The Dark Star – Descent Pt. 03

Chapter One; The Dark Star

Stopping just inside the main door way I smile as I survey my kingdom, my domain.

“You own this?” says the petite blonde in the silver dress and high heels to my left. Her eyes are wide, her mouth falls silently open as she takes in all that she’s sees.

I’d met her only that morning in the coffee shop 2 streets over. Ordering my usual Black Americano, I’d watched her sat at the corner booth typing away studioly on a Laptop. Completely oblivious of her surroundings. Just as she was oblivious to her natural beauty. Her name was Chloe, a psychiatry student at the local university. She’d been fretting over finishing an assignment due to be submitted that day.

I’d almost felt bad for interrupting as I walked over and picked up the silver pen I spotted, but she hadn’t, that had rolled off the table at which she sat. 20 minutes later having engaged in pleasant conversation I’d walked out sipping on my now tepid coffee with a boyish grinon my face and the promise of a meet up later in the evening. We could of gone for a meal, could’ve headed to a quite bar, but this place was in my veins literally already it felt at times.

I look to my left at her, “Ever been anywhere like it before?”

The Dark Star is alive; it’s barely Ten Thirty and already the dance floor spills out on to the narrow space between it and the bar. The whole place It seems to be alive with a mass of entwined gyrating bodies. Guys dance pressed up against girls, girls with girls and guys with guys. A sweaty pulsating mass of desire and liberation from the shadows of consistency. The liberal approach coupled with the clubs open policies has spread reward by word of mouth within weeks and encouraged more through the doors than any cheap drinks promotion ever could hope to achieve.

It had taken time, too much money and back breaking effort to get this place to what it was today. To get my life to the place that it was in today alongsideof the Club. My marriage had been sacrificed, although in the spirit of fairness getting caught sleeping with a Trainee Teacher from my Sons School apparently isn’t good form. Several relations had failed, been let to slip as my commitment to physically renovating the building then building the brand and reputation had been unwavering. Sure, there were still money worries in the background but nights like tonight, a busy debauched typical Friday night made everything worthwhile. Saturday would be no different there was sure to be a fiscal break even point which afforded me time to appreciate and enjoy what I had around me.

I watch as the hostesses I employ mingle among the throng offering discerningly services to males and women alike. All for a price.

Under the nose of Errol my head of security I watch as Leigh one of my hostesses passes a small clear bag of cocaine a little too obviously to a customer in exchange for cash. Mentally noting not so much what she’s done but how she’s done it I promise myself to address her lack of discretion. Of course, I’m aware of the drug dealing throughout the club; I control it as a healthy immune boost to revenue alongside the traditional door charges and bar tariffs. And while there’s a risk associated with controlling the flow; flooding my own market keeps the unsavoury elements out of the club. Recently the costs from the Albanian supplier I’d a less than kosher agreement with were spiraling. I sensed he didn’t like my policy and deliberately made transactions expensive if not difficult. I was determined to stick to my corrupt principals on the matter though, I felt empowered. I felt alive.

My focus back on Chloe as I snap my attention to the beautiful 21 year old stood there still wide eyed to my left as she takes in the sights, the sounds, even the smell of the place.

“What’s your poison?” I say into her ear over the cacophony of heavy dance music that spews from the DJ booth.

She looked up at me still a little started, “Oh um…Vodka…Vodka and Tonic please.”

Squeezing to the front of the bar one of my new barmaids Emily spots me and serves us immediately.

“She’s a pretty girl,” she pouts with a hurt look that I struggle to interpret as geneuine or not while she passes me a brandy over a single ice cube, my drink of choice, and a very general vodka and tonic.

I lean over the bar and speak innocuously into Emily’s ear “Probably won’t be as good a fuck as you…but she hasn’t got a boyfriend keeping her from me”

Emily tilts her head with a devilish grin “I should’ve mentioned…We split up.”

I nod knowingly with a raised eyebrow but say nothing else my mind thinking back to the energetic night spent after closing two weeks ago in Emily’s company as I turn away from the bar without another word. Handing Chloe her drink she takes an immediate sip through a clear straw and shifts a little at the strength of the drink, “Wow that’s strong.”

“We don’t do half measures here,” I quip.

“Anybody would think you were trying to get me drunk,” the petite blonde teases.

Adopting a fake look of hurt I put my hand to my chest, “Whatever are you accusing me of Chloe?”

Chloe giggles softly a soft infected little laugh with a devilish lick to it. She reaches out and gently touches the back of my arm. As she does a tall Italian looking gentleman squeezes past her; pressing a little unecessarily close to her and she steps out his way, yet his hands linger on her hips a fraction too long. I pull her closer to me and slip my arm around her waist to which she doesn’t protest. I note his face, something about him, his arrogance doesn’t sit well with me. Although I could think that of nearly every one of the male clientele, were I to eject everyone on the basis of I didn’t like their attitude I’d probably see a considerable drop in takings.

“I reserved us a private room” I say looking down into Chloe’s mesmerisen blue green eyes “Thought it would give us a chance to get to know one another better”

“Sounds good” Chloe says with a gentle nod of her head and a sweet smile that precedes another long sip of her drink.

Just to our left I spot an oriental girl in a short black dress straddling a heavy set guy in a booth. As she bucks and complains on top of him it’s abundantly clear what’s happening. Chloe’s gaze around the room is caught by the same sight just as dark-haired girl leans over to kiss a blonde girl sat to the left-hand side of the entwined couple, “Jesus… are they… are they?”

Chloe’s stuttering innocent amuses me, “We’ve a very liberal approach to such things I smirk… anything goes.” I continue with a knowing grin. “To be fair such behavior is unusual before the live sex shows starts… afterwards well…”

I leave my sentence unfinished as I shake my head and offer a subtle wink to the little blonde who despite her innocent seems generally captivated, enthralled by the short sharp immersion to the what many might consider the seedy debauched world of the club.

“What have you brought me to?” she states but her demeanor doesn’t alter, her expression doesn’t waver.

I take her right hand in my left hand and head towards the direction of the private rooms where I plan to get to know the beautiful young, and perhaps not so innocent blonde much better.

I turn back as she strictly bites her lip while being led through the club willingly; I flash a grin as I say loud enough to be heard.

“Welcome to the Dark Star”

Chapter Two; Caught Off Camera

The ear piece crackles sat on the desk; I’d taken it out to avoid the distraction

Shauna’s head bobbing up and down greedily around my dick as I sit there at my desk. My right hand pressed against the back of her head, through thick bright auburn hair, but she copes as she takes me deep in her throat.

“Good Girl” I state as I press my hips forwardclamping her head against me as I feel my body shiver as my climax erupts into the back of her throat. She immediately swallows, taking my seed down into her belly.

As my moment subsides I release the back of her head, resting my hands on the arms of the leather backed desk chair. She pulls her head away wiping her bottom lip with the back of her hand, fixing me with her green eyes.

“No one sucks dick as well as you do,” I smirk.

“A compliment I’m sure,” her soft Irish accent states as she mischievously grinins.

I hear the earpiece crackle again. Snatching it from the desk I slip it back into my ear.

“Logan if you’re there…were a little short staffed here,” Jamie’s voice grumpily states. “I’m not sure my staff are best utilized on there’s knees in your office.”

“I’ve no idea what you mean,” I reply activate the Mic on my laptop.

“Sure you don’t boss,” is the stern reply earned that brings another smile to my face.

I’m tempted to state she’s jealous but not over the club wide network. Jamie and I had fucked around but it had been nothing more than fun and we had agreed on maintaining a professional secret. I smile recalling her sweet submission that secured her the dual Front of House and Events Manager role; not that I’d allowed her to plan any major events as yet. All in good time, plus it might even pay dividends to keep her keen to impression.

“You’re needed downstairs” I say as Shauna stands from the position Jamie had accurately predicted she’d be in. I watch as she pulls the hem of her skirt back down over her thighs

“Served my purpose here have I Logan?” she grins.

“Have a line and get going,” I reprimand her gently. “You know you’re welcome back later.”

“We’ll see… I might be busy.” she teas bending over and snorting a line of pre cut cocaine from the surface of the desk. Rubbing her nose with the back of her hand she glances at me as she walks away, “Now I’ve two unpleasant tastes inthe back of my mouth”

I watch as her wraith like figure glides across the office, I lean forward taking the rolled bank note she’s just used and inhale a line of cocaine myself whilst pushing my now semi erect dick back into my suit trousers. My eye is immediately drawn to the CCTV images displayed on the large monitor sat on my desk. Casually I flick through the live feed from the club and I watch the crowd that has built week on week since we opened. By 10:30 we operated a one in one out policy. The biggest problem for anyone outside in the queue that snakes along the pavement outside was that no one inside the vendor was inclined to be leaving until we closed at 2am.

At the end of the bar I spot a familiar face. Chloe Macready, the Psychiatry student who I’d brought to the club and had the pleasure of a fun little session with in one of the private rooms very recently. This the second time she’d returned now to drink alone. I watched as a tall guy in a white shirt triesto strike up a conversation with her; only to be instantly dismissed. I wasn’t arrogant but I’d no doubt she would have asking for me again, there was something unsettling about her. Something a little too clingy; she hadn’t been a bad little fuck, but she’d served her purpose and I’d unlikely be revisiting our dalliance. Chloe Macready didn’t seem to understand that. That said I’d decided to keep her only at arm’s length and not dismiss her outright just in case I ever wanted to reacquaint myself with her tight little body.

As I sit there watching the various screens I spot another familiar blonde; someone I do pay a little attention to. Gemma stands on the edge of the dance floor. It might in retrospect been a mistake letting this blonde back in my life, even on a casual basis but her submissive nature and eagerness made her addictive, like the purest of drugs. We’d agreed between us to keep things casual, but we knew the mutual attention was some magic. Probably why, much like young Chloe she was making this a regular weekend haunt, with or without her friends. I look over to the leather sofa in the corner of the office where I’d rediscovered every inch of her young body on opening night. Not quite ever replacing the intensity associated with taking her virginity from her in the most sordid of fashions.

By the grainy image, I wasn’t happy with the quality of the system installed, I can make out she wears a cropped short sleepe t-shirt and possibly black tight jeans and heeled boots or shoes of some description; her hair seems shorter than usual. Perhaps Shauna might not be receiving my attention later on in the evening after all. A sordid thought of coercing both the girls into a compromised situation runs through my mind.

Someone’s else is paying Gemma attention though; she’s garnered the focus of another of the club’s regulars. ‘The Fiends’ as they’ve become known by the Staff, christened as such by Errol my Head of Security. The Fiends brought good money to the club nit least with the cost of a private room being upwards of £300 a night for the cheapest hire, depending on the facilities booked that figure doubled and could treble were the services of one of Clubs hostesses were required.

I watched as Gemma stood there while his hand slips over her hip. He wears a light jacket and pair of dark trousers; they seem engaged in conversation and I sit forward in my seat surprisingly watching while they engage in what becomes a lengthy and obviously flirtatious conversation. She reaches out and touches his arm and a moment later as he’s placing his hand in the small of her back and they walk towards the main bar. I’m struggling to recall his name which I should know as he’s visited us numerous times now; opening up a second window on the PC I check the list of private room books for the evening. Pleasantly surprised to see that all but 2 of the 10 rooms we’re booked out. I recognize the name immediately; RowanBlackstone the name finally triggering my memory as I cross referenced the booking details against Room 7; he’d requested a St Andrews cross for the room. Paying £450 for the duration of the night.

Gemma was about to possibly be biting off more than she could handle; certainly more than she’d ever experienced at my hand in the five months we were together.

Maximising the CCTV images back to full screen I note immediately that neither he nor Gemma are captured on the camera that focused on the main bar. Flicking through every feed I struggle to locate them.

I’m questioning my suddenly ragging jealousy while Utilising the radio, I speak into the Mic “What’s the status of Room 7 please”

There’s a long pause. I’m just starting to become impatient when a burst of static breaks the silence. “Uh it is Recently occupied Meesta Huggez” I recognize the soft female voice of Jai Ling who heads up the Hostess team who mispronounces my name. “Is it OK?”

With no camerasin the private rooms I stand from behind the desk and make my way from the office. “It’s fine”, I respond only receiving a burst of static in response

‘Well have fun Gem’ I think to myself still refusing to acknowledge the pang of jealousy that tugs at my conscience. ‘Have fun’


“Talk me through everything slowly from the start ” I state as clearly as I can as I face Jai Ling.

Running my hands harshly through my hair as I stand at the side of the private rooms a little half an hours after starting to walk the floor. Error stands by my side braced and alert. I admire his apparent calm as my heart near rips from my chest as it pounds against my rib cage.

Jai Ling had called a code red security alert around 5 minutes ago. The urgency that should be applied isn’t and isn’t being helped as she flaps and panics now attempting to explain in broken English for the third time what she’s heard. The stupid bitch couldn’t even recall what the occupations ofthe room look like, she’s panicking and maybe understandably so given my aggressive Stance.

“Like I tell you Mr. Logan we take more Champagne in an hour ago… we not see or hear anything…but then screaming…I hear screaming so loud through the door…even over music… that’s when I get Mr. Error”

We’re raising voices over the music blaring from the Sound System just to hear one Another and we stand close to one another. If she could indeed hear screams through the door I shudder to think how loud who ever was screaming had screamed.

“You heard screams… You clearly heard screams?”

“Then…But not now” she said offering a weak smile that boils my piss “Now there no screaming… it all quiet again…I think everything it’s Ok”

“That’s not necessarily a good sign” I snarl turning away from the oriental girl as I look towards Error

“Open the door”

“Bu protocol Mr. Logan” Jai Ling attempts to remind me of my own rules on adhering to and respectting the sanctity of the private rooms.

“It’s a code fucking red… my club… my fucking rules… fuck the protocol you stupid cunt” I snatch the master key card from her hand “Go!!” I bark at her pointing her away from the black door with a gold number 7 screwed onto the front of it.

As Jai Ling obligingly moves away shaking her head looking upset and exasperated I hand Error the key card. He inserts the key in the door and pushes it open.

I follow the beast of a man into the room and my blood freezes in my veins; nothing could prepare me for what I see.

The room, as do all the private rooms, looks out on the heaving dance floor through mirrored glass, an optical illusion ensuring occupations can see out in to the Club but they can’t be seen from the other side of the floor to ceiling glass.

Between us and the window sits the heavy duty black St. Andrew’s Cross.

In the red glow of the rooms lighting Gemma’s slender body hangs eerily lifeless her headslumped forward from the cross; her arms stretched out above her secured into steel gauntlets. Similar steel gauntlets secure her ankles over black knee-high boots. A black mini skirt hitched around her waist; her black tights have the gusset ripped open.

I feel the bile rise in my stomach as I look over at her; deep lacerations criss cross her back her t-shirt ripped and stained with blood.

A black leather belt wrapped tightly around her neck the end of which hangs down across her scarred back.

Sat on a semicircular sofa Rowan Blackstone sits with his head in his hands rocking back and forth. On the low table in front of him sit a black cane, 2 empty champione glasses, two upturned bottles of champione in Ice Buckets and the surface of the table is heavily dusted in copious amounts of cocaine.

“Is she?… is she?…” I speak aloud my voice trembling.

Error approaches Gemma and places 2 fingers against her neck. The look on his face tells me all I need toKnow.

“No Error!” I shake my head “No Error you tell me she’s not…”

I can’t say the words, I can’t face the truth.

The sound of the music blaring from the club the other side of the glass seems to blur and fade. I watch laughing smiling faces through the glass while the magnitude of what’s happened inside this private chamber barely begins to register.

I feel the sting of tears in my eyes.

“I didn’t mean to… she was asking me to… and I… and I…” Blackstock snivels to my left hand side unprompted, his skin drawn and pale, his eyes sunken and red. I cover the ground between me and him in no time as he looks up at me obviously obviously disturbed, to the point he’s physically shaking with shock.

“You fucking animal…” I spit at him “…you disgusting fucking animal.”

He remained seated looking up at me shaking his head in denial stammering. “She’s going to be Ok…she’ll be alright won’t she.”

“She’s fucking dead.” I don’t think I swing my right fist. Connecting the left side of his jaw powerfully with a sickening crack. A sharp pain course through my knuckles at the point of impact. A pain I don’t fully recognize or register.

Blackstock’s eyes roll into the back of his head as he slumps onto his right-hand side across the sofa, before crashing face first unconscious on to the dark carpeted floor.


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