Chapter 1
The last yellow rays of late afternoon sun cut through the old, led windows of the student union and caught Barb in the eyes as she sat next to Janet. She squinted, took a sip of her coke, and said, “Let’s scoot around a little. The sun’s starting to hit me in the eyes.”
Janet moved her chair part way around the circular table, pulling her plate with her, and quipped, “And I Thought it was just your naturally shining personality.”
Barb made a face at her and moved her own plate and drink around so she was out of the sun. It was early May and the sun was just now setting at nearly seven thirty. Outside, students walked past the Union building in the warm spring air. “I just couldn’t face the thought of dorm food tonight,” Barb said, as she picked up her cheeseburger.
“Yeah, me, either,” Janet agreed. “I know we already paid for it, but there’s a limit to how many chicken and noodle dishes I can take. Have you noticed that when we have chickenen a second or third time during the week, it seems to have more garlic in it each time?”
“What’s the matter with that?” Barb asked. “Charles not like the way you taste afterwards?”
Janet giggled. “As a matter of fact, his dorm does it too and as long as both of us have it the same night, we don’t seem to notice.” Then she grinned. “And even if we did notice we’re both too busy to care.”
“You do get along well with him, don’t you? You two have been together all semester, haven’t you?”
“And half of last semester. I haven’t been out with any one else since last October.”
“Getting serious, are you?” Barb teased.
Janet turned a little red. “Maybe, she mumbled. Anyway, it’s fun finding out if we will.”
“I Know what you mean,” Barb said. “James and I have been together since last year. We still aren’t sure if it’s going to be permanent, but neither of us wants to change anything right now.” She took another drink of coke. “Thank goodness tomorrow isFriday. With all the end of semester papers and tests, we haven’t been able to spend any time together during the week and I, for one, am getting awfully horny.”
“No, kidding,” Janet shot back. “I’m about to go up the walls myself. Say, you know that girl, Laura, in my psych class? The tall blonde? Well, we were talking earlier and she was telling me how she’d pledged a sorority this semester. Anyway she was telling me about their initiative Saturday before last. Among other things they had to strip down to their panties and each was paddled with one of those wooden paddles the pledges all have to carry. But what she said that surprised me was that the paddling really turned her on. She said she was dripping before it was over and couldn’t wait to get alone to, as she said, find some relief. She then got her boyfriend to use the paddle on her last weekend and said it was the hottest sex they’d ever had. I know it sound’s kind of kinky, but she’s got me to wondering if it’s possiblee someone might really like that kind of thing.” She hesitated a second and, looking a little embarrassed, added, “I’m even thinking of getting Charles to spank me and see if I like it.”
Barb grinned at her. “Ready to get into the whips and chains stuff, huh?” she teased.
Janet turned a little more red. “No, no. It’s just that she seemed so wound up about it, I was wondering. Maybe I should just forget about it.”
Barb looked directly at her. “No, don’t forget about it. She’s right. I found out I love it.”
Janet’s head popped up. “You mean you’ve tried it? When? How?”
Barb glanced around to be sure they weren’t being listened to, but they were by themselves in the corner. “Well, my birthday was in March and James took me out to dinner and afterwards we went back to his apartment. He talked me into a birthday spanking. An old tradition, and so on. Well, I finally agreed and he had me lie over his lap. What I hadn’t expected was that it was going to be a barebottom spanking. He held my hands and pulled my skirt up and pants down and laid twenty hard swats across my ass. It hurt like hell, but when he was done, my pussy was soaked and I practically raped him. We’ve tried it several time since and it’s really turned me on each time. He seems to get really hot doing it, too.”
“Wow!” Janet exclaimed. “I guess I will have to get Charles to try it. I just hope he doesn’t think I’m perverted or anything.”
“Don’t worry. I think all men get hot at the idea of spanking a girl. And I’ll admit that now that I’ve tried it, the thought of it turns me on, too.” Just then Barb noticed a tall blonde walking into the room with a tray. She waved and said, “There’s Liz.”
Janet looked behind her and, seeing their friend, waved her over. As Liz set her tray down and pulled out a chair, she said, “Hi. What are you two guys so busy discussing?”
Before Janet could think of a response, Barb put in, “We were just discussing if Janet can getCharles to try spanking her ass tomorrow night.”
Janet turned bright red and opened her mouth, but couldn’t think of a thing to say. Before any sounds could come out, Liz said, “You mean you’ve never tried it before? Believe me, it starts some of the hottest sex possible. And it’s almost as good when I spank Rick, but not quite.”
Now both of the other girls stared at Liz. Janet was still flustered, thinking she must be the only coed in the world who hadn’t tried this form of sex play, when Barb said, “You spank Rick? I hadn’t thought of trying it that way, but the idea does sound tempting.”
“Oh, we trade off, but I like being on the receiving end better,” Liz answered. It’s especially hot when he ties me down first.”
Both of the other girls looked at Liz. They were well aware that Liz was probably the most extroverted and daring of all of their friends, but, even though she often talked about her sex life with Rick, this aspect had never come up before. Finally,Janet was able to get out, “You mean you’ve tried bondage, too?”
“Sure,” Liz replied. “Remember, Rick and I love sex and neither of us is afraid to try new stuff. A couple of times we’ve found something we didn’t care for, but mostly we find the variety exciting. And I will say we’ve never involved anyone else. Just the two of us. But bondage is one of the things that turn us Both on the most. You can’t imagine how hot it is to be tied naked on the bed while a sexy man beats your bare ass with a leather belt and then fucks you while you’re still tied helplessly. But, look, don’t think we’re too far gone. We never play hard enough to do any real damage and we use safewords so the victim can stop things anytime.”
Barb had gotten a sort of glassy look in her eyes and murmured, “That does sound hot. Maybe we’ll have to try it, too. Have you guys tried any other kindy stuff?”
“A few things,” Liz admitted. “But there are still a lot left.” She laughed. “Rick has been wanting to try anal sex, but I’m still kind of afraid it’ll hurt too much.”
“Same here,” Barb echoed. “I’m sure James would love it. And it does sound interesting, but I’m not sure I really want to try it.”
Without even thinking Janet blurted out, “You mean there’s something you guys haven’t tried but I have?” Then she realized what she had said and jerked her hand up to her mouth.
Barb and Liz looked at her with real interested. Almost together Barb said, “you mean you’ve tried anal?” and Liz, leaning forward, asked, “You’ve taken it up the rear? How is it?”
Janet overcame her embarrassment and answered, “Yeah, OK, Charles and I have tried it. In fact we usually manage at least once every other week or so. If the man is careful and doesn’t rush things – and uses plenty of lube – it really doesn’t hurt at all and the feeling is indescribable. There’s nothing like it.”
“How did you happen to try this?” Liz asked.
“Well,” Janet began, “Charles had hinted atWanting to try a couple of times and I finally decided to give it to him for his birthday a couple of months ago. Turned out it was as much a present for me as for him.”
“You mean it really doesn’t hurt?” Barb asked.
“No, not really. It does stretch you a lot and you feel really full, but if you use a lot of KY or Vaseline and the guy takes it slow, it doesn’t really hurt. Actually I’ve found I really love it.” In her mind Janet was beginning to wonder if it might not be even better if she was tied down and maybe even had her ass spanked first, but she didn’t say this.
Liz sat back and a big grin crossed her face. “Well, I know what I plan to be doing this weekend. How about you, Barb?”
Barb was not quite as comfortable as Liz in talking About her own sex life, but she had to admit that the idea did fascinate her. She cautiously said, “Well, I’ll admit I’ll think about it.”
“Probably constantly now,” Liz teased.
To herself, Barb admitted this was probviously true. After a few seconds she changed the subject and said, “I’ll be glad when the next two weeks are past and finals are over. The pressure this year seems twice as bad as the last two. I expect I’ll be all nerves and all on edge by the time I finish.”
The other two nodded. All three were juniors and their courses had seemed quite a bit harder than the first two years. Janet asked, “When are you finished?”
“My last exam is over on Tuesday afternoon,” Barb replied. “What about you two?”
“I’m not done until Wednesday morning,” Janet said.
“I finish up Wednesday about noon,” Liz replied. “What about the guys? I know Rick is finished early Tuesday afternoon.”
“I think both are done on Wednesday morning, too. I know Charles is. Didn’t he says James was done then also?” Barb nodded.
“OK,” Liz said. “For once it looks like we’re all done early in the week. Why don’t we get together right after everyone finishes up and let off a little steam. I know I’ll need to depressurize by then.”
“That sounds great,” Janet exclaimed.
Barb nodded and said, “I’m in. What did you have in mind?”
“I don’t know,” Liz replied. “It’s just that we’ll all need to relax a little and it’ll be the last time we can get together before school’s out for the summer. I’ll talk to Rick and maybe we can think of something.”
After a few more minutes Janet finally said, “Look, guys, I’ve got an exam tomorrow morning. I’d better get back and hit the books again.”
“Me, too,” Liz admitted. Liz liked to come across as unconcerned and carefulfree, but both girls knew she was a serious student and worked hard to hold her high gradepoint.
Barb added, “And I’d better get to work on that paper. I expect we’re all going to be pretty busy the next week and a half, but let’s meet here for dinner next Thursday. Maybe we’ll have some ideas for a party or some such by then and it’ll give us another break from garlic chicken.”
Janet laughed and Liz looked a little puzzled by the remark, but both agreed to meet in a week.
The next week was extremely busy and the three managed only a couple of short phone calls, but just before six on Thursday they met in the Union longue and soon were back at the same table with their food.
When they had settled in to their meal, Barb asked, “Well, did either of you have any ideas about what we can do next Wednesday? I asked James and he’s willing to go along with most anything.”
Liz looked at Janet who didn’t say anything and then she started, “Well, Rick had an idea but he said he needed to check on something first. He said he’d let me know tomorrow night. What about Charles?”
“He didn’t have any suggestions,” Janet replied, “but he thought it was a good idea. If you two have come up with something, we’ll go along. Anything to break the tension.”
“OK, I’ll give you two a call on Saturday to tell you what Rick has thought up. Wait, better make that Sunday. I don’t expect to be up very early on Saturday – I mean Rick and I need to break some tension now – and I really will have to hit the books on Saturday afternoon. I’ve got my first exam Sunday at one. I’ll call you Sunday afternoon when I’m done.”
“That sounds good,” Janet agreed. Then she added, “Break the tension, huh? Did you let Rick break something else last week?”
Liz laughed. “Well, nothing broke, but something sure stretched.” All three laughed. “You’re right, Janet. There’s nothing like it. Especially when you’re tied down.”
Janet squeezed her legs together at the picture forming in her mind. Liz went on. “What about you, Barb? And did you get your ass warmed, Jan?”
Barb and Janet both turned a little red. “Yeah, we tried it,” Barb said. “I’ll admit I was still pretty scared at first but, like you said, Jan, it didn’t really hurt and I can’t believe how hard I came. And James loved it, too.”
Both girls looked over at Janet. “OK,” she said. “Yeah, I got my bottom spanked. And it is as hot as you both said. In fact I got it warmed three times and the third time, Charles tied my hands behind my back first. I’ll admit, I’m hooked.” Then she looked at the other two and added, “Look. You two don’t think that there’s anything wrong with us for liking this stuff, do you? I mean a lot of people would think we’re really perverted to want it.”
Liz turned serious. “As long as it’s just a game and no one really gets hurt, no, there’s nothing wrong with it. Rick and I talked a lot about that at the beginning. Most people who would think we’re perverted are probably so hung up on other things that they could never understand. We’re just playing games. Didn’t you two play cowboys or spies or some such when you were little? This is just the adult version. No one gets hurt, there’s no real damage, and we all like it. Right?”
Barb nodded agreement and Janet said, “Yeah, OK, I guess you’re right. I suppose it’s just the old ‘this is two good not to be wrong’ kind of thing.”
Barb giggled. “Yeah, and as long as we’re over eighteen it’s not illegal or even fattening.”
The other two laughed and the conversion turned a little less serious.
On Sunday afternoon Liz called Barb. “Rick said whatever he had in mind will work out, but he didn’t want to tell me what it is. Said it might spoil the surprise. He’ll tell everyone when we meet Wednesday afternoon and if we don’t like it, he said it wouldn’t be a problem and we could do something else. I told Janet and she said that would be OK with Charles and her.”
“I guess I can go along with that,” Barb replied. “You don’t have any idea what he has in mind?”
“Afraid not,” Liz answered. “But knowing Rick, it’ll probably be fun and something different.”
“OK, I’m going to be too busy until then to worry about it. I’d better get back to the books. See you Wednesday.”
“OK, bye.”
Wednesday morning dawned with a clear, blue sky and the promise of the season’s first real heat by afternoon. Highs in the low eighties were predicted. Janet had two exams and spent most of the morning inside a windowless lesson hall filling a blue book with what she hoped were the right answers. Or, if not the right answers, at least the ones the professors wanted to see. At eleven thirty the proctor called time on her last exam and, with a sight of relief, Janet passed her blue book forward and gathered her stuff.
When she stepped out of the building, it was into a blazing noon and a breath of hot air. The sudden warmth actually seemed to relax her tensed shoulders, but she could still feel the internal tension and the acute need to scream or run in circles or something to let off steam. Instead she headed towards the union where the six had agreed to meet.
As she turned in that direction, an arm Suddenly encircled her waist. She looked up into Charles’ smiling face. He quickly bent and kissed her on the lips. Then he asked, “How was it?”
“No, and I don’t think Liz has any idea either. Come on, I was just heading over there. We’ll find out pretty soon.”
“Well, I don’t care as long as it gives me some time alone with you and that delicious body of yours.”
“Charles!” Janet quickly looked around to see if anyone had overheard. She wasn’t really embarrassed or bothered by the remark. She had found that most college students talked about sex a lot, either directly or indirectly. But a midwestern small town upbringing was hard to completely lose. When she had seen that no one else was listening, she leaned over to Charles and said, “I’m sure that can be arranged. I may even let you tie me up and have your way with me.” This was followed by a “helpless damsel” look which brought a laugh from Charles which Janet quickly joined.
As they walked into the Union building, Janet saw Barb just joining James and Rick at a table. She and Charles quickly went over to meet the others. Rick said, “Liz should be here any minute.” He looked around the room and then added, “Here she is now.”
In just a few seconds everyone was seated around the table. Rick said, “I’ve ordered us some pizza and coke. Come on and help me get it, Jim. It should be about ready.” The two went off to the counter and the others exchanged comments about exams.
In just a couple of minutes, the two men were back with a couple of large pizzas and two pitchers of soft drink. “regular in this one, and diet over here,” James said.
The six all helped themselves and when they were started, Liz finally asked, “OK, Rick, tell us what you’ve got in mind.”
“Really?” Rick asked. “You mean right in front of all our friends and everything.
Liz stuck out her tongue at him. “I’m sure they already know about that. I mean what kind of a party or whatever have you been planning?”
“Road trip,” Rick replied. Everyone looked interested. He went on, “There’s this guy I work with. His family has a cabin up in the mountains about two hours from here. His family owns it, but he’s the only one who has used it in years. I think his father is in a wheelchair or something, but, anyway, he’s letting us borrow it if we want.”
Liz immediately said, “That sounds great! What do you guys think? Ready for some good old Virginia mountain air?”
The other four answered almost at once. “Sounds good to me.” “I could go for that.” “We can take my van.” “When do we leave.”
“Well,” Rick said, “I guess the idea meets with approval. OK, Charlie, when we finish here, you go get your van and everyone grab a few clothes. He stopped and looked at the girls. “In the case of you girls, the fewer the better.” Ignoring their looks, he went on, “We’ll meet outside Case Hall in, say, forty minutes. That sound OK?”
Everyone agreed and Janet asked more about the place. “I’ve never been there, remember,” Rick said. “But Joe told me it’s about five miles out from some small town – I’ve got the directions written down somewhere – and back in the woods. I have the idea it’s out by itself. He did say there was electricity and water and a TV and stereo and stuff, so we won’t have to rough it. We’ll just stop on the way out at Safeway and pick up some food. There should be dishes and cooking stuff up there.”
They soon finished and everyone left to get their stuff. About forty-five minutes later, Janet walked up in front of Case with her small backpack and tossed it into the back of Charles’ van. Everyone but Rick was already there and she joined Charles in the front seat. Barb and James were in the rear and Liz was waiting – a little impatiently, it looked – in the middle seat. Just as Janet sat down, Rick came running up with his own pack. He tossed it into the van and joined Liz. “Sorry I’m late. I had trouble finding where I put the directions and the key.”
“How careless,” Liz teased. “I’ll have to think of some fitting punishment for that.” Then she whispered something in Rick’s ear and he grinned. Janet couldn’t hear what she said and her imagination began to run wild, but she held herself in check and looked straight ahead.
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