(Contains graphic sexual and BDSM descriptions, including male and female chatity, edging, ruined orgasm, ballgags, pussy paddling, electric play, and strangulation. This chapter is mostly f/f, or more accurately, f/f/f. The story takes place in a forced chatity dystopia where uncoerced consent is effectively impossible, but all characters gain at least some enjoyment from the scenes depicted and are over 18. Some activities may be unsafe to recreate. For the reading pleasure of interested adults only.)
In the Bureau’s trainee barracks, surrounded by the morning scuffle of dozens of other trainees preparing for the day, Kristen and Zach spooned in her narrow bunk.
No one paid them any attention. As far as anyone else knew, they were both locked inescapably in their standard-issue chatity devices, just like any other subjects of the Bureau, and if they wanted to indulge in what physical closeness they could manage, compounding theirfrustration in the process, that was their prerogative.
In a room this far from private, their confinement was fairly real. Zach wasn’t about to use his trick ring to unlock either of them here, a matter of feet away from the other trainees, but still, the ring was there, on one of his fingers interlaced with hers, a giddy reminder of the “tutoring” session they’d shared the day before.
“First shift starts in a couple minutes,” Kristen noted reluctantly.
“Yeah.” Zach nodded behind her, chin touching her shoulder. “I don’t suppose we could both be sick today, spend it all in bed.”
“Like one of those couples in the posters about unregulated life?” Kristen joked. “Letting the world pass us by, ignoring all of our responsibility?”
“Sure. They can take our picture, if they want,” said Zach, kissing her neck.
Kristen Shook her head, trying to shake off the temptation in the process. “I’m shadowing my mentor this morning.”
“Wouldn’t want to miss that,” said Zach, with a weak edge to his voice.
“I learn as much from half a day with her as I do from three whole days of classes,” said Kristen.
Zach didn’t dispute this.
“Just remember, you don’t need any points from her. From any of them.” He leaned forward to give Kristen a sideways kiss on the lips, reminding her what it was like to be able to taste his skin, Without the experimental drug blocking her receivers. “Whenever you feel like you have to please the Bureau for the sake of being let out, come to me instead, and I’ll do it.”
“Oh, so now I only have to worry about pleasure you?” Kristen asked, only half teasing.
“Worry about not fucking me over,” Zach whispered seriously. “That’s all I ask, and I’ll let you out whenever you want. You can do stuff with me, or on your own, even with other people, just,” he took a breath, “you need to be damn sure it’s someone we can trust before you get them involved, okay?”
Kristen squeezed his ring hand and sat up, triple checking that the chains of her device were secure. “Promise.”
“We’ve got a very serious case today,” said Officer Deacon. “I hope you’re ready for it.”
“Whatever you need, I’m there,” said Kristen, matching her mentor’s severe demeanor and smoothing the wrinkles out of her short tune.
She was unusually aware of the air on her bare legs on the way down the hall to the visitor rooms. It feel as if there must be evidence on her somewhere that she had forgotten to hide, something that made it perfectly obvious what she and Zach had done behind their mentors’ backs, right under the nose of the Bureau itself.
Just as a thrill began to build in Kristen’s chest, the thrill of really, truly getting away with it, having a secret from the all-powerful Bureau, Officer Deacon explained.
“Our subject today somehow managed to trick a Bureau-issued chatity device into opening without approval.”
The floor seemsed to drop sharply under Kristen’s feet. “They did?”
“I’m afraid so,” said Officer Deacon gravely, stopping in front of a visitor room door and reaching for the ID card clipped to her dress. “It’s rare, but it’s been known to happen.”
Kristen leaned against the side of the doorway in front of her.
“So, what’s the procedure for that?” she asked, nervous but sly, holding Officer Deacon’s gaze.
“Obey and learn, I’ll explain as we go,” said Officer Deacon.
Obviously, when the door opened, there was going to be no one in the room. Just the table and two empty chairs, where Officer Deacon would show Kristen firstthand what the consequences were for undermining the Bureau’s power in such a fundamental way.
Kristen was breaking a sweat just thinking about it, for more reasons than one.
The punishment would have to be extreme, far worse than what she’d gotten for cheating on a quiz, or for a brief delay of restraint in her first session as a subject. With her pleasure deprivation so recently broken, the thought of having her clip punished, just for the sake of having it touched at all, had lost most of its appeal.
The thought of having Officer Deacon’s full attention to herself was appealing, however. Kristen had gotten much less of that during her training so far than she’d hoped, and very little of it had involved sensing. That was the main reason she’d stolen Those few extra strokes during her first session, the day she had first met her mentor. She had wanted the strokes, but not as much as she had wanted to bring this stunning, powerful woman’s attention down on herself, hard.
Even if the attention she was about to get was all pain, it would be between the two of them. Kristen would apologize and beg and plead to make this up, and Officer Deacon would show her the way back to the Bureau’s good graces.
There had to be a way. That much she had learned from her training so far. The Bureau didn’t reject sIncere efforts to serve and comply with it, regardless of the mistakes a person had made before. That was part of why it was so powerful.
Kristen would make those since efforts, and maybe, along the way, Officer Deacon would let slip some hint of whether she was simply performing her duties, or reveling in the outlet for her own feelings. The woman was hard to read, but Kristen thought she’d be able to feel the difference in the fall of the whip, or cane, or whatever implement she ended up using on her. Was she personally angry that Kristen had stolen pleasure? Was she more upset that she had done so with someone else?
Kristen very much wanted to know.
Then again, she realized, the room might not be for the two of them after all.
Officer Deacon might just as easily open that door to reveal Zach, marched over Here through the back way by some other officer for dramatic effect.
That possibility was more alarming. Zach probably wouldn’t handle getting caught as well as Kristen would. But maybe, if they were together in this, she’d be able to protect him. She could imagine his trick ring getting him into much worse situations than being locked in a room with her and Officer Deacon.
Come to think of it, she could imagine a room with the three of them being quite a nice place to end up, under the right circumstances.
Officer Deacon tapped her card to the door’s sensor, and opened it. Kristen stepped in after her, hair standing on end in anticipation.
The visitor’s seat was not waiting empty for her.
Nor was Zach waiting in it.
“Piper?” Kristen had to ask, to make sure she was matching the right name to the right face from the back row of the training classroom.
“Hey, Kristen!” Piper waved at her from her seat, as if they were best Friends meeting in line for the greatest show in the world. “So, are we doing this?”
After sharing the barracks for over a month, this was the first time Kristenhad heard Piper speak above a mumble.
Piper tucked her curly red hair behind her ears and grinned, transforming her face from lifeless background noise to vibrant chaos the way someone else might change clothes.
A female chatity device, presumably Piper’s, lay open on the table in a tangle of its own chains.
Officer Deacon closed the door, took her seat across from Piper, and took a moment to bring up the right file on her tablet.
Kristen hung back to watch, disoriented and stifling panicky laughter, as she realized that she and Zach might not have been found out at all.
“Piper,” Officer Deacon began. “You were found alone in an officer’s blinde, with your chatity device unlocked, performing unauthorized stimulation on yourself.”
“Fuck yeah, I was,” said Piper. “Are we going to make a video about it? Let’s make a video about it!”
Officer Deacon paused, thrown from her script for a moment, but only a moment.
“We’ll get to that,” she answerered. “Because you were unlocked while alone, we’re forced to assume the worst and dock you one thousand points for an unauthorized orgasm. Recording your debt recovery process, for use as an example to others, is a required in this case.”
“Oh, I’ll be an example, officer,” said Piper, reaching for her unlocked crotch. “But you don’t have to assume. I totally came. Do you want me to show Everyone how?”
Part of Kristen’s cooped up laughter clawed its way free, but she clamped a hand over her mouth before Officer Deacon could even begin turning her head to calm her.
The officer kept her sharp gaze on Piper, and folded her hands.
“At this point, you have two options,” she said. “I recommend that you begin cooperating now, name any co-conspirators, and tell us About the design flaw you exploited to save us the trouble of finding it ourselves.” She rested her hand on the tangled device. “In return, we will waive the cost of any lesser, associated transgressions upto this point. Trespassing in the officer’s blinde, for example. Your debt will be limited to the fine for the orgasm itself, and you will be allowed to repay it in installations over the course of up to a month, and even allowed to remain in the training program on a probationary basis, though of course you’ll have to start your mandatory deprivation over from the start.”
Some of the tension eased out of Kristen’s chest at the confirmation that the program could be that forgiving.
“Right, right, right,” Piper nodded. “And what’s the other option?”
“Continue wasting time and making things worse for yourself,” answered Officer Deacon.
“Ooh, I’ll take wasting time, please!” Piper clapped her hands. “Lots of time. And other resources too, if you have them handy. This is literally what I came here for, so that’s perfect.”
Officer Deacon surprised, began cleaning her glasses on her gray uniform dress, and turned to address Kristen as if Piper were no longer there, except in the form of her file on the tablet.
“Saboteurs,” Officer Deacon explained. “They’re even rarer than the ones who try to escape for pleasure alone. This one probably thought she had what it took to infiltrate us at the officer level, and when she realized how demanding the program actually is, she decided to get herself kicked out in the most flatoyant possible fashion.”
Kristen watched, with no small amount of awe, as Piper rock happily back and forth in her chair while she waited. Kristen had always thought of herself as a bit of a button pusher, always testing the limits, but she could never imagine sitting so fearlessly in Piper’s position, as if how much trouble she was in meant nothing at all.
“What do we do with her?” Kristen asked, ready to be even more awed with the elegantly effective way Officer Deacon would no doubt bring this tough case under control.
“She thinks she wants to waste time,” said Officer Deacon. “Fine. We control what that time is like for her.”
Officer Deacon got up, opened one of the wall panels, and retrieved a device Kristen had learned to dread in class. It resembled a cattle prod and served roughly the same purpose, though it was calibrated for safe human use.
The officer flicked the switch to make it spark menacingly.
“You see, unlike an impact device, I can use this safely no matter what position the subject is in,” she explained to Kristen, though Kristen suspected the words were mostly for Piper’s benefit.
“A subject like this one might try to make you spend the length of a normal session just trying to get them over the table, or onto their knees. There’s no need to allow that. With the prod, it’s not a problem.”
She jabbed the end of the prod into the back of Piper’s steel chair in demonstration, making her yelp and jump to her feet when the charge conducted across the seat.
“Glad Zach didn’t think of that,” Kristen muttered to herself.
“Whatwas that?” asked Officer Deacon.
“Nothing, just something from class.”
Piper was now bouncing on her feet across from Officer Deacon, keeping her distance but darting back and forth like a boxer looking for an opening.
“The prod can also be used from anywhere in a standard-sized visitor room,” said Officer Deacon, standing as still as a stone pillar.
In her own time, she pointed the prod at Piper and pushed the button to extend it, catching her on the upper arm as she tried to dodge backward.
“Ha! Is that as high as the charge on that thing goes?” Piper taunted, rubbing the spot on her arm where the prod had connected.
“No,” said Officer Deacon adjusting a dial under her thumb. “This is.”
She struck again, this time just under Piper’s navel, leaving a scorch mark on her white tune.
Piper shrieked and then rested a moment with her hands on her knees, probably fighting twines in the irritable nerve that ran from navel to clip.
“I’ve… had worse,” she gasped, straightening up. “How many points is that now?”
Officer Deacon let slip the smallest smile.
“Oh, this doesn’t count towards your debt,” she said. “This is just an incentive to treat time with more respect.”
She dialed the power down slightly and touched the prod to the Piper’s right breast, making her jump back and clutch at her nipple, which must have hardened painfully under its pastie.
“This will continue, once every fifteen seconds, or whenever the hell I deem it necessary, until you select the actual method for your first debt recovery installment,” Officer Deacon explained. “At least ten points must be recovered through general discipline, and I recommend you get them out of the way first. That plus forty points for the video itself will do for today.”
She touched the prod to Piper’s calm. Piper jerked her foot away from the floor and grabbed the back of her empty chair to steady herself. Officer Deacon promptly sent another charge through the chair, without waiting the fifteen seconds.
“If you have difficulty making decisions under stress,” said Officer Deacon. “I will give you one chance to review the list undisturbed. I strongly suggest you make a good-faith effort at it.”
“Okay, okay, stop.” Piper raised her hands, breathless. “I’ll do it.”
“See? Only…” Officer Deacon paused to check the clock on her tablet, “…three and a half minutes from ‘let’s waste time’ to ‘I’ll do it.’ The right tool for the right job.”
She shut down the prod and handed it to Kristen for safekeeping.
Kristen held it with due respect for its weight and power.
“May I sit?” Piper asked. “May I take that undisturbed look now?”
“Yes. Don’t waste it,” said Officer Deacon, placing the tablet with the debt recovery menu queued up in front of her.
Piper scrolled through the menu quickly and purposefully.
“Ten strokes of pussy paddle 2,” she said, pushing the tablet away. “Please.”
“Fine,” said Officer Deacon. “Remove your clothes and sit on the long edge of the table, legs wide. Kristen, set up the camera and get the paddle.”
Kristen opened the wall panels that concealed the video camera and screen and turned them both on, so that the screen displayed a live feed of the room. She kept herself out of the way so that Piper could see the larger-than-life image of her own body, naked except for her pleasure-proof pastities, pussy displayed front and center. Every detail was captured with perfect clarity, down to the lightest freckles on her gently rounded belly.
Kristen pressed the record button and moved on to the impact implementation section to find the right paddle.
Pussy paddles were narrower than the standard kind, so as to land cleanly between the hip joints. Some of They had slight padding, in acknowledgment of the density of nerves they were designed to hit, but not this one. It was covered all over with a smooth but hard vinylfinish.
“Read this statement,” Officer Deacon directed Piper, tapping her tablet to start the newly customized text scrolling across the screen.
Piper cleared her throat nervously.
“I was totally out of control today,” she read. “I wasted a huge amount of time and energy on stealing an orgasm I hadn’t earned. I—”
Piper’s voice cracked, and for a split second, Kristen thought she might be shuddering or sobbing in anticipation of the punishment to come. Then she tossed her head back, and the sound resolved into a cache.
“Actually, it was three!” she stroked her exposed labia, giggling. “So, now I’m required to beg the Bureau’s charitable attention, to correct my flaws and redeem me for my willful self-indulgence. This should be fun!”
“What are you doing?” Kristen hissed, without even thinking to modulate her voice to a dominant tone.
“Reading the statement!” said Piper, all false innocent. “Mostly.”
“She’s incurring an additionalfifty-point fine, which we’ll deal with later. That’s what she’s doing,” said Officer Deacon. “Do I need to turn the prod back on?”
“I mean, you could try,” said Piper. “But honestly, I could have kept going with that for a while. I just really wanted to skip ahead to starting the camera.” She waved at the lens. “Hi, everyone! I masturbated without the world falling apart, how ’bout that!”
“You don’t think there’s actually anyone watching this feed, do you?” Officer Deacon asked.
Her tone sent an unexpected chill down Kristen’s spine. It was cuttingly derisive and even more jarringly loud. Not once in the days she’d been shadowing her had Officer Deacon ever needed to raise her voice. The effect was harsh and unsteady, like an off-balance piece of heavy machinery that might soon rip itself apart.
“This will all be edited down to the most useful material for the good of the public!” she went on. “In fact, there’s no reason it has to be captured in the standard order. Kristen, begin collecting the debt. Take as many strokes as you need to in order to get ten good ones.”
Warily, Kristen handed the prod back to Officer Deacon and positioned herself between Piper’s legs, off-center enough to block the camera as little as possible.
“For every stroke, you will give me a reason why you got yourself into debt,” Kristen told Piper, the words feeling less like an order and more like a tenative prediction in her mouth. “Any stroke not accompanied by a different, true reason will not count towards your point deficit.”
“Awesome,” said Piper, drumming her hands on her thighs and prompting an exciting-looking jiggle. “Ready when you are, bureaucrat babe.”
She held Kristen’s gaze hard, grinning.
Kristen brought the paddle down with the usual, middleling force she used for a first hit, listening to the smack of skin and moisture.
“I was horny!” Piper started simple.
“Harder,” Officer Deacon directed.
Kristen gave her a second, sharper smack.
“I wanted to cause trouble for the Bureau,” said Piper.
“I wanted to get caught.”
“Why did you want to get caught?” Kristen prompted.
“So that you’d be obligated to put my face on TV!” Piper crowded. “And have to figure out a way to turn whatever I say into a PSA for you instead of for me. I’m really, really curious if you can pull it off. My guess? By this time next week, this footage will have run just once, to avoid showing ‘favoritism’ to a pain in the ass like me, and then been buried. And people will still be talking about that crazy chick who was able to get out of her device, and hey, maybe we can too!”
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