Betty.”

Then Betty said, “So if you understand, why aren’t you removing your clothes?”

“Sorry, Mistresses,” and he quickly removed his clothes.

Alison then sat on a kitchen chair and had Bill stand in front of her. She began to massage his balls. “I can tell that you followed directions.”

Betty came up behind and pressed her entire body against his back. She brought her hands around to play with his nipples.

Alison asked, “Have you felt better since I started to figure out your medical problem?”

He replied, “I told Anne this morning that I have not felt better in ages. And then she told me…” he stopped when he realized what he was about to say.

Alison sly asked, ” Don’t stop. Tell me what my lovely Anne had to say.”

“It’s embarrassing, Mistresses.”

Alison laughed and said, “And standing naked while two fully clothed women play with your cock and your nipples isn’t already a little embarrassing?”

“Well, okay. Anne says I should ask you out on a date.”

Alison giggled, and Betty had a brief laugh.

Alison said, “You should know that I do like you and have enjoyed our times together. I think of you as one of my closest friends. However, I will only date fully sexually submissive men. I think you might be a submissive male, but I won’t knowuntil Betty runs her test on you tonight. If you pass, we can start dating, but you will be required to be dominated and treated like you see done in Female Domination videos. Do you want to take the test?”

Bill gulped and stated, “I think I’m ready. Please, Mistress Betty, will you give me the test?”

Betty replied, “Since you asked so nicely. I will. Follow me. Now!”

Bill’s cock was sticking up. He found being ordered around by clothed women while he was nude was arousing.

They went down into Alison’s basement, where Bill had never been. Alison opened the door to the first room at the bottom of the stairs. Inside was a medical exam table. The stirrups were up and wide apart. He was instructed to lay on the table and put his legs in the Stirrups.

Alison then secured his legs to the stirrups. They put three straps across his torso and one across his neck. His arms were strapped down above his head. Then the women positioned a vise over his head so that heHe was staring at a large flat screen.

He felt electrons being applied to his body.

Betty explained, “These are sensors to measure your body’s reaction to my tests, not to shock your body.”, She giggled and added, “Alison will do that later to you. That is, if you pass this test.”

Bill’s cock immediately bounced up. Alison laughed and said, ” Betty, I think Bill has a good chance of passing. I think we are ready.”

Betty replied, “There is one more thing to do before we are ready.”

Bill felt something being put between his balls and his cock. When it was secure, Betty said, “When I pull on this, it will put downward pressure on your balls. I’ll be able to keep you from having an orgasm.”

Bill told and said, “Damn, I was hoping to get something as a reward.”

Alison then placed a hand on Bill’s hard cock and said, “This is about you pleasure me. You should never have any expectation that you’ll get any reward. Do you understand that this is all about my needs, not yours?”

Bill responded, “Yes, Mistress, I apologize for not realizing that would be the case. This is about your needs. I’m just a tool for you to use.”

Alison’s tone changed, and she softly said, “There is one more thing I need to share. Those pills were Viagra. I did it to get your head in the right place to agree to this test. However, I was serious about us dating and becoming your real-life dominatrix and lover. If you feel I was dishonest, we can stop right now, and we’ll continue as friends.”

“Mistress Alison, you did it for a good reason. I’m glad I am here right now. I’m ready, “

Alison said, “We need you to not talk during this test, so to help you be quiet, I am adding this gag,” She then tightly strapped a ball gag in his mouth.

Betty then started to explain the test. “There will be a series of videos. Each will have someone being dominated. Sometimes it will be men dominating women; other times, womenn dominating men. There will be men on men and women on women.

We are interested in what triggers your arousal, which will tell us what your sexual identity is. I will measure your reaction to each scene. For the entire time, I will be stroking your cock. How your cock changes while watching each video will indicate how much the footage is arousing or not arousing you. My hand will feel your cock get harder or softer as you watch each scene. How quickly your cock pulses as it grows or shrinks tells me more about your state of arousal. I will announce a number that is my determination of your arousal level.

Mistress Alison will be watching the sensor dashboard that uses the sensors we put on you. This will ensure that the sensors agree with what my hand tells me. Are you ready?”

Bill tried to shake his head yes, but it barely moved in the vise that held it.

Betty and Alison both laughed. Betty said, “It doesn’t matter if you are ready as you now have no control over this test.”

Betty said, “Let’s get a baseline,” and started the video. She began to stroke his cock while Alison checked the monitor.

The first video showed a naked man and woman kissing. After a minute, Betty said, “3” and wrote the number on a sheet at her side. Alison replied. “I’m setting the monitor’s base setting to three.”

The video then showed a series of BDSM scenes showing Different sexes in the roles of Dom and Sub. The first series started with a spanking of a nude male by a clothed female. Betty felt the hardness of Bill’s cock and said, “His cock is at a 6” Alison said, “Sensor concurs.” The next scene showed a nude male being spanked by a naked female. Betty said “4” and Alison said that the sensors concurred.

The video paused. Alison leaned over and put nipple clamps on Bill. She remarked, “This will increase your sensitivity.”

The video started again. The next series showed different occurrences of a nude submissive tied to an X crossbeing flogged by either a clothed or naked person. The clothed female flogging a nude male got the highest score of seven. The nude female flogging a nude male got a six. The other pairings got ones and two.

After a few different series that produced the same results, Betty started up a different video that showed a series of scenes showing females dominating males, some with just the males nude and some with both naked. There was an occasional scene showing males dominating females. Each FemDom scene got an even higher score. By now, the nipple clips Alison had added to Bill’s nipples were causing him significant discomfort. But despite the pain, his cock responded to the FemDom scenes more than all the other scenes. Betty had to pull down on the device around his balls a few times to keep him from climaxing.

After an hour, the video ended. Bill was exhausted and frustrated. He had been on edge for an hour. He wanted to cum.

Betty and Alison got up and left the room, and went upstairs. He strained against his bondage but remained tightly bound to the table.

When Alison and Betty reached the kitchen, Betty poured a glass of wine for each.

Alison was the first to break the silence, “He is a much stronger submissive than I expected.”

Betty responded, “You’ll need to be careful that you don’t break him. He could be turned into a mindless fuck toy easily.”

Alison told and said, “I wouldn’t want that. I love vanilla Bill, who has been such a close friend for decades. However, I also want to use him sometimes as a plaything for my dominatrix side. I want both the Bills that we know exist in his head.”

Alison and Betty talked for another half hour, knowing that the delay would perfectly mess with Bill’s head.

During this time, Bill would go from scanning against his bonds to hoping he never got out.

Finally, Alison came back in. She removed the clamp around his balls. She put one finger on his lips and removedthe ball gag. “Bill, I need you to listen to me. You did very well. You are a solid submissive. I am torn. I love that you’ll be my perfect sexual toy, but I also love the vanilla Bill, who has been my friend for decades. I want and love both. I need you to think about how you will switch between those two types of lovers for me. I am going to let you rest for a while. Then Betty and I are going to prepare your body so that I can reenact some of the scenes you reacted to the most in the videos. Bill, did you notice something all the males had in common for the videos that you had the higher reactions?”

Bill replied, “That they were dominated?”

Alison laughed and said, “No, silly. None of them had any hair below their necks. If I’m going to touch you any further, either as my plaything or just making love, I will require that of you. Are you willing to give me that desire?”

Bill breathed deeply and replied, “Alison, I love both of your personalities. I have loved yourvanilla self for a very long time. Diane even suggested that we have a three-way once, but I chickened out. I was afraid of losing you. I also love that you are the answer to my secret sensitive desires. I dedicated myself to making this work for you. I know that if it works for you, it will work for me.”

Alison bent down and kissed him. “Now I have the long-term lover Diane and you Alison walked away, he heard her say, “Betty, let’s get ready for Bill’s preparation for my fun.”

About ten minutes later, they came back into the room. Alison tied a rope around Bill’s cock and balls to form a leash. Then they released him from the bench. He was instructed to stand up. Alison put wrists cuffs on him and fastened them together behind his back.

Alison led Bill up the stairs and out to the backyard next to the pool. There was a large built-in table that had chains attached to each corner. It usually served as an eating or food service area, butIts secret purpose was going to be used tonight.

Samantha, Alison’s single mid-forties, next door neighbor, was picking up her bedroom and noticed the process. She proclaimed to no one, “Oh My God! That’s Alison and another woman leading a naked Bill by the balls.” Samantha turned off her room light, put a hand down the front of her yoga pants, and settled down to watch.

Bill was ordered to lay on the table. Soon his wrists and ankles were secured to the chains in each corner.

Alison put a towel under his head to better see himself on the table.

Alison said, “We will remove our clothes, so they don’t get ruined while we removed your hair. Betty already tested Nair on your back, so we know it will work without causing any skin problems. While we remove your hair, you need to think about how you are going to please me. I require multiple organizations before you even get to think about getting one yourself. You might not get one unless you’ve done an excellent job on me. Do you understand?”

“Mistress, I live to please you.”

Alison smiled and said, “I think you will do just fine.”

Alison and Betty then helped each other remove their clothes. Bill noticed significant fondling and moaning as they removed their clothes. When they were finally naked, the two women began to rub each other’s clips while still deep kissing each other. It was not long before they brought each other to strong climaxes.

Samantha started to rub her clip as she watched the two women bring each other to strong climaxes. She thought to herself, “This voyeur action was hot.”

After Alison and Betty had caught their breath, Alison looked at Bill raging hard-on and said, “Don’t worry, my love, I didn’t forget you.”

Betty and Alison then Proceeded to first massage his entire nude body. They had fun tickling him all over with their breasts. All three got a good laugh from that.

Then the women got down to work. They applied Nair to his legs. Aoff waiting the required time, they removed the Nair, and the hair on the front and sides of Bill’s legs was gone.

They switched to another Nair product to remove the hair around his cock and balls. Soon he had no frontal body hair below his wait. Bill remarked that it was weird to feel his hair dissolve down there.

While Betty moved on to remove the hair from his chest and arms, Alison began to play with his nipples. She’d first pull on them, then suck and lick them. Finally, she would bite them and pull them hard with her teeth. Bill would scream ouch, and she would laugh.

Eventually, Alison had to stop and help Betty clean the Nair off his front. They unhooked Bill and had him turn over. While Alison spanked Bill repeatedly, saying, “Bill, you are being punished as you should have known I don’t like hair below the neck.” Betty kept busy repeating the Nair treatment on the back of his legs, butt, and back.

Bill’s cock was rock hard as the two naked women cleaned up every trace of the Nair from his body. Betty and Alison commented on how smooth his body felt. They flipped his body back over and rehooked the chains so that he was facing face up.

Alison grabbed his chin and turned his face to hers. “Bill, you are to remove your hair below your neck regularly. If I find any, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Now, Bill, I want you to thank Betty before she leaves. Betty, climb up and sit on Bill’s face. He will thank you in the best way possible.”

Betty laughed and positioned herself on Bill’s head, facing his feet. Bill began kissing, licking, and sucking on her vulva. Betty made sure to lift up every minute so that Bill could get a breath. Each time she lifted up, she would reach over and slap Bill’s cock back and forth a few times. Bill would let out an ouch, and the two women would laugh as they watched his cock get harder.

Alison was enjoying their interaction, so she decided to joinin. She climbed up on the table. She pushed Bill’s cock down onto his stomach and sat on it, facing Betty, so that it rubbed her clip. She wanted to wait to have Bill’s cock go inside her until after a romantic evening together. Today was just about wild kindy sex. She started grinding her clip against his trapped penis.

She leaned forward and deeply kissed Betty. She pulled away from the kiss and said, “Betty, thank you for helping me with Bill. I know that with just the right push that Bill would embrace his submissive sexual needs, and I would finally have the lover I have always wanted. I could not have done this without you.”

Betty replied, “Alison, thanks for letting me help and for making Bill thank me in this way. I think I am well on my way to a great orgasm. You are such a dear friend. Mistress and boss. I hope you allow me to use Bill as a dildo sometimes.”

Betty came further off Bill’s face as she leaned forward to kiss Alison again. Bill took a deep breathh. Betty then slammed her pussy back down on his face and started grinding against it to get more stimulation. Alison joined her in more enthusiastic movements against Bill’s trapped penis. Betty and Alison kissed madly as they felt the surge of joy growth in them until they explode into shuddering orgasms.

They rested heads on each other’s shoulders until they heard muffled sounds from Bill trapped under Betty’s face. She lifted off his face, and Bill breathed in deep gasps of air.

Bill exclaimed, “Damn, I thought I’d never get to breathe again.”

Betty got off his face, and both women smoothed him in kisses. Betty said, “You are going to give Alison so much pleasure.”

Both women climbed off the table, and Alison said, “Don’t go away, Bill; I’ll be back before dark. Just rest while we take shows and then say goodbye to Betty.”

Betty hugged his restrained body and slapped his cock around a few times. “I had a marvelous time. Too bad you didn’t get to havean orgasm. Maybe next time.”

Alison and Betty laughed and walked off with their arms around each other’s naked waists.

Samantha watched as Alison and the other women entered Alison’s house, leaving a naked Bill chained to the table. Samantha. Alison had loaned her a copy of 50 shades of gray to get her views about the topic. Now Samantha knew why. She thought, “I need to start up a conversation with Alison. This looks like fun.”


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