The Covid-19 Citation- Part 6- The Queen’s Ball
Note to readers: this story contains elements of BDSM, non-consent, cuckolding, gang bangs, and incest between adults. If these things are offensive to you, then read at your own risk. Please read Parts 1-5 prior to Part 6.
(From the previous episodes, Cindy, who’s a nurse at a nearby hospital, had encountered a tall older Police Officer in their small town. He gave her citations for speeding and not wearing her State required Covid-19 mask when out in public. The fines and resulting license suspension would have caused her to possibly not be able to get to work, and still have substantial fines to pay. He then offered an alternative program called ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition). ARD is usually reserved for D.U.I. arrests, but the cops in this town adapted a variation allowing them to find easy targets with law breaking women.)
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Cindy’s Monday started like every other one had in months. Up early, get some coffee and a breakfast sandwich at a local Sheetz convenience store and drive into the hospital for her shift as a nurse. She had gotten some rest over the weekend, and her talk with Bob, her husband had given her peace of mind. She now know for sure what she would tell Officer Trace, that she would accept the role of Queen of the New Britton Ladies Club. Or as the girls called themselves, the Sluts club.
None of them had been forced into their roles, at least not physically. All had legitimately broken the law, and some like Cindy had broken more than one. They all could have accepted their fines, and possible loss of a driving license, all legally. A very high percentage of them chose to enter the ARD program (Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition). Of course, for many of them, losing their driving license or a short stay in jail might cause them to also lose a valuable job. Jobs in the slumping economy were in short supply during the pandemic.
Over the weekend, her conversation with Bob, who didn’t seem to be interested in exercising his marital rights anymore, was fairly revealing. He confessed to getting excited if Cindy might want to sleep with other men, He as much as said, it would be OK if she chose to do that while he was on the road driving a truck all week. He didn’t admit to having anything to do with her current situation with Officer Trace, and she didn’t mention it or ask about it. Ginny, an older, former Queen of the sluts, said that pretty much all the native born, New Britton men knew that these activities had gone on for decades. It was their little rural town’s secret club. In fact, Ginny had told Cindy that, Nancy, Bob’s mom had been a member many years before.
Back then, Nancy’s husband had been physically abusive at times. Once she became a member of the Ladies Club, some of the officers escorted Bob Sr. out of town, to alocal farm and gave him a “tune up”. He was told that his wife was under their personal protection from then on, and he should refrain from any more physical or verbal abuse.
Truth be told, any woman or child in New Britton was under their “special” protection whether they were in the Club or not. All it took was one of the current or past members of the Club to ask one of the cops to protect a friend or relative in The number of men that repeated abuse after getting a “tune-up” was close to zero over several decades. Some choose to leave town, or their unhappy marriages or relationships rather than risk a second visit from the “boys.”
Not surprisingly, the New Britton police department had a very long waiting list of men and a few women, who wanted to join their ranks. Their special ARD program was never publicly discussed in any way. It was a very tight knit bunch with both men and women in town. It was just an accepted alternative to fighting crime and abuse,that seemed to work over a long period. Prospective officers were vetted scrupulously before they became rookie officers. They also had to serve a minimum of three years, or often five years before they could become an ARD trainer. Many of their ranks had been in the military or even ex-Military Police.
While Cindy was working at the hospital that Monday, she received a text from Officer Trace.
Morning Cindy.. Have a good weekend?
Yes Sir…It was okay…and You?
Mostly quiet…are U thinking about our offer?
Yes Sir… & I want to accept it.
Great!…U will be a Great Queen.
Thank U Sir…I serve at ur pleasure
See U Wed nite at 7 to discuss-ok?
Thank you, Sir…see U Then.
The rest of Cindy’s day at work was a blur. She kept wondering about Officer Trace’s words on becoming a Great Queen. She drove home that afternoon, thinking about how her life had changed in the last couple months. And how becoming a Queen of the LadiesClub may change it further. She was prepared to serve that role for her Master. Bob would have to understand.
That evening, Bob, who was an over-the-road truck, called to say good night and they talked a few minutes about work stuff, but the conversation from the weekend wasn’t mentioned, so Cindy let it go. She felt he had quietly given her the green light to take the next step, and she wasn’t going to hesitate now.
Another two days of work at the hospital and Cindy was headed home Wednesday afternoon thinking about her meeting with Officer Trace later that evening. She ate a salad with a cup of soup for dinner, a little nervous about meeting Sir later on.
At seven, the doorbell rang, and she went to answer it, wearing only pajama pants. She opened the door and stood there, bare-breasted While Officer Trace smiled and gazed at her assets for a few seconds. He walked inside and Cindy closed the door behind him. He took her in his arms and planted a long kiss on herlips. She felt his tongue exploring her open mouth.
“How’s my Queen this evening?”
“I’m fine Sir, at your pleasure.”
“You’ve learned quickly, or maybe you’ve been trained before?” He teased.
“No, but I’ve always yearned to have a loving Master in my life.”
“I’m glad to hear you’ve accepted being our Queen. The boys are excited to finally have a new Queen as well. The position was open for a couple years, so they’re looking forward to you taking on that role.”
“I hope not to disappoint them. Will you give me a better idea on their and your expectations?”
“Of course. Well, for starters, you’ll meet and become acquainted with the Senior ARD officers. We usually do that over about four to six weeks. After that we’ll have the Queen’s Ball, at a private location.”
“Become acquainted? So, excuse my language Sir, does that means I’ll be the Slut to the whole police department? “
“No, not at all. They all understand that you are under my protection. The force has roughly a half-dozen officers that have Senior status. So, you’ll meet about six of them over that time. At that initial meeting, it will be purely an introduction.”
“Okay, I understand. Will you always be accompanying them?” Cindy asked hopefully.
“Always, it’s understand that you are my ‘property’. There won’t be any surprises, like the night Officer Reynaldo came along, when you were a new member. Once you’re the Queen, you’ll have more say on what happens.”
“I’ll have more say?” Cindy asked.
“That means after the Queen’s Ball, you get to decide if you’d like to entertain any of the other officers. Me being the only exception. You will remain at my pleasure throughout your term. Okay?” Officer Trace answered.
“And of course, at the Queen’s Ball, you and several of your fellow sluts will be at the pleasure of the trainers. But that typically only happens once every several years. Like now, there hasn’t been a ball in five years, soa lot of the boys will want to make up for lost time. And one of our senior lady officers may also be attending.” Officer Trace added.
“So that night, I don’t get to have more “say”, as you said?” Cindy asked.
“Well just that one night or day, whenever it’s scheduled. After that’s over, you can decide if you’d like some extra training from one of the boys. It’s allowed, as long as I’m in the loop. Understand?” Trace added.
“So how many other “Ladies” attend these balls? And how many officers?”
“Well usually around six other “active” ladies, give or take, and also several of the former or retired ladies usually come as well. Believe it or not, several have asked to be invited to our next one.”
“And your hubby will be invited too, but only as a passive spectator. There’s been a couple cases where they choose not to come. As to officers, all of the active trainers will be attending. The Chief and the rookie officers will cover the borough for us that eveningOften there’s a few retired officers in attendance, but active Lady-members are not made available to them. Of course, an active Lady Slut may choose to help out with retirees. That day alone, it’s up to them.”
“Do you have a date for this Ball yet? And can I request that Karen be invited?” Cindy asked.
“I’ll give you a date soon, probably in about six weeks, give or take. And Karen is already on our list. Officer Reynaldo requested that she be invited.” Trace answered.
“Good. If I’m getting gang banged, it will be nice to have a friend along.”
“My little slut, don’t worry, it will be controlled, and only the senior officers will be able to uh, have access to you. Oh, and the one lady officer too, she’s a senior also. Plus, that’s Why the other sluts are there too, not everyone will be focused on you. In other words, you won’t be the only attention that evening.”
“Okay, Sir. Then I’m ready for this to happen.” Cindy responded.
“Of course, you havethe privilege of adding the retired officers during the festivals, if you choose, that’s entirely up to you.” Sir added.
“You mean, if six going at me, plus the lady cop aren’t enough, I can take on more? Good Lord, I won’t be able to walk the next day.” Cindy laughed.
“Entirely up to you, my Queen.”
“Well, that’s good to hear, that I have some say,” Cindy said with a laugh. “Oh, one last question, you said Bob will be invited as a spectator?” She added.
“Yea, we’ll meet with him before hand, and fill him in. He’ll be handcuffed to a chair somewhere in the room, and we give him the option if he wants to be able to see you. He’ll only be able to observe your immediate area. A few of the former Ladies will keep him occupied, if he’d like that.” Officer Trace replied.
“I hate to admit this, but I’m pretty sure he’d like to watch.” Cindy said.
“Great, now upstairs to your bed,” he ordered.
Sir Trace made up for her hubby’s lack of attention overthe weekend. Thinking about the upcoming ball, while Officer Trace was pounding her pussy, Cindy came very quickly, and twice more before he was finally spent.
He kissed her afterwards, while she laid in bed. She awoke later, in the middle of the night with the covers over her. Getting up to pee, she picked up her cell phone and saw that she’d missed Bob’s call. After returning from the bathroom, she texted Bob to tell him, she’d passed out last night, dead tired from work.
The next few days flow by without incident at the hospital or at home. Bob was affectionate over the weekend, but not seeking intimacy. The following week, Officer Trace left her a message that he’d be stopping by on Wednesday night, at the usual time. And he’d be bringing a senior officer along to meet the Queen in waiting. He made it clear, that it was just a short meeting, but it was still important that she show her submissive side to Sir and his brother officer.
Cindy took Sir’s request, thatshowing her submissive side to mean, no covering over her breasts. That gave her chills that he was expecting her to exhibit her assets to the other officers. So, she would comply to make him happy. It actually excited her, and it would still be in the privacy of her home.
The hospital was very busy that week, and it was Wednesday afternoon, before she got time to think about Sir’s meeting later that evening. She stopped for fast food on the way home, and wolfed it down after she arrived home. After eating, she took a hot tub bath and she had her pubs, just in case. She decided to dress in only silky harem pants.
Cindy settled on her sofa with the stereo playing soft jazz waiting for Ofc. Trace to arrive. She was curious about the Sr. Officer he was bringing along. She didn’t have to wait long. Sir was punctual to a fault and knocked on the door right on time.
Cindy got up and went to the door. Before opening it, she took a deep breath and reminded herself not to cover up from the newcomer’s gaze. Opening the door, Sir stood back a few feet so the younger officer was standing right at his side.
“Please come in Gentlemen,” Cindy said with as much conviction as she could muster.
“Cindy, I’d like to introduce Officer Smith to you,” Sir said as they stepped inside.
Cindy’s eyes went wide, and her mouth had fallen open in surprise.
“Hello, Mrs. Adams, it’s been a long time.” Officer Smith said.
“Oh my God, Jeremy? Oh my GOD!” Cindy fought the urge to cover up, but her surprise almost made her forget.
Officer Jeremy Smith stepped forward and shook Cindy’s hand.
“So, you two, know each other? Well, I guess the introduction wasn’t even necessary.” Officer Trace said with a smile on his face.
“Yea, Jeremy and Bobbie, my son, played high school football together,” Cindy said while Jeremy’s eyes were glued to her tits.
Cindy recovered quickly and stepped forward to give him a hug. He returned the hug. “Ididn’t know you were on the force.”
“Yea, almost five years already. I just got promoted to Sr. Status last month.” Jeremy said. “I was excited to hear about you serving as the Queen of our Ladies Club.”
Cindy’s mind was racing back to when Jeremy and Bobbie used to run around together in high school. She remembered Jeremy often stealing glances at her boobs, but a lot of Bobbie’s friends were horny, boob lovers, and she enjoyed their looks.
“Would you gentlemen like something to drink, or a snack?” Cindy inquired.
“No, we just wanted to get you two, re-acquainted. We have another stop to make. But thanks for the offer.” Sir Trace said. He gave her a big hug, and walked towards the door.
“It was great seeing you again, Mrs. A.” Jeremy said, and gave Cindy another full body hug. She returned the hug, and felt her nipples getting hard against his chest.
“The pleasure was all mine, Officer Smith,” Cindy said rather formally, but with a big smile on herface. She watched as they went out the door, and she watched a few seconds before closing it.
“Well, that was certainly a surprise,” she said to herself as she went back to the sofa and sat down. Picking up her cell phone, she saw that Bob had just sent her a text.
Hey baby, just wanted to say good night. Long day.
Sorry I missed this Hon. Guess who I ran into today?
Dunno babe.
Jeremy Smith, Bobbie’s old buddy. He’s a boro policeman.
Yea, I’d hear that. How is he? Did he stop you, or something, haha?
No, just bumped into him at the gas station. (she lied)
I remember how he had the hots for you, haha.
Oh stop, well that’s probably stopped at my age, haha back.
Night baby, sleep well.
You too love, g-night.
After their conversation, Cindy headed up to bed after locking the door and turning off the lights. After a bathroom break, she went into bedroom and slipped off her harem pants. She always slept naked, and herhands caresed her breasts thinking of how Jeremy’s chest felt pressing into her. She decided she needed to sleep rather than reach for her vibrator, but the evening’s events made it hard to get to sleep.
The next morning her alarm-clock radio was rudely playing a song, she didn’t particularly like at 6:00 a.m. She dragged herself out of bed, and washed her face and got ready for work.
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On the drive to work, Cindy was reminiscing about when Bobbie and a couple of his buddies, had a late-night, get-together the summer after graduating high school. That coming fall, two of them would be going to college, and Bobbie was headed into the military. The young men often slept outside in sleeping bags on chair loans, on their patio. Jeremy was usually a regular. They’d come inside late at night looking for a midnight snack, and maybe piper some of Bob’s beers.
On that evening, Cindy hear them come inside around 1:00 a.m. She always slept naked, and in summers she often slept on top of the sheets, uncovered. Bob was on the road, so she was alone, except for Bobbie, who still lived at home. That evening, she heard soft foot falls coming up the stairs. It sounded like more than one person. She hadn’t fully closed the door to their bedroom, so the AC would have better air flow on the second floor. As she listened, the barely audible footballs came down the short hallway to her room, passing right by the upstairs bathroom.
Cindy didn’t attempt to move from her initial position, lying on her back, naked, arms by her side. She could hear soft muttering now at the door, and almost felt or hear the door opening a little wider. The young men were checking out Bobbie’s naked Mom, and he seemed to be on it as well. She tried to maintain her regular breathing, and was aware of her breasts rising and falling, was more pronounced than normally. There was a fair amount of soft moon light coming through her windows, and she knew her naked form was clearly visible.
After a long minute, she heard them retreating, and back down the stairs. She decided the next day not to mention it to Bobbie. “Boys will be boys,” she thought to herself. At any future sleepovers, she kept the door open, and even placed a tiny night light on her night stand. She thought to herself, “let ’em look.” (But that’s another story).
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Cindy pulled into the parking garage at the hospital, almost forgetting the drive in, and sighed to herself, since her panties felt a little damp.
“Damn those boys, and Jeremy, haha,” she said to herself. This was certainly an interesting situation with him on the police force. She wondered if there were any more surprises to come.
Over the next several weeks, Sir Trace met with her once or twice a week, bringing a Sr. Officer alongto meet their new Queen. Cindy had almost gotten used to opening the door with her breasts exposed, but more often than not, she would take a deep breath first and try her best not to appear embarrassed. Her nipples were usually hard before she pulled the door open.
She had now met all six of the men Sr. Officers and also Sr. Officer Lena Maxwell. Ofc. Maxwell was a strong-looking, thick, black woman, who stood five feet-ten inches tall. She was quite pretty and filled out her uniform blouse very well. She seemed pleased to meet Cindy and admired her breasts upon entering the door. Cindy gave her a hug, the same as she did all the men officers. Lena seemed surprised at that, and they both laughed. She was a complete lady throughout their brief introduction, and Cindy felt at ease in her presence. Sir Trace, gave her a little smile and quick kiss, when he left after Lena’s introduction.
It was Wednesday and Cindy was working her shift at the hospital, when she heard her cellchirp signaling an incoming message. She was inputting patient data at the time and took her afternoon break to grab a coffee. The break room wasn’t busy, so she sat down with her coffee, and looked at her cell, seeing a text from Ofc. Trace.
Afternoon Cindy, how’s your day.
Busy, but not terrible. And yours, Sir?
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