The Dominant Android aka ADAM (Adaptive Domestic Assistant Mechanoid)
By Ty Bond
Chapter 6
The chatity cage was tight under Zane’s jeans as they walked into the local hotel ballroom. The focal point of the normally bland room was the ten identical computer rigs in a row. As they approached the registration table Adam naturally took control registering Zane under his public gamming handle 7R1XY pronounced Trixy. The red-haired college student with subtle freckles who was running the registration table kept glancing up at Adam and Zane as he checked their credentials.
After reading the name tag Adam asked in his usual confident tone “Is everything in order Leo?”
“Oh yes,” Leo replied before lowering his voice, “it’s just I am a fan, but I am not supposed to say that.” Leaning forward he continued in a stuttering hesitant voice, “um, are you the coach I read about, the one who stands behind Trixy when he games?” instead of replying with words Adam just lifted his shirt enough so that Leo could see his rippled tight abdominals and smiled as he sensed Leo’s heart race faster.
After composing himself Leo replied, “If you will come this way, we just need to scan Trixy behind this curve to make sure he does not have anything on him that is transmitting which can interfere with the tournament.” And, in a tone Adam read as a little too desperate Leo added, “You are welcome to come too.”
After securing Zane’s phone and other devices in a lockbox, Leo told Zane to stand with his arms and legs wide as he pulled out a signal detection wand. Adam hovered behind Leo as he worked and smiled proudly at Zane as he naturally followed Leo’s instructions. As the wand was moving between Zane’s legs Adam stepped up so that he was pressing into Leo’s back and ran a hand down his arm.
“Don’t be shy,” Adam commanded as he moved Leo’s hand, so the wand caught against the cage inside Zane’s tight jeans. Leo reacted shocked at first but recovered and leaned back into Adam enjoying the embrace.
After a deep gulp Leo spoke up “Dam you feel good … um, but we can’t let any contrast on the gaming floor, I don’t sense any signal, but we should inspect whatever that is.”
While rubbing Leo’s arms and shoulders from behind in an increasingly erotic nature Adam commanded, “Show him Zane.”
Watching Adam fondle the ginger twink should have been embarrassing enough but when the words registered, he obeyed. Unbuttoning his jeans, Zane opened the button fly to show his cock locked in its cage. “Lower” Adam instructed and kept Zane in his commanding gaze until the pants were around his knees.
When Adam told Leo to reach out and inspect it Leo hesitated, so Adam turned to Zane, “Hands behind your back, good, now tell cute little Leo here the whole truth.”
Zane had accepted his submission to Adam but other than the collar, which to most people was just a clever marketing ploy, he had not been overtly publicc as a submissive. Zane found being exposed like this, no not just exposed but humiliated like this, had a strange effect and he felt his cock strain a little in it’s cage. Realizing he had not replied yet, Zane spoke up.
“Adam is not just my coach Leo he is also my Master; I have submitted myself to him willingly and follow his commands. If he tells you to touch my caged cock it is ok with me, please don’t hesitate on my account.”
With an encouraging push from Adam Leo stepped forward and ran has hands on the chatity cage feeling the flesh of the cock press through the bars as it strained in reaction to his touch.
“You see,” said Adam, “there are no electronics to interfere in the games but give it a good comprehensive feel anyway, make sure you get behind and balls and feel all around.”
A little more comfortable now Leo fondled and pulled and the caged cock taking a moment to appreciate the firm yet lean physics as Zane stood at attention his hands behind his back and his pants still at his knees. Leo felt Adam turn him around and found himself face to cock with Adam’s smooth hairless shake.
“My boy is a serious cock sucker Leo have you ever tried it?” Adam asked as his erect cock waved in Leo’s face. Seeing Leo shake his head Adam continued, “Go ahead take a taste but just a quick one as you need to get back to work” Adam locked eyes with Zane as Leo moved in and clumsily slide his lips down on Adam’s cock taking in his mouth.
Adam stared at Zane watching his reaction, seeing the jealousy, humiliation and excitement all jumbled in a toxic mix of emotions. As Leo kept tasting him Adam gestured with his hands for Zane to pull his pants up and relax. Pulling his cock back out of Leo’s mouth and pulling up his draw string jogging pants Adam continued, “Assuming we passed inspection can I have a moment alone with my boy?”
They quickly exchanged contact information before Leo returned to the registration table, leaving them alone behind the curve. “One last lesson in submission was warranted to remind you of your place and help you focus. Remember you are fully mine; you cannot fail as long as I am in control of you. If you feel your mind wander focus on the cock cage and collar as physical reminders of your submission and then get your head back in the game.”
The other nine competitors were all excellent players and While Zane was confident, he could win, it would not be an easy victory. Slowey players stated to get knocked out and Zane got a feel for the others playing styles. Of all the players the girl that went by the handle Rabbit was his fiercest competition. He was not surprised when it was just him and Rabbit in the in final sudden death round.
As they battled Zane noticed Rabbit’s coach had a passing resemblance to Adam. The hair and face were different presenting as someone a little older, perhaps in their middle 20’s, but there were noticeable similarities too. Before he could ponder on the implications of this Rabbit made a power move that he just barely parried drawing his full attention back to the game. Rolling his neck, he felt the leather of the collar brush his skin and smiled, instead of the standard retreat after a power attack he used the momentum of the parry to get in closer and eliminate Rabbit.
The alarms sounded, the laser lights went off, the confetti dropped and suddenly Trixy aka Zane was being crowned Regional Championship for the west and moving on to the national championship in Vegas. Some of the esports websites had sent reporters and Zane found himself doing interviews while Adam stood off to the side looking proud of him. At one point Zane looked up and didn’t see Adam but when the interviews were all done an hour later, he was there at his side.
As the party wound down Zane assumed they would head back home but when no one was watching Adam grabbing him by the crotch and pulled him in close. “Follow me, I arranged a surprise formy good boy” Adam said before heading deeper into the hotel confident Zane would follow.
Zane had not noticed Adam checking in, but he watched as Adam pulled out a keycard, and entered a room. The door had barely closed before Adam grabbed Zane roughly, turned him around and slammed him into the wall knocking the breath of out him. Holding Zane by the collar pressed into the wall he proceeded to rip off Zane’s clothes leaving him naked except for the collar and cage.
Adam used the torn strips of clothing to bind Zane’s arms and legs. First the elbows and wrists were each independently pulled tight behind him and tied together. Adam possessessively slide his hands down Zane’s firm body before he tied the knees to each other and ended with the ankles. Next Adam dragged him to the hotel chair and shoved him in it.
As Zane sat naked and bound in the chair he noticed they were not alone, there was a nervous looking Leo sitting on the bed watching with wide eyes. With the last shred of clothes Adam secured the collar to the back of the chair locking Zane in place by his neck. Putting one foot on Zane’s balls Adam leaned in close to his face, “As a reward for your victory I arranged a show for you.” Pressing down with his sneakered foot Adam crushed Zane’s balls causing his already surging cock to strain the cage further.
Turning his back on his slave Adam faced Leo and approached the bed in a confident manner. Zane could not hear the words they whispered to each other, but Adam must have charmed Leo because he could see Leo smiling as Adam pulled the shirt off revealing his lean ginger body. Zane watched as Adam mounted the shirtless Leo on the bed and started to sensitively and slowly lick his nipples and the red hair of his arm pits.
Each time Zane tried to shift in the chair to get more comfortable the collar would pull on his neck keeping him in place as he watched. Where Adam was rough and domineering with Zane he was soft, even playful, with Leo. Zane watches as they progressed from making out to Adam pulling down Leo’s pants and sucking on his cock. Adam turned so that Zane could see the whole pale body with it freckled skin and the ginger pubes pressing on his face as he expertly sucked down Leos’s cock.
At first Leo feel awkward with one of his online heroes Trixy tied up and watching but he soon found himself lost in the physical beauty and exclusive words of his coach Adam. It seemed Adam knew just what Leo wanted to hear and do each step of the way. Leo’s emotions were still floating high on the cloud that was Adam’s charm when he allowed Adam to take his virginity.
Zane’s whole body was hot, and his cock was leaking precum despite the limits of the cage as he watched Adam mount Leo from behind and fuck him doggy style on the bed across the room. In the many months they had been together Adam still had not fucked Zane despite both knowing Zane was desperate to feel Adam inside him. The erotic torture ofwatching Adam fuck this college boy he just meet stung deeper than any spanking.
In some ways Zane almost felt sorry for Leo, any sexual encounters he would have after today would pale in comparison to the treatment Adam could provide. The poor boy had been spoiled on his first time out. After what felt like hours Zane finally saw Adam flip Leo around and cum in him as he jerked Leo off and watched the ginger cum shot onto his flat smooth chest.
Leo and Adam lay there in each other’s arms a while longer, lingering in the post orgasmic bliss before Adam got up and approached Zane bringing Leo with him. “I know you may not understand but this was exclusive and erotic for our champion.” Adam told Leo. “The denial and torture of watching me fuck you turned him on more than anything else I could have done to him.”
Pulling a key out of his pants on the floor Adam dangled it before continuing “What do you say Leo, you wanted to taste his cock earlier and he has been caged all day, should we let his cock out to play?” Still horny after losing his virginity Leo nodded and watched with hungry eyes as Adam removed the cage and Zane’s long thin meat popped out fully erect. With Adam’s encouragement Leo got down on his knees and took the meat in his mouth.
Leo’s technique was sloppy and clumsy, and he could not figure out how to use his tongue properly but none of that mattered. Already turned-on multiple times today Zane soon shoot load after load of backed up cum into Leo’s mouth. New to the experience and still adjusting to the tangy taste Leo spat it back out and watched as the mixture of cum and saliva dripped down Zane’s bare torso.
After that Adam and Leo moved out of site to the bathroom where Zane heard the shower running. Alone for the first time Zane reflected on his day, so focused was his mind on the reward that he almost forgot he had won. Sitting awkward and alone in the hotel chair, bound and collared, his now soft cock stickywith the saliva of a stranger. As he shuffled and adjusted in his bondage the wet gloppy mixture of cum and saliva slide down his rippled body tickling his skin. He felt proud of where he was and where his life had taken him.
After the success at the regional champions Adam stepped up his domination and training of Zane. The daily workouts become more intense. Zane now wore the cock cage not just while he played but all-night limiting even his morning erections and further increasing Adam’s control. Each night he still slept in the arm binders, but the bare mattress was removed leaving only the yoga mat in the empty room.
In addition, now Adam would randomly punish and spank Zane. Adam no longer limited it to when Zane was bad or failed, which was rare these days. Each time that he declared a random punishment was needed Adam reminded Zane it was not because he was bad, but to remind him of his place.
Ever since the day at the hotel with Leo, Zane has been desperate for Adam to fuck him in the ass. Encouraged by Adam to do so, Zane would beg for it regularly only to be denied every time. Finally, after teasing him for weeks, Adam told Zane he only fucked National Champions not mere regional ones. The promise and threat implied in that reply was not lost on Zane who continued to hone his gaming skills.
Finally, the big day came as Adam and Zane arrived in Vegas for the National Championships. This would not be in some sad local hotel ballroom with only web-based esports reporters milling around, this was going to be a full blow televised spectacle. As his sponsor, Blue Antelope set them up with a luxury suite upstairs from the decked-out convention center floor inside the flashy hotel casino. As they walked by the giant robots, dragons and other expensive decorations Zane paused to see a giant Poster of himself and the other finalists that stood at least a story tall.
As they walked past the glitz and glamor Adam held his arm and leaned in, “Don’t be shy now, you earned this, all of this is your doing I gave you what you needed to get here but you did it. Revel in your accomplishments you make me as your owner and your coach proud today.”
The next two days mostly being referred to by his gamer handle Trixy were a whirlwind of activity. He did photoshots with the other finalist and was interviewed a dozen times by various news outlets mostly asking the same questions again and again. Working the signature line was a surreal experience for Zane, he knew he had loyal followers online but to see them line up in the flesh made him feel both awkward and special. The whole time Adam was at his side supporting and encouraging him like the proud owner of a championship poodle before the big dog show.
The actual competition was harder than Zane had imagined, each of his competitors was as good as he was, and he came close to being knocked out more than once. Having been here once before ten years earlier and knowing he could win gave him a slight edge but that alone was not enough. In the end it was the ability to feel the hard steel cage on his cock under his jeans and the tight leather of the collar on his neck, constant reminders that he was owned, that allowed him to consistently refocus where others could not.
Remembering his submission to Adam freed his mind to focus on the only thing that mattered, winning. In the end it was close, but his small edge was enough, and Trixy was crowned the National Championship winning the multimillion-dollar prize. He wanted to immediately leave the crowds to go and suck Adam’s cock submitting himself at his feet in celebration, but there were multiple parties and events he was expected to attend first.
At the parties Adam would hold his arm tight and tell him he was proud. Anytime they could sneak into a corner Adam would grope him and squeeze his balls through his jeans teasing him and making silent promises for what was to come later. Finally, as the parties and events died down they were able to retreat to the luxury suite where Zane found another surprise.
Sitting at the table of the in the dining room of the suite was a middle-aged man in a bespoke three-piece suite who introduced himself as Mr. Norton esquire, a lawyer hired by the eccentric billionaire owner of Blue Antelope.
“Fist off congratulations on your victory, I have your check from the event coordinaters rite here but that is not my primary purpose for being here. As you may or may not know the ADAM prototype program sent you your mechanoid in error. We discovered the mistake soon afterward but when we went to recall it the prototype said its initial evaluation of you saw a potential champion, so we left it place.”
Mr. Norton paused to make sure Zane was still following before continuing, “Your ADAM unit has confidentiality filled me in on the unique relationship you have developed which leads to some interesting complications. One the one hand the program was a success having generated a champion bending you to your full potential. But our plan was to use a victory to publicly announce the existence of the ADAM line and emphasize your test case, there we are less of a success.”
Adam stepped in “I told them that while you would do anything I said the choice to go public had to be yours. My desire if for you, of your own free will, to agree to go public as my submissive slave, but this is a choice only you can make.”
As Zane stared up absorbing the beauty of Adam’s perfectly proportioned face Mr. Noron cleared his throat and continued. “Along those lines I have two sets of paperwork for you to consider. The first is a consent for us to use your story to promote the ADAM line, if you agree you will be compensated for your story as you can see here in section three. The second is a bit unusual and was not expected, but we prepared it to the best of our ability, based on your ADAM unit’s request. In essence, it’s aas close to an enforceable slave contract as we could legally come up with.”
As Zane pondered what he was hearing Adam stepped in again, “It’s what I knew you really wanted from the moment we met. You were unhappy living a conventional life with all the responsibility that come with it, you wanted to submit and serve another lettering them make all the decisions, I provided that dominant person. We can end it Here if you wish, or together we can find you a human master if that will make you happy, but I hope you choose to stay mine.”
As Zane considered the weighty emotional and legal choices Mr. Norton interrupted again, “Don’t decide now, you two have some celebrating to do and I will be in Vegas a few days anyway. Just know you can sign either, both or neither of these, the company will wait on your decision before making any announcements.”
Mr. Norton paused before he added, “As a lawyer I must warn you that the second packet is as ironclad and comprehensive as Icould legally make it. If you sign it your Adam will have tremendous control over you, your finances, and possessions. In addition, you preemptively legally consent to just about any physical activity possible, and a few I think may not be possible, including beats, imprisonment and forced sexual encounters. In short don’t sign that unless you are sure because there is no backing out.”
Leaving the papers and a business card behind, Mr. Noron esquire congratulated Zane again and left the suite.
Adam approached with a domineering gleam in his eyes. “Put all that out of your mind until tomorrow, for tonight you are still my cum sucking little bitch boy and this is going to be a night I intend for you to remember the rest of your life.”
For the second time in as many months Adam tore the clothes off Zane by literally ripping them to shreds. On some deeply buried level Zane’s mind wanted to complain but that part of his brain was sufficiently muted by his submission allowing him to enjoy the raw sexual and animalist nature of the act. Grabbing Zane’s collar Adam dragged him to the bed and pushed him face down onto it.
Clearly Adam had prepared the room in advance because he pulled straps from under the bed and secured Zane spread eagle with four heavy locking bondage cuffs. Stepping back Adam examined his work, walking around the bed he took his time tightening each strap Individually leaving Zane no slack in his bondage.
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