The Crop Ch. 02

Your hand never loosening its grip in long red locks, You drag me across the room to the bed; pulling me on top of it. I lay back upon the coverlet, deep blues dark with the need that has reach immeasurable heights. Without thought or command, long legs part widely, and arms extend outward from my sides. You stand over me… looking to see all that is Yours; all that You control. My breath ragged, tonguee tip tracing over my lips, still tasting You, a soft purr escapes.

Seeing You as You move to the side of the bed, surveying the toys left for Your use, those selected by You, the only ones that are allowed. Your hand reaches first for the plug, a gleam within Your penetrating gaze as You watch my reaction. Seeing naught but excitement building, pleased, You chuckle.

Running it along lips swollen by the feel of Your cock, my tongue automatically extends, licking along the tip, trying vainly to suckle upon it. The smile upon Your lips deepens, pleased with how far I have come in my training from the first time that You had used me. Allowing but a moment, You sink it into my mouth, pulling it away to the soft whimper. You trail the plug along creamy flesh, pressing the hardness in small circles around my breasts, I earn to arch up to it; but remain motionless as You have taught Your pet. Wondering if You can feel the trembling within my belly as the toy continues slowly to my center…

A soft moan escapes as the plug parts the lust-swollen nether lips, wetting the tip with my own juices, You continue watching my every reaction. My soft voice reaches up to You… ‘please, Sir, please will You fuck Your pet with it, please?’ You looked pleased by the request and without hesitation, drive it deep into my tight rim, stretching it around the toy. A low whimper is pulled from me as I am so forcedly entered. Soon Your slow in and out motions begin to race my heart once more, You can see the flush upon me.

So lost in the movements of the toy, I do notsee You reach for the ice. The first realization is when my mouth parts long to suckle, eyes open wide in the shock of it, even as You begin to roll it around taut nipples. Knowing where the previous taunts have travels, a suppressed whimper almost escapes… Your hand guiding it, followed by another, deep into the heat of me…a shudder rushes through with the shock of it… the movement of the plug never lessening… pulled almost completely from me, before plunging back in… my hips rising and lowering to meet it, subconscientiously.

Just as I am almost adjusted to the cold shock, beginning to warm once more… You are suddenly above me. The full length of You poised to enter. I hold my breath in anticipation for a moment, before the ache reach its peak, and my soft voice pleads for mercy, pleads for use. “please, Sir, please use Your pet… please”

You know that this is only the beginning to the beginning that You can make me do… the pleading and driving ache that You can create as You withhold that which Your pet craves… the desire to bring You pleasure…

You teas the head of Your shaft along the cleft between engaged lips, feeling the wetness of desire coating the skin… You hold back the look of satisfaction, as my begging continues… “please, Sir, please, please Sir, please allow her to give You pleasure, please, Sir… please please use her Sir”

Knowing that my cries are in earnest, seeing the look upon delicious features, You bury Your hardened cock to the hilt, stretching me around it… feeling the shock of the cold in the inferno of wetness that surroundings You. Silken flesh graceping and holding to You, feeling complete by the joining.

Slowly You begin moving, setting a rhythm to suit You… the sound of flesh meeting flesh thrilling to my ears. The tightness of me further enhanced by the plug that is still firmly married within me…

Your hands reach down, pulling long legs higher, resting knees upon YourShoulders. Bringing me to form a small ball under You. Driving harder now… the depth of You dizzying… heartbeat racing out of control.

You look to the firmness of my breasts, I reach my hands inward, holding them close together, in offering up to You. Your mouth parting as teeth nip at the hardened nipples… pulling upon them… it is almost too much to bear… “please, Sir, please… please may I cum for You, Sir?”

You look to me… saying, softly, with that deep commanding tone, “no, My pet… not until I do… only then will I allow it” Biting upon lower lip, hold motionless by my position… fully helpless to all that You demand… as You continue to drive deeply… taking all that there is of me… my hold upon desire reaching all limits…

Feeling that tension reaches through You… a low growth, menuing and lustful, as Your own desire reach its pinnacle… ‘now, pet… cum with Me, for Me… NOW!” my cries reverberating about the small room, body lost toYour command and control… still for this moment, one…

As the rush of releases consumer and abates, You pull from within me. A simple push at the back of Your pet’s neck, and I slither lower upon the bed, mouth parting anxiously. Soft tongue darts out, lapping at the length of Your cock, tasting the mingled flavors upon You. Mouth caressing as it cleans traces of me from Your flesh… lowering further, warm mouth massaging Your sack, rolling it tenderly as juices are suckled…. Smiling up to You as a gentle tug upon auburn locks indicate Your pleasure with my attentions.

Crawling back up to You, Feeling the welcome weight of You, lie upon me, as You unfold my legs. Nestling against Your strong chest… feeling the security of Your arms, the fullness of You a memory feeling of You still deep within. Our breathing slows… heartbeats returning to normal rhythm…sleep overcoming…


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