Reagan stared up at the ceiling as she listened to the steady sound of Milly’s breathing beside her. Her mind was racing, the revelation that the Doctor was working on her orders gnawing at her consciousness and preventing her from even thinking about sleeping. How could she be responsible for this? How could any of this have been her idea?
She glanced over at Milly and surprised. Her friend hadn’t said anything but Reagan knew she was just as scared as she was. Whatever trust there had been between them had been shaken and Reagan couldn’t even explain why. Milly had said that it didn’t matter, that who she was now was different to who she had been, but Reagan could see the unease in eyes and it had broken her heart. They were here because of her and no matter what Milly said, they could not ignore that fact.
She sat up, pushing the satin bedsheets off her body as she swung her legs off of the bed and pressed her palms to her face. She had never felt so alone. A part of her wisehed she had accepted the Doctor’s offer of the memory pill. Not knowing anything was sure better than only knowing half the truth.
A sound outside their room caused her to look up. The facility had been quiet ever since the Doctor had left them and apart from the nurses bringing them dinner they had not heard from anyone since. She tensed, straining her ears to listen when the door to the bedroom slide open with a soft hiss. Reagan shielded her eyes against the bright light of the corridor beyond and watched as a single figure stepped inside the bedroom, the click of her heels and the shine of her PVC dress identifying her as one of the nurses. The woman pressed her keycard to the control panel inside the room and the door slide shut behind her with a hiss.
Reagan lay quickly back on the bed, half closing her eyes as the nurse turned to face them. Her heart was suddenly racing, her instincts telling her that something about this was wrong. She watched the nurse, little morethan a shadowy blob in the darkness of the room as she approached the bed. Reagan could see a stun baton hanging from her waist, lightning crackling across the head as the nurse carefully slid it from its holster and raised it over her head.
Her instincts took over and Reagan lunged at the nurse with an angle cry. The woman recoiled in surprise as Reagan tackled her to the floor, losing her grip on her weapon as they fell in a tangle of limbs.
“Reagan?” Milly shouted, sitting suddenly upright.
“Milly!” she called back through gritted teeth. “Grab the baton!”
The nurse thrashed beneath her as Reagan pinned her to the floor. Gritting her teeth as she heard Milly tumble out of bed and scoop up the baton.
“What do I do?” Milly cried.
“Hit her with it!” Reagan yelled, winning as the nurse landed a glancing blow on her side with her boot.
Milly lunged forward and pressed the head of the baton into the woman’s shoulder. Reagan watched as the nurse’seyes widened and her body went rigid beneath her as waves of electricity coursed through her limbs. She rolled off the woman as she went limp, closing her eyes and taking a moment to catch her breath as she heard Milly drop the baton with a panicked whimper.
“Oh fuck!” she cried. “Is she dead?”
Reagan sat up and looked at nurse. “No,” she said as she saw her chest rise and fall. “You just stunned her.”
“Fuck!” Milly hissed again. “What the hell was that, Reagan? What were you thinking?”
“Me?” Reagan shot back. “She was about to attack me, Milly! I wasn’t going to just lie there and let her shock me”
“Ok, ok!” Milly replied, holding up her hands apologetically. “What do we do now though? She’ll wake up in a minute!”
Reagan licked her lips, her mind racing once again as she looked around the room. “Pass me the sheets,” she said.
Milly frowned as she tugged the sheets off the bed and handed them to Reagan who began to twist them into a knot.olled the nurse onto her back and began to clumsily bind the woman’s hands and ankles in a hogtie.
“Give me a pillowcase,” she said.
Milly stripped one of the pillows and handed it to Reagan who tied the case into a knot before pushing it into the nurse’s mouth to act as a gag.
“That should hold her,” Reagan muttered.
“Great!” Milly hissed sarcastically. “Now what though? Someone is still going to find her!”
Reagan rubbed her face as she tried to think. Milly was right, of course. They wouldn’t get away with this but that didn’t mean they couldn’t use it to their advantage. She fumbled at the nurse’s wait, finally managing to unhook the keycard from her belt int he darkness.
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s go have a look around.”
“Are you joking?” Milly hissed. “We’ll get caught!”
“We’re going to get caught anyway,” Reagan shot back. “We might as well try and figure out why we’re here first!”
Milly licked her lips before nodding reluctantly. She picked up the baton and followed Reagan to the door of their room as she pressed the staled keycard to the control panel. The door opened with a soft hiss, the two girls squiting in the bright light of the corridor beyond. Reagan peered out of the doorway to check that no one else was lurking outside before worrying off down the corridor with Milly in the west.
They moved as quickly as they dared, their bare feet making hardly a sound on the glossy white tiles of the corridor. Reagan tried to recall the layout of the facility from what she had seen between walking to and from the cells and the Doctor’s lab but every corridor looked the same and they very quickly realized that they were lost. Worse still they could hear voices up ahead and it was clear that they were getting closer.
“In here!” Reagan hissed under her breath, mashing the keycard against the control panel of the nearest room and ushering Milly inside.
They bundled into the mystery room, the door sLiding shut behind them just as Reagan saw a pair of PVC heels emerge from the adjoining corridor outside. She breathed a sight of relief and turned to inspect their new surroundings as a series of motion sensing lights flickered to life overhead.
The room that they had entered was long and narrow. A row of chairs sat in front of a large floor to ceiling window that looked down on a large, circular room Below. A gurney sat in the centre of the room, shackles dangling extremely from its metal frame and trays of pristine operating equipment laid out in a circle around the bed. Doors led off the circular room, each one heavily reinforced and fitted with half a dozen magnetic locks.
“What is this place?” Milly breathed.
Reagan walked slowly up to the window, her vision blurring as memories swam before her eyes. She had been here before. She could remember… Blood… Screams…
“Reagan?” Milly asked uncertainly.
“We didn’t have a choice,” Reagan breathed.
She stumbled backwards, collapse into one of the chairs set up in front of the viewing window, the keycard in her hand brushing against a panel in the chair’s arm.
“Welcome,” an electronic voice said from speakers in the wall, making both girls jump. “How may I be of assistance?”
“Where are we?” Milly asked.
“This is viewing room three,” the computer said helpfully.
“What happens here?” Milly demanded.
“Would you like to review the latest trial?” the computer asked.
“Milly,” Reagan said, her voice weak. “I don’t think… We shouldn’t…”
“Why?” Milly asked. “Reagan, this was your idea! We have to find out what is going on here.”
“Would you like to review the latest trial?” the computer repeated.
“Yes,” Milly said firmly.
The window before them flickered as the glass became a screen. It showed the room they were in from the view of a camera set on the wall behind them. Reagan could make out the Doctor sat where she was now,Another dark haired man sitting to his right and an older woman to his left. Half a dozen nurses stood around them, making notes on datapads or passing information to the Doctor as he chatted with his guests. The video was silent so there was no way of knowing what was being said.
After several minutes a man appeared in the circular room below them, flanked by four more nurses each of which was heavily armed with plasma rifles. He bowed his head respectfully before appearing to introduce himself as the nurses approached one of the locked doors on the far side of the room. Reagan clenched her teeth, unconsciously holding her breath as the women took up positions and trained their rifles on the locked door. She watched as the locks were disengaged one by one, the door swinging slowly open to reveal a figure bound from head to toe in heavy leather straps and chains.
“What the fuck is that?” Milly whimpered.
Reagan had no answer. The thing that the nurses extracted from the cell was unlike any being she had ever seen before. It was rarely humanoid with two arms and legs and pinkish-purplish coloured skin of which patches were covered in glistening scales. Long, knife-like claws extended from fingerers that had been bound together and massive, curved horns protruded from its wide forehead. A muzzle gag covered its mouth but it was clear from the way it thrashed and strained at its bonds that its mouth was full of razor sharp teeth. Its eyes were large black pits utterly devoid of any kind of emotion and despite its situation its only intent seemed to be to kill whatever was closest to it.
Reagan stared at the screen as two of the nurses stepped towards the monstrous thing, the others keeping their rifles aimed at its head as they lifted it from its cell and carried it to the gurney in the centre of the room. The Doctor leaned in to the older woman muttering something in her ear that she nodded to. Reagan couldn’t help but notice they both looked just as traumatised by what they were seeing as she felt.
The surgeon waited as the nurses secured the monster to the gurney before picking up a scalpel from the table beside him. Reagan saw Milly flinch as he walked up to the creativity and made a small incision on its shoulder beneath an area of thick scales. The creativity tossed its head and Reagan could imagine it howling as it strained against its shadows. The surgeon then took a large need and pushed it into the cut he had made, injecting the creation with what appeared to be some sort of sedative. There was a murmur of excitement between the Doctor and his colleagues as the creation appeared to calm down before suddenly it bucked on the table and tore one of the shades free. Panic filled the operating table as the creation lashed out with its now free arm, its deadly claws slicing through the throat of the nearest nurse who fell to the floor in pool of blood even as the other women opened fire, killing the creativity almostinstantly.
“Computer, cease play-back.”
Reagan jumped, spinning in her seat to see the Doctor standing in the doorway, his hands claped behind his back, two nurses standing behind and to each side.
“What is this place?” she hissed.
“Stun them, the Doctor said, turning his back on the two girls. “Bring them to the lab when you are done.”
The last thing Reagan saw was the two nurses raise their rifles before a flash of blue light sent her crashing into darkness.
Reagan woke up some time later in the middle of the Doctor’s lab. Her hands were shackled above her head, the chain securing her to the ceiling pulled taught so that she was forced up onto her toes. A metal bar connected to cuffs around her ankles forced her legs apart and a ball gag had been pressed into her mouth, strings of saliva already oozing over her tits.
Her mind raced as she looked around, seeing Milly struggling opposite her in an identical position. The Doctor satat his desk, typing away at his computer whilst the two nurses stood patiently behind the girls.
“Doctor?” one of the women hissed. “Both subjects have replaced consciousness.”
The Doctor nodded, finishing whatever it was he had been working on before standing up. His expression was hard as he tucked his glasses into the top pocket of his pristine blue suit and made his way around his desk.
“I am so disappointed in you both,” he said, his voice heavy. “For a moment last night I thought you were beginning to understand the process, yet you have shown that I still cannot trust you.”
Reagan glared at the man. She had no idea what he was talking about. The last thing that she remembered was the nurse trying to attack her in her sleep. She had defended herself and then… Her eyes widened as a horrible sense of realisation settled over her. She couldn’t remember anything else. She couldn’t remember how she had got here, or what they had done after she had shocked thenurse.
The Doctor’s lip twitched as he looked at her. “That’s right,” he said. “You took the pill again, Reagan. You wanted this.”
She tried to swear at him but the gag that she wore was bigger than any she had experienced before and her words came out as little more than a gurgled snarl. She didn’t believe him. He must have forced her to forget. Why would she have changed her mind after being so sure the night beforehand?
“I must see to the other subjects,” the Doctor said, addressing the nurses now. “Make sure these two are kept as uncomfortable as possible. Hopefully they will have remembered their place by the time I return.”
Reagan scowled as she watched him march off, hearing the door to the lab hiss open and shut behind her. She looked at Milly, seeing the same mixture of panic in her friend’s eyes as the nurses walked up behind them both and pulled hoods over their heads. She closed her eyes in the darkness, forcing herself to breathe at a steady pace asShe listened to the clicking sounds of nurses boots as they moved around the lab. She flexed her fingers anxiously in her cuffs, a mixture of fear and anticipation sending a shiver down her spine as she felt someone approach in front of her.
She winced as she felt the nurse attach a pair of clamps to her nipples, the cool metal chain that connected the two devices brushing her stomach, before letting out a grunt of pain as the woman hooked a set of weights onto the clamps, the pleasant stinging sensing that the clamps had provided turning into a sering ache as the clamps tugged at her nipples. She heard Milly whimper opposite her and imagined the nurses doing the same to her.
A low buzzing sound made her look up and a moment later she felt the head of a vibrator press against her thigh. She bit down on her gag as the nurse ran the device slowly up her leg, her whole body trembling as it inched closer to her pussy. Her cheeses burnt with humiliation as she felt herself growing more and more turned on, the pain in her nipples only adding to her enjoyment as she longed for the nurse to press the vibrator into her pussy yet just as she was about to do so, the nurse pulled the vibrator away and turned the device off. Reagan scowled, frustrated with her own lack of control, yet she suddenly felt the nurse’s gloved fingers glide over the lips of her pussy. She inhaled in surprise, her whole body tensing as the nurse slide a finger inside of her and began to gently tease her. Reagan shuddered, a little moan escaping her mouth despite her best efforts not to show how much she was enjoying this. The nurse continued to finger her for a few moments, the sound of Milly’s heavy breathing suggesting she was experiencing the same torque, before sliding her finger out of Reagan’s pussy as pressing the tip of a dildo between her lips.
Reagan’s eyes widened and rolled back in her head as she felt the toy slide easily into her pussy. It was small and cold and she thought it might have been made of metal when it began to vibrator gently inside of her. She clenched her fists and bit down on her gag but before she had a chance to enjoy the sensing she felt the nurse ease a second item between the cheeses of her ass.
“Mmmph!” she cried in protest as she felt the cold tip of a butt plug press against her ass. She thrashed against the shades that bound her, her tits burning as she inadvertently jostled the weights that were clipped to her nipple clamps. She felt the plug stretching her ass as it slip slowly inside of her, lube dribbling between her cheeks as the buttoned end came to rest against her skin. She took a deep breath, blinking away tears from the corners of her eyes as she felt the toy settlement inside of her. Her ass stung a little but the combination of the plug and the dildo vibrating slowly inside of her felt amazing. Heat rose within her pussy as she approached her first orgasm, too fixed on the pleasure she was feeling to truly notice the small pads that the nurse had begun to stick to her ass, pussy and tits until the first electric shock tore through her body.
Reagan screamed, dimly aware of Milly’s own cry ripping through her gag, as stinging fire assaulted her skin. Her whole body went rigid, her cuffs digging into the flesh of her wrists and ankles as she strained against her restraints. The pain was intense, it devoured the orgasm that she had been tearing on the brink of and left her panting for breath as she slumped forwards. The vibrator in her pussy fell still and the room went silent but for the occasional rattle of her or Milly’s chains as they twitched in their restraints.
Reagan’s head hung low, saliva dribbling from the holes in her ball gag as she searched for some sign of what the nurses might do next when the vibrator in her pussy switched itself on with a gentle buzzing sound. She screwed her eyes shut, biting down on her gag as she felt the device pulse inside of her. Despite the pain of the electric shock she had experienced her pussy was still soaking yet once again, just as she felt herself nearing an orgasm the pleasure was engulfed by the burning jolt of a second electric shock. She howled into her gag, drool oozing from her mouth onto her chest, the weights on her nipple clamps endless tugging at her tits. A moment later she heard Milly cry out in pain, the crackle of electricity just audible over her screams. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her shoulders shook from the pain. She heard the door to the lab open and close and knew they had been left alone to their torque. She only hoped the Doctor would return soon.
Reagan didn’t know how long it was before she finally heard the door to the lab open once more. She felt as if she were in a trance. Her body tingled from the repeated shocks she had endured, her tits were numb from the pain of the weights pulling down on them and her pussy hungered for the orgasm she had been consistently denied. Drool covered her chest and her jaw ached from the gag she wore.
She flinched as she felt someone approach her and blinked her eyes as the hood was torn roughly from her head. Milly hung opposite her, her face streaked with tears and sweat just as Reagan knew her own was. The Doctor stood between them, looking from one to the other. His expression was still hard yet there was a twinkle of approval in his eyes as he motioned for the nurses that had accompanied him tot he lab.
“Have we learned our lesson?” he asked smugly.
Reagan longed to tell him to go fuck himself but she was so tired and her body was beyond broken. It was all she could do to nod meekly as the nurses stepped forwards and began to unshackle her.
“Good,” he said bluntly. “Return the subjects to their cells. We have work to do.”
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