Ever since the message first played on the machine last night, I have done nothing but double check the times, to verify the exact outfit You have ordered, wanting nothing to be amiss, wanting the evening to be perfect. There has been so much learned over the last few months, but I know there is so much more to be learned, and tonight will be just one more test of my abilities, of my willingness. Candles scattered Throughout the room, a small tray with dinner for You is prepared, left to warm within the over, beverages and glasses varied are set and ready.
A second walk through the bedroom, her soft blue gaze taking into account the items upon the bed… only knowing for certain that You will want to use the crop… fingertips grazing along the handle, soft lashes closing down a moment as the image of it strking along creamy flesh sends shivers down my spine. A toss of auburn tresses sends those thoughts scattered upon the afternoon light, as gaze returns to the bed, to the restof the items laid upon the black silk. My fingers rest for a moment upon the blindfold, righting it, so that it is perfectly parallel to the edge, the handscuffs of leather seen next, the six coils of pink silk, the two vibrators – one slightly larger than the other, the small stack of clamps – each sporting a small loop, with which to affix chains and weights, and lastly, just before the pillows, the small paddle – its surface smooth and silent.
Taking a deep breath, continuing to stare at the objects will not bring You any sooner, and I must prepare me now for that imminent arrival. Continuing through the room, I enter the bathroom, pausing in front of the mirror, examining myself closely before the full length mirror. Stretching out left foot, toes pointed to show the tension of muscled calendar as it arches in to knee, rising further to the dance taut thigh, the flawlessness of skin as it reaches up to the center of her. Fingertips tracing along taut belly, where time will hope toFind Your hands within hours. Reaching up to cup full breasts, the weight of them filling my hands, turning palms ever so slightly as thumb and forefinger tantalize on the deep rose nipples. The teasing of the twists bringing them taut in moments. My breath caught in my throat for a moment, as cares continue onward, teasing along the delicacy of my throat, feeling heartbeat within. Massaging beneath the weight of fired tempers, lifting them, hair running through hold like water over the falls. Leaning into the mirror to gaze into my own eyes, seeing the depth held within.
Reaching to the shower, turning the water on full blast, at its coldest setting to bring forth the tingling skin, the glow to her skin. Diving beneath the water allowing it to sluice down me, enveloping me in iciness. Beginning with the shampoo and conditioner, working it in thoroughly, allowing the conditioner to set as soap is later from head to toe. Leaning back once more, rinsing completely, and withthe heavy towels, wrapping about me, I take the cream and a sharp razor, removing every trace of hair, save for that one lil strip just above my public bone from toes to underarms. Following this ritual, another begins, lotion applied to every inch of me. Beginning with small toes, fingers caresing along the arches to the curve of trim ankle. Kneeling before the mirror, I began slowly combining out my hair, allowing it to dry Naturally, the sheen of its length catching the light as it enters the small window. Letting the natural glow of one’s skin to shine, I move back to the bedroom, kneeing to await Your arrival.
A knock at the door, sets my heart to racing, a smile appearing as I offer greetings to You. My body gliding gracefully to the bed’s edge, flowing to knees sinfully parted, a simple arch to my back as I hold still for Your inspection. Knowing Your gaze travels over me, over the toys arrayed for Your pleasure. The only sounds in the room, my breathing resounding in my ears as You command me to the wall.
Rising up to stand, a few short steps take me to the wall, perching upon toes spread widely, I lean closer, feeling the gentle care of the silican dress against almost barred flesh. A whimper escaping me as Your favorite crop is run along inner thigh, teasing against the heat radiating through light blue g-string, feeling the touch of air as You raise the dress higher. My knees becoming weak as You command me to remove the dress, a purr of pleasure escaping as fingertips grazing along shoulders, pushing the thin strips down, allowing the dress to fall in a pool at my feet.
A soft cry sounds in answer to the snap of the crop upon flawless ass… knowing that I have erred, trim wait bends to retrieve the silk, folding it carefully to lie upon the bedside table. Quick to resume Your commanded Stance, muscles taut along the length of play legs. You teasingly resume the cares of the crop, each touch making my heart flutter, the heat rising within me, as response is automatic. The touch of the crop tracing over the art upon my back, reminding me of the hours sitting still. The pain of its creation, the pleasure felt within the creation. Thoughts racing with each touch, unknown where the next will land… a tremor rushing through me as body lowers to stand full upon my feet. A sharp crack of the crop reminds me of my place, lifting back to precariously balance upon toe tips.
Feeling the sweet wetness creeping from within, belly tightening with the rush of desire the temptuous crop offers. You move closer, Your breath upon my neck, the heat of Your body radiating against me. A hand reaches around, testing for the desire within Your pet, hips naturally arching to the touch before the crop is brought down to a small whimper of response and Your hand is removed. Caresses focused upon rosy nipples taut with lust, heaving under the ragged breath of Your pet. Slithering the crop down the curve of belly, just lightly touching silken panties, moving upon me sensitively, I hold firm, crying outside inside at the urges to move upon the touch ring out.
A soft please issues from my lips… ‘please, Master, please touch Your pet… please, Master, see how much she wishes to please You’. I feel Your hand reach around, pulling me against You as it lowers to slide between silent lips, feeling the wetness within. Your touch sending a bolt of electricity through me, as Your fingers tease against hardened pearl. It takes all of one’s will not to move upon Your fingers as they are coated in sweet honey. A whimper is heard from me, as You pull Your hand, the imperceptible snap of fabric against skin resounding in my ear. Your hand raising up to frost taut nipples with honey-coated fingers, a light sheen upon the rosy hue. The firmness of large breasts cupped within Your hands, as nipples are twisted. The crop recovering its torture, lightly raking over charged flesh, every movement sending one to a point of Your wishes. Your wristsnapping harshly as my body lowers a fractional inch, a red welt forming upon the backs of pet’s upper thighs.
Noting the wildness of my gaze, Your touch lowers once more, sliding beneath panties to note the wetness of me… sensing reading for Your pleasure. The touch only fleeting, the pain at its leaving intensity. Your hands once more reaching to tease along tightened nipples… coating them with sweetness. A feral moan of Need escaping at You order me to turn. My gaze still upon Your feet, as Your mouth lowers, teeth trapping pet’s left nipple, Your tongue slowly circling. The taste of my desire upon sensitive flesh, it takes all of one’s will not to push closer to You, to not allow one further to the edge. You lean back taking in the measure of one’s obedience in the marks upon my flesh, a small nod… and the command is issued… ‘Please Me’.
The crop still at the ready in Your hand, as I fold to knees before You. My fingers reaching to first remove Your shoes, setting themNeatly to the side. Next I remove Your socks, folding one inside each shoe. My breath is held, swelling my chest, as I cares along Your legs, reaching up to the button fly, anticipation causing a tremor in my touch. Inviting lips are caressed by velvety tongue, as fingers slide under Your waistband, slipping the jeans from You with a gentle massage of touch. The soft snap of Your crop is felt, reminding me to fold the jeans, my haste in wishing to please You almost overriding such training. My body lowering to lay kisses of homage upon Your feet, lips moving higher with each touch, soft nibbles as hunger fills me. My mouth reaching to Your hip, as lips part fully, tongue lapping at the engorged head of Your cock, tasting You for the first time. Tongue pressed full to the shake, licking at the underside.
Your Hand reaching to entangle in fire tresses, guiding me unto Your cock. The warm wetness surrounding the head alone at first, tongue learning its feel as lips are stretchedwider. Feeling You slide within deeper, pushing to my throat. Pushing deeper still, Your hips thrusting forward, wanting to be fully engulfed. Lips pressed to the base, the full thickness of Your cock within my mouth. The dance begins, slowly at first, slipping only partially out, never fully leaving – as I feed upon Your flesh. The fervent hunger replacing all thought as You use my mouth for Your needs. Tongue caresing the underside, as moans reverberate along the length. Each stroke becoming faster, Your left hand guiding Your pet, as the right cares with crop along. As the pleasure builds within You, the movement of the crop becomes more independent, driving me faster, a perfect rhythm of warmth mouth to Your hips. Feeling the pulsations in Your length, as Your fingers tighten in my hair, knowing that the moment would soon arrive.
A guttural cry issuing from You as Your release boils over… stream after stream of cum filling my mouth and throat, as I hungrily swallow, suckingEvery drop of the precious liquid from You.
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