I wake to the smell of fresh coffee, and bacon and eggs. I slowly open my eyes and for the first time I can see the beautiful hotel room and a breakfast that is all laid out on a table. The table is drawn with an exciting tablecloth the shade of roses with golden ribbed trim and on top of that is a feast of eggs, bacon, croissants, and fresh fruit; even a small bouquet of fresh yellow roses adorns the table. Sir remembered that I love yellow roses; I smile and feel a bit of warmth in my heart.
I notice a small envelope on the table as well, I go over to it and open it, there is a 50-dollar bill and a note, and I begin to read.
“Slave, you are to eat well then shower and dress (do not both doing your hair or putting on makeup) be at the following address by 12:00 noon sharp. NO EXCUSES!” As I read the words, I can hear your voice as though you are there in the room, that rumble and stern sincerity come off the paper through your written words.
The address was down town; I thought to myself that it must be some sort of business with that address. So I do as I am instructed to do, I enjoyed the wonderful meal, showed, dressed, and went to the lobby to catch a cab. I had no idea where the location was; I walked out the front door and was able to flag a cab right away. I was amazed, I gave the address to the cabbie and he took me their straightaway, the cab pulled up in Front of a row of buildings and the cabby said, “ here you are Miss”
I paid him with the fifty and tucked the change into my purse. I climbed out of the cab, I found myself standing in front of a huge salon, and day spay. I hesitantly entered the doors and the place was packed, I stood there only a moment when a very nice and well-groomed almost pretty woman came over to me and said, “Very good you are on time, Sir will be pleased. Follow me please.”
She led me into the back of the salon where her and a small army of others spend the day giving me a full range of trEatments: doing my nails, hair makeup the full works. I was even served lunch and champion came glass after glass. It was a grand day that I enjoyed fully and could not imagine a better way to be treated, I wondered in the back of my head, what was I going to have to do in return for this day.
By 5:30 they work of the crew was done and as I sat in a chair covered in a robe the women returned to me and led me to a small room, there she instructed me to go in and dress. She informed me that what I was to wear was already in the room and that when I was dressed a car would be waiting out front for me. So I entered the small room closed the door behind me and prepared to get dressed.
I found a black leather corset, and garter with silk stockings and no panties. High silver siletto healed shoes, and a beautiful black full-length gown. The gown was silk, it had short flowing sleeps and a low cut front, with a very full skirt that was slit up both sides to the hip. I put everyHing on and looked into the full-length mirror shocked at what I saw there. I never thought of myself as pretty or sexy before but as I stood there I saw a very attractive, sensitive and sexy lady, I felt grand and beautiful, even as the tight corset made me feel restricted and restrained
I even smelled like perfection as the aroma of sweet flowers and vanilla wafted from my skin. My makeup was perfect as my nails and hair were also, and the final touch was the bright red lipstick that made my lips glisten and shined like the red setting sun in the light. I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the mirror but realized that the car was waiting so I pulled myself together and walked through the salon, I could feel all eyes on me, and hear small whispers it felt wonderful to be the center of attention and I held my head high and smiled brightly as I Departed the salon. I walked out the door and there was a black full stretched limousine. As I approached a man in a suite opened the door for me and said, “good evening” Miss”.
I climbed into the car and he closed the door, and within seconds the car was moving, we drove about 45 minutes and the windows were so darkly tinted I couldn’t really see where we had gone or how. When the car stopped the door opened again a different young man greeted me as he opened my door, he waved his arm to direct me to the door of a house. As I turned to see where I was to head, I saw in front of me the most amazing structure I had ever laid my eyes on. In was grand in size and made fully of stone, seemed more like a castle than a house, and there were marvelously dressed men and women everywhere. They were walking in the house and around the perfectly manicured laws and garden. I had never seen such a sight, and the whole thing overwhelmed me a bit. Before I realized it, you grabbed my arm and started to walk me to the door.
“Good evening slave, I must admit you look almost like perfection, and I am virtually proud to have youon my arm as mine this evening.” A smile almost crossed your face, and a small one did cross mine.
We entered the home and you greeted each Master/Dom and Mistress by name. I was impressed as there were many and you never stumbled; not once, you remember each by name. Each Master/Dom had a sub attached to his side as well groomed and dressed as I was, and then there were servants who worked the rooms serving drinks and food dressed in tiny leather outfits with chains and collars around their necks. Some collars plain leather, small, and large. Some collars were very intricately jeweled, very beautiful in design, and some were the typical thick leather that restrained the turning ability of ones head.
The inside of the home was more fantastic than the outside, marbled floors and columned hallways and wonderful paintings and art items all about. There were more people than I had imagined, You led me through the crowd of people to a round table and you sat, then nodded for me to join you so I did. I took my place at your feet upon a large purple velvet cushion, it was very soft and I touched your thigh gently and waited to see if I received a look of disapproval, I did not.
We sat quiet for a moment, and then you looked at me with those gorgeous eyes and with a serious look, then you began to speak, “Do you know what this is tonight my slave?”
”No Sir” I replied. You again look at me with those intense eyes, and explain.
“Tonight my little one is your coming out, you will be introduced to everyone here as mine. Are you ready for that?”
I say nothing at first then I look into your eyes and respond, “Yes I am Sir, I want everyone to know I am yours Sir.”
“You must understand that once you make that committing this evening, once you agree to the contract there is no changing the rules my sweet.”
“Yes Sir I understand Sir,” I reply with a great joy filling my heart, I wasn’t sure that you would accept me as your slave and tHis moment creates a feeling of belonging that I have never experienced before.
“You will have to accept orders with no question, and if you feel you can not except a task you must let me know in advance, is that clear. For once you agree to it you must fulfill it exactly as ordered no excuses will be tolerated.” Your voice is as always stern, yet there is a tenderness there that I cannot help notice. I try to convince myself that it is my imagination.
“I understand Sir.” I speak softly, looking at the floor and hoping to receive the approval I desire to have from you.
“Then sit and enjoy and I will return for you in a few moments.”
I watch the room, the people are amazing, even those I would not find attractive on the street seems very sexy and desirable to me. The excitement moves on, you return and we move to another room where there are large dinner table with amazing dinnerware and food covering ever inch of the table, wine and much merriment.
It was amarvelous dinner, followed by a bit of dancing. I enjoy having you hold me close as we dance. I feel your strength, smell your manliness and feel safe in your arms. I begin to feel a stir in my heart that I know I should control, but I cannot help it, you have swept me off my feet.
With no warning the mood changes, and everyone starts to file down a long hall, and you grab my arm and lead me. We go through several doorways, and down a long flight of stairs. We enter another room, or better yet another realm. You have guided me to the dungeon and I am stunned at what I see.
The chains and whips, the floggers and crops, my eyes were moving so fast I could hardly focus. There were stockades and all types of mechanisms for restraining someone. In the corners, hung from the ceiling on ropes and winches were cages, and along one wall were several black boxes just large enough for placing a person in.
The room was dimly light, many candles were a flame, and an eerie soft music played in the background. There was an odd foul smell in the air, and it stung my nostrils just a bit. The room was occupied with large black leather sofas and chairs, and tables that sat in front of them that were just a bit taller than a normal coffee table, and made of thick glass.
People began to choose a seat, and you sat and instructed me to stand at your side. I did as ordered and watched the room. Several men joined us, and I realized they had no companies with them. I was every intrigued at what was about to happen. The men sat and were served drinks, and then you and they began to talk. My drink was strong and burnt the back of my throat as I swallowed; it had a bitter smell but tasted sweetly.
You told the men I was your newest conquest and here tonight to sign a contract, then you pointed to a man Who scared me totally yet sent shivers of delight to my cunt. You looked at me and explained, “This is my dearest friend. His name is Edward and he is here tonight to help me decide if I shall keep you or trade you. And you should know now that what is mine is always his.” I knew I was not to reply I nodded, in acknowledgment.
Edward was dressed in a dark and ornate robe, he had a strong and dangerous element about him, and his smile was so evil it made me weak in the knees. There was something about Edward, which scared me to the depths of my soul, yet I I wanted to take what this man would have to give me.
You took my hand, turned me in front of you: I faced you, and you looked at me and said, “you will get onto all fours on the table, and for the rest of the evening you will not make a sound, and will follow my orders and the orders you receive from anyone else, Do you understand?”
Again, I nodded, and did as told; I climbed onto the table and got into position. You and the others began to make comments about me, my shape, my looks, my hair, I felt like I was on sale at a cattle auction. Although the small level of embarrassment, I found myself very aroused. You lifted my gown up over my bare ass, pushed my knees apart and left me there to be on display as you and your gentleman friends talked about me and inspected me. Then everyone sat and the room seemed to get oh so silent. Yet I knew it was as loud and busy as it had been all night.
Edward walked up to me, began to rub his hands across my ass, One swift smack across both ass cheats and I stung as I had never expected to. He traced his hand down my leg and up the other, across the small of my back and stroked my hair. A single finger touched my cheek softly and drug across my lips slowly. He walked around me several times, just touching me everywhere.
Then he stood in front of my face, and opened his robe, and there was his cock, ridged and distended. Before I could even imagine what he was going to do, he grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved his cock deep into my mouth. This man who scared me to no end began fucking my face, I was fightinging to stay on all fours he was so fierce.
You and the others watched and Edward would comment, “ Wow bet her mouth is hot” “Can she suck good?” “Damn look at those lips spread!” “She responds very well for a new slave.” This went on for a few minutes, and then he withdraw.
Walking behind me he began to touch my cunt, pull it open and inspect it, he slide two fingers in and wiggled them, “ MMM tight” he said “very good.” Then he withdraw them and sucked my juice, “And she is quit tasty as well”. Without another second passing I felt his cock ram into my cunt, I tried to stand fast but plummeted forward onto my elbows. I looked up and saw the expression on your face and new it was not good.
Edward continued to ram his cock and you stood and disappeared yet I knew you were near. Then I heard you whisper in my ear, “You will not again lose your stance, for if you do it will be much worse then what you are about to receive, Do you understand me slut?” I nodded trying so hard not to move across the glass as my cunt was being pounded from behind.
Then I felt the lashes of the flogger hit my tender ass flesh, and not one but five thrashes cross my skin. The sting is enormous, Edward pulls out again only to shove his sopping wet cock into my ass hole, and again I fight to stay in position, this time I do not fail. The lashes sting my “newbie” flesh, and it has brought tears to my eyes as well.
I realize that the entire room is doing what we are, and that there are many here tonight being collard and or traded. Edward is still fucking my ass and another gentleman stands and I feel his cock enter my cunt, then you Sir in front of me shove your cock into my mouth, grab my head hard, fucking my face. My head spins as all three holes all get used hard, my breathing so fast I feel woozy, and the smell of sex, and the grunts of horny Sirs all around me.
I realize the other three men in our zone are jerking themselves, and that I am so aroused Iam on the verge of cumming. I feel hands all over me, griping, pinching, squeezing and smacking various areas of my flesh. The pain is indescribable, yet sends erotic pulses to my cunt. I try to concentrate so that I will not cum; god knows what would happen if I fail yet again this evening. The fucking of my holes intensifies; I am overcome with desire, and pain.
Within seconds, I cannot hold back and a moan Crosses my lips as I cum all over. You know the second I whimper what I have done, grab my head tighter, you pull my hair and it hurts beyond description. You fuck my face so hard I gag repeatedly, and as if on command the other three men stand and the six of you shoot your loads of hot cum all over me covering every inch of me in it. Moreover, it seems to have started a wave in the room, for everyone begins groaning and yelling, the grunts loud, the smell of sex strong and heavy in the air and the sounds of skin slapping echoes through out the room.
When all is done,I am left there for what seems like ever, weak, convulsing and covered in cum. Still on all fours on the table, knees on fire. Though no one notices, I feel as if all are starting at me. You then without warning take the cat – o –nine strike my ass and thighs hard, the level of the pain can only mean there are stingers on the ends, I feel the welts form on my flesh and the slight trickle of fluid run across my skin. Is it from the loads of semen that wee just dumped upon me or is it blood form the lesions in my flesh?
Before I can even comprehend the first lash, I receive another and another! My ass, back, tighs, 10…12… 15 lashes, I can no longer stand and I fall off the table into a heap on the floor. You lean over and whisper, “You will never again cum without my permission is that understand whore.” I moan and try to shake my head.
The room becomes quiet, and I try to lift my head to see what is happening. However, I am so weak I cannot, I hear a soft voice, female. “Just relax you are safe and will be cared for.” I realized I was lying there in a heap still covered in the seed off six men. I pass out from exhaustion, only to wake in a warm bed in a room full of other subs that have cared for me.
They see I have woken and bring me food, never saying a word. I eat and realize I have been freshly bathed and my hair combined, wounds tended to, all while I slept. At the foot of the bed, there is a fresh gown styled as the black one I wore before only this one is red. With it are a matching corset and garter, and no panties, but again the stockings and shoes.
A note that reads get yourself dressed and wait, lay on top of the clothes. As ordered, I get dressed, and wait. However, the waiting is not long and the room begins to empty, I follow the others as they leave. We enter a large Dinning hall, with more huge laborate tables. A feast for a king spread across the room, with bright lights and a very joyful party theme around the room. This ismuch different from last night’s ambiance, more festive and gay, people smiling and laughing. Masters hugging and being flirtatious with their subs.
I see you from across the room, and you motion with your head for me to join you. I walk across the room, and as sore and painful as everything is, I manage to walk with style and grace. “Greetings Sir, and how are you this Evening?”
“Well my little one, and very pleased for the most part, you look wonderful considering. Are you feeling alright?” I nod gently and smile.
“You have much to learn but I am pleased with what I saw of you last night. I have something for you.” You remove a long black velvet box from your breast pocket and hand it to me.
“I wish to offer you this.” I open The box to reveal a marvelously stunning collar, the likes I have never seen before, so sophisticated such precision workmanship. It had three rows of stones, the two outer were diamond, and the inner was sapphire. “I would like you to accept this and be mine, if you agree from this night on you will be my slave.”
A tear forms in my eye and I fight letting it hit my cheek. I am speechless; I nod and whisper, “It would be my pleasure Sir.”
You place the collar around my neck and whisper in my ear, “This is for parties only, the one you will wear when pleasure me is not so grand, although I promise you this my sweet; last night will be the only time that another will touch you. For your holes are now mine and will be used to fulfill my needs and mine alone.” You then kissed me chef and sat in the chair, pointed to your feet and I without hesitation I kneeled at your feet, grinning with delight.
Moreover, I was looking foreword to the wonderful things that you have in store for me, and the journey will take together, you my Master and I your Submissive.
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