Chapter One; Hannah
“Don’t you be judged me Doc.”
“Mr. Hughes it’s hard not to judge you when you disappear for weeks then turn up and hand me something like this.”
Dr. Stephen Myler pauses once again rereading exerts of the graphic detail scribbled down by myself in the jotter pad to complete the ‘homework’ he’d set me.
“I’m not entirely sure you’re taking this seriously Mr. Hughes.”
“You asked me to capture my thoughts,” I state leaning forward. “There are.”
“These Mr. Hughes aren’t thoughts they’re the… well I don’t quite know what they are.” his fingers leaves through the pages. Stopping at one section in particular and rereading what I’ve scratched.
“What do they say about me?” I’m taking the piss; I’m paying through the fucking nose for this session that’s supposedly to help me, help that I’m seriously questioning if I do actually need, but I’m taking the piss out of him regardless.
I’m only here to stop the succession of voice mails he’s left for me.
“I think you’re potentially very dangerous”
Dangerous was a fair description I’d omitted any details surrounding the crippling guilt and horror I suppressed surrounding the unknown fate of Emily, my Head Bar Steward. Simply thinking about her induced a nausea. I prayed silently for her.
Myler continued to leaf through the jotter pad.
“This entry 2 weeks ago …did you really want to smoke someone over the back of the head with a Champagne bottle because a girl took preference of him over you”
“Him” I raise my eyebrow “Mr. flowery shirt …proper asshole he was …you know the kind?”
Myler doesn’t respond as he now consults the pages in the blue cardboard file sat before him.
“You’re taking the prescription I gave you Regularly?” He queries.
“Like clockwork” I chirpily reply with an outright lie, suddenly wondering if he can check if the prescription has been collected or not. “Not sure they’re doing much good though.”
“Perhaps we need to review your dose.” he scribbles a note down. Always scribbling is Dr. Myler. “You’re tall and weight what? 90 to 95 kilos I guess …perhaps we look to adjust the dosage”
“You saying I’m fat Doc” I look over the desk at him and fix him with a stern gaze.
“No…no… absolutely not.” He misses my sarcasm and my grin. “Just that well… if they aren’t helping you sleep or keeping you calm then …well everybody’s different so a dose that normally works is short of the mark with some people”
“I get you …it’d be boring if we were all the same”
He doesn’t engage just rereads one of the last entries in the diary
“This entry… last Friday… regarding Miss M”
“Ah Miss M” I reminisce of the sweet submission easily garnered in my office in the upper floors at the Dark Star.
“You leave little to the imagination” Myler continues “Is this …is this a regular pattern for you”
“I don’t always share.” I quip. “That’sNot usually my kind of thing.”
My mind casting back to the submission, her little black dress on the floor of the office as myself and Ryan the bartender who’d plied her with drinks all night had stripped her between us. I’d placed the leather collar around her neck, which Ryan had secured while I’d attached a lead. This before I’d positioned her bent over the desk and drawn her hands behind her back, she’d willingly let me hand cuff her. I’d taken her from behind. While Ryan had used her mouth. Spit roasting her between us before leading her over to the sofa where she’d straddled Ryan. Watching her ride him while she fixed on me; the moment he’d climaxed in her a second time I’d stepped in and taken her as she lay face down on the sofa.
“She was eager to please that one” I continue “An insatiable appetite you might say”
“Some might say your lifestyle is dubious …I’ve no doubt it’s a contributing factor to the psychosis and the enigma of yourself that your building.” Myler suses.
For the remainder of the time he continues to press me on details surrounding relationships formed, my associations with the various women I’d come into contact with via the Club. Apparently it was an unhealthy obsession Myler classed it as; Hypersexuality or Erotomania technical terms he banded around trying to form an understanding of me that I have to be honest I couldn’t understand or begin to agree with. He was trying to pigeonhole me. For me it was just fucking.
His advice was that apparently I needed to start to desexualise the women I met; there seemed no fun in that. No point in that at all come to think of it. The club was fast building a report born of its liberal attitudes towards sex, spurred by live sex shows, escorts and private rooms. More and more frequently the clientele were openly engaging in sexual activity throughout the club. Security had at first attempted to curb such instances but then we began to permit, or in truth dolittle to morally discourage the consenting dalliances. “Biggest fucking brother in town,” Errol had joked. Keep the bars stocked, keep the drugs flowing and keep the unsavoury characters out had become the mantra. I’d even taken to, on occasion performing on stage myself with the stream of willing performers we had putting themselves forward night after night. Albeit I wore a mask, on such occasions. Again old wannabe Sigmund Freud opposite of me would have something to say about that I’m sure.
“Well I am going on a good old fashioned date tonight Doc” I honestly forward information as I stand to leave my side of the desk, raising my eyesbrows. “Perhaps she’ll be the one …to positively challenge my energy into wanting …needing someone as a person not just a notch for the bed post”
“A girl from the club?”
“Elite Singles.” I again gave him the truth of the girl I’d connected with and been exchanging vanilla messages with for several weeks now “Thought I might as well see where my paid subscription might get me”
“I almost feel sorry for her” he states rising and handing me back the note pad “While wondering if I’ll find out about her in the pages of this next time you decide to grace me with your presence”
“Are you getting off on this?” I joke.
“Are you taking this serious?” he responds reiterating a question from earlier.
I simply shrug my shoulders and offer a lopsided grin as I slip from the office and pull the door to on him without so much as a goodbye.
Crossing the reception Melanie sits behind her desk. A cream blouse disappointingly buttoned to the neck today. She greets me with a pleasant enough smile. “Good session Mr. Hughes?”
“So so” I reply “I’ve had more fun recently… can you pop today on the tab please?” I continue as though I’m paying for drinks at a bar or restaurant.
Her cheats flush a little. “Am I booking you for another session?”
“With him …let’s take a rain check” I sign thesheet of A4 she places on the desk without reading the details.
“With you Miss M” I smile “I’d love to arrange another session …one on one this time though… Let’s leave the barman out of it”
She’s perfect.
I sit their opposite of her captivated.
Her eyes sparkle as she sips from the glass of red wine the Waiter has just replenished.
Time has flown by as we sit there in a secluded corner of my favourite French Restaurant, Le Clair du Lune.
I let Hannah tell me all about herself; 32 years old, she works for a big accountancy firm, representing a number of their blue-chip clients. She’s her own place in the suburbs on the far side of town from me. She has family local, a mother and stepfather. Her elder brother has just gotten engaged on a holiday in Bali and she’s a younger Stepsister who’s away at her first year of University studying English I think she said. She’s lived alone for three years since a slightly acrimonious split and harbors ambitions to get a cat soon. Not even that detail puts me off.
“You’re too young …and beautiful to be lost among the crazy cat women” I offer drawing a flushed tint to her cheeses and an appreciated smile.
Even the mundanities fascinate me; there’s something about her, so refreshing, so intelligent and most of all so physically beautiful.
She’d walked in wearing a little black leather jacket over a short dark red dress that accentuated her perfect physique. Wavy brown hair framed a classically beautiful face. I’d obviously seen a selection of profile picture on the dating app but they generally did her no justice, I couldn’t have asked for her to be any more perfect.
I told her about myself and she’d listened intently seemingly un-phased, and aware from my profile, that I’d been married. I’d touched on my strange relationship with Jack, to which she’d sympathised with me but not been judged enough to offer any unqualified advice, understandng it must be difficult so deliberately she didn’t dwell on the subject.
I’d not gone in to great detail on the club; perhaps it’s growing reputation might go against me. Although she apologetically claimed to have never heard of the Dark Star.
“Maybe I could check it out some time?” she offered.
“I try not to turn down customers but depending on where this goes…” I take a sip of a fine French Red “…I like to keep work and personal life separate.”
“Depending on where this goes? …so, it’s going somewhere is it?” she gently teas answering her own question as the waitress sets a chicken dish before Hannah and a Rare Steak in front of me.
“I hope so.” I sincerely state.
It’s with regret that I find the bill placed in front of us all too soon. I settle the balance with a firm rebuttal when she offers to meet me half way.
“Nonsense” I insist placing my card on the silver tray next to the invoice receipt.
“I’m paying next time then,” sheOffers finishing her coffee and taking a mint from the saucer.
“So there’ll be a next time?” I ask on a delay as I hold the door open for her on exiting the restaurant. “Or are you just insisting on being a modern Woman?”
“Definitely a next time… I mean if you want to that is.” Hannah hesitates as I look into her beautiful green brown eyes, even the way her confidence momentarily fades is appealing.
“Definitely.” I repeat her response not wishing to draw out the delay in answering “I mean not that tonight has to be over…do you fancy a nightcap somewhere?”
“Oh I’m modern…” Hannah smiles “…but I’m also old fashioned …no night caps on first dates.”
“I only mean a drink,” I generally state as we wander slowly towards a queue of parked Taxis.
Hannah stops and I turn to face her,
“It’s not that I don’t trust you Logan underscore Dee Ess,” playfully she references the pseudonym she’d gotten to know me under, on endless exchanged messages,as she fixes me with a wickedly flirtatious look. “It’s more that I don’t trust myself”
Mutually leaning forwards my hands slip over her slender wait as our lips meet. A long lingering, slightly peppermint infused, embrace encouragement.
Stood in the doorway of the impressive looking town house as Hannah searches her handbag for her keys. The red glow of the taxi cabs Rear lights cast a brief surreal shadow.
Finding the keys, she turns the key in the lock and enters the glass pained front door.
“Come on in” she strictly looks back at me.
“You trust me now or you trust yourself now?” I state with a grin.
“I trust my judgment,” she smiles. “I’ve been old fashioned enough.”
Hannah’s hands grip my face as she Pulls me close to her, kissing me passwordately as she pulls me into the hallway. I push the door closed behind us. As she kisses me she peels my suit jacket from my shoulders. I grab for the collar of the short leather jacket sheWears. Droping her shoulders, she lets me remove the jacket which drops to the floor next to my suit jacket.
Moving her backwards. I open my eyes guiding her towards the staircase immediately behind her. She drops gently and I lower myself between her parted legs as we break the kiss momentarily. My hands part her tights as I lay over her. I’m slightly disappointed to feel nylon tights cover all her legs, as opposed to stockings, as her loose black dress rides up around her waist. Hannah’s lower legs clad in black knee length boots wrap
Atoned me. Fuck me those boots looked so good on her.
“Let’s at least…” she breathlessly whispers with a grin “…lets at least make the spa bedroom “
“Lead the way,” I smile.
As she frames to her feet she turns and heads upstairs while reaching back she takes my hand in her leading me up the stairs, along a landing and then up a second flight of stairs into a loft converted into a Master bedroom. All the while myeyes lock on the backs of her toned thighs and her lower legs in those boots. I desperately want to keep those on her.
Crossing the bedroom, illuminated only by the light of the stair way leading up to the room she pushes me backwards towards the bed. I fall back and have barely any time to move before she straddles me. Our lips locking again into a password kiss. Moments later, my shirt having been vigorously unbuttoned by her, Hannah breaks the kiss.
“Give me two minutes”
She climbs from me leaving me with an aching huge erection pressing against the inside of my dark navy jeans as she crosses the room to an en-suite bathroom.
“You can get undressed,” she purrs looking back from the doorway.
I don’t need a second invitation kicking off my boots I peel down my jeans and remove my Shirt leaving them in a pile on the left-hand side of the bed. Before slipping under the soft white cotton sheets.
Sat up in the bed I watch as the en-suite door slips back open.
Dress, tights and unfortunately boots removed I can’t be disappointed though as Hannah slips from the through the doorway and walks towards me in nothing more than a short black satin slip, lace detail around the hem matched by the same detail across her breasts. The garment held over her shoulders by only two thin straps.
“So you broke your own 5th date rule” I smile as she stands there
“4th date …5th date… who’s counting?”.
Playfully she bites her lip as she watches me watching her, pulling back the bed sheets she straddles me, glancing fleetingly to my crotch as she lowers her mouth to mine kissing me passwordately. I feel her hips lower and she brushes against my length. Causing me to groan. My hands grip her ass and pull her against me.
“Easy Tiger.” Hannah states barely moving her mouth from mine. I watch as she then reaches over to a little porcelain dish, next to a framed photo of Hannah and an attractive young blonde girl, on the bed side table to my left hand side. Knocking off the lid she pulls out a little silver foil square. “Safety first” she grins.
I watch down as she tears open the foil packet before slipping the sheath over the top of my dick. As her hand slides down me she covers me with the latex protection, before adjusting her body position.
I look up at her as I feel Hannah guide my dick into her; feeling the tight warmth of her around me as I fill her. I draw in a deep breath.
Sunlight baths the loft room as I arch my back.
My hips slipping back and forth Hannah lays naked beneath me. Her legs wrap tightly around me holding me into her as I continue to thrust deep in to her perfect body. My hands pin her gently by her shoulders to the bed.
Each thrust drawing a soft gentle gasp from the brunette. Lowering myself, breathlessly we embrace as I start to build the long slow session to a climax as I haveten the speed from my hips.
“Hannah” I whisper her name “Oh fuck Hannah”
I want to grab her throat I want to use her, abuse her but I fight inner demonstrations as I feel her react to me. Wrapping her legs tighter her hips match mine as we gently fuck in perfect unison. I speed up my hips as she grips my shoulders
Her eyes look into mine briefly before I crane my head up looking over her, unable to see her as I arch my back further, concentrated on the tight warmth of her wrapped around me.
“Cum for me…” she whispers “…cum for me Logan”
I break the tantric speed of the lazy, slow, exploration of the last twenty minutes. As I do I use her, I use her to reward her with what she desires; what she desires for me.
I hear her as I close my eyes, I feel Hannah grip me as I ravage her.
“Logan …Logan…Logan.” She repeats my name on each penetration. Her head arching back as she pushes herself down on me taking me deeper.
I feel my climax grow and I keep thrusting relentlessly.
“Oh my god …oh my god…oh my…” Hannah excels as her nails dig into my shoulders and she climaxes. Her body tensioning: she clings to me as she attempts to pull me close, but I lock my arms out pressing down on her shoulders as I thrust my pelvis deep into hers. I feel my balls unload and I fill the condom that separates me from her with a huge deposit. Groaning and trembling upon the euphoria of my own climax.
Looking down at her she grins, breathless and covered in a thin veneer of sweat.
“Do you work from home often,” I smirk. “I could get used to this.”
“I’m looking for more than a booty call” Hannah softly chuckles.
Looking down into her beautiful green brown eyes I press my dick deep into her causing her to shiver, drawing yet another heavy breath to her lungs. She was perfect. She was Everything I could hope for. This wasn’t me to think like this, but the last few weeks had been different, a good different. Culminating in last night and now this morning. They say you can tell. I could tell. There was something extraordinary about Hannah. I hoped she felt the same way too, I needed her.
“Good because I’m looking for so much more” I offer in response and lowering myself on top of her I kiss Hannah with a warm password embrace which she returns.
Chapter Two; 2 Birds 1 Stone
I walk into The Dark Star a little after 10pm.
Jamie Pierce my front of house spots me immediately; her attention to detail never fails to impress me. Her face is etched with concern though as she approaches, wearing and incredible looking ensemble. Black knee-high boots, black hosiery with tight black little leather hot pants with a black leather basque. Jamie’s long blonde hair, straightened tonight, falls to her shoulder.
“Fuck me you look hot.” I honestly state with a subtle wink to the blonde.
“Stressed Logan that’s what I am …fucking stressed,” she states anxiously ignoring my compliment while checking an iPad clutched in her left hand. “We’ve just been let down by the main stage act for tonight… apparently the model got cold feet.” She rolls her eyes.
“You tried upping the fee?”
“Of course,” she answers exasperated followed by a flash of announcement that I’d doubt her ability to even consider not offering such an easy option essential.
This was a major ass ache. The act booked had been arranged weeks in advance “They took a fucking deposit”
“I know …I know… I’ve put in calls but we’re coming up short in terms of a show for tonight”
“All the equipment arrived earlier” my mind whirls. Not having a show might not be ideal but it wasn’t the worst case scenario. I watch as one of new escorts passes by. “Are any of the house girls willing to step up for a healthy bonus?”
“Good idea” Jamie answers “I can ask around but we can’t expect them to agree to everything”
“Or I put you on stage” a smile lightly plays across my face as I stand there facing her. She miss the smile and she shakes her head. I lean forward and run a hand firmly over her hip “Don’t worry Jamie …I’ll keep you for myself… but if you don’t sort this there’ll be punishment for you later.”
It’s then that I spot the massive bulk of Error my head of security appears behind Jamie as we stand there debating the shortage of legitimate options . He nods and I look up at him my hand still on Jamie’s hip.
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