The Bureau of Pleasure Control Ch. 04

(Contains graphic sexual and BDSM descriptions, including male and female chatty, ruined orgasm, whipping, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, and use of an anal hook. This story takes place in a forced chatity dystopia where uncoerced consent is effectively impossible, but all characters gain at least some enjoyment from the scenes depicted and are over 18. Some activities may be unsafe to recreate. For the reading pleasure of interested adults only.)


“Congratulations, Edwin and Alicia,” Kristen told the couple across the table from her, reading their names from her tablet.

They were a husband and wife in their early twentyties, still dressed in their wedding clothes and slightly tipsy, though probably not quite as tipsy as their bright pink cheeses would indicated.

“Thank you,” they both mumbled, squeezing each other’s hands and grinning bashfully at each other.

Seated to Kristen’s left, Officer Deacon closely observed both her andthe couple. She offered no direction at this time.

Kristen continued scrolling down the form on her screen, studying the context for the session.

Whenever she started to lean unconsciously forward to see the tablet better, the chain around her neck reminded her to straighten back up. In addition to her own standard chatity device, she was still wearing a long, hooked bar of metal, her punishment for slipping Zach the quiz answer in class. Seven inches of it were anchored deep in her ass, and the rest curved up to parallel her spine, chained in place around her neck and wait.

Rather than show any disappoint in front of the subjects, she used the bar to make herself sit more imperiously.

“I’m not seeing any record of either of you having been unlocked for skin time before,” said Kristen. “Is that correct?”

“Yes,” said Edwin, growing pinker. “We… well, we……”

“We wanted to make sure we had enough points saved up to make it special,” Alicia explained. “And it took so long to build up a good reserve, eventually it just made sense to make today the day. If we’d come in for an unlocking any sooner, our honeymoon would have had to be either dry or delayed.”

“That’s a lot of pressure, isn’t it?” asked Kristen.

In unison, Edwin and Alicia’s shoulders rose, caught between honesty and deference for the Bureau.

“I guess so, ma’am,” said Edwin.

“Yeah,” Alicia agreed.

“Have you given much thought to what you’re hoping will happen once we open those devices?” Kristen asked. “When you’re finally able to touch each other?”

“Well, yeah, some,” said Edwin, looking shyly down at the small amount of cleavage Alicia’s lacy neckline revealed.

“I’ve tried not to think too much about it,” said Alicia. “Easier that way.”

Kristen nodded and glanced back at the tablet. “You’ve requested twenty-five minutes of full unlocking, no stroke limits, plus nipple access during the same time period for you,” she looked to Alicia, “but not you.” She looked to Edwin. “Is that correct?”

“Yes,” said Edwin. “I’d, uh, I’d really, really like to touch them.”

“And you’re aware that this will bring you each down to a total of fifteen points remaining,” said Kristen.

The couple took a bracing breath. It was always scary, losing hundreds of points at once, but this was a happy moment for it. This what they’d been saving up those points for in the first place.

They nodded to each other, then to Kristen.

“Now, you’re both going to be very pent up, as well as inexperienced…” Kristen started.

“Uh, is there any chance we could get started asap?” Edwin asked, giving Kristen the most direct look that he’d been able to manage since Arriving.

His slightly sunken eyes were oddly transparent when he managed to focus them, full of all the eagerness he was trying so hard to squeeze out of his facial expression.


Officer Deacon put her handon Kristen’s thigh under the table and squeezed it in warning.

Kristen had been about to offer some advice, based on both official Bureau wisdom and common sense, about how the happy couple could get the most out of their points. But once a subject had brushed off Bureau wisdom in favor of a poor decision that was within their rights to make, standard procedure was to allow the subject to learn from their mistake.

Kristen smiled sweetly. “Of course. Let’s get you stripped down.”

With plenty of glances back and forth, to make sure they were proceeding correctly, Edwin and Alicia tenderly undressed each other. She untied his tie and ran the silk along her cheek before setting it aside. For each of the first three shirt buttons she undid, she kissed the newly available stretch of skin on his chest.

Then the impatience took over, and she rushed through the rest.

As soon as Edwin got his belt and suit pants open, he turned Alicia around and pressed his still-caged cock against her ass, through the white satin layers of her dress, while he helped her with her dress zipper.

When all of their clothes were finally drawn across the table or piled on the floor, they made out for a few more moments, metal grinding against metal between their legs, before turning expected back towards Kristen and Officer Deacon.

Both Edwin and Alicia clapped their hands in front of their devices, unable to make eye contact while they waited for the next step. All four of their pleasure-proof pasties were slightly tented in the middle, revealing the potential sensitivity trapped underneath.

“May… may we?” Alicia managed.

Kristen entered the release commands on her tablet screen, and stood up to tap her ID card to the front panel sensors of Edwin and Alicia’s chatity devices.

The locks disengaged.

The sound was magnificent. That little click of freedom made the hair stand up on Kristen’s arms, and her nipples struggle againsttheir own confinement. She had heard that sound from her own device less than an hour ago, but received no pleasure, only an empty threat of pussy whipping before she was locked away again.

She caught a wave of envy coming on and rerouted it quickly into victim excitement for the couple, who looked to each other with matching squeaks of breath.

Kristen opened the wall panel behind her and retrieved a bottle of hand sanitizer, along with a bottle of plain water for rinsing.

“For your pasties,” she said, placing the bottles on the table in front of Alicia.

While Alicia worked on dissolving the adhesive around her nipples, Kristen walked to the wall on the other side of the room. She crouched down, bending at the knees to keep her back straight. With some difficulty, she pulled out the wide, thin drawer at the bottom, revealing a small cot lined with clean paper.

She made sure Alicia had removed the last scraps of the pasties before bringing up the timeron her tablet.

“Twenty-five minutes starts… now.”

Edwin and Alicia jumped on each other, making out harder, faster. Alicia removed Edwin’s unlatched cage, he gave the metal front panel of her device the nudge it needed to fall to the floor, and they grabbed at each other in a panicked, violent frenzy.

Without breaking apart even for a moment, they shuffled sideways to the cot and dropped heavily onto it.

Kristen settled carefully back into her seat, next to Officer Deacon, to watch.

Not long ago, Kristen would have gone out of her way to avoid absorbing any images that might provoke a sexual reaction in her. The uncomfortable ones had seemed like more than her mind could handle, while the pleasant ones made her enforced chattity needlessly more difficult.

Now that she was More accustomed to both the displays of other people’s sexuality around her, and the constant, frustrated thrum of her own, she welcomed what power there was in watching. That, atleast, was something she could do.

Both Edwin and Alicia were enjoyable to look at. He was more obvious about it, with sharp cheesebones, soft lips, and a torso that tapered from wide shoulders to narrow waist at stunningly crisp angles.

She had a more forgettable look at first glance, lacking strong shapes in either face or figure. There were moments, though, when she would briefly forget that she was being observed, even by Edwin. She would smile to herself, as if just re-remembering that this was really happening, and grind herself against his thigh, taking pleasure in a way that came naturally to her, instead of waiting for him to give it to her.

Those moments never lasted more than a couple seconds before she reined them in, but there was something about them, the daring shape her mouth took on during them, that was hauntingly appealing.

Both of them had the smoothest, softest-looking skin. It must have felt incredible, brushing together like that.

Kristen almost gasped aloud when Officer Deacon reached along the back of her chair to stroke her upper arm.

“What would you do differently?” Officer Deacon whispered in Kristen’s ear. “If you were the one tasked with pleasure her?”

Kristen thought for a moment, watching Edwin wriggle his fingers into his wife’s tight opening, sucking on her breasts with all the confidence and purpose of a dog that had suddenly caught up to the car it was chasing.

“I’d request releasing her nipples first,” said Kristen. “I’d start by teasing them until she was so hot and wet inside her device that she wouldn’t even know what to do with twenty-five minutes of freedom by the time she got them. Then I’d ask her to ride my face. I’d beg her to, if I had to, until she stopped assuming that she’d be imposing or something by saying yes. I bet she could make herself cum against a willing mouth in about five minutes if she could just be sure it was okay. So that’d give me five minutesto study the moves and pressure she likes best, and another fifteen to repeat them back to her until she’s trembling on the floor.”

Officer Deacon’s eyes sparkled behind her square glasses as she smiled.

“And him?”

By now, Edwin had maneuvered himself between Alicia’s legs. His cock was so hard it looked painful, though he had only been allowed full blood flow for a matter of At least three times already, he had brought it to Alicia’s pussy but then pulled it away, closing his eyes and forcing several deep breaths.

“For him, I’d spend the few extra points to use one of the auto-masturbators behind the wall,” said Kristen. “Take all of thirty seconds to get him past that first, backed-up, too-quick orgasm he’s so worried about right now. Then, when he’s not so antsy, I’d experiment to find his favorite types of cuddles and dirty talk, until he’s actually ready to deliver the long, hard pounding he’s obviously been dreaming about for years.”

“Not bad,” said Officer Deacon.

They watched in silence for a moment as Edwin finally squeezed his way repeatedly into Alicia, with plenty of winning on both sides. For all his engagement, he was still mostly dry, not the easiest visitor for her nervous, tensed-up pelvic muscles.

He looked as uncomfortable as she did, inside and out, as his expectations for the day falsetered, and he realized how fast this was going to be over, no matter how many deep breaths he took.

“I’d say they’ve fumbled around enough,” said Officer Deacon. “Would you agree?”

“Sure,” said Kristen. “But there’s nothing we can do, right?”

“They have to learn from their mistakes,” said Officer Deacon. “But in order for that to happen, they have to learn that better options existed. Besides, it’s Still a honeymoon. It is supposed to be fun.”


Kristen crouched down next to the pained, awkward faces of the couple.

“How does it feel?” she asked Alicia. “Being unlocked, finally getting him inside you, where you’ve been craving him since the first moment you saw him. How does it feel?”

“Uh.” Alicia hesitated. “Good?”

“Does it really?” Kristen asked. “Or is that just what you were expecting to feel?”

Alicia frozen. There was no safe, direct answer for her to give.

Kristen kept talking, making the pause too short for Alicia to be blowed for not filling it.

“After all that waiting, all those sweaty, restless nights, all the innocent kisses you’ve had to cut short before they could become unbearable, you’re finally free to fuck. How could it be anything less than the greatest ecstasy you’ve ever felt?”

“I… I don’t know,” Alicia answered, carefully, honestly. “How could it?”

Edwin’s arms began to shake as he held himself in place over her, watching the conversation between Alicia and Kristen with vague horror, but also desperate curiosity, hoping for an answer he could use to make this all it should be.

“What do you want right now?” Kristen asked Alicia.

“To feel how I did on the way over here,” Alicia answered. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I was so craneated up and ready to go, before we actually started. But then the stretching kind of hurt, and it’s like I got so stuck in my head that I lost it.”

“Starting from this moment,” said Kristen, “is there anything you think would help you get that feeling back?”

Alicia brought her arm across her face. “Time,” she said. “More time.”

“You’ve only used four minutes so far,” Kristen assured her. “I think you’d be surprised how much you can fit into the other twenty-one.”

“No, I mean… I wish,” she moved her arm to look up at Edwin, “I wish every second it takes me didn’t feel like I’m hurting you. Keeping you waiting.” She covered her eyes again. “I’m sorry.

“Someday, you might get a kick out of keeping him waiting,” Kristen lightened her voice, hoping to lighten the mood with it. “But probably not today.”

Kristen looked to Edwin.

“How fast do you think you could cum right now?” she asked. “If you just let it happen?”

“I won’t put my pleasure before hers,” Edwin said defendingly.

Someone had taught him consideration, if not strategy.

“Trust me, you don’t need a hard cock to please her,” said Kristen. “A hard cock is nothing compared with a little patience. And patience won’t be easy for you in your current condition.”

“I couldn’t live with myself,” Edwin insisted, lowering himself to his elbows, kissing Alicia’s breasts with his eyes on Kristen. “I can’t just make sure I’m satisfied, first thing, while she needs help to make sure it happens for her at all.”

Kristen nodded as she processed his protests.

“You’re really determined to be fair about this,” she said.

“Of course,” said Edwin.

“Do you wish your body felt more like hers does right now?” she asked.

“I… I’m not sure I understandd,” said Edwin.

“Do you wish you had to start from the beginning, even after all this waiting?” Kristen clarified. “Slow and delicate, vulnerable to pain, with no certainty you’ll be able to finish before you’re locked back up for another ageing wait?”

Edwin thought. “If it means I could share it with her, sure I do. But–“

“We can put you there,” said Kristen. “Or, pretty damn close.”

Edwin lifted one of his sharp, thin eyesbrows, uncertain.

“You won’t like it,” Kristen promised.

This was apparently what made Edwin feel comfortable enough to nod.

“Pull out and knee here on the floor for me,” Kristen directed, pointing to the hard tile next to the cot.

With one soft, apologetic kiss on Alicia’s lips, Edwin did as he was told.

“I would offer to let you perform this maneuver yourself, Alicia,” Kristen said as she returned to the table, where she’d left her bag. “But if watching him wait bothers you, you probably wouldn’t take to itwell.”

Kristen reached into her bag and retrieved one of the two leather straps from class, the ones she was supposed to practice with.

True, she was mainly supposed to practice on herself, but no one had specifically told her not to practice on anyone else if the situation called for it.

“Gentle, now,” Officer Deacon whispered to her. “A flick of the wrist will do.”

Kristen walked back to Alicia and Edwin, folding the strap in half in her hands.

“Alicia, I recommend relaxing and touching yourself softly while we take care of this. Feel free to watch or not, whichever feels better to you.”

Tentatively, Alicia keep her eyes open, running fingers over her pussy in long, slow strokes.

“Edwin, you’re going to touch yourself, too.” Kristen held up a hand before Edwin could object. “When you start to cum, you’re going to clasp both your hands behind your head, and trust me to interrupt you. It’ll hurt and leave you sensitive, with a long road back to the edge, but I promise, you’ll stay just as frustrated and desperate as you are now. Kind of like your wife.”

With a fond glance at Alicia, Edwin repeatedly began struggling his cock, still wet from its brief visit inside her.

After a few seconds, his eyes unfocused.

“No, look at her,” said Kristen. “Show her what just looking at her does to you.”

Edwin refocused on Alicia’s face, and they shared their first of those bashful, secret smiles since the devices had come off.

“How many times can you remember thinking that you’d give almost anything just to masturbate to the thought of her, let alone touch her?”

The smile deepened for both of them.

“More than I can count,” said Edwin, stroking himself faster.

“You want so much to be a good lover to her. And if you’re having trouble, it’s only because you’re too turned on.”

“Yes,” Edwin murmured, breath growing shorter.

“Show her that overreager orgasm of yours that’s been getting in the way. Bring it out and sacrifice it to her.”

A wordless moan started in the back of Edwin’s throat.

“You promise…” he forced the sound into words. “You won’t let me…”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Kristen cooed, croouching down beside him and giving the folded strap a loud snap against itself.

“Oh, god…”

Edwin’s beautiful face spasmed, and he wronged his hands away from his cock just as the first jet of ejaculate left it, splashing the paper cot cover next to Alicia’s arm.

Before a second jet could follow, Kristen swatted the looped end of the strap against the head of Edwin’s cock.

It wasn’t an extremely violent swat. Just sharp, controlled, perfectly timed and targeted to that most vulnerable cluster of nervouss along the underside.

Edwin’s moan turned to a whimper as his orgasm sputtered out. His fluid keep coming for several more seconds, dribbling weakly out of his failing erection with no pleasuresant contracts to propel it.

“Good boy,” Kristen ran her fingers briefly, instinctively, though his shiny hair, forgetting that he was probably a few years older than herself. “Go back to bed now and let your wife take care of you, the way she would want to be cared for in your place.” Kristen glanced at Alicia, who was already reaching out to hold him. “I recommend paying close attention.”

Edwin crawled forward to collapse against Alicia’s warmth, plainly nuzzling her soft breasts for comfort while she took over stroking his hair.

The sound of two light taps on the table behind Kristen announced Officer Deacon’s desire to speak with her.

While Edwin and Alicia were preoccupied with each other, Kristen methodically stood up and returned to her chair. She was learning to accept the stimulating way her anal hook pushed its way deeper inside her as she sat.

Officer Deacon leaned towards her and motioned her close.

Kristen presented her ear for theOfficer’s notes, and for the brush of her breath against it.

“Did you see the reaction when you said ‘sacrifice’?” Officer Deacon whispered.

“Yeah,” said Kristen. “I thought he was going to burst before I finished my sentence.”

“Not just him,” said Officer Deacon. “Her nipples re-hardened right in sync with it.”

Kristen glanced back at the couple, as if she could glance back in time to catch the detail she’d missed.


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