The day was a usual summer day. Warm outside with birds singing and bees buzzing. Janice sat reading emails and began to look over a community she belonged to for more things to read. She had heard this one author was really good, so she went to read some of his writing. Upon arrival there was nothing. Not one single word. She found another website and read one of the stories that were recommended and was mesmerized. She wanted to read more. So what better way than to email the author and ask? The worst he could do is tell her no at least that is what she thought. A long story short the author began to speak with Janice. Michael spoke to her about his writing and said he had read some of hers. She was flattered at his words. Something about him soothed her, like a web being spun over the unsuspecting fly. She was in his home for the first time. A place of darkness though it was very quiet. They talked some more when Janice said “Well I need to go take a nap. I have enjoyed meeting you and seeing your home.” “Could you direct me to the out door please?”
Michael chuckled. “Chicken.” He said.
“I am not chicken” Janice said..
“I think you are Janice. If you were not you would not ask for the out door.” He replied smoothly.
“Should she sleep here then Michael? She is not dinner or at least not edible in that manner.” Janice said.
“Oh, I could picture you at the foot of my couch.” Michael said.
Janice blushed unsure of what he means as she was new to his ways. He pointed to a fur thrown over a dark rock and said she could sleep there. She started to head there when she felt his hand between her velvet thighs. His fingers pinched her clip at a very even pressure. Janice’s body reacted like dynamite to a match. She was beside herself with need. She was shocked as she felt the familiar juices flow down between her ass cheats. Biting back moans as his fingers tormented her clip. Feeling herself being led down a road of no return. He twistted her clip and as he did the tightness in her belly uncoiled and explored forth. Her juices gushing over his hand. Shuddering as she heard an odd noise and the voice said “again now.” Janice felt the fingers lock down on her clip again as two fingers slide easily in her and curled over the wall of her hot center. Her body went rigid as another burst of pleasure rushed over her. Bathing her in waves and waves of brilliant pleasure. Janice was breathless. Hypnotized almost.
“Are you needing a nap more now Janice?” He asked.
“Yes I am very tired now.” Janice said.
Michael let her walk to the furs and settle down noticing she was sleep rather quickly. Janice had a few times during the night although Michael did not move to where she could see him. She awakened in the morning and found a long black chain hooked to a manacle covering her ankle. She also realized she had not a stitch of clothes to cover the satiny flesh. Her eyes widened realizing the fur was his couch that he mentioned. Her mind was like who is this man. How could he do this to her. She was fuming when she heard his voice which immediately calmed her.
“Good morning girl.” Michael said.
“Good morning Michael.” Janice said.
“Actually you may call me Master or the Devil. You are now in the house of hell or darkness whichever you choose to call this place.” Michael explained.
“Yes Mmasterrr.” Janice stumbled over the word.
“Why did you chain me Master?” Janice asked.
“I chained you for I desire to take you, use you and own you as all slaves should be done.” Michael replied.
“Master! There must be a mistake. I am not a slave. I am the least likely of any that you would meet to be a slave.” She cried.
“I beg to different beast.” He said “You my dear responded well to my touch, so well that one can see your nature deep in those emerald eyes.” Michael said.
Then she remembered his touch. How his hands had touched nothing but her pearl and the insides of her tight well. A flush covered her ivory flesh as she thought of what she had done. He was a stranger and she let him get close enough to her for her to yell out in ecstacy. Janice was beside herself wondering what this man thought of her. Here she a total stranger let him touch her after merely a brief talk about stories. About that time she felt Michael’s breath against her ear. Her body came alive at the barest of touches from him. My god what has he done to me she thought. She heard Him whisper “how did you sleep beast?” She didn’t answer at first. Her mind screaming beast? How was she going to get out of here. She kept looking then remembered he asked her a question.
“She slept well Master.” she said.
She felt his nail slide up her leg from foot to just above the knee. His face never giving away his thoughts as her eyes lowered once more watching the red line as it marked the flesh. She could still feel the first mark on the hood of that sensitive placethat he marked earlier this day making sure she would think of Him every moment for the next 24 hours or longer. Her mind was screaming that is what he wants. He wants to take, plunder, own and over all show off his prize. She had no idea where He wanted to show her off. Yet there she was stuck in his house in a black chain that matched the entire interior. About that time the nail scratched down the petal of her bare sex. She cried out helplessly as the heat turned molten. Her eyes widened in total shock at the fire that burned between the silky flesh. Michael was relentless He kept caressing until she felt His hand with those fingernails parting the lips of her labia. He watched her as His nail lifted the hood of the clip. Her cries fell on deaf ears as He smiled at this.
It is funny that they should meet as she enjoyed a darker side of life. She was still unsure as to what He wanted of her but she continued to become totally wrapped in His spell. Finally she felt the pressureas He pushed her back against the fur covered stone. Her body was on fire. Every touch, breath, whisper hit her belly so hard. His body positioned over hers as in one forward thrust He tore her asunder,
Janice screamed loudly as His took what He wanted. His thick shake filling her so full. Her juices even through light pain flooded her well dripping against her ass. He must have noticed as it wasn’t long before she felt impaled in both orifices of the lower region. Janice gasped for air as the heat coiled and burned her. Her body felt so alive for the first time in a very long time. Her hips lifted meeting His thrusts taking Him deeper into her hot deep well. Her well toned muscles squeezed His cock as each downward thrusts had the fingers pushing deep. Janice’s body was thrashing as if she were going crazy with a primary need that had been awakened. Her whimpers could be heard loudly through the echoing chambers. She didn’t stop though she met His thrusts hard and fast. Her ownmovements mimicking the desperation her body was delivering in signals to him. Gasping for air as she heard Him Hiss “NOW beast.” His own body going tense as she felt the gush of His fluids drench her body soaking up into her womb. The essence filled her to overflowing until it dripped over the sides and down her ass. Janice screamed out loudly as the pleasure waves consumed her. She continued to move against him Though her movements were jerky from the orgasm that had her in it’s grip. Her muscles grabbing at his cock squeezing it and releasing over and over as the emerald eyes closed. Thousands of lights blast through the closed lids as her world exploded in his arms.
Janice was not expecting such from him. It was like he said. ‘I take what I want.” Well He sure proved that and then some she thought. His powers of dispatch were indeed first class. She truly believed He could go to heaven and confess one of the angels to kiss him against all the rules that are governed in hEaven. When he was away Janice could rationalize her reaction to him with thoughts of it has been so long since she had been with a man. She would begin to feel the energy to break free of his spell but he timed it perfectly. Like radar he would be there when she thought she had rationalized everything and all Michael would do is whisper her name. His eyes seemed to bore right through her flesh. Janice became seared completely to his will.
Michael had not thought much of the girl’s request and decided to meet her. What could it hurt. He was the devil anyway so there was nothing this mere beast could do to him. When he saw her he had to admit she had lovely features. Something though lay hidden in the depths of those beautiful gem like eyes. He thought he knew and did know by the end of the next few hours. She was a natural slave. A true slave. Janice did not know this of course but the devil had demonstrates and he knew which were enslaved by him and that which were enslaved from within the heart. His grin grow wider as his plans for the slut Janice began to take shape in his very dark mind. Before Janice knew it she would be owned by him and it would be so fast there would be no escape.
Michael’s plan was to be the devil and continue to weave his spell. Giving her enough alone time to feel she had almost broken free then just lightly running a nail over her thigh, cheek, shoulder, or Even his hand in her hair. He knew she responded to these things and it asked him well to see one so eager to please at his mere touch or a glance at the beast’s body. While she had slept that first night He had chained her and stripped her. As all slaves should be kept.
Janice began to hear noises coming from other chambers. This frightened her as she did not know he seriously meant he was the devil and This was hell. She always believed hell was of our own making not truly a place. The little figure pushed up from the soft furs. She knew the chain would go anywhere in this room except towards the door or at least the door out. She found a closet near the fires and peeked in and grasped the broom. Bare flesh made way across the chilled stone to the furs, Janice dragged the chain until it drew taut. Then tossed the furs over the chain, bringing the broom down against the fur watching the dust fly. Images of what had happened upon these very furs exploded within the fragile mind. His massive form with long nails the marks upon the flesh still felt. The broom continued to connect with the furs until there was no more dust to create. Bare feet carried the beast back to the stone that she was chained to for what could be eternity. The furs were laid out and arranged in an appealing way. Fingers grabbed the brush and the lushous girl began to brush the furs. Her hands tore the knots out. The fur was brushed over and over again until it began to soften. Once it softened it began to gleam a color similar to the rock and throne it lay upon.
Janice replaced all the tools that she used and then moved back to the furs. Emerald eyes widened as she heard the bone chilling curdle of a scream. That did it for this time as all the curves folded in together curling into a tight ball. Body cringing against the furs. Helplessly chained here. Michael nowhere in sight. Janice was terrified. She knew whatever that noise was it was coming closer to where she lay. Janice could also tell the screamer was in a rage and Janice was the target. Perhaps this had been part of Michael’s plan but as the thing grow closer Janice began to scream.
“Master! Please Master! She begs you to come. Please do not allow her to be killed here in this helpless state. Please oh please Master she will do what you wish only please do not let her die.” Janice screamed over and over. Tears streamed down her face as the chained form shuddered upon the stone.
Michael was not far away. Though he had not heard the blood curdling scream of one of his demonstrations. He did hearJanice’s plea. He felt the tears that she shed. Most of all he heard what he had wanted. She would do as he wished. His eyes glowed green in the darkness as he moved swiftly to the throne. His steps were silent as he approached and moved between the screaming girl and the demon that dared to cross him. He hissed evilly. The demon realized that the Master was there and stopped. It began to back away to return to the receptions of the darkness. Michael had other plans. His hand reached out and grasped the demon by the throat holding it high in the air. Green eyes bored into the things skull.
“How dare you enter this room. You know this room is MINE! You do not come here unless I call you.” His voice thundered.
“My demonstrations come forth, your Master has your feed.” Michael said.
Janice stayed curled in the tight ball still crying her eyes out oblivious to what was going on around her only that he had saved her and she owed him her life. She heard noises but dare not look she did not want to know. He had told her the chain did not reach a door that lead anywhere. She was now very thankful that this was true. Her body still trembled as his voice took on a tone of anger and betrayal. She had not heard this tone from him if she had it may have broken the spell. Right now she was to traumatized to pay much more attention to it other than it was different.
The demons came to Michael as he Continued to hold the one to be punished. This demon in particular was a male. This made him laugh. A most cruel and vicious laugh. The women came as they knew what feed meant. They gathered around the Master rubbing against him wanting to feel his warmth. He hissed loudly at them and they backed away.
“This demon decided to try and take that which is mine. You will feed on him. Every twenty minutes. Do not let him rest. If you fail I will turn the male demonstrations loose upon you all.” He bellowed.
His hand released the hold on the other demon into the midst of the females who were desperate to feed anyway so they carried him away to the deep darkness of the home. He waited to hear the demon’s first yell of sweet age but knowing he was now in hell. For to feed the demons would suck on his cock and drain his juices over and over again. It could last for eternity or until the demon died.
Michael heard the sobbing behind him. He knelt down and lifted the frail form and moved up the steps to his throne. He sat there and nestled her within the crook of his right arm. For the first time in a long time he gave comfort without demanding anything in return. His fingers softly ran up and down the exposed flesh. Feeling the trembling became a shuddering as he knew the experience was fading as his mind entered hers and wove the memory out into the distance. He replaced the frightful thoughts with his presence. Suddenly the body which needed comfort needed something else. Michael chuckled. Then he laughed as he heard her beg for his touch. He knew now she was his there was no doubt now as her body turned to molten lava beneath his hands.
Janice forget about the demon all she could think about was him. It was like he filled her head. Suddenly the tears dried up and this gnawing heat consumed her limbs. Her clip throbbed like never before. Her need so great and overbearing she heard herself begin to beg his touch. Janice cried out in password as He tormented her flesh. Then his whisper came from all over.
“Beast are you a woman?” He asked.
“Yes Master she is a woman.” Janice replied.
“Woman are you a slave?” Michael hissed out.
“Yes Master she is a slave whose only requirement in life is to be taken, used and owned.” Janice replied breathlessly.
Michael laughed long and hard as he heard her answer. She had learned well in such a short amount of time. Wonder if she would feel differently years from now. His heart filling with warmth again that melted the ice away. For the girl was pleasure and it brough pleasure to his darkness.
niyah2 all rights reserved
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