Chapter 12 Stepping Stones
Monday morning, Mark was already at work when Emily arrived. She glanced in Steve’s office and Mark said, “He’s not here yet.”
Emily nodded and looked at Mark, then he said, “How was your family?”
“My family?” Emily questioned.
“Yeah,” said Mark, “The family that you visited.”
“Oh right,” said Emily, “They are fine. It was kinda boring but my parents wanted me to go,” she fibbed.
She decided to change the subject. She said, “You are so predictable. You weren’t even in my apartment for two minutes when you decide to snoop in my underwear drawer.”
He looked at the floor, then he said, “I’m sorry I just, didn’t think…”
“Oh bull crap,” interrupted Emily, “You thought. You thought I was stupid.”
“No; never,” said Mark.
“Don’t worry,” said Emily in a cheerful tone, “I’ll forgive you, right after your spanking.”
“About that,” said Mark, “I was really hoping we could avoid that.”
Suddenough Steve walked in. Mark said, “Good morning Mr. Harris, how was your vacation?”
Steve glanced at Emily and she gave him a subtle wink. Steve said, “It was great; unforgettable.”
“Good, good,” said Mark.
“And how was your vacation Emily?” asked Steve.
She looked at Mark and then Steve. She said, “Well, visiting family can wear on you, but I actually had a really good feeling about it most days, and nights.”
Steve looked nervously from Emily to Mark then he said, “Well, I’ll be in my office getting caught up.”
“Okay sir,” said Mark.
He stepped in his office and closed the door. Emily moved close to Mark and said, “Be at my apartment tonight at eight o’clock, exactly. Not a minute earlier, or a minute later.”
He gulped and said, “Yes Miss Emily.”
Mark’s day dragged on and Emily’s order had the planned effect for Mark. He was thoroughly distracted as he dreaded his punishment.
That evening Emily was looking forward to a fun discipline scene with Mark. She took her time preparing by carefully shaving her public hair and intentionally tearing herself. She was deliberate about keeping herself near orgasm but not allowing herself to complete the task. Being horny always led her to more intense play. Only after she had completed Mark’s spanking would she allow herself the pleasure of an orgasm.
She had purchased a new, black latex micro skirt and matching bra. She decided to wear a red thong to tease Mark. He was intimately familiar with her pussy but she would deny him the pleasure of seeing it until she had reddened his bottom.
By 7:50pm she was ready and she went to her bedroom to get her paddle and ball gag. She carried them out to her living room, placed them on the couch and sat down next to them. She reached over and turned on her Bluetooth speaker, then she used her phone to open her “Domme Session” playlist. She had updated it with some new songs. She turned the volume low and pressed play.
She reached up to cares her nipples and found the feeling of the thin latex strange. Her nipples still firmed but the latex material dulled the sensing as she dragged her fingernails back and forth. The harsh music helped her drift into a dominant frame of mind. She could feel her pussy getting wet as she anticipated the punishment she was about to dole out.
She watched the time on her phone as the top of the hour approached. The exact moment the time changed to eight o’clock she hear the familiar wrap on her door; two quick taps, a delay then a third. She smiled and reached down between her legs. She placed her fingertip on the fabric of her thong and pressed it to her clip. She didn’t move at all, she just held firm pressure as she pictured Mark waiting outside her door. She suddenly got an idea and went to her room to get some extra implements.
Mark was generally nervous. He was horny, as he typically was, since Emily rationed his orgasms but, at the moment, his predominant emotion was dread. Emily’s spankings were generally painful but he knew he had to take it.
He stared at the door and hoped that, somehow she wouldn’t be home, that he would wait and eventually have to leave. Maybe that was her mind game, to make him worry about a spanking, but then delay to another day, only to worry more.
“Click!” the deadbolt unlocked loudly. Mark’s stromach fluttered at the sound. The door swung open and he was stunned by Emily’s look. She was a goddess. Her curly auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders. His eyes first went to her full breasts which were barely covered by her small, shiny black latex bra. He looked down, past her flat stomach to the tiny latex skirt hugging her hips. It couldn’t have extended even one inch below her sex. Looking further he saw that she was barefoot and her toenails were painted red.
Then he looked up to her face. He noticed that her lips were painted red and they were curled into an evil grin. She wore severe makeup and the contrast of the dark accents with her crystal green eyes was stunning. His mouth dropped open in awe.
She stepped aside and Mark walked in. She closed and locked the door. She turned to Mark and folded her arms under her perfect breasts. He immediately began undressing. He removed his shoes and placed them beside the door. Then he began removing and folding his clothes neighborly, placing them on his shoes. In a few moments he was nude and waiting for her orders. She stepped close to him and looked down at his penis. Of course he was completely hairless because he knew Emily despised public hair.
She looked down, reached out and grasped his growing cock. She spoke in a regretful, almost sad tone, “It’s too bad your penis is so tiny. It’s literally of no use to me, whatsoever.”
“I’m sorry Miss Emily,” said Mark.
She looked into his eyes. “Yes, you are sorry,” agreed Emily, “You’re a sorry excuse for a male. Between her touch and demeaning comment Mark’s penis grow rigid, yet it was barely four inches long.
Mark enjoyed Emily’s touch on his penis. He had never had sex or any experience with a woman touching him, other than Emily’s cruel hands. She knew how desperate he was and she loved tormenting him by keeping him horny. However, she didn’t want him to enjoy it too much. She raised her other hand, opening it and revealing two red plastic clothes pins joined by a short cord. Upon seeing them, Mark’s mouth dropped open and she smiled. She released his rigid cock, reached up and began caresing his right nipple. It immediately firmed and she gently pitched and tugged on it. Once it was prominent she took one of the clothes pins and pinched it open. She lifted it to his vulnerable nipple, then slowly let the tiny red jaws close around it. Mark Winced as the plastic device bit into his sensitive flesh.
Emily looked at Mark’s face. She was amused at his obvious distress. She repeated the action on his left nipple, first teasing it firm, then applying the cruel little clothes pin. He was breathing heavily with his teeth clenched.
Very quietly Emily said, “Does that hurt?”
Mark nodded and said, “Yes Miss Emily.”
She pursued her lips and looked him up and down. Then she reached out and gently grasped his cock and began caresing it. Mark’s mouth dropped open as the pleasure on his cock Contrasted with the pain on his nipples. Emily smiled because she knew she could do whatever she wanted to Mark. She teased his cock for a long moment. Finally she reached up and hooked her index finger behind the center of the cord joining the clothes pins. She pulled it taut, causing the red jaws to pull on Mark’s nipples and he yelped, “Owww.” She held firm pressure on the cord, then she shifted her hand, grabbing the cord in her fist.
She said, “Do you want me to take these off, or leave them on?”
Mark understand what she means. If he wanted them off she was going to rip them off.
Staring at her gorgeous cleavage Mark said, “Leave them on.”
She smiled, and shifted her hand back to his penis. She squeezed his cock and said, “Let’s got started, it’s time for me to remind you to stay out of my bedroom.”
He looked at her and nodded but she had already turned away and she was walking towards her couch, pulling him by his tiny male appendage. He would follow Emily anywhere but in this instance, he literally had no choice. She pulled him along until she could reach the ball gag. She released his cock and it bounced up then down and settled, pointing straight out from his body.
She held up the ball gag and, with no words spoken, Mark obediently opened his mouth. Emily efficiently applied the gag and cinched it tight. The taste of the rubber ball was oddly excited to Mark.
Next she moved behind him, grabbed him by the shoulders and positioned him in front of the couch. She placed her palm against the back of his neck and said, “Bend over at the wait and put your hands on the couch cushion.”
He compiled and waited while Emily picked up the paddle. She also picked up her phone and stepped a few songs ahead in her playlist until she found a new one she liked by an artist called Mike’s Dead. The song was called “Bastrafe Mich” which was German for “Punish Me”.
She picked up the paddle from the couch and pressed play on the song. She turned it up as loud as she dared and tossed her phone on the couch. The eerie music and driving beat instantly put her in the mood to dominate. She moved behind Mark and placed her hand on his bare, vulnerable ass. She gently caressed him and listened as the lyrics started:
I’ve been feeling pain, insane with self destruction
I’ve been fiending for a taste (a taste)
Too high to function maybe
You can be the one to bring me down to my knees
She moved into position beside Mark and he held his breath. She reached down between her legs wit her left hand and pressed her fingertips against her damp panties. She was extremely horny and she was going to enjoy every minute of dominating Mark tonight.
The lyrics continued:
Baby you can be the death of me
I can tell you something is different, no no that something has changed
I feel this pleasure wash over me when I’m understanding in pain
Don’t think I can take it
I’ll tear apart at the seams
You’re like ecstasy to me
She moved her left hand and held the paddle with both hands, then swung hard against Mark’s bare ass, Smack!
“Muhhhph!” he waited despite the stifling gag in his mouth. The hypnotic beat of the song continued and Emily began swinging repeatedly: Smack! Smack! Smack!
Before allowing Mark to leave her apartment that night, she enjoyed two orgasms from his skilled tongue while holding his leanh. She made him wear the clips on his nipples the entire night, before mercifully removing them by pinching them open.
Yes, Emily enjoyed the final two weeks of her internship. She took every opportunity to tease Steve and lord over Mark. Unfortunately for Steve, he had no opportunities to rub Emily’s feet or have any other type of personal interaction with her. It only made him want her more. The cage in his pants was a constant reminder of how much he worshipped her and kept his arousal elevated.
All too soon the last day of her internship arrived. After much thought she had decided to destroy all of the evidence she had of Steve’s submission to her. It came down to a matter of trust and she wanted him to trust her. She was in Steve’s office sitting on his couch. She pulled her iPad from her backpack and held it on her lap.
Emily said, “Now that I’m going back to school for my senior year, I want you to know that I would never use the video and photos I have of you, to expose you. In fact I’m going to delete them right now. Why don’t you come and sit next to me so you can see.”
Steve walked over and sat next to Emily. Her perfume was intotoxicating and he could feel the warmth from her hot young body. She opened her cloud account and Steve saw her listing of files. The top one was
His mind flew back to the erotic scene of sucking her heel while nude and kneeing before her. He didn’t want the fantasy of submitting to Emily to end.
“Wait,” said Steve as he abruptly held up his hand.
Emily was surprised and looked at him with raised eyesbrows. She said, “What?”
“Wait just a minute,” he said.
He looked away and collected his thoughts. While looking away he said, “I have to confess. I find it rather exciting that you wild such power over me.”
He turned and looked into her eyes to gauge her reaction. Then he continued, “It forces me to… respect your wishes.”
She looked at him with a knowing smile. It fascinated her that she had successfully manipulated Steve to this level. It means that he would do anything she wanted. She returned her iPad to her backpack and said, “In that case. I’ll keep them.” Steve watched her zip up her backpack, securing her access to a wealth of embarrassing and humiliating material that could ruin him.
Emily said, “I want to thank you for everything this summer Mr. Harris. You allowed me to grow a side of me that really built my confidence. Now I’m more sure than ever that I’ll be successful in my career.”
Steve leaned close and wrapped her in a hug. It was kind of a side hug but she wrapped one arm around his back. He squeezed her warmly then leaned back and looked into her bright green eyes. “I’m the one who should be thanking you,” he confessed.
“Do you think?” she said.
Steve nodded and said, “I used to think you were a one in a million woman. Now I know the truth. You are completely unique. There is not a single woman like you on the planet.”
She said, “Thank you Mr. Harris, that’s kind of you to say.” She pursued her lips thoughtfully and said, “I’d say you are about one in ten thousand.”
Her comment surprised him. He said, “That’s all? One in ten thousand? That means there are, oh, I don’t know, fifty million other guys like me in this country.”
She tilted her head and said, “Oh, not that many. I mean if you look at guys in their forties, Take out the low earners, remove the homosexuals, and the ones who are too afraid to submit to a woman like me and I’d say you’re in a pool of ten thousand guys.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open and he was speechless. She smiled at his loss of words. She leaned close, put her hand on his upper thigh and said, “I don’t mean to be rude Steve, it’s just reality. Don’t you think there are ten thousand other guys in this country, just like you, that would love to be in your shoes?”
His mind was reeling but he feared she was right. He said, “Well, our uh, relationship is just happenstance. That alone was one in a million.”
“Was it?” she queried, tilting her head to the side and raising one eyebrow. She let his wheels turn for a moment and she said, “Did it ever occurred to you that it was strange for you to receive an information packet on potential interns from Boston College?”
He knit his browser and said, “No, I just…” He stopped talking and looked at her.
She continued, “Had you ever received an information packet on interns from BC in prior years?”
He suddenly realized that Emily had set him up. She had sent the packet. His mouth dropped open and he looked at her. She said, “Did you research any of the other female students in the packet, to see if they had actually applied for your internship?”
“No,” he admitted.
“Well, if you had, you would have learned that the other three women in the packet didn’t even apply for the internship. They were all chosen by me for their uh, extraordinarily, ordinary looks,” she said triumphantly. “So it wasn’t happenstance.” Sheslide her hand up and cupped it over Steve’s crotch, confirming he was wearing his chatity cage.
She continued, “And now you are the one in ten thousand guys who does whatever I tell him to do. You have the good fortune to be my marionette.”
She pulled her hand from his crotch and held her palm over his head. He looked up to see her pretending to pull strings.
He looked at her and smiled. Then he said, “Emily, I love you.”
She lowered her hand, smiled and said, “I know you do.”
Steve was struggling with his feelings for Emily. He was obviously smitten with this amazing, gorgeous, sexy young woman but to her, he was apparently nothing more than a plaything; a tool; a means to an end. He knew it but he didn’t care. There was no other woman in his life that he wanted more. Right or wrong, he was coming to terms with the fact that he could never be in a “conventional” relationship with Emily. He didn’t want to complicate their relationship by revealing his true feelings.
Emily stood and Steve tried to act aloof. He said, “Well don’t be a strange Miss Stone.”
Emily knew the game Steve was playing. He was trying to convince himself it would be okay to not see her almost every day. She smiled and said, “I’m sure I’ll see you now and again throughout my senior year. After all, I expect you to contact me for your releases but I expect you to wait at least a couple, three weeks between.
His mouth dropped open. He really didn’t like the idea of going weeks at a time with no chance of orgasm. She noticed the look on his face and said, “Is there a problem Mr. Harris?”
“No,” he stated quickly, trying to hide his dread of what was to come.
She smiled and said, “Such a kind and docile man. You are truly one in ten thousand Steve.” She turned at him. She was obviously telling Steve that he was easily replaceable in her life.
“Right,” he agreed, “I’ll be in touch soon, but not too soon.” He thought for a moment and he blurted, “Dinner.”
She turned to him and said, “What about it?”
He said, “You and I can go out to dinner, say next week.”
She frowned and said, “I’ll be pretty busy in the next few weeks as I get into my senior year. Besides, that’s not long enough for you. I want you to wait longer between releases so you uh, appreciate them more. Also, you need to be willing to be willing to uh, clean up your mess and that means you’ll need to be pretty desperate.”
“Right,” said Steve, unable to hide his disappointment.
Emily smiled knownly and, using his own words, said, “Don’t be a stranger Mr. Harris.”
He shook his head and said, “Oh, I won’t.”
She picked up her backpack, slung it over one shoulder and walked to the door. He watched her walk out. He admired her sexy figure and he noticed a slight ache in his balls. He knew it would difficult to get used to being locked in chatity 24/7 but for Emily, he knew he could do it. He actually wanted to do it.
Emily had learned, in her first three years of college that she truly enjoyed dominating Mark, sexually and emotionally. Then, after her experience as a summer intern to Steve Harris, she had matured even more. She had known for years that she was an exceptional beauty but now she was much more deliberate about presenting herself as a sexy, confident woman. She knew that it was possible to use her God given gifts to advance her interests and she was going to do it. Her senior year in college was going to be her best yet.
She expanded her wardrobe and added new outfits. As a college student she was able to wear shorter skirts and lower cut tops than in the corporate world. She also spent more time on her appearance each morning and she wore makeup most days. As she went about her daily routines attending class and moving about campus she would often notice young men doing double take or outright staring at her. Unfortunately for those young men, she knew they had nothing she needed. They were little more than boys. Occasionally one of her male peers would work up the courage to approach but she would brutally take them down and cut off their advances. She could “have” most any male she wanted and she liked it that way.
One of her fall classes had her walking past the administration building three mornings a week, just before eight o’clock. She noticed one, middle ageed gentleman, always dressed in pressed suits who did a poor job hiding his interest in her.
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