The Devil To Pay Ch. 06

Lucy Fer stood tall and erect in the Gill family guest bedroom and sneered down as her white, submissive slave, Anne Gill, treated Lucy’s right foot to a damn good licking. Lucy smiled as the petite blonde sucked eagerly on each black toes individually then, licked her sole before taking as much of the foot in her mouth as possible whilst looking meekly up at her black Mistress.

“Good bitch! Now I suppose we’d better go down and have tea with your parents, you and your pathetic father better get things just as I demanded them otherwise there will be hell to pay!”

Anne let the black girl (who was only a year or so older than her 21 and a fellow student at the University she attended) pull her foot from her mouth and weakly nodded. Both she and her father knew only too well the penalty for failing Mistress Lucy and were desperate to please her, no matter the task.

Lucy put her hand under Anne’s chin and slowly pulled her up until she was standing level with Lucy andat eye level (though Anne knew not to meet Lucy’s fierce dark eyes).

“And what is tonight bitch?”

Haltingly, hating what tonight was and what it means, but too weak to stand up to Lucy and also secretly looking forward to the consequences, Anne replied.

“Op-Operation get another slut, Mistress.”

“And who is that slut?”

“My mother.”

“Damn right.”


The four of them: Lucy, Anne, Mike and Claire (Anne’s mother and father) all enjoyed a lovely chicken meal that Friday night. Anne’s sister Sophie was away at her University and wasn’t home that weekend so it was just the four of them. Mike was in charge of keeping everyone’s drinks topped up and seemed to be extra keen to make sure his wife was especially well topped up.

Claire Gill was physically very similar to her daughter, Anne, she was in her early forties but looked a few years younger. They shared the same slim, flat chested frame, the same high cheesebones, the same long blonde hair that Anne used to have until Lucy saw fit to have that removed and so Lucy couldn’t help but wonder if they shared a similar temperature in submission. What she did know, having squeezed the information (literally in the case of Mike’s balls) from father and daughter was that Claire liked a drink and once she got started tended to go over the score, and the black girl was determined to use that information to get what she wanted from This weekend. Lucy watched Claire dish out their meal and admired her figure and that long blonde hair in a neighbor ponytail and imagined taking it as another trophy. Under the table she lowered her hand to stroke Anne’s thigh and then eased her fingers under the short skirt Lucy had ordered her to wear and began to play with Anne’s clip as tea was being served. Once Mike had topped up his wife’s wine glass and was seated Lucy took the chance to stretch her leg out rubb his thigh before his wife finally sat down herself.

And the evening continued likethat with Lucy smugly teasing Mike and Anne as Claire slowly drank into a blissful oblivion…


The next morning Claire woke at the sound of keys being rattled at her bedside cabinet. She groaned and lifted her head, already regretting drinking too much the night before and making yet another promise to cut down that she would fail to adhere to.


She knew her husband’s shape and knew he had heard her but he just kept going out of the bedroom and slammed the bedroom door behind him. Something wasn’t right. She rarely remembered something going wrong last night but she had no details she could recall and on instinct crawled out of bed in her pyjamas and stumbled to the door and was hardly any steamier as she descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Where she saw Mike and Anne getting ready to leave, that was right they had said they were heading into the city this morning to get Anne some stuff she said she needed to college.

There was clearly something wrong though, Anne looked upset and fixed an angry glare at her mother before virtually shouting.

“How could you Mum! What an embarrassment!”

With her throat dry Claire barely reacted before her daughter had exited the house, imploring her father to “come on!” before slamming the front door behind her. Claire looked desperately to her husband but just saw anger and goal in his eyes.

“What is it Mike? What did I do?”

Grim faced Mike took a moment before answering.

“You went too far Claire. Too far. I know you had too much to drink but still…”

“What?! What happened? I can’t remember!”

“You called Lucy, our guest, our daughter’s pretty much much only friend at college a dumb nigger (he whispered this last word).”

Claire put her hand to her mouth and gasped, her knees went weak and she gripped the breakfast bar tightly.

“You’d better try and sort this Claire, me and Anne have to go but you’d better sort this, understanding? Lucy’s still upstairs but I think she’s going to leave and I can’t say I blow her.”

And before she could say anything else he was gone too and she was still frozen in place as the car left the drive

Upstairs Lucy heard the whole thing and smiled, then upon hearing the car drive away she peeled off the T-shirt and shorts she was wearing so that she was completely naked and moved back into her bedroom. A spider heading to the middle of her web and waiting on the stupid fly to enter…


Lucy waited until she heard the footsteps outside her room then turned towards the scene she had created — her suitcase on the bed and her clothes being piled into it — making sure that her big, black , bare ass was pointed straight at the door.

There was a knock then Claire bumped her way in nervously to be treated to that sight. For a moment she didn’t know where to look and before she had decided to look away Lucy had turned and found the older white woman gazing on her nakeddness. Lucy didn’t try to hide though, instead turning to display her young, black breasts and her shamen pussy. As Claire looked away, Lucy said harshly.

“What does my skin colour offend you that much Mrs Gill?”

“No! No. It’s not that Lucy, it’s just you’re naked and I thought, well I thought, um..”

“You thought I was ashamed of my body? No it seems like it’s just you that’s bothered by it. You know I thought Anne’s mum would be different, I thought you’d be more advanced. Like I said on my Facebook, I never thought I’d get that name used against me staying as somebodies guest.”

Claire’s head jerked up at the mention of social media.

“Facebook? You’ve posted about this?”

Still star naked Lucy lifted her phone and tapped and swiped it then came up to Claire (making sure her bare breasts brushed against Claire’s pyjama top) then showed her a Facebook page with a smiling picture of Lucy at the top. Claire wasn’t to know this was a page only set up last week and every one of the followers were in Lucy’s thrall. The post at the top of the page read.

“Got called a dumb nigger last night while staying with a friend. Couldn’t believe it, thought we were past that!”

There were load of comments defending her and sympathising and wanting to know who had dared say such a terrible thing. Still hungover Claire looked at the page and the post in growing horror. She was mortified and could hardly bring herself to meet Lucy’s eyes.

“L-Lucy, please, please you must forgive me. I didn’t know what I was saying, I can’t even properly remember it, I drink too much, I didn’t mean..”

Lucy held her finger up to Claire’s mouth, the older woman just accepted that gesture and stopped speaking. Lucy nodded to herself, this bitch surely was a sub just like her daughter. Her voice when she spoke clearly held little respect for Mrs Gill.

“Now Claire, we all know that the truth has a way of coming out when folks tongue is loosenedby alcohol, don’t we? You might act all contrite and apologetic but I bet you aren’t, not really.”

Claire was aghast, she could just imagine the shame and humiliation if anyone of her friends or colleagues found out about this, never mind how her husband and daughter clearly felt about it this morning, she had to make this right.”

“Please Lucy, that’s not true, please you have to believe me. I’ll do anything to prove it to you!”

Her desperate pleading was music to Lucy’s ears and Lucy stand back and stand before her and opened her legs a little and lifted her arms away from her body, exposing her naked body completely to the older woman. Claire dropped her eyes and looked away.

“Look at me!” the voice was harsh, demanding and dominating, and Claire looked up on instinct.

“Come on you want to show me that you aren’t a nasty, middle class, white racist bitch Claire, then you can at least start by looking at my black skin!”

Gulping Claire did that, andNow truly she did appreciate the younger woman’s amazing figure. Her firm, big breasts, her tight legs and ass, her athletic stomach, Claire couldn’t take her eyes away now. Lucy smiled.

“Tell me what you see?”

“A beautiful young woman. A gorgeous young, black woman. I’m sorry Lucy, please forgive me, I’m so ashamed.”

“Hmm, I think you need to get More used to be around me. I’m going to take a shower, why don’t you join me and maybe you’ll start feeling more comfortable around me?”

Lucy sensed that this was the point where things would be decided, if Claire recoiled and resisted and was outraged then things would be so much more difficult (but being the confident young woman Lucy was she was still sure she could make Mrs Gill submit to her, Though perhaps with much more coercion). However, all Claire offered as a response to the dubious request was an embarrassed laugh and her cheeks blushed and she began stammering. Lucy saw her opportunity and struck home.

“Oh come on, what are you so racist that you won’t do that, come on show me you don’t have those biged hang ups and I can delete that post on Facebook and I can make your husband and daughter believe that you are not like that!”

Claire was through the looking glass here, entering blindly into a world she did not know or fully understand. Through a combination of a hangover, her strong feeling of shame and growing feelings of submission to this strong, confident, naked young woman she allowed Lucy to lead her by the hand though her own home to the main shower room. Where Lucy reached up to turn the shower on then turned to Claire and said.

“Well come, on! Unless you are getting in fully clothed!”

Without really appreciating what she was doing Claire obeyed and pulled off her pyjama top and came out of the pyjama bottoms to stand naked before Lucy and found herself hoping the black girl would be pleased. She was pleased, she knew now she had her and Lucy stepped forward, pressed her big, black breasts into Claire’s white one and leaned forward and locked her big lips on the older woman’s and literally forced her tongue into Claire’s mouth and kissed her hard then reached her right hand down and grouped between her thighs and rubbed her middle finger back and forth across Claire’s clip. Claire just stood still and shocked as she was violent and Lucy finally broke her lip lock and stepped back and examined her now glistening finger.

“See I knew you were aroused, you dirty old bitch, I knew you were getting off on ogling my firm, ebony body, now get in here and I’ll show you what a real woman is like.”

And with that she grabbed Claire’s wrist and pulled her into the shower behind her…

* Elsewhere…

Mike and Anne sat in the car and waited. It had been a virtually silent journey to town as each had their own thoughts at their betrayal and what Claire would be experiencing whilst they went on their little shopping trip (as prescribed by Lucy, of course). Both were also delaying getting out of the car due to their underwear (or in Anne’s case lack of it). Mike was wearing a pair of frilly girly pink panties and as per Lucy’s orders, whilst his daughter was sporting a tiny mini skirt and no knickers under it. They had changed into this gear once they were out of sight of the house that morning and Lucy had moved onto Claire. Their black Mistress, however, had implied that she might face time them at any point during the day and demand immediately proof that they were each complying with her orders as pertained to their underwear and neither was brave enough to doubt her. So they sat there, the pink frills showing over Mike’s trousers tops (as per her instruction) and Anne aware that every movement of her legs (especially sitting like this) rode her tiny skirt further up to reveal her newly sheave pussy.

And of course they had ‘shopping’ to do as well. It was a five minute walk from the car park theywere currently sitting in to the sexy lingerie shop they were bound for and it would feel like much longer as soon as they got out of the car. Finally, Mike pushed himself up and out of the car and Anne followed suit and came around the vehicle to stand beside him then tenatively reached her hand out and hand in hand the set off. Why hand in hand? Yet another of Mistress Lucy’s demands to fuck with their minds, she had claimed that she would have spies watching them during the day and if they didn’t obey her she would find out. It was almost assuredly bullshit but neither Mike nor Anne were strong enough to completely discount it.

The real humiliation was that both father and daughter were aroused by this situation, Anne could not help but turn as she walked down the street, looking like a whore in her tiny skirt and stare at the obvious bulge at her dad’s crotch and feel her own wetness and hope that it didn’t escape down her thighs.

Humiliation heaped upon humiliation once the couple had made the store as a stick up thirty something sales assistant got very sniffy about serving a girl dressed like a slut who was evinedly buying underwear for the man (who was old enough to be her father!) that accompanied her to wear. Both Anne and Mike blushed wildly but the thought of failing Mistress Lucy’s task saw them put up with the assistant’s cutting comments, snide looks and saw them leave the store thirty embarrassing minutes later with a couple of matching lingerie sets that would fit Mike perfectly.

But their shopping was not done, they also had to return that evening with a selection of hardcore porn (both gay and straight) magazines and DVD’s and a list of sex toys that Lucy had given them the night before. The pair of them would spend the day embarrassing and humiliating themselves across town whilst leaving their mother/wife in the claws of a predatory Domme.


“Like them? You must do, you can’t seem to take your eyes off them! Getthe shower gel and you can clean them!”

Lucy was referring to her magnificent, firm black breasts and was glaring at Mrs Gill whilst they both stood naked under the hot water in the large walk-in shower. Claire obeyed with just a little hesitation, bending down to pick up the bottle, squeezing it onto her hands and then tenatively lifting them and barely cupping Lucy’s boobs. Lucy stepped forward, forcing Claire’s hands against her body, pressing the two women even closer in the shower and almost sneering at the older white woman as she did so.

Having lathered them up Claire wasn’t quite sure what to do next but found out as Lucy reached out a strong right hand behind Claire’s head and pulled her face forward and enguled it in her ebony cleavage.

“Go on, lick them clean, get right under those boobs and make sure there’s no soap left.”

Almost in a stunned fugue state Claire did as she was instructed and started to lick and suck on Lucy’s tits, she had never been with another woman in her life but was finding this encounter the most intooxicatingly sexual and sensitive of her entire life. All her responsibilities and hang ups were forgotten, her husband and daughter were forgotten all that mattered to her was pleasing this goddess and continuing to interact with her. Lucy enjoyed her tongue for a few minutes then eased her hands onto Claire’s shoulders and slowly pushed her down to her knees with Minimal resistance. Claire found herself on her knees in the shower and her head just inches from Lucy’s intriguing shamen public mound, she knew what was coming next, she wanted it and gave a little moan as Lucy put both her hands on Claire’s head and pressed it into her cunt.

“Got a good tongue bitch, see if you can please your nigger Mistress with it!”

She was enthusiastic anyway and Lucy compromised on her tongue as it probed the folds on her soaking pussy, she reached back to turn off the shower and ground her hips into the older woman’s face some more and gasped out.

“Ohh your good, I can see where Anne gets it from!”

The words significant barely registered with Claire as she continued the first muff dive of her life and loved every minute of it, ignoring the pain in her knees from kneeling on the hard surface. Minutes later Lucy bucked and jerked and came with a primary cry, spraying her juices all over Claire’s face and in her mouth and as she staggered back into her hair. With the shower off Claire made to wipe her face with her hand but Lucy caught it and held if off and snarled down.

“What do you think you’re doing? Are my juices not good enough for you to wear? You should be flattered, no proud to wear part of me on your worthless face. Or maybe it’s the racist in you, is that it!”


That earned the still kneeing Claire a slap to the face.

“You speak to me, you call me Mistress Lucy, understand bitch?!”

Claire Gill nodded submissively, oh she understands and was loving it.

“Good now let’s get you out of here and let me show you what a good slave gets when she obeys her Mistress.”

And with that Lucy took a firm grip of Claire’s blonde hair and literally dragged her out of the shower by it and pulled her through her own house to shove her on to her own marital bed. As still wet Claire lay on her back on the bed and Lucy clambered at to her, owning her, mounting her, pushing two fingers right into Claire’s cunt while she looked down on her, then started to pump her hand in and out, hard and fast, lubricated by Claire’s own arousal and pretty soon Lucy had progressed to pushing her whole fist into her and fist fucking her harder and rougher than she had ever been fucked in her life.

In the throws of a screaming climax Claire again didn’t pick up on Lucy’s comment of,

“I bet that tiny dicked worm that you’re married to never fucked you like this before, eh? There’s a lot he can’t do!”

Claire had never felt sexual pleasureanything like this before and was lying there jerking and making noises that didn’t sound like they could come from a human. Her pussy was filled like never before, not with a cock (Mike or her boyfriend before him) or her vibrator she kept hidden in her bedside drawer. But with her just coming to the most amazing, body shaking orgasm of her life Lucy suddenly plucked her fist from inside her and kept it out, denying the older woman her much anticipated release.

“P-Please, please Mistress finish it, please!!!”

Lucy was cool now, in no worry to return to her slave’s needs. She smiled and played with Claire’ played out long, blonde hair.

“Hmmm, you want me to make you cum? Why should I do that? I don’t do what my slaves want, they do what I want.”


“Hmmm, well perhaps, but you’ll have to give me something first. Something your daughter was only too happy to give me.”

And with that Lucy pulled the hair into a long ponytail and her meaning suddenly became clear to Claire as well as the reason that Anne was now a cropped haired beauty. Even still, Claire’s body was experiencing feeling she had never felt before and she was desperate to finish it. She bit her lip and nodded with her eyes closed not seeing the grinning Lucy move her hand back towards that soaking wet pussy whilst still holding onto what would soon be another Gill family scalp trophy.


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