The Club

It is dark, but there are flashes of light to every side of me, illuminating the faces that surrounding us. I can barely see you from the corner of my eye as you sit at our table, a small, satisfied grin on your face. I am trembling, wishing this wasn’t something you wanted so badly… wishing that my need to please you didn’t hold me so fiercely.

The floor is cold beneath my knees, and I spare a fleeting second to be glad my skirt is too short to be ruined, before I return my attention to the reason for my position. The man in front of me looks down at my upturned face, and expected look on his. “Are you going to get to it, little girl, or am I gonna stand here all night?” he smiles, knowing full well I am scared, but that I will do as you have asked.

Trembling, breathing heaving, I slowly reach forward and unzip his pants. His wife, an older blond woman, moves to me and places a hand on my hair. “Come on hunny, you know want too” she whispers to me as I pause, trying to makemyself reach into his pants and pull out the hard cock I can see waiting there.

A deep breath, then I gather my resolve around me, remembering the look on your face when I submit to your will. I pull his pants down to his thighs, lick my dry lips, and slowly, slowly lean forward to run my tongue from the tip of his cock all the way to the base. I hear an outbreak of applause from the people watching, people I had have tried hard to forget existed, and it makes me jump. The strange laughs at me, then reach down and pulls my face to him. “Suck my cock, girl. Put it in your mouth, NOW!”

I jerk my face out of his hands defiantly, a message to him that my submission is for you alone, then swallow his cock in one quick sweep, swirling my tongue around the head as I bob up and down on him.

I can feel his wife’s hands on me, unbuttoning my shirt, exposing my breasts to the gaze of the crowd as she plays with my glittering nipple rings. As my mouth moves up and down on hiscock, I am aware of the simple black collar you placed around my neck earlier that night, as it restricts my movements, a constant reminder of your ownership.

Again, I let my eyes wander to where you sit, patiently watching while you idly play with my lean. I battle back the strong desire to run to where you sit, to hide behind you from all the watching faces. I can feel the man starting to get more excited, as his wife moves to one side of us and pulls one of my nipples into her mouth. I scrape my teeth lightly down his length, then move to nibble on his thighs, sensing that you want the show to go on.

I can not control the shudder that wraps my body as the woman sucks on my nipples, made so sensitive by the jewelry that pierces them. She is gentle, but occasionally lets her teeth scrape my tender flesh, making my pussy throb. I am so wet that I can feel my juices running down my naked thighs under my skirt.

I let my nails rake the stranger’s thighs, coming closeto drawing blood, then bite the inside of his leg before I suck his hairy balls into my mouth. I think of you, clean saden, perfectly matching my most secret desires, then move to probe the opening of his cock with my tongue, forcing a groan from him.

Suddenly, I feel a sweep of cold air across my ass, and I realize the blonde has moved behind me again and is lifting my skirt. I feel her smooth fingers move across my skin, and lift my ass into her touch, my hungry pussy clenching, needing to be filled… needing you, but her fingers will do for now.

I engulf the stranger’s cock in my mouth, straining to take it to the base, and moan low in my throat as the blonde slides a finger inside my slippy wet pussy. The victory is too much for him to handle, and he begins cumming in great gushes in my mouth. I swallow it all, allowing myself a small smile of satisfaction at having accomplished the task you set me.

I start to rise, to return to your side, but then realize thatmy encounter with this couple is not yet over. The blonde moves in between myself and her spend husband, wrapping a hand in my long hair and pulling my mouth to hers. “Open your mouth… let me taste his cum” she demands. Not giving me a chance to comply, she fastens her mouth on mine and forces her tongue inside my lips. She tastes good, like cinnamon and honey, and I nibble on her lips as she darts her tongue in and out of my mouth.

My hands rise to the stretchy material of her dress, pulling it down to expose her braless breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers. Her long nails scrape lightly over my nipples as she returns the favor, lightly tugging on the rings. The sensing is so intense, it makes me light headed; I could nearly cum from this alone, but she is taking no chances. Her hand has already returned to my aching pussy, and I hum with pleasure as she roughly shoves three fingers inside me.

I reach down to pull her dress up, glad to find she is panty-lessike myself, and pluge a finger into her steamy pussy. Just as I do, I feel hands from behind me push on my shoulders, urging me back down to my knees. Startled, I knee down, putting my face on level with the blonde curls of her pussy. I had forgotten that there were people all around, but now I could feel the weight of their stars as some unknown person forces me to my knees.

I feel him pull my skirt up, his rough fingers skimming my ass, then probing my sopping pushesy. I grab the blonde’s hips and pull her forward, thrusting my tongue between her hot lips. I look up, and I can see that someone is behind her now, pushing her to the floor as well, as I am urged forward on all fours. I continue to lick and nibble on her as she is laid on the floor before me, loving the sound as she moans in pleasure.

Hands are spreading my ass cheats, and I feel a finger push against my anus. I freeze for a moment, unsure that I want that to happen… until now, that part of me has been onlyyours. I lift my head a little, to see you, standing on the sides of my little show. You seem to be able to read my mind, and nod your head yes, letting me know that you want me to submit to this, as well.

The blonde, growing impatient, grabs my hair and pulls my face back down to her pussy. “Lick my clip, you little slut… eat my pussy. Don’t stop now!” She growls, her hands twined in my hair with a death grip. I nip her thigh, hard, in warning… how dare she believes I do this for HER? But, still, it is what you want, what you have asked of me… and I want it too, so I continue, determined that I will make her beg before I let her cum.

Whoever is behind me pushes a finger into my pussy, gathering the wetness there, and then returns to my tightly clenched anus, slowly forcing his finger into me. I moan again, still not wanting to let anyone else have that part of me, but then I remember my vows to you, and push my hips back, asking for more. The man complies, stretching me, adding two more fingers, before I feel him pull away for a moment.

I am still tormenting the blonde, bringing her to the edge of orgasm, teasing her engaged clip unmercifully, then leaving it untouched while I sweep my tongue inside her briefly. I nibble along her thighs, enjoying her mumbled plea for me to return to her aching pussy, enjoying knowing that I won’t until I am sure she is no longer ready to cum. I slowly push one finger inside her, feeling her hips jerk as she tries to anxious me, looking for more.

Suddenly I feel rough hands gripping my hips, holding me still as the stranger’s cock forces its way into my tight ass. I fix my lips around the woman’s clip, sucking and nibbling as that hard cock invades me, pushing, relentlessly pushing.

I can hear him now, talking to his friends as They crowd around, watching. “Tight, hot ass. God, what I wouldn’t give for a slut like this.” They all laugh, and someone calls out an offer to you, asking if I am for sale./p>

The blonde suddenly convulses under me, her thighs clenching around my face as she screams out her orgasm, and my body shakes from the pounding rhythm set by the stranger behind me. His cock is deep in my ass now, filling me with every plugging stroke, and he reaches up to wrap his hands in my long hair, pulling my head back.

Another man moves in, taking advantage of my uplifted face, shoving his engorged cock into my open mouth. I slurp on him eagerly, little whimpers coming from my throat as my body is racked with both pleasure and pain, urging me on towards my orgasm.

As I feel my body clnch with release, a hot splash of cum jets against the back of my throat. The other man pulls my ass back to meet his final thrust, an animal like groan escaping him as he grinds his cock inside my ass, jerking as he spills inside me.

I slump there on the floor, hands and knees braced, my forehead resting on my arm, unable to move, unable to believe what I have just done. Unable to believe what was done to me. I feel another pair of hands on my shoulders now, and recognize your touch as you urge me to my feet.

You pull me close to your side, straightening my clothes, wrapping me in your warm embrace. Your hand brushes my tangled, sticky hair from my face as you pet me, letting me know that you are pleased with my performance this night, and I purr with pleasure at being in your arms again, my ordeal over.

For N. Just what you asked for : )


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