“Sly, I tell you I’m not doing it, and that’s final!” I actually stamped my foot. Jesus, I didn’t think anyone did that since the Victorians. But just then it felt right, dammit.
Sly looked hard at me for a moment and then turned on his wheeling mode. He knows when he’s pushed me too far. He also knows I’m a sap for a reasonable argument if he can get me to calm down long enough to listen.
“Princess, you like role-playing, no?”
Sly and I were sitting around in his apartment, waiting for a client. I was wearing my working outfit of a black nylon negligee with stockings and heels, trying to figure out how to look sexy whilst avoiding goosebumps. That outfit is great for what it is intended to do, namely show off my body while at the same time providing a sense of mystery and hidden treasures to be unveiled by my clients, but it is definitely not warm! We usually try to keep the apartment at a temperature suitable for energetic sex, but until that fun gets under way, it’s damn chilly for this get-up. Oh, the price I pay to keep our clients happy and willing to part with their money!
Yes, I’m a professional. I sell sex, and Sly is my agent. It’s his job to find clients and mine to keep them happy. We work well together, despite our wildly different backgrounds. We’ve been partners for over a year now, and our relationship is pretty solidly based on mutual respect (plus, of course, a good, hefty, tax-free income).
I like the work, and I’m good at it. Sly is pretty careful about whom he sets me up with, and clearly wants to protect me, and not solely because I’m a good investment for him. Mind you, I haven’t given up the security of my day job at the law firm, but my nights are usually a lot more fun than my days. And a lot more lucrative, too.
“Well,” I said reluctantly, trying to be noncommittal, “Okay, yeah, I’ve enjoyed some jobs that involved role playing. But I’m not going to wear that damn Dallas cheerleader costumeagain, if that’s what you have in mind. Those boots were really uncomfortable, and I looked silly in it.”
“Bullshit. Babe, you looked spectacular in that get-up, and you gave that poor guy the time of his life. And anyway, that’s not what we’re talking about here, is it.”
“Yeah, okay, I admit I did feel pretty good about that job. But what you’re asking now is different and you know it.”
“Why?” he asked, all innocent. For a big, hard, cynical guy raised on the streets, Sly can still somehow amazingly manage to pull that off.
“Because this job involves me playing a dominatrix! The client apparently wants a powerful woman to humiliate and dominate him with whips and stuff, for heaven’s sake. Look, I’m not being judgemental, but that’s just not me!
“No way, Sly. I like guys. I like being treated like a woman by them. I don’t want to beat them up.”
Seeing that he was making no progress with me, he tried a different tack. “C’mon, Princess. Didn’t you ever want to change positions some time and be on top, running things?”
“Hell, Sly, we women have always run things. We just don’t let you guys know it.”
He snorted. “Horseshit. Anyway, whatever. Look, you don’t gotta actually hurt the guy. It’s all just pretend. And besides, you’re only gonna be there to help. It’s Not like you’re runnin’ the show or anything. You’re gonna be teamed up with a professional. She’ll call the shots. And don’t forget, the client’s payin’ for the whole thing. His choice. It’s what he wants. Your job is to make him happy, no?
“Look, are you up for this or not? It’s worth a lot.”
I thought for a long minute. “I get to wear skintight black leather and high-heeled boots?”
“Sure. You’ll look flat out gorgeous and sexy as hell.”
“Well, okay, then. But I’m gonna need some coaching.”
“No problem. In fact, the lady who’s runnin’ the show wants to meet you beforehand, anyway. What are you doin’tomorrow night?”
I was pretty distracted at work the next day. Like I said, I do have a day job too, you know. In that life I’m a copy editor at a law firm in the city. Hey, who says English majors can’t find work!
Anyway, that night I showed up at the apartment address he’d written on the slip he had given me. The door was answered by a strikingly beautiful woman. I’m not sure what I’d been expecting, but not this slim-waisted, long-legged beauty, dressed casually in slacks and a halter that did nothing to hide her lovely breasts. I guess I’d figured she’d be a lot more hard-edged and butch than this sexy number. Tells you how much I know.
“You must be Vicki,” she said in a lovely contrast. She very carefully looked me up and down. “I’m Mistress Alexandra. You can call me Alex. They told me you’d be gorgeous. They sure got that right! Come on in.”
Alexandra turned out to be a veritable fount of information about a dark side of guys that I knew little about. Imean, I’m a professional and have had sex with a lot of different guys, but always I was the object of their desire, and my job was to build up their confidence and put them at ease so they could enjoy themselves with my body. But Alexandra was talking about a different kind of relationship. She surprised me by saying that many of the same guys I’d had sex with and enjoyed it would have just as much enjoyed it if I’d awoken their dark side. I’m still not sure I buy that, although maybe that’s just my lingering naivete. My Connecticut Protestant mom never teach me about that stuff.
Anyway, Alexandra, or as she preferred, “Mistress Alexandra”, gave me a tour of her ‘studio’, as she called it. She watched my reaction carefully as she taught me how to use a whip without really hurting anyone, and how best to stroke a guy’s cock enough to torment him but not enough to let him cum until I allowed him to. She introduced me to an association of bondage instruments like padded handcuffs, ankle braces, penis rings, mouth stretchers, gags, strap-on dildos and the like. It was pretty scary stuff, but she had such a matter-of-fact attitude that I began to accept that to some guys these things could bring intense pleasure when wilded by a good dominatrix. I began to think I could really do this.
When we were done with the lessons, Alexandra fixed me a drink and we sat on the couch together.
“I think you’re going to be fine,” she said. “One thing, though. I’d like to see you in costume. I have a feeling you’re going to be a knockout. I’ve got one that’ll fit you fine. C’mon into the bedroom.”
I followed her into a lovely bedroom.
“You must be pretty warm after that workout,” she said. “Here, let’s take that blouse off. Anyway, I need to see your measurements.”
Well, I was a bit warm, and whatever that drink was, it had me feeling pretty mellow. So I stood there while she unbuttoned my blouse. She slipped it off and let it fall behind us.
“God, you have really nice breasts,” she said, looking appraisingly at them. “Let’s see them without that bra.”
Being undressed by another woman can be pretty sexy, if I’m saying anything new. I was starting to enjoy this.
She reached behind me to get at the snaps of my bra. That brought her face very close to mine. Her long dark hair brushed my cheek. She smelled clean and lightly scented with some delicate perfume. Abruptly, her lips met mine. I didn’t pull away. She kissed me, gently, tenatively at first, but then as I began to respond, her tongue entered my mouth, and her kiss became a whole lot nicer.
I feel the snaps on my bra being unfasted and, still kissing me, Alexandra let my bra fall between us, freeing my breasts. Now I know where this was going, and I wasn’t going to object. Yes, I like women, too. I’ve met very few men who can play my body like a talented woman can. So I responded with growing warmth to her kiss. Both of us were beginning to breathhe a little faster.
She finally broke off the kiss, but only to turn her attention to my breasts.
“Vicki, your breasts are lovely,” she said as she cupped and stroked them. “I love the way your red nipples stand up. And your skin is so incredibly smooth.” She bent down and took my left nipple in her mouth and sucked on it and then teased it with her tongue, moving it around on the areola. I could Feel my breasts swelling. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it. My God, she was good. Even as she was working my breasts, she unsnapped my skirt and let it fall.
Gently, still kissing me and struggling my breasts, she walked me backwards towards the bed until my legs came up against the end of it. I fell back into the softness. Alexandra stood there for a moment, her eyes taking in my body, now dressed only in panties, stockings, and heels. She untied her halter, and slowly removed it. She had on a lacy red bra that barely contained her full breasts, lifting them and deepening her ample cleavage. By now I was really looking forward to getting my mouth on them and to whatever else Alexandra had in store for the next hour or so.
She unsnapped her bra and let it fall. Her breasts were every bit as full and firm as I’d imagined, topped by lovely, erect nipples. Her long dark hair cascaded over her left shoulder and spread out over her left breast, accentuating its creamy color. Her red nipple peeked out invitingly between the strands..
She knelt by the end of the bed and, with a little very willing help from me, removed my panties. She gently spread my legs, and in a moment I feel her warm breath on my already damp pussy.
“Oh, this is lovely,” she whispered. “Your pussy is so beautiful. I’m going to love making love to it.”
I sure wasn’t going to object. I just gave a heartfelt sight and laid back.
Alexandra ran her soft lips along the sensitive inside of my thigh and then continued on to spread my labia with her tongue. She began long slow sweeps from the nethermost part of my vulva, sliding wetly upward between my labia and winding up brushing my clip. Along the way her tongue probed into my vagina. She ended by planning a password kiss on my mons. Oh God, she knew her anatomy well! By the second stroke I was gasping and moaning.
I put my hands on her head to pull her face in closer to my treasures, but she resisted. I heard her murmur into my pussy, “Too soon, my love. Too soon.” She resumed her slow stroking and I got hotter and hotter until I could hardly stand it. Her hands reached up and stroked my breasts, tweaking my rock-hard nipples with her fingers.
“Oh my God, Alex! Oh God! Do it! Please, you wonderful, beautiful lover, make me cum before I fear!”
God bless her, she looked up at me, her glistening wet lips forming a lovely smile, and murmured, “As you wish, my darling.” Ever the dominatrix, this one.
With that her head sank back into the soft reception between my legs. Her talented tongue gently parted my labia one last time, and her sweet mouth fastened on my clip and sucked.
I felt like I’d been struck by lightning. My back arched, my belly quivered, my tights twitched, and I came. Oh lord, did I cum, moaning, yelling, thrashing my head, squirting right into Alexandra’s face. She took it all, her mouth still fastened on my pussy, riding out the storm without Letting go.
I completely lost track of the world for what seemed an eternity of pure pleasure.
Eventually, though, I reluctantly returned to reality. Still breathing hard, I looked down between my swollen breasts and saw Alexandra’s very wet and very beautiful face smiling up at me.
“I take it you enjoyed that,” she said.
“Oh my God!” I managed to get out. “If I die tomorrow, I’ll die happy, with this same stupid smile on my face.”
“Good. Now we’re a team,” she said. “Oh, and by the way, you taste really, really good. Now, I need to clean up while you get dressed. I’ll see you next week. We’re going to be great together.”
I don’t know how I ever managed to pull myself together enough to get up out of that bed and get dressed, but I did. I honestly can’t remember how I got home.
I don’t know where Sly got the outfit, but when I tried it on the next day, I had to say he was right. I did look Gorgeous in it. It was glossy black patent leather, skintight, and managed to accentuate all my curves, and I do mean all of them. It extended from my shoulders to my crotch and had a low diving neckline that barely stopped at my nipples and included a built-in bra that pushed my breasts up and together and really emphasized my cleavage. It rode high on my hips and made my already long legs look endless. The knee-length high-heeled boots helped there as well. Black leather garters with silver studs circled my legs around mid-thigh and set off my sheer black stockings and emphasized the naked flesh above them.Oh, and I got to wear a black mask that just covered my eyes, and a black picker with a buckle in front and silver studs. I had bought the reddest lipstick I could find and put it on pretty heavily. I went far with dark eye makeup, too, mask or no mask. For a final touch, the outfit included a riding crop. Wow.
I got to Sly’s apartment early on the night of my date because I knew it would take some time to change into the outfit. It did. When I eventually came out of the bedroom his eyes got really wide.
“Holy shit! I always knew you were a knockout, Princess, but Jesus Christ!”
I smiled. Sly doesn’t often give out compliments.
“Glad you like it,” I said. “Maybe sometimes I’ll give you a personal tour.” I like to occasionally flirt with Sly, but except for the first time he had me perform for him we’ve kept it pretty professional, with only a few exceptions. Given how sexy I felt in this outfit, though, I was ready to make an exception right then and there.
“Save it for the client,” he said, though I’m pretty sure I wasn’t imagining his regretful tone. “Time to get going. Alexandra’s waiting for you.” I gave him a fetching smile and then covered up. Luckily the outfit clung like a second skin, so slacks and a sweater did the job. Still, riding in a taxi, I felt like Catwoman in superhero guise under street clothes. I smiled to think how the driver would react if he knew what lay under those ordinary trappings. He snuck enough wealthy glances in the rearview mirror as it was.
I got to Alexandra’s not long before her client was to arrive. I doffed my street clothes. Alexandra’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God, Vicki. Jesus, you look great in that outfit. I love it, and the client’s gonna get more than his money’s worth just watching you move around in it. Maybe when we’re done here we might have some time for ourselves. You know?”
I smiled, thinking how pleasant that would be. But then I remember why I was here and got nervousall over again.
Alexandra picked up on my mood.
“Relax, Honey,” she said soothingly. “You’re going to be just fine. All you have to do is follow my lead and look gorgeous. So you see, you’re already halfway there.”
The doorbell rang. Show time.
The client was a very ordinary looking guy in his mid-thirties or so, a little pudgy. I had no idea What guys who were into this sort of thing looked like, but I guess his ordinariness still surprised me.
“Dog!” Alexandra addressed him, “Stand up straight! Look at me! You will henceforth call me Mistress Alexandra. My assistant here is Mistress Victoria. You do not have a name because nobody cares who you are. If we need to address you, we will call you Dog. For the next hour you are to do exactly as you are told. Is that clear enough for your simple mind?”
God she was good at this stuff. She was almost unrecognizable as the soft and gentle woman who had bedded me just a day ago.
The guy was cringing by now. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. I told you I wasn’t cut out for this. Humiliating a client goes against all my professional instincts. But I had a role to play, so I stifled my emotions as best I could.
“Take off your clothes, Dog,” she ordered him. He kept his eyes abused from us as he obeyed. Hmm. He looked to me like he could use more exercise. Office worker, maybe?
“Kneel, Dog, Crawl over and kiss Mistress Victoria’s feet. Tell her you are her slave, and she can do with you as she wishes.”
I did my best to look haughty and arrogant and in charge while the poor bastard did as he was told. At least I gave him the tops of my feet to kiss rather than the soles.
And so it went. Alexandra put him through one humiliating act after another. She handcuffed him and had him bend over while we took turns spanking him. She made him face the wall while she deftly wielded her whip. My main job seemed to be to shove him into the positions she demandedd whilst looking disgusted with him. Amazingly he remained completely expressionless through it all.
At one point she had him on his back, spreadeagled on a board. We cuffed his hands and feet to the board with built-in straps. Alexandra took a set of cup-shaped glasses and held each one briefly over a candle and then stuck the open end on his chest and belly. As the air in the cup cooled and contracted the cup sealed itself to his body and raised red welts. He winced, but never said a word.
I keep reminding myself that he was paying for this.
As the end of the session neared, Alexandra strapped him to the board again. She promptly sat on his chest and shoved her pussy in his face.
“Does this arouse you, Dog?” she asked. He nodded. “You animal!” she shouted. “How dare you! Mistress Victoria, watch his cock. Whip it if it stirs.”
She unzipped the front of her suit and gave him a good look at her beautifully formed breasts, glistening with perspiration fromher efforts. I enjoyed the view myself, but then I saw the guy’s cock begin to move.
Shit. As deliciously as I could, I used my whip. Dammit, that only made things worse. His cock was growing fast. All my instincts cried out for me to help it along, maybe care or suck it until he came. For a moment in indication, I watched it grow.
Alexandra noted the silence and looked around. She saw the cock growing and me hesitating. She gave me a dirty look and climbed off the poor guy, who was only having a perfectly normal reaction to a very sexy woman with bare breasts. She grabbed my whip and really let him have it. She whipped his poor cock and lashed out at his exposed stomach. Boy, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cock deflate that fast.
After that, Alexandra pretty much ignored me. She tormented the guy a few more times, and then it was over. Thank God. I was by then feeling pretty bad about myself and wishing I’d never agreed to this whole gig.
When the door closedbehind the client, she turned to me.
“God dammit, Vicki, you near blew it back then. What were you going to do, stroke him till he came?”
“Alexandra, the poor guy was just reacting normally.”
“Normal?” she said, her tone dripping with scorn. “Normal? You think he’d be here if he were just a ‘normal’ guy? Honey, if you’d let him cum he would have been furious and I’d lose a client.
“Babe, I’m sorry, but you just aren’t cut out for this. Damn. We could have been great together.”
I bit my tongue. I wasn’t going to apologize. By my standards I hadn’t done anything wrong. And so we parted under stiffly polite circumstances. At least I got my share of her fee, so I wouldn’t have to listen to Sly’s bitching about that.
I thought about going home, but I was still feeling pretty weird; I couldn’t sort out my emotions. Tonight I’d done things and seen things that went pretty strongly counter to my image of myself. Instead, impulsively I told the taxi driver totake me to Sly’s apartment.
It was pretty late by then, so I used my own key to let myself in. The place was dark. I stood quietly for a moment, thinking, and then quietly undressed. Naked, I softly opened the door to Sly’s bedroom. Luckily, he was sleeping over to the bed and gently lifted the covers and slide in beside his sleeping form. As always, he was sleeping in the buff.
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