The Dominant Twink Android Ch. 05

The Dominant Android aka ADAM (Adaptive Domestic Assistant Mechanoid)

By Ty Bond

Chapter 5

After allowing for the day of rest Adam knew he had to maintain his dominance to prevent Zane from slipping back to his old ways. Adam did not act out of malice or a personal desire to be in control he acted on what was best for Zane. Adam’s in-depth psychological programming, combined with his unique ability to sense even the most minute physical reactions made him able to know what Zane really wanted more than Zane did himself.

It was 4 am and the sky was still dark when Adam walked into Zane’s room. Zane lay naked on the bed wearing only his collar under the thin sheet. Grabbing the corner of the sheet Adam yanked it off in one quick pull while turning on the bright overhead lights. “Drop to the floor and start your push-ups” he ordered, not allowing Zane anytime to wake up and rub the grogginess from his eyes.

“muhh, whaa, what time is it?” Zane asked laying there naked with his morning wood exposed to the cool morning air, barely comprehending what was happening as he was pulled from a deep sleep. Too slowly he comprehended Adam was there saying something and the feel of the leather collar on his neck reminded him of the events of the last few days. Suddenly he felt a sharp slap on his balls from Adam’s strong hand waking him up instantly.

After slapping Zane’s balls to get his attention Adam seen, “Don’t make me repeat myself! Push-ups, Now!”

Zane suddenly fully awake, rolled to the floor and began to do his morning routine, he could not see the clock from the floor, but he knew this was earlier then normal, something had changed. Sensing this was not the time to ask questions he adjusted his stubborn hard on and worked on proper form as Adam watched.

After watching Zane do twenty in a row, a feat Zane would have failed at a few months ago, Adam put his bare foot on Zane’s naked back and pushed him to the floor.”I am raising the intensity of your training, no more sleeping in to six,” Adam informed him while pinning him naked to the floor. “You are to be ready at all times as I will change up the timing of your trainings.” As he spoke Adam changes his position so now he was sitting on Zane’s naked back facing his his backside.

“Today was your first test and you failed,” Adam instructed him as he emphasized His lesson by starting to spank the pinned Zane with his open palm. Zane wanted to struggle under him or tell him to stop but the struggle would be pointless as Adam was many times stronger them him and on some deeper level he knew it was not his turn to speak. Adam continued to spank Zane until he could see hand marks on the firm chefs. Adam could sense the internal doubt and struggle going thought Zane’s mind but was encouraged when Zane stayed quite silently accepting Adam’s authority.

Getting up Adam looked down at his handy work as Zane lay naked and still with red hand marks on his ass. “I don’t care where we are or when it is, when I tell you to drop and give me push ups you will obey me without question or delay is that understand?”

“Yes… Sir” Zane replied almost calling him Adam before catching himself and remembering the new rules his twink mechanoid master had imposed. Thinking quickly, he added in “Thank you Sir” as he adjusted slightly, his morning wood having turned into a full on hard on from the spanking and the feeling of Adam pinning him to the ground.

As Adam instructed him on the morning calisthenics it became clear Zane’s body was not prepared for the early morning and his hard on was getting in the way as he did his sit-up and squat jumps. “Stop. That is going to be an issue, I will need to come up with a better solution going forward but for now sit on your hands.” Adam watched as Zane a little out of breath with a sheen of sweat on his now tone naked body obeys and sat on the floor with his hands under his ass.

“Now lay back and don’t move unless I say so” Adam instructed as he knelt between Zane’s legs. Adam wiped his open palm along Zane’s wet chest and abs getting his palm wet. The feeling of Adam’s smooth hand on the bare flesh did nothing to lower Zane’s raging hard on. Firmly grabbing Zane’s shake in one hand and his balls with the other Adam started to stroke him while tugging on the balls.

Timing the cock massage to Zane’s breathing and pulse Adam stated to go faster. The tug on balls got firmer as he picked up the pace of the jerking. “Hold,” was all he said as he moved faster and could sense Zane’s struggle. Precum was mixing with the sweat on his palm as he stroked faster, he could see Zane arch his body and twist as he tried to obey. Sensing Zane was close Adam release the balls and just as Zane was relaxing he gave them a quick smack and felt a small burst emit from the cock head onto his hand.

His goal was to train Zane and not abuse him beyond what he was ready forso when he saw Zane could hold back no more he looked him in the eye and gave him an approving nod and simply said “Now,” before speeding up again. Zane obeyed his command and finally a long stream of cum shot all over his naked body. “Stay on your hands,” Adam commanded as he wiped the cum off Zane’s body cupping it in his hands.

Without words Adam opened Zane’s mouth with his slippery thumb and dripped the warm cum into his mouth. Eagerly Zane licked Adam’s fingers and palm getting it all as his cock softened while he drank down his own cum.

Adam croouched next to him silently waiting. Zane licked his lips and caught his breath as he l noticed Adam staring at him in anticipation of something. Catching on and to show Adam that he had not forgotten his lesson in submission he added “Thank you Sir.”

After a quick towel off they got dressed and finished the morning routine of breakfast and jogging. While on the surface the routine was the same as in recent weeks there were notable differences. Zane had to get used to the weight of the leather collar as he ran and endured more then a few curious looks. The two jogging shirtless side by side along the boardwalk must have been quite a site. Adam’s muscle lean body, his pale youthful, simulated skin, and the designed to perfect proportions abdominal and chest muscles glaiming with sweat in the morning sun on one side. Zane with his too skinny geek body transformed over the last weeks and months into its toned yet still slim and tight body topped by the leather color with the bright corporate Blue Antelope logo on it.

The second notable difference was the speed and length of the jog, each time Zane thought they were done Adam pushed him a little faster and longer. Although the soreness from the extended jog Adam still made Zane cook and clean a complex but healthy lunch before releasing him to his gaming. After his gaming was done Zane noticed that Adam was out of the house, so he started to do thechores. He used to have a cleaning lady that came in, but Adam had said that made him lazy and insisted Zane clean his own place now.

When Zane emerged from mopping the kitchen Adam was waiting for him in the living room with a box sitting on the table. “Before I show you what is in the box I want you to know this is not a punishment or a threat.” Adam began. “I need you to be able to do what I Say when I say it and your ragging hormones and cock cannot get in the way again.” As he said this he opened the box and Zane saw the shining stainless steel of the chatity cage nested in is soft packaging.

“So here is the deal, if you cannot be ready to obey me again then that will become your newest attachment. Do you understand me?” Adam asked.

Gulping auditably Zane stared at the cold Steel cage that looked too small to hold him before replying “Yes Sir I understand.”

“Put your hands behind your back” Adam instructed, and Zane obeyed clearly nervous. Taking the cage out of the box, Adam pulled down Zane’s pants and stated to adjust his cock and balls. Zane could feel the cold steel as Adam positioned his cock into the bent tube and secured it around behind the balls and along the base of the shake. There was an audible click as the lock was engaged and Zane accepted there were no way he could remove that without the key, nor could he get a hard on with the cage on.

“We will leave that on for a few hours so you get a feel for it, but I will not make you wear it permanently yet, for now I want you to know how it feels and contemplate on that.” Just before bed Adam made Zane strip naked again and this time pulled the sheets off the bed. “You lost your sheets privileges this morning you will sleep naked on the bare mattress for now, hands on your head” As Zane obeyed Adam removed the cage and as he turned off the lights “See you early and be ready this time.”

As the weeks passed Zane adapted to the new harder routine, while he stumbled enoughh that he never got his sheet privileges back, indeed he lost more privileges along the way. He did manage to avoid getting his cock caged again. The cage sat on the bookcase in the living room as a constant reminder. Despite the physical exhaustion Zane found his game play continuing to improve. He could not explain why, but the more Adam pushed and dominated him the better he got when at the keyboard.

With the region Championship coming near Adam knew he needed to keep up the pressure. He had slowly broken Zane down in small increments by removing privileges and adding chores. A piece at a time he removed the luxurys and distractions from Zane’s bedroom like a dresser, chair, and end table so that now the only item in the empty room were a bare mattress on the floor and rolled up yoga mat. With each step Adam waited for Zane to thank him and could sense his submission deepening.

After a long day, as Adam sat on the living room couch while Zane knelt naked on the floormassaging his feet he contemplated, “So Zane do you feel you are ready for the regional tournament? Reflect on your time with me and let me know your thoughts. Stay there as you are but feel free to speak freely, not just as the submissive.”

“Yes Sir.” Zane offered as he thought before continuing, “If you had asked, a few months ago before you arrived, how I was I would have said fine, but now I know that would have been a lie to you and myself.” After a brief pause he continued, “I know on some level I liked it when people told me what to do or took charge, but I thought that was a weakness or a flaw in my nature. I had not realized, until you showed me, that my accepting and embracing that part of me I become stronger, a better more self-confident version of myself.”

Continuing to knee the muscles in the perfect smooth feet of Adam, Zane went on, “To answer your question yes I think I am ready, my game play is better than ever, and my focus is unwavering knowing you arethere and in charge.”

Adam smiled putting his feet down he grabbed Zane’s collar pulling him in for a long password kiss before speaking, “I am glad you realize that, it will make this next part easier.” Grabbing the collar Adam stood up and dragged Zane across the room pushing him into the wall.

Zane felt the leather sleeps roll up his arms encasing them. Adam had put him in bondage cuffs and handscuffs before, but he could feel this was different, more intense. With nimble fingers Adam laced the two sleeps together behind Zane’s back careful to make sure the tension was tight but not pinching.

With the arms now bound as one Adam secured the top of the sleeves with two leather straps that went over the shoulders and crisscrossed Zane’s chest. Finally, he finished by running a sticking a stick past the hands confined in the leather sleeps and around Zane’s wait like a belt. Turning Zane around roughly he grabbed the collar again kissing his deep while rubbing his handover the bound body watching Zane get hard.

Zane experimented with the restraints but found he had no freedom at all, his arms were pinned behind him so securely he could not create any distance from the arms to his body. As Adam kissed and stroked his body he felt a sense of security deeper then he had felt before. After a few more erotic moments of being teased he felt Adam push him down to his knees so that his face was planted in Adam’s crotch.

“You have done well with the physical training,” Adam began, “and now I know you understand the value in submitting to me, as a reward I will allow you suck my cock again.” Pulling open the button fly on his tight Jeans the perfect sized hairless twink cock popped out already hard. Adam did not wait for a reply or give a choice before grabbing Zane’s head and ramming his cock into his mouth.

Adam took his time, his lean twink mechanoid body able to control his erotic emissions better than any real man. After half an hour of long firm face ponding he could see Zane breathing hard through his nose and Zane’s hard pencil shaped cock leaking precum on the floor. Adam put his sweaty bare foot on Zane’s cock struggling it, while maintaining control of his head. The foot stroked faster as he picked up the pumping in his hips. Adam started to release small drops of robot pre cum on Zane’s tongue to tease him as he pushed Zane closer to the edge.

Finally with an arch of his back Adam release a thick rope of cum into Zane’s mouth as he felt Zane lose control and shoot his own orgasm all over Adam’s foot. “Don’t Talk” was all Adam said as Zane slumped to the floor exhausted and bound, his mouth full of cum. Pressing his foot near Zane’s mouth breathing hard Adam watched as Zane obeyed the silent command and began to lick his cum off Adam’s foot.

Once he was done Adam grabbed Zane by the arm binders and lifted him up easily like he was lucky and carried him into his now barren bedroom tossing him onto the bare mattress. “Tomorrow begins your final lesson before the regional champions” he said before turning off the lights leaving Zane bound, sweaty, naked, and with a mouth tasting of cum.

Zane awoke alone, he could see beams of daylight straining to enter his dark room around the heavy curtains. Zane’s first attempt to sit up was halted as he remembered the binders on his arms having slept in them all night. It was unusual for Adam to let him sleep in, he thought to himself as he rolled on his side and managed to struggle awkwardly to his feet.

Staring at the door he realized with his hands trapped in the leather sleeps the simple knob was as good as a padlock keeping him inside. He debated calling out or pounding on the door but decided Adam must know what he was doing and waited. With no furniture left he paced the empty room for hours his mind swinging from panic to relaxing and back again in circles. Finally, at what must have been halfway through the day the door opened.

“No need for calisthenics or chores today, I know you will enjoy doing both again under my guidance soon enough,” Adam began. “Today you learn the hardest lesson how to be alone with yourself.” Taking Zane by the collar Adam led him to the bathroom where he assisted him with his body functions without releasing his arms. After putting him back into the bedroom he put a bowl of water on the floor and left Zane too fast for the day and meditate.

Zane was alone until the next morning when Adam came in again. Silently Adam removed the bindings and massed Zane’s arms, back, and shoulders. Once Adam felt Zane was ready he tossed him his work out shorts and they returned to their intense daily routine. No mention was made of the day alone by either of them the whole day.

That night just Before Zane logged into his stream to game only days away from the championship Adam stopped him. Pulling down Zane’s pants he secured the chatity cage. “I want you to game with that on.” Adam did not offer why, and Zane did not ask. While awkward at first very soon Zane was solely focused on the game, forgetting the cage or collar were there. After a record-breaking score, they celebrated with a kiss and Adam removed the cage.

That night Zane slept in the arm binders again but only overnight. In the final days these became new steps in the daily routine. Each night he would Wear the cage while gamming and the binders as he slept when finally, the day of the regional tournament came.

End of Chapter 5


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